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'Don't Throw Away Your Votes.'

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Last year we publislird an article with this title, which was regard rat her unfavorably by our Whig friends. But timo nnd expcn(mee has, confinned the propriety of our suggestions. in ttnn i ■,-:, ,v. i...,„..i _, ■ tionists, before they voted for either of the proslnvery parties, to examine carefully what would be the result of their action. A majority of the aboRionitts being from the Wh'ge, the latter won ld naturally urge them to vote for their nominees, anrl liius 6ecure "the otlier grent intereste" they might have at heart. But we mvited tlieir nttention to the inqniry, can tltnj ie this securcd? We showed that this depended on the number of votes each pnrly couid rn.ister in the several countiés. We staled that tlie Whigs werfi in a ninority in the State generalij', nnd in tnost countiés lartroly, and even if all the Liberty men ebouid uniie with the Whips, the political charac'er of many countiés would not be chnnged. On this account, to vote for the whig nominees when they could not be elected, and conseqnently none of "the great interests" could possibly be subserved, was completelv "throwing awny votes." The result showed that we were right in snyinjr that the Wliig-s were in an establishtd. vnifonn mnority. They had no voice vvhatever in the legislntion of llii! Sinte, save that they had f uur members in tke Hovse oj Representativcs, and none in the Senate. Thus they were four members ahead of the Liberty party. They threw at us, even in their pub lic add ies?es Jast year, that we should not elect a single meinber to the Legislature. The result showed, to use the common plirnse, that if we were in the mud, they nlso were in the mire. Witli the return of another election, we again invite nttention to these considerniions. The established Democratie mnjcirity in the Stntc is nbout six thousar.d, ond there is no rea8(n to believe it will be less this yearthan the aat. We regret that a par1 y so corrupt as we believe that to be shonld reign over u.s But the fact that they have a decided majority is no reason why nny sliould vot the Whig in preference to the Liberty Ticket. Since both will be in the minor tv this year, why not vote for our nandidntes, who-e abilities are confessetjjy equal to any in nomination, and for our principies which are unexceptionable and right? 'The Phalanx, or Journal of Social Science." We have received the first number of this paper, which is to be pnblisheti weekly in New York at $2 per year. It is to be devoted to the exposition of the doctrines of Fouriei, and a journal of the progress of the practical Associations in this country, and in Europe. The articles in this number are well written. The motto of the work is. "üur Evils are Social, not Poütical, and á Social Reform only can eradicate them." Tliis we (hotild disngree to. We would say, "Our Evils are Social And Poltiical." Mr.'4David L. La Tourcttc is authorised to obtain subscribe and receive paymcnls for the Sigual of Liberty. '


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Signal of Liberty