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keep'goíVg a ii e adíffo Q Tisse íbr S-rcat Sargsins, and no Bftsstak .-. Ro BAJÍkIs WOULI) respectfully nform his oidcnstoiners'aml oihera viskins Dc:ro:i, ihiit lie has removed to ihe corner of Jclierson Avenue and Griswold sireer, opposfo 'cKignñ Insurance where lie has on hand a large Stock oí READY MADE CLOTHLXG, eonsisling n pnrt of Orcr Conts, Bus Coaís, Drcss a?ul Frock Coats, rí5, Ponls, and every artfcíe in the cloffiiifg line, cjheapor than ihe chenpest. A qiiick sixpenco is beller than n slow shilling. Only give us a c;.:l' niui w will eatisfy every onc; ihat isour niaxün. Detroit. Oct. 7, iíMS. _ _ S"3ib.3URCUS STE%LN& f SAMUEL ZIJG, HAVE ïaken ilie rooms in the lower end o the Whiio Blode, diiectly pppusjtq the JMi chigan Exchange, wlwrc ihey will keep an ex tensive assortmeni oí C.1&WET IV&RJE. of every kind. quniïty. ami deseription, of their own manufacturing, atul warranted to be ns fasliionnble. good, and clicap as ca bc had West o! Ñew York. Purehnscrsaic requestcd to cal! and examine our extensive aesortfiSent bcfore buying-, Any aniole of Furniture made to order, and Warrnnltd 10 picase. UPH-OLSTiïRÏNG dono ín all Is vaiious branches, and at the shortcst notice. CIJAIRS, LOüKISG GLASSEÖ, AND WJLLOVV WARE; nlsd: MaRogany: iBoards and Vcncsrs - asclieep ns the ehenpest. WANTED, In exchanre. CHER11Y, WALNUT. AXD MAPLE LUMBER, F&. fc 4-cSTEVENS & 2UG. Detroit. April 17, lStt. 5i-;;m JIDMIJISTRATOIVti JVQTICE. THE urrdersigned (inving been oppointed by the Judge of Probate for the county o! Waslitenavv, Administmtrix on the e&ate of Joel R. Hidden, deceased. iaieofsnid county and liaving givcn i)onds as reqnircd by law. hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estáte to rnake immcdiate payment fö her, and all persons having claims agninst snid estáte ío p.eseni ihem properJy attested for adjtistinc-frt. I.AURA HIDDEN. Ann Arbor, Oer. 17. lèi?. 2G-6v ' JAÏnSS . JSIRIVEY, ATTORNEY AND CO U N S E LLOR AT LAW. saqanaw errr, Michigan. rG. B. will also net as Land Agent in tbe Land District in whicH tliis (Saganau-) County is; lic will make myestmenta lor others lauds, pny over for non-residents tlieir taxes, and give nformution gcnemlJy to persons inteiesied in this part of thecountrVj oï desirousof ' ing immigrants to :. fTAILORLNG ESTABLISHMENT. JR. WALK FR would announco :o Ijíí frieni!6 and Uie publiu in general, tfaat ie is now iu the receipt oí" the fall nnd winter lasliions for 1 843-1, which lme been selected and furnished by fwö of the best establishments in the United States, on the first of the present nionth, after the kinds of gooris and fashions lor the season had become permanent!}' established, whidi is beautifully illustrated by tvo of the most Bplendid fashion piales ever pjesenred to chis commuiniy. Any gentlemen tvho wih to have the "simo.s' pure," can ñná it hore furnished a', a scason when there can be no mistak e as to wh.v is or is not fashionabte. Gen;íemen, pietise cali and examine for yourselves, and Í' wocannot exhibit something that will satisfyyou that thesiyle of goods and fashion of garmenss are chasu and beautiful, ihen we nre much línstaken. Mr. Walker woulil take this opportunity lo return bis sincere thanks lo aïï whö have hilher'o favored him with their pr.tronage. an.J ïopes be has given general satisfaction. ÁI1 who fccl disposed to havean easy, at the s:me lime n faslj ionable garment, gratiried by caüing ai the shop of J. D. Iri5h:'ono doorsouih of Bèach & Abel's oíd store, where for the of himselt and cuctomers he has loca'.ed for the seasori, where al! demanJs in lus liue wil! be executed with neamessand despa:ch. ön reasonable terms for cad or country produce, but jjositively no credit. N. B. Cutting done, and warranted to fit i! properly made up. October 11.1 L43. 