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GRASS LAKE ACADEMY, AND TEACHER' j SEMIJVARY, nnHE winter term of this Institución wjl eomA menee on Monday the sixth of November ne.vt. 1 he Trastees in view of the opening term feel thnt it mny not be amiss to lay befare the public thcir testimony in its favor. For the pnst year it has been under the c-ire of Mr. BAR.RJS. During that yenr. we have wntched its progress, nnd though on ncco::nt of j;s youth if 1 muy be inferior to inany of its sister itistitutionaas to numbers, vet its course of siudy. management, discipline have been such as to coinincnd it to oir cordial approbation and that of it3 patrons generally. TUITÍON. For the common English branches, $3 00 The Natural and Mathematical Sciences, 4 00 Lntin. Gieek and Civil Engineering, $5 00; Board may beobtained in ïlie vicinity at $1 00 per week. the term to consist of eleven weeks. The Trustees are about erecting fheir building,the Chapel, ana Reciíttion Rooms, wln'ch will bO finished tor the succeding term. Wil! students apply as near the opening of the term as possible. FOSTER TUCKER, Secretarj of the Board". Graas Lake, Oei 23, 1843. 26-4 sv.JIDMIXISTRATOFC Ü JV0T1CE. THE undersigned hoving been appoimed by the Judge of Probate for the county of Washtennw. Administratrix on the estáte of Joel R. Hidden, deceased. late of said county and liaving given bonds as required by law. hereby gives notice to all persons mdebied to said estáte to make rmmediate payment to her, and alï per-sons having claims against saiu esiate to present them properly attested for ndjusimcntLAURA HIDDEN, Ann Arhor, Oct. 17, 1843. 26-6w BllOKK out o( the enciosure of the eubscriber on or aboui the nigfn of the 28th uft. a sinall gray Mare. four years old, noi sliod. Any person who wil) give notiee to the owner by letter or othervvise where said Mare moy be fa und, shatt be rewarded by CHARLES HUDSON. Nortñ Lake, Wash. co. Oct. 14, 1843. 46-3w YPSILA1MTI ACADEXWyT A M 1) &SAOS221S' SEMIWAET H. H. GRIFFEN, Principal Miss. E. HAMMOND, Assistant. THE winter term oi ihis institution will commence on Monday, Nov. 20, and continue 11 weeks. Wfiile this school is equally open to all of botfi eexes, who wishfcto acquire a goód education, particular attentioii wlll be given o ihose who are preparing to leaih. The exclusive and uninirrropted attention of the principal will be given to impart a prictical knowledge of the English branches. He oicupifes about half ;m hour daily in lecturing. wiih the aid ofiheapparatus. minerale, or otherwise. Appratijs. - The Instuuüon is furnished wiih Chemical. Philosophical. and Astronomical appnratus. Surveying Instruments. Geométrica!' solids. &c. to the amount of .300; also, a good Cnbinetof Mineral wonb $50. Tüitios in the cornmun English branches, inr.luding Composition and Declnina'ion from $2,00 to $3,50. In Philosophy. Chemistry, As-ironomy. History, Rhet.ric. Boinny. Alebró,. Geometry, Surveyinr. c. fjoni ;4,5ü to5 00 Mpzzotinioaiicl Chinese or Theorcm pnintirtoy -3 0) each or 12 lessons. tausht by Mrs. GnT-fen. The tuition is to be paid at the middle of the tenn No deduciion for absence will he made,cxcept for protiacted sicknt-ss, and no one will lie eceived for less than five and a half weeks. Bnoks may be had of the principal at Detroit prices. Board. Including room ml woshing. from11,00 to $1.50 per wepk; for further particnlnrs mquire of the principal. Rooms can be hiredchenp for srholnrs to board themselves Rev. I. M. W(!;io. Rev. H. P. Powers, Rev. O. F. North, J Faiichilfi, M. D.. J. C. Allen,. M. D.. G. and E. M. Ski'nner, Esqrs. havekindly consented to form a visiting commitce. tif b present at ïhe Week reviews on Thursday. and at ttio public examination of the school. Ypsilanti, Oct. 16, Ï343. 5- y KEEP GOING AHEAD. ■Now is the Time for Great Bargains, and no Mistak . .R . BAIVÈS, WOULD respecttuilv ihfornj liis oldcustorrrcrs anrl others Detroit, ihat h h;is removed to the corner of' JerTerson Avenue and Griswold sireet, opposite Michigan Insu-. ranee vh-re he has on hand n larpe Swek of REJ1DY MADE CLOTfKJVG, consisting n part of Oce.r Coats, Box Coatsr Drcsr and Frock Coats, Vcsts, PanUs, and every inicie in the clothing line, clieaper thaa the c]ifcipe?t. A qnïck sixpence is better than a slow shilling. On'y give us n cnl! and we wiU. saiisfy every one; thnt isour tna.xim. Detroit. Öct. 7. 1843. 25-3m. LANK DKEDS. MORTGAGES. EXECUTIONS, SUMMOiNSES, &e. just pautedand for snle nt ihe KTSIGNAL OFFICE, j Timothy Seed, WANTEI) on nccuunts. or in exchange for GOODS, by J. RECKLEY &. CO. Ann Arbor, Aug. 15, 1843. 17-6w. JAlESti. IKK, AT T O R NE Y AND COUNSELLOR A T LA W. SAGANAW CITY, MICHIGAN. JG. B. will ulso act as Land Agent in the Land District in which this (Saganaw) County is; he will mnke nvöstments for others latids. poy over for non-residents their t;i.xes. and give information generally lo persons internsled in this part of the country, or desirousof becoming iimnigrnnts to it.


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