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Cass And Van Buren County Convention: For The Signal Of Libe...

Cass And Van Buren County Convention: For The Signal Of Libe... image
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The friends of Liberty in the counties of Casa and Vau Buren assembled in the Court House in the villaje of CaBsopolit--, agreeable to previuus notice, on Tuesday thp 2Ld dav of August, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of nominating suuable persons to be supported by them at the ensuing eleciion as Represeniatives to the State Legisl ature. Carne to order by calling fo the chair, that iodefutigoble friend of universal liberty, Chas. a resident of this county, and appointing W. S. EUiot, secretary. The dcsgn of the meeting and the necessity that created it, was set forth by the chair in a Lrief, pointed adilress. Measrs. Bement and Gurney beine present each in a few words gave their views of the pracucabilitv of the measure wbish had called the nssembly togelher. Proceeded to the nom'nation. The delegates from Van Burpn recommended to the convention, from Ihat counfy the name of Jonathan N. HiNKLEr, in which the convêntion concurred, unmrimously. On motion, resolved that W. S. Ei.mott be the nominep for the count.y of Cass. On motion, Resolved, That he Convention appomt a central ommittee of ihree for the county ofCitss, which cornmiitee was mnde to consist of Wells Cruinb, Zucnariah Sugart and Williani Jones. The hour of four having arrived at which time notice had been givn that Mr. Gurney would commence a lecture, a reppectable au - dience were assembled, and listend until eix with piofonnd at tention to the argumenta and nppeals of the speaker. At half past seven, the spacious court bouse was again respectubly filled with members of the convention, and ladies and gentlemen of the town, who hung upon the lips of Dr. Bement until past 10 o'clock. as he vividly portrayed the manner in which this nation is ruled by the Slave Power, and the necessity of politica] action to overthrow that power. Tne convention then resolved that its proceedinps be pnblished in the Signal of Liberty and Free Labor Advócate. The Convention then adjourned with the full conviction that the cause of human liberty had received an impulse Ihat will not soon, if ever be forgotten.


Signal of Liberty
Old News