27-tf. TYPE AT REDüCED PRICES. GEO BRUCE &C0, .ypeíoundere. at No 13. Chambers street, near the Post Office, New York, have on hand a nnusually lnrjre stock of iheir well known Prin'.ing Types. Ornnments. Borders, Rules. &c. öF the best material, cas." n original matrices, and very ncpuratüly finishcd. all of vvhich they have deterniined to sell at GREATLY REDUCED PRÏCES: ■ placing the book and newspaper fonts as foilows: Pica, at 22 ets a Ib. Smaïl Pica, 34 i: Lons; Primer, 3ö ': Bourgeois, 40 " Brevier, 40 " Minion, 54 " Nonpareil, 6fi ' Agate, 82 " Pearl, $1 20 for approved paper at six months, or at 6 pet cent less for cash. Wood Type, Printingr Ink, Presses, Cases, Galleys, Brass Rule. Composíng Sticks. Chases and other Pnniing nmiericifs. Airnished with' promptitudeand at the lowcsi pi ico. Printers of newspupers, vno will publish thi? ad ertisfiment, with üiis note, three linies before the fjrsi of June, 1343. and senil onc of th papers to '.he toundry, will be emitk:d to payment of their biü, on buying four times tUc amount of it. Oct23: 1843.BROKË out of the enclosure of the subscribe! on or about the night of the 28th ult.a sinall gray Mare. four years old, nol shod. Any per son who wil! give noiice to the owner by letter or otherwise where said Mare may be ibund, shali be rewarded by CHARLES HUDSON. North Lake, Wash. co. Oct. 11, 1343. 46-3 Timothy Sced, WANTED on accounts, or in exchange Ar GOODS, by J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor. Aug. 15, 1843. 17-Gw. SAL ERATüs" WHOLESALE and Retail. by H.' BECKER. Ann Arbor, Aug. 2, 1843. 15-tf. Anti-Slavery Books. A QÜANTiTY of Anti-Siavc-ry Books nre ü. for sale at this offioe, very chetip. Cali soon, before they are gone. SHEEP SHEARS FOR Sale by C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor. Upper Town, Mny 5. 1 843. S. PETTÏBO1VE, SÜRVETOR, MAKER, AND LAND AGENT. Office in Court House Square, Ann Arbor, June 19, 1343. 8-tf. Azes FOR 6ale, Wholesale or Retail, by J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor, Aug. 15: 1843. , 17-6w. LANK DEEDá. MORTGAGES, XË"CUTIONS, SÜMMONSES, &c. jusi prínced and for sale at the ÏÏTSIGNAL OFFICE. L$ NOTICE. ALL those ndebted to the firm of J. Biökley fe Co. are requested to make payment immediately. Oct. 23, 1843.TEMPERARE HOUSE, TH.JÏÏ jmdürsiirtifd wou ld respectiujly iniornj ihu fuióiKi's oí' Temporáneo, nnd ilie public r, g$iicraHy, -tbul tii;aboe uiitned Heuse, fonuorIv liiiöw.n as the Tc:tiperance Hotel, and shuated . .ju t Ijc cor, .er oí Michig'in avenue nnd Wnsijing[Jü sireet. nenr 'he Cerní ;d llaüroad Depot, having urulcrgontí -tlioroupb lep.iirs and very sxen . ndtÜMonal i:ii])iovcnioi)ts. s now rcaily !o-ihc re, ceiiiioii of a) iiosc who uit faior him with q Í c;ill. Tlic Mcc.ianüociiiii.jns:, ni cvery respect. ::u nüt lo ;my Te!!pii:u:ce liousu m iht couiitiv. nnd cyory atttüiiion will bc given to sucli ;is bfsiow their jíátioitage tipon this laudable CMierprisf-: X. f). C;ïn'mgcs n'w.-iys in re:t;linrss to convoy pntfscngers to ;.nd froiij $dnts iHiti Cn& WM. CiJAMP. Detroit. Mny 0, ]SJ:ï. 4-ly M.i.xuFjcrujïEns M.yn mvrC1M.YTS. npiJF. siibsfribrrp are mnv receivinr, ot ihcir 1 stores, lS8 JciftrJon Avenue, ::iui urner of Rottfïofph :uid Wojdbrd2o strecia, Detroit, a large and general stock of Bye ISToods &, Bye Stufís. 35 tens Lowood. Fustic, Liiuewocxi, Nicarrairuii. flypci nir Woud, n díe .stick, lot) hbis irruund Cumwoud, ].") do F-usno Ï2ü do LoL'wood. 190 do Rcdvvoods, 30 do Ahim, 0 hhds Coppcrr.s. 4 do B!