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A Call For A State Convention, Of The Colored Citizens, Of T...

A Call For A State Convention, Of The Colored Citizens, Of T... image
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Fellow Citizens:- At a Public meeting hel! in ihe city of Detroit on the 19: h of Sept. 1843, for the purpo6e of considering the propriety of holding a State Convention of the oppiessed citizens of this State, o fier mature deliberation it was resolved tiat a Convention of the colored citizens of the State of Michigan, be held in the city of Detroi:, to comiuence its session on the 26th dny of October next, at 10 o'clock A. M. On .Tiotion, the undersigned were appointed a committee lo prepare a cali for a State Convention. Dear Brethrbn: - Believing1 the time haa now come, for ua to be united in sentiment, nndin nclion, and to speak out in our own deence, upon the grent cause of human liberjy and equal' rights: we cali upon yon to co opérate with usin this important movetnent, ihat we are now about to inake. For as we are an oppressed people wishing to be free, we must evidently follow the examples of the uppressed nations that have preceeded us .- For lüstory informs ue tbat the liberties of au Iopprepped people are obtainl only in proportion to tlteir own exerlions in their own canse. in aceordance with this truth, let U3 come p; and like the oppresed people of England, Ire!and and Scotland band ourselvtf together, and wage unceasicg war, against the high nanded wrongg, of the hideous monster Tyranny. Come up Brethren, and rally under the banner of ireedom, for since our late national Convenlion, & new and a brif ht ota has made its appearonce in our dork horizon, nd hos attracted the attention of our oppressorsaad caused tnany to cry out, go on; thou genitw of Liberty, go ont The friênds of Liberty througtiont the civilized world has hailed it, and now sland cheer'mg us to go on. Then, Brethren, ehall we not meet tognther and consult how wc may better our condition! Sliall we not infuse inlo the minds of our young men and Posterity, a disposition to be free, and to ieave their present low and deg rading employrnent, and endeavor to obtain mechanic arts,and follow agriculturol pursuitst Shall we not meet together and endeavor to promote the cause of Education, Temperance Indusfry, and morality among out people; and by our correct, uprigfit, and maaly stand in tho defence of our Liberties, prove to our oppressore, and.the wor]d,that we are determined to be tree. Yes! Yes! let us assemble - Iet as come up together, and piedle ourselves in the name of God and bleediug humanity, and posleritv, tooronize, orpnnize, and orgonÍ2e uutil thepreen eyed monsier Tyronny, shall be trarapled under the feet of ihe oppreesed, and Liberty and Equality ahall embrace eaeh other, fa, shall have scattered their blessings throctgh out the length, ar.d breadth of our land. Tlien come Dear Brethren, If we would be free, We must demand nur Liberty, And strike the blow with nll urmighi, For Liberty is the balm of life. Henry Jackson, W. R. Wtlsorr, A. Dorrick, R. Gordon, R. Williams, Benj. Willouby, J. Henry, P. Pnrse, L. Johnson, Henry Bible, T. Willis, A. GoiT, A. Smith, G. Smilh, J. M. Bell, W. Lane, E. Smith. . J.Hall, Leer, J. Mosley, W. C. Munroe, O. P. Hoyt, Frisby Delanv.


Signal of Liberty
Old News