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NEW GOODSÜ " HAVING retircd, not frooi Lusiness. but to the old stand of G. Ward, 1 will scll GOODS Cfienp. My stock is entirely nac, and embraces a good variety, well selected, and the goöds cannot fail to satisfy those wiio wish -, to purchase. l have spent mest of the aummer and part of the fall. in .New England. where-lhe Good8 are made, and I have been able to purchase such soods as I wanted; and at such prices, as will ( enable me to se!l them about as low as tliey have been sold in New York, from Jobbing Houses Huring thisseason. Espc;inlly I can sell Woolen Cïoths, "rom the eonrsest to superfine. 3-4 & 6-4 Cloths. Satineus, Cassitneies, &c. &c. at low priecs. More: I have on hand a good stock of Combe, Threiid, Plus, Needies. &c. Sc. whicli I can. and vvill sell to auy. who wish to buy by the qttftntity at very luw mies. I wiil ASHES and BLACK SALTS, or PEARLASH at my Ashcry; and will sell SALERATUS in qunnlitica to snit. mrchnsersTERMS.- Cash, Produce,, ut good Credit. I am, Gentlemen and Lndies, Respf ctfully yours. F. "DENISON. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, Nov. 7, 1813. N. B. Cash paid for FLOUR, or Pot nnd Pemlash, or adranceed on the suaie and snld as usual. 29-ü. $25,000 WORTH! Whew! They must be dear, Sir. $50,000 IVOKTHÜ Wore yet, jtifigring from appenratices. $75 000 WORTHÜ! Thai u il. juding trum pnces. C ALL at G. Waru's o!d s.and. where they talk understandinüly, and sell Goods so thut ■t good siock will amouni to less than $10,000 under the present eystem. VIATOR. Ann Arbor. Nov. 7. 1813. . 27-tf. MORTGAGE SAXE. T7 DEFAULT havingbeen made in the payment of a cenain sum ol money with the interest thereon, secured to bepaid by a certain indenturc of Mortgage, bearing date the thirty-first df.y of Üctober, in the year ofour Lord one thotisnnd eight hundred and iorty, executed by Eli Granger. of Scio, in the couuty of VVashtenaw aml the State of Michigan, to Samuel Cltmens, of Lima. in the couniy and State aforesaid, which Moitgage was recorded in the Register's office, of'tne county of Washtenaw aforesa d. on theeecond day of April. A. D. one thousand, eishi hundred and forty-two, in Líber tez of JVíortgnges, at page one hundred and siïty-one. and detault having be n made in the condition of said mortgage, aid no suit or proceeding nt law havmg been iustituted to rëcovéFthe whole or any port of the money now due on sáid mortgage. - By virtue of which deault there is now clnïmed to be due n said mortgage, the sum of three hundred and fiTiy one dollars and twenty cents, for principal and interest. Notice is therefore hereby given, that in pur8uanceof a power of sale in said indenture of mortgage contained. will be sold at public auction at the front door of the Court House, in the village of Ann Arbor. in the county aforesaid. on the seréntb day of February next, at xen o'elock in the forenoon of snid day. alt the premises described in said mortgnge, or so mueh thereof as inay be necessary to satsfy the amonnt dne for principal and interest on said mongage, as well ascosts for foreclosing the same. and described as f illows: "All that certain traet or parcel of land lying in the State aforesaid. known, huunded and described as follows, to wit: The south half of the soutii west qnarter of sectïon seven. in town two south, of range five easf. except fifteen acres on the north line of said quarter seciion, being one half tnile in length running east and west." Dated at Ann Arbor, this sixth day of Novem I ber, 1843. SAMUEL CLEMENS, Mortgagee. I By O. Hawkjs, his Attorney. í 29-12 w - , cMORTGAGE SALE. DEFAULT having been made in the paymcnt of a certain sam of mom y vv i tb ihe interest thercon, secured to be paid by a certain indenture of Mortgage, bearing date ihe twentieth dny of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand oight hundred and thirty-eight. executed by Eli Granger of Scio, in the county of Wnshtenaw, and State of Michigan, to Rhoda Phelps of the same place; which mortgage was reeorded in thcregister's office of the county of Washtenaw, aforesaid, on the twemy-sixth day óf Jnmrary. A. D. one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, in Liber numberseven of mortgages, at page three hundred and seventy four, and defaull havina been made in the condition oí eaid mortgnge, anJ nwsuit or prjceeeding at law having been insuiuted to recover the whole or 'iriy part of thé money nowdue, on said Mortege, by virtue of which def.iult diere is now claimed to be.diie on said Mbrigage, thesuin ol one liiuidred nnd thirty-three dullnr nnd filiy-six cenis for and interest, wl;ich niürignge hns been duly issisned to Snniuel Cleiftena. Noiice is therefore hereby pivon. tlmt in sunnce of a power of s.ile in snid indenture of aiortg.ipe (onii)ii.i-(. wil! be S'Wd at the front door nfthe Court House, in the vil.'age of Ann Arbor. i tlie county aioresaiu, on iJie seventn day of February next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon ofsaid dny, at pubüc auclion, nll the prcin:scs deseribed in saíd Indenture of JVlortgnge, or so üiiicii ihereofas mny he necessary to satisíy the ainount due for principal and interest, on said wall as costs íbr íoreclosing the same, and described as follows, to wit: the souih halfol tlie wcst halfof tbe soulli-wes! quaner of section seven, town tvvo soutl) of range five enst, conraining íorty acres, be ilicsame more or less. Dated, Ano Arhor, November fi, 1843. SAMUEL CLEMENS. Assicnee. of RHOUA l'HELFS, Mortgñsee; By. O. rí.