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The Fire at Kingston, Jamaica. - Kingston journnïs received at New Orleans by the pchoonpi Atrica, srrived on the 15th inst. six day9 frorn Kingston, state that the fire broke out on the 26th uit., at noon, and ragpd til j Snnday morning. It dostroyed in lts progress one third of the city, and property to the value of 82,250.000. One life was lost. From fifteen hur.dred to two thousand people have been suddenly rendered housele?s, nnd the whole city id represented as being in great distress. The Commissioners of accounts have already voted L3000 to siipply the urgent necessities of the destitute sufferers. By a fortúnate change of wind, and the piilling oown of housen, the principal part of the business quarter of the city was saved. No cine to inccndiarism has been disco vered, &t theongin of the fire seems unaccountable. The Jnmaica Morning Journal contáiiiB a diagram of the burnt district, which embraces nearly the whole of the south-eost quarter of the cify. The premiums paid forinsurance effectedon property since the conflagation was subdued, amonnt, aceprding to the same journal, to 17,000 pounda sterling. - Jour. of Cora. Whal nexl? - A company is about to be setablitthed in London, which for the sum of 20 guineas, or Sve hundred francs, will transport travelers from Lom'on to Paris, tskr charge of them there foramnnth and bring them back to London. Theso 500 francs will cover the expenses of the voyage,board fo lodjfing in the best hotule in Paris, fifteen evenings at the tbealre in the best sents, excursions to Versaijless and St. Germain on the Railioads,&c. It is said that the firsl departures will take place in a fortnight.Slavery in the Wesl Indies. - It is said thaf more than a thousand alavés escapea from the islnnd of G-iudaloupe to Dritish islands, in the confusión wlúch followed the greal earthqnake. A gentleman well acquainted with M. Guizot,, (ihe French premier,) says that the latter is fully bent pon achieving abolilion of slavery in the French colomea, ond he lioo tn r).i it] non hfi eflfprfpr). Tlio Portupuese Chambers are also contemplating its abolition in their enlomes. A Pathelic Jlppeal.- -The Ohio Slatesman makps merry with the opprehnsion of the Whigs cbout the Liberty men, and sneers at their assiduouseiïbrts to coax the aboliiionisls ti 6tay in their ranks. It will uol be long, before the tables will be turned upon him. - Alrendy in Vermom, Democracy seem to be in hs distrespinjr n predicament as their Whig friends. The following from the Vermoni Patriot, we cornmend to the 6pecial attention nf the SiatEsman. (iJl word to Democratie Ahoütionists. - Before you take the step which hall sepárale you from your old asociotes. perhaps forever, we ask you in sincerity and friendsh'p. to pause, and consider the consequences- to consider what you a:e to gain by severin? from a party hailing under the flag of Eqnal Rights, Equal Latos, Ffedom of Conscience and the Press and Universal jiijfrage"Jexl Speaker of the House. - The Dersons proposed by the Demócrata for Speaker, are all Southern men. Of course tliis independent party will not dare to put in nomination ony one but a siavehlder. Speaking of Hon. Dixon H. Lewis, the New York Herald eays: "he ia well qiíalifíed for that distinguished position, nnd may possibly be elected by the aid of sou'.hem Whig members, who, beinL unable to have a Speaker of their own, inny prefer Mr. Lewis n account of his soutbcrn principies, to a northern man."' Indiana. - It is a remarkable fact, that the farmers of fifty-eight counties in Indiana, can trnsport their productious from their own doors bj flat boato, to market. Sixteen are bounden or intersected by the Wabash; ten bv the north branch of White river; twenty by Sonlh river and forks; fourteen by the Oh'o and its tributaries: five by Lnke Michigan and St. Joseph's and otherB by other branches and creeks. Cassius M. Clay, of Lexington, ia ossailing elavery throwgh the columns of the Kentucky Intel ügencer, in the most severe litnguage. - "He denounces it in the name of the soil it dishonors, in the name of an offended God, of ootrnged humanity, of advancing civilization, and in the name of his insulted and bleeding countrymen." Government Currtmcy.-We learn from a slip from Thompson's Reporter that the secratary of the treasury has malured his plans for a Govern ent circulating medium, and that il ft y dollar note?, made payable to order, aiid bearing an interest of one tenth of one per cent per hundred dollars, are reody to bc issued . They nre to be filled to one uniform endorser. and will be made payable to the bcarer in specie ou demand.Vennont. - O ing to the strcnuous efibrte of the third party abolitionists, therc is no choice of Governor by the people; ftlattocks the Whig candidate, receiving from 700 to 900 votes lesa than a majority overall othera. Geneva Cour ie r. A tIight mistake! It was the obstinate tchigs, who knew they could not elect John Mattocks, and would not suffer us to elect Chief Justice WilJiams Athany Patriot. Mr. Wliittlepey, the late Auditor of the Treasury, when he first entered upon his duties found upwards of jorty three hundred poslmastcrs whowere in arreara to the Govcnimcnt. Those whom he could makft pay up, he did, after which Mr. Gretiger very properly took their offices from them. The Free-wil.' Baptist?, as it is stated, have now, in the Unitod States, 29 yearly meet ings, 103 quart?rly mfetings, 1,176 churches, 771 ordamed ministers, 250 licentiates, and 61, 372 communic8i)ts. Whafx m o JVume?- The infant daughter oftheQueen of Portugal, is to ibe baprized Dona Maria Anna Fernanda Leopoldina Michnela Rafaela Gabriella Carlota Antonia Julia Victoria Práxedes Gonzaga de Braganza e Bourbon Saxe Cuburg e Gotha! The whijrs of Oldhan country, Ky., have nominated Wtn. J. Graves as their choice for Governor of the State- the same identical Graves that murdered Cüley. Balawa Times. Methodist Papers. - Th ere are nineof them. Their circulation is said to be 50,000. Father Malhew has already given the tetotal pledge to more than 1,000,000 in England! A congressional election recently carne off in Texas, whieh resulfedin favor of President Houston, or the anti-Mexican war party.


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