é Vi;,'-io1. 3 pipe Di il re nnd Crop Madders, prime, 500 Ibs. Extnct Ln.'wood. 609 do jRenghl, Mfirirns tmfl Caraceas Indigo, 30Ú dy Blue Nutiraüs, (Allcppo,) 2öO do P'jwdered Cnrcuuiü, 2('O do rdírris. 10 Carhnys ()i Vitiiol, i 6 do Aqnn Fonis. ; 4 c3o Spirits Sea Salte, 4 da Nitric Acid, 2 cases Lóc Dyp. :0:) !bs. J5.'nquo tin, 2."0 do Crenin Tartár, 50Ü do Q lercciron Bnrk. t Togetlicr wiih a completcaseortment of all the t' minor anieles in tlie irade, :o witj b Press Papers. Tenzles, Brusties, Jncks, Tent Hooks, Dyft KotLles, Pickers, Burling t IroDs, Nippers, Prussinte óf "oti afli. Sai Anioniñc. Sa! Soda, - p Stifcar of Lead, Steel Reeds. Cnrd Clcaners, MACHINE CARDS, ïouuneu )vji[. citáis, u e. Tliis entiro stock has heen purchased wilhin the . tast two weeks, and scfecfed personally by one concern, whouas been in the business for the last eleven years, nnd they have no he.Mtation in snyiii" that the quulity of these goods is unexceptionable. They wil! positiv'y be soid at the lowpst New York jobbilig prices. with ihe ad' dition of transportado only. The sübscribers havo the sole Agency in this State for the snie oí' "i'ARSÖN'S SIJEARfNG MACHINES." nnd the celobnited -LEICESTER MACHINE CARDS," dccidedly the best in use. THEO. H. EATON, & CO. April II, 18=33. Sïtf W00LEN THE snbseribers would inform the piibhc tiiat ihey are now manufocturlng WOOLEIS" C'ijOTtl witii a degiec of suecess eqnal to their most sanguine expeutotions. Witii the machi n ery liiey now have. they are able to manufacture from 75' lo 3CÍÜ pounds of wool per day. The cloth tliey have made for the lnsc thrce uiontbsis of the best quality. and that made in luture will be similar. They hr-ve entirely overcpm.e the dilTictiiifes of starting an establishment of this kind in a ncw country. Their terms are 37J cents per yard forfulled cloih (Inislied. or huif the clo:h the wool will make. lf aoy alteralion of ihe terms should be dcternr.ned on, public notice will be gtven. All wool received before such notice is given will be vvorked on the above terms. If i.ny wish to have their wool worked without mixing it other wool. it will be done, piovided they assorlit theruselves, and iurnish it in quantities of lüü pounds of one q-iinlity of wool." It is much beticr to scwup wool in sacks thanto tie it up in blankeis; the cloth 6hould be strons. Provisionsof all kinds will be received in pnyment for manufacturing to the aniount. required lor the consumption ol the establishment. VVool sent by railroad t& Scio. wül be properly attendedto: thejiuinber oí pounds should bemarkedon the snel; witliink; alsa the weight of the sack. - The woal will be worked in turu as it comrs in. ns nearly as can be done with reierence to the different qualitie?. EJ Many Farmers have exp-Tessed to us their ratification in consideratioa of our starting this branch of business, r.nd many haveencouragcd us by their patronage during the. last year. We now invi;e all to bring their v.-ool. to the nmounl of ■25.0C0 puunds. and reccive the beneSt of the v#ry roasonable terms on which we oíler to manufacture it. The establishment is 2 milest west of AnrjArbors on the Hurcm. S. W. FOSTER. & CO. Scio. April 30, 1843. 