íWKixs. bis Attorney. 29-]2w FASHIONABLE HAT STORE. WBARXUM, would rcspectfully infbrm the ciiizens of Detroit, ond surrounding untry that he has constantly on hand a voluae a a irtnient of Ilats, Caps, Furs &c. whch he offers for sale on the most reasonable terms at No. 75, Jeftbrson Avenue. GEXTr.KMKN and Ladiks from abroad on visiting the City will do well to give him a cali before purchasing cleewhere. Detroit, Nov. 10Ü, 1843. 29-6mABBOT & BEECHER. DETROIT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DOMESTIC STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODSJUST received a larger Siöck than ever of Heavy Brown Shectíngs, Shirtinge and Drillings, Bleached Gooda, Calicóes, Apron Checks, Baggings, Burlaps, D.aper, Cratli, Muslin, Fusiian, Mole Skins. Sattinets, Shd-p's Gray Cloth, Buckekin Cloth, Fancy Cassimerea, Wolverine CoatïngB, Alapaca Lustre, Chongeable Strip Do. Fancy Alapines, Crape Delaincs,Jndia Clcuh, Muuslin De Lainea. Parit-ians, Chusans. Shawls. Rob Roy?, Cardiníils, Damask Shawls. Black, Blue Black. Brown, and Blue Brod Cloths, Fek and Püot Over Continue, Bhnkets, Flannels, and Superior BRAVER CILOTHS, Leather, Cotton Yarn, Tea, Sugar, Cuffee, Rice and Tobacco. AU oi which Ci.xjds will uesold nt the LOWEST PR1CES thai tUey can !e bought for West of ííew York Citv, and we with our Frinds to give U8 a Culi before Buyíng. WANTED, POT ASH, WOOL AND FLOUR, For which we will pnv the highest pr.ces either in CASH or GOODS, at the CHE AP EST CASH P RICES, No. 144, Jefleraon Avenue, Corner Bates Street, Detroit. Detroit, Nov. 13, 1843. 29-tf. LEATHER. THE undersigned has just received from tho Manufacturer, and will continue te be stip. llied with a General Assortmentment of EASTERN TANN1CD LEATHKR. which he will sell at dccïdedly Low Prices, fjr CASH or HIDES. He will continually have on hand Spanish and Sfaughïer SOLE LEATHER, of Ltglu. Middle and Heavy Weighls; Upper Leattier. Oak and Heml ick Tanned Calf Skins, Patna and Slaughter Kips. Hirness and Bridle Leather, Bindjngs, WLite ar.d Colored Linings, Shop Thread, &c. All persons desirous of ptirrhaaing nre requested to all at the ONE STORY BRICK BUILDING, No. 39, Woodward Avenue, and examine the quality and prices before purchasing elsewbcre. N. B. The highest Market Price will be paid in CASH FOR HIDES. j. d. baldwin; Detroit, Nov. 13, 1843.ÜWITY Or IMTEHEST. NOBLE AND SPRAGUE, WOULD ca!l the auention oí the ciuzens of Ann Arf)or, and the commaoity in general to the fact that they. beüeving thm two heads arebeiter thau one, have formed a partnership for the pitrpoee of carrying on the TAILORING BUSINESS, in all lis branches. Tliey will be ulwnys on band, two doora West of the Washtenaw, in the Lower Village of Ann Arbor, where all who favor them with iheir patrcmage may be sure of eatisfoction. No pains will be spared in making their garments fashianable, comibrtable, and durable. They feel confident from past experience. and from the attention which they pay to tbeir businesa, that thej cannot faíl ol giving universal ;arisfactron, and they are determined not to bo utdone by any establishment west of New York.N. B. CVTTING done on short notice, and strict attention wijl be paid to the orders of the customer. P. S. We Hke to have forgot by the way to mention, thnt we too are in the receipt of the New Tork and Boston Fashions, for the Fall and Winter of 1843-4. NOBLE & SPRAGUE. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Nov. 3, Í843. KTotice. AM. NOBLE would respectfully remind his customers, that as he has taken a partner, and is making ncw arrangements in his business, hc wishes for an irnmediate settlement uith oll who are indebted to him. Ann Arbor, Nov. 6, ÍS 43. 28-3m. rail"rïïId hotel 1843. BY 1843. PATRICK & AiVDKEIVS. OPPOSITE THE WESTERN AXD NORTHERN RAIL EÓAD DEPOTS, DETROIT, MICH.rpHL nbjw Motel has Iwn g.eatly enlarged, J_ and htted tip n a siyle equal to uny public hmise m Defoit, for comfort and convenience.- I's Ipcatmn is in n healihy and pleisini part of he cuy. being situaïed on the Public Square, nnd in ihe ïminediiue vicinity of iho Central and Norihern Rail Iloads, and convenient to tho pnncipnl STAG23 KOUTSS diverging io ihe ditlerent p.jrts i liie State. Tkavki.krs wishing to tike the Cars or Boa ts cannot find a more convenient plnce than this being near the Cars on both Rail Roads, and in immediate connection wiih the Bonis. The Proprietors asstire the public, that no pams wil! be spard jo furnish their TABLE with the best the Markcl aflbrde. and their custonierewith everv attention n thei power, reouisite to their comfort. CARRIAGES $ BAGGAGE WAGONS always in readiness to convey Passengers to and from the Boats and Cars free of charge. TKRMS- 75 cen:s per day, or 25 cents per tneal. k. r ,o.oPATilICK & ANDREWS. , 1843. g-om. FIRE! FIREÜ FIReTíT" L1 D. Hill, Agent of the .Etna ínsuronceCo., vJ will property against loss or damageby Fir9 on roagonable tenna. Oct. 23, 1Ö43. sr_,(


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