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The Liberty Ticket

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For President, JTAIflES O. BIRRÍEY, OF MICHIGAN. For Vice President, THOMAS MORRIS, pjmulmSiSmKÊBtim of nr n ftmiw ■'■ TinTi wím i Fo r Gover nor. JAMJES G. BIRNEY, OF SAGAJÍAW. for Licv. tenant Gover nor , LUTHER F. STEVENS, OK KA LAMAZOO. For Reprasentatives to C on g r es s ÍMRST DISTRICT, ARTHUR L. PORTER, OF WAYJÍK. SECOND DISTRICT. RUFUS B . BE ME NT, OF CALHOUN. t „;■- thirp kiStrict. WILLIAM CANFIELD, OF MACOMB. STATE LÊITSLATURE. For Senators, ÊECOND DISTRICT, E D W A RD F. GAY. THIRD DÍSTRIOT, J. P. MARSH. 6IXTH DISTRICT, JOHN C. GALLCJP, ÜRI ADAMS. FOURTH DISTRICT. SEYMOUR B. TRRADWELL, ERASTUS HUSSKY. For Representatie ls, KALAMAZOO COUNTT, ROSWELL RANSOM, DELAMORE DÜNCAN. OAKLAND COÜNTV, ERASTUS INGERSOLL, WILLIAM G. STONK, JESSE TENNEY. GKORGE SUGDÉN, JOSEPH MORRISON. JOHN THOMAS. WASHTEKAW COÜNTV, DANJEL POMEROY, JOSEPH BENNETT, DARILTS S WOOD, JRA SPAüLDING, SA BIN FELCH. ' SAMUEL W. FOSTER. BKRRIE.V COOTV, NATHANIEL PULLMAN. WA Y.N F. COO.NTT, A!ANSON SHRLEY. HORACE HALLOPK, WILLIAM S GREGORY, BENJAMIN F. STEVENS, IIIRAM BETTS. GEORGE W. SVVIFT. LIVIN-GST')S C1ÜNTT, ASAHEL H UB BARD. EITON AND IXGHAM COIKTIES, ALVAH L. ARMSTRONG. CALHOUK COCNTY, DTJDi,EY NT. rFIMFLL GEORGE INGERSÓLL. ST. JOSFPH COUSTY. WILLIAM WHEELER, I1ARRISON KELLY. CAS9 AXD VAK BUREN. JONATHAN N. HINKLEY, W. S. ELLIOTT. IOMA, KENT, ETC. HENRY BARTOW.05a We have commissioned severa] persons to act as agents for our paper. Sevoral other gentlemen have applied to us bv letter. We are supplied for the present. They wil] please consider this nolice an answer to tneir applications. 05a" On the first page will be found a Circular from the Baptist Kalamazoo Association to the churche9 under its care . We publish it by request, and commend it 1o our readers generally. Observe hw different its conclut?ions from tiiose of Rev. Mr. West on the same subject! We hope our Baptist friends will consider it suggeglions attentively. {L At the National Repeal Convent'on, delégales were present from 42 Assoniations, to wit: Maine, 1: Mnssachusetts, 8: RhodeIhlntid, 2; Connecticuf, S; New York, 16: New Jersey, 3: Pcnnsylvania, 3; Maryland, 1; District Colnmbia,l; North Carolina, I; Michigan, J; Georgia, 1; Wisconsin, 1. Q The antislavery leaven is extendin? South. Mr. Janney, of Loudon County, Virginia, Í8 dscusFÍngr s'avery in a series of orticles in the Baltinvre Safurday Visitor. He quintes the Randolphs, Marshalls, Fitzburghs, I &tc of other days against the 6ystcin, and urges at lenjrt'i the safety and advantages of emancipation from ihe result of the experiment in tho Weet Indies.flr Mr. John A. Collins,a noled antisiave ry lecturer of the Garrison faith, has couimened lecturing on a new organizaron of eociety, but different from the plan of Fonrier. We understand that there is tbe a comtnuni ty of property, althoujrh on whaf basis we have not learned. The Association have made n location near Skaneiteles, N. Y. and their fir6t act was to contract a debt of $1 V 000 ! Or3 Some of the Whig papers are makinp much ado about what they conceive to be the treasonnble snyings of Mr. S. á. Foater nt the Nolional Convention. It so happons that Mr. Foster is not a Liberty man, but is a nonresislant of the strictest kind, and we believc does not vote tt II.


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