1-tfüïurder & Suicide! PASSING your pireets a few days since, I was nlinost liorrjix struck iu noticing a continual protracied nuirder. Cheap'ist Store n tov.n - :New York Wholesale and Jlei.iil Ckcap cash Store" 'liuiiidu Cbeap Store" led me to cali whcre I saw the ';Kings JCngiiah" lic mangled. olecdiug. flying. Atanorher plnce I saw a gtedl display of ';Red Rags" and iinming hand bilis, where oa exnminatiun I found tiiat thcy cl.iimed to have Uought tUei-r goods at i4Auciiyn" n;id 1 knew 'hai goods sold at auciiou wcre of in.rerior quality, andsuch ns would not bear the Urat o! prívale sale scruüny. Oh.thougiit they :iu their owii thruais ín bu_ving their goods nt auc:ion. I passed on to F. Denison's old stand whore I fouud il. Bkcülek fairiy scltled vith a largo STOCK OF GOODS, ■ieloctcd at private snks. embracing néarTy every iliingcalfcd Cr in tlie cmntry, at low prices. Tor isii. produce, or good credit. And her Í i'ounr] ■hat the pure Engiish w-s spoken, as Tamassured ;t ra at lus Store in the Lower Town. VIATOR. Ann Albor, June 12, 1843. 7 tf. KA VE STOFJES MONUMENTS, TÖ&B TABLES, &c. f, I lHE subscriber has a Iifrgê assortrnent of JL Marhla. of the best quality, suitable for Grave Stonks..;k-.ts, &c. which he wil i éll ciienp for ca.sli. or e.xehange for produce, aj liis old stand. !ïó. 90, Woodward Avenue, Detroit. Persons vfrishing lo buy will do wè'I to cal!, ns thoy wi1l bc sokl imich cheaper thnn have ever been nfforded in th;s State, and ofa Qaaluy that cur.not iail to ploase. WM. E. PETERS. Detroit, Oct. 27. 1 S 12. 29- I y Cash and üarter Store. C. J. GA R LAND, HAV[iGpurchasod ihe entire Stockn nade of Godlrey und Allen, will be happy to wait upon sneh as will give him a cali. ílis stock consists oí a general assortinenl of goods, and will be sold cicap, and tor rcadyjïay only. VVANTED, In exehangc lor GOODS, most kinds of country produce, and 000,000 FL0UR BARREL STAVES & HEADING, for which a fair price will be paid. Ann Arbor, April 19, 1843. 52-lf.Kiver Baxsin InstituteTH E winter term ot ibis hiatnuiion V-i:l commenee lbo iim Wtdru'sday oí' Novcnibet, arra continuó J'S weeks, it ia pleasnnily situated in the town ot' Raisin, one tnile eust ui iiie direct rond froni Tocum,sch to Adjiari! Rooms. - 'i nore ;;rc dow on the premises puitable iooins íor ilio DicoitimodttioTi ot foriy stuuts, wli!i:h;irp designed Vo he uccupiod íor pri vate ttiidy aiidlod'ing. Oihcr neecssary luild' m-1! me pmvitlid lor voiMtnimn ni)l honii.'ing - j VJi-sL Kin;ic;i:y will prohnbly board then hc-lvcs. ]'.x;'i.N;-]-,.s. - Tuiïidu l'T ti:'iii.;i yvecksi oominion [irancbs -! tloilars. Mïgh'rtr KtiL'lis'iiir.mchcs. iivciu'ün (iicok mul Lniirt. 5iol!;irs. Rqoiti rem 8 ceiits v.cok. Jücuíeiünl expenses 5fl oijn:s per term. V-ot-nts ïrc c.pocic(l to fur rVisri wlinrnvor tiicy wisb to usu in their rooms excepi nnchroii:-. StiKJL'tiis v-li to lniy their books wül do 1 well 'lo dófer so dJíng, und buy. ihein herc. Tlie pelioiil s ypen to nll njipücains ofsuitnlilc ugo and r;or:4 clmiacter ii respective of oohiftfition or couclitiort. ii ia very desiroble that nll who design to ai.Acnd school sliould bc r(;'!fy to commeuco v.'iili tlie torm. piherwiae thore c.nnot !)f o regular cli?yíficitio!; of the stiulenip. mui wMhont such classifiention coniparalively lï il! o advnticcwen! cun be made in stüdy. Any furtiisr ínformation resprctir.íí.ihe Instmion can bc obtained by addresioc, ost paid. JOHN FATCÜhN, Priiicipnl. Rnisin. Lemsvee Co.. Micii. Raisin, Oei. 3 13i3. ' I ; 2i-IUv. PAINTÏSÏG. . T. LAM BERT, BEGS Icave to iniorin the ifihahitanis of Ann Aibor, and the surrounping country, iliai havitiü locéted biins'elf fn rife htnecr Vill'igc, witii tlie viesv oí crurjjrjg on l;e abovc bueiness in ail its Hinches, (soine ■of wliifh :.vp Hf)lTSE. S1ON. niH ORJW1MEATJÍ L PAINTINCr, GILDING and GLAZÍNG, GRáJNING, imitution of' al! VVoods. MARBLKlJgLXG, TRANSPARKNCiES. BAJN'AKRS, tc. respcctfully solicils a éhhr'e of public pnironac, a. