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A Proclamation: By The Governor Of The State Of Michigan

A Proclamation: By The Governor Of The State Of Michigan image
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n iiereas, the ttme is appioaclung when, according lo a long estoblished and well approved ctistom, ob?erved bv most of the Sïnfes of t bis Union, the people unite in renderinjr Thankegivjng and praise to tbe great Givcr o! al o-ood, nnd Whereas, thougli sanctioned by no lpgnl authonty, t bas boen cnstomary for the Chiel Execulive officer of the eeveral States to recommentí a particular doy 10 be set apart for such purpose, and Whercas, it is a duty inctimbent on all to remler thanks to the Most High for Hic Di vine protection. Now, therefore, I, John S. Barry, Governor of the State of Michigan, have thought prop er to appoint, and by the6e present s do ap point, Tiuasday, the thirtieth day oj November next, as a day of public Thanksgivingana rrayer; and I do here reccminetid to the people of this State to set a part and observe the same accordingly; ihntthey assemble on that day in their several places of public wor hip, and wilh unitel heartsrender unfeigned tímales to the great Maker and preserver of uil things, for the nutnberJess blessings vouchsated to ns duriiig the paet year; that he has preserved our Uves, maintained peace within our borders, stayed the pestüence, averted famine, rewarded the husbandraen with abundant Jiarvests, and preserved to na nviolate ourcivil aud reJigious inetitutions, orjd wilb deep bumility. confessing oar eins, give thanks for all his numerou merries, and humbly ask a continuance of Divine fnvora. ín testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my hand, and causetl the great seol of the Stale to be aff5xed. Done nt the Capítol in the City of Detroit, this twenty-s.xlh [L. S.] day of October, in the year of our Lord one tliousand eight hcnlred and forty three, and of the Indopendence of the United Stat i the eixty-eiffhíh.


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