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The Way Of Doing It

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We have from time to timo endeavcred to convince Liben y men that tliey might do much for the advuncement of their cause, ond ihat itR progresa wou ld be prcisely in proportion to the effbrts used to hasten the day of its triumph. Tlie f acts on whic the Liberty pnr'.y is baeed must be carried to the people before they will believe oract upon tlieni. In every nsighboihood much cim be done by liberty men to enüghten their neighbore, and awakeo their attention to tho d'mination of the Slave Power. The following extract from a letter from Juckson County will show how they are doiny up the work there. The resnlt will be shown rit the polls- by a Liberty vote larger, probably, m proportion to tho populution. thnh any o! her county in the Siate. Will not our friends in other counties be persuaded to do likewise' Tt is not vet too late. Let thein tnke some collection of nntislnvery facts, and read them to the people in their school houses, and tulk over their bearin? and imporlnnce. Bul to the letter. EXTRACT OF A LETTER FROM S. B. TREADWELL.;.I have been iip for the Jast si?r or Beven nightsuntil about 12 o'clock, presenting the subject of Jhnericct7i Slavery to my fellow citïzens in tliis county. Dr. M'LeHn, and Mr. Foot a recent graduóte of Union College,havealsobeen addressmg the prople on ihe subject with excellent effect. T!io prople tuni out well to atteud our meetings and listen to the fucts presented, whh much appaent interest. Brother Rexford has jnst written me that he iniends toc'mmence lecturing npou the subject immediately in nis part of the county. - I am much n hopes that Brother McGee and a number of other true liberty men, in our county, will also stort out and prepent the facts to the people in their sections of our county. We have hardly a reading intelligent liberty man in ihe state, who, if he would collect a host oflMPORTANT FACTS on the sabject of SLAVERY and present them to the people by way of a talk, ora lectvre, might do immense good to our cau.e. Tne harvest is truly GKEAT, but the laborers are few. Why will not each and ever y one of our good and true liberty rriemis at once rnlly to this greac and important work in this marnier in all the connties, towns and neigh boihoods in theSiato, without waiting for nny other from abroad to do up what is emphaJically ilieir own work. O, jf each and every true libprty man in our Slate would at onceüiirki'e on (he whole liherty armor and go at this vvork n good earnesl, building the wall over against his own door,' how speedily vvonld the Península State be most triumphani!y and g!orions!y redeemed from tlie dre.d tul bondage of a befooled, deluded and slnvery-ciirsed "ÏÏation. Wlien, oh when, will the dark pro-slavery ppell over our ill fated nation (as I FoniPiimes fcar,) be ShrmM you pnblish !etwen this time and eiection n few of our most important Anli-hlavory documpnts and our überty friends in every neighborliood would, without delay pet tip matines and read tiiem to tiie people. at tended with their own commente, explanations 8:c., and ahundanre of tickets slwuld be circulated every where, in due time, and ïhe polls faithfully nttemled by ALL our friends, it would dntibtless rnake all of ONE THOUSAND Liberty votes inore in onr State than we sliould have, should these thins be neglectpd. For one I ehould exceedingly rejoice to hear, through the "Signa!. " ihat some such movement as 1 have ventured respectfully to KUggest. was at oncp, being simulfaiicousiy and vigorously entered into, omong nll our long tried and true liber'y friends in thi? State. I shall venture to indulge the fond hope that il will be even so."{JIn New (Veans an attempt is makinp to do nway with the proef ise of duelling. - The Picayiine seconds the move, whicli is t be done by an expression of public sentiment, save only in certain extreme cases. That paper eays: "II is certainly well worthy the consideraatinn of the humane nnd honorable, whe'her some means may not be devised for the ndjnstment of private differences bet ween gentlemen, ihat shiiil obvinte ihe necessity of an ap peal to arms save in those extreme and rare caseê in which sathfaction can only he ohlained by the deuth of one or the oiher of the parties." Wp fear that a reformation in which "extreme cases" are excepted frorn the operation of the rule, will not anionnr to much. The case of every duellist vill be extreme in his own estimation, and "satitfaction" will only be attained by the death of his opponent. - The bare annoi.ncement in the Picavnne that there are "extreme cases" which can only be sntisfied by murder, shows a horrid state of society. Thus the just retril utiorcs of heaven follow the oppressions they prnctice on their slaves. The violent and revenjeful passions which are nouribhed from infancy in a continned 6eries ofoutrages and wrong1 on the colored man, causes the blood of their white citizens to run down their streets like water.O'On our first page will be found a Tract on the Slave Powkr, writlen by Al van Stewart which ouglit to be read wiili care by every fne. Many tliousnnd copies have been circuiated in Ne.v Yoik in tlie tract form. OCHngh í- Anderson, (Dfmocratic) is said tn be elected Governor of Maino by mx or eight hundred majority. In 304 towns Anderson hos 27,158; Robirson, 19,199; Kavnnah (Dem.) 3,101. The Liberty vote will nearly come up to 7,000. But two candidate? to Congress are known to be elcctcd.


Signal of Liberty
Old News