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Peters Pills

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'Tis íun iheysny to get well with thcm, ALL mnnUind ihiougl'out their wide and immense eirculaiion. that ever tiy them conuuue to buy them. Tetera' Pilis ure purcly vegetable; tlioy work no inirsckB, nor do they pro"ese u cure all distases, bceause tliey are the BCiéiilific compound of a regular physician, vvlio luis mode hia profesaipn the s:ndy ot bis lile. Dr. Petera ís a gradúalo ol'Yale also oíthe Mnssnchusetts Medical College, and has eomewlüudiMinguislicd himsell'as a man of science and genius nniong ilie íatnily of the Inte Gv. Poters. Pelers' Vegetable l'illsure simple ni 'Jieu prej.aiation, mild in thëir r.c.ion. thorough tn thcifoper'aííon; rmd unnvalled ín fhéïï resulis.- The town nnd country are ilike íilled wuh -iheir piaise. Tlie pnlaco and the poor house alike echo with their virtues. In all climatcs Iliey will remin their woiiderful powers and exen them unaltcrcd by age or siiuaüon. ond this the voiee ola rn.ielul coinnumuy prochiimed.- Peters' Pilis prevent- keep off discases il timely used. Grid have ño rival iiï cniiug billiotis lever, lever and agiie.dyspcpsia. liver coniplninis.croup. sick headache. jaur.dice. nsthmn.dropsy. rheumatisni. oiilaiuemciu of the sploen, piles, colic. feinalft obsiruéiion. heai t burn. furred tongue; nausea, disteniion of'lhe stomach andbowels. ineipieni diarrlicr-n. ílnmlence, habiiual costivenese. lossof appetne. bloched. ar snllow complexion, and in.nll cases oí ' tjrpor of the bowels, wheVe a caiharlic or opcrieiK is in'dicated. producing nciih-r nausea, griping or debiliiy; and ve rejent all who buy thcm continue to tiy tíiem. Tlic most iriuinphnn: success has fiver altendad their use and cnoiiírli is already Uiiown of them to í;niiortalÍ7.e and ham! ihem di)vnto pos lerity with theiniprovemenls oi'the age ín medical science. Di Peters was hred to the healng'aYt.tfnd iñ order lo supply deminds. he has originated and cr.lled to liis id the only ateain driven muchinery in thc woild for pill workitifr. Tis perfec', and ils proeess imparts to the pill cssenun! virtun. becaiise hy béihg perfecily - doyou h?nr that! while a host can testify hat ihey believo iliey owe their snb'aiion Iroin liseaee nnd deatli lo Pelers' Pili, and il' calomel inel knivesnro 2ctting partially into disusewe are only mistaken. Certikicatks. - This paper could be íillec] with hcni !y resid'ents of Michigan, by your friends md neighbois - ítsk our agcnis. lt is now wcll iiicwn thut the people will have Peters' PiJls, nd to hinder wonld bc tosiop the rushing wind. 'rice 25 or 50 cents per box. " The resistless forcé oí these t'üthe - their uniersal receptiem. addcd to thc lestimony of milions. ''keep it hei'orc tlie peplc'' nnistand will .e heard ihroughoiit this vale oftears. Their hnppy influence joung ladies whiln uffering under the usual chauges of li fe as diected by the Inws oí nature, they írnport o buoyncy of heart, feeling niid action, an elnstic step-, relvet cheek, lilly and carnation conj)ilexion by l)e;r nction on he chyle, &c. and ladies in delc'ate sifjuarions aiwnys admit their power nnd in locence, nnd take thein two or tliree at n time viihou'. in ihe süglitcst degree incurngthe hazrd of an aboj'tion; whichfucts are ofihe utniist mponnncc. ' Pimples; a youn? lady sent her ovólo Dr. Peters, and says she feels more grateu' tn him for the restorniion of lier beauty tlian f He had savet] her fife. 'Tis fun to get well vith Peters Pills.for they cnuse the blood to courpe sümpid and gentle through the veins as a mountin rivulct; 3 or 4 is a cominon dose. henee the a'ient is not comelled to mak e a nienl. TROUBLE IN PLUTO'S CAMP', iuitenstonished Old Pluto canieto New Ycrk. Hearing Peters liad gothis Pili Kngine at woik,) 'o'resign his commissrón, his hour glass and scythc: have come to deüver them all up to yon - !ir. my calling is over - my business is through; have been lor three-years in a terrible siew. .nd I ïeaily don' t know what on earth J'am to do:- iot of your n-ighty sire do I come to complain. 3ut a tamal iNew Yorker, one PETERS by name; ""he diseases my aids. in this war of mankind, .re subdued by this Peters, what help can we find? would yicld him N. York. sir, if there he wou ld stay: [Jut, sir. Peters will have the whole worlil for his sway. While mnsing in council what coursc to pursue. riiai Engine o'f Peters brok e ibith into view. The King of terrors looked a while. As thoúgn hÍ8 soul was tur ed to bile, At that unsparing scourge of i lis. By all men known as Peters' Pilis. These Pilis ol Peters' stop the slaughter. And leaves the blood as pure as water. Now Peters makes. I've heard him say, Ffve hundred thousand pills a day; So that the chance is very small Of people dyine there at all; For soon the cheeks. so marked for' doom, Begin like nny rose to bloom. Look fif,re! all icho Lry ilicm. continue to huy iham. For sale as, by Nlcisrs. Beach & Abel. G. Grenvillt'. F. J. 13. Crine; Maynard. & Co.. G. VVnrd. S. P. & J. C. Jcwett, .T. H. Lund. II. Becker. Dick inson & Cogswell. and S. KJones. Ann Arbor: Gco. Warner & Co-, and J Millerd & Son. Dexter, Wm. A. U Shaw, Lima: 3. C. Winaiis. S vivan. Unie, & Smith GrassLake; W. .la'cksoii. Leoni; D. T. ïl(;rri. man. Jackson; M. A. Shoeniaher. Michiirar Centre; Brotherson & Co., L. B. Kief & Gil hert. Manchester; D. S. Haywood. Srhne; fcKeys. Clinron; J. Scattergood & Co., Prymouth: Stone. Biibcock tS: Co., arwi Julins. Movius&C"-- Ypsilanii: Pierre Teller. Detroit; J. & J. BidweM. and 'Dr. Underwood, Adrion: Rart & Mosher. Springville; Mannen & Cook. Brooklyn; Smith & Co.,. Jonesville; L. M. Boyce. Ohicngp - and almost cvery whereelse. Oer." 19. l!.!i y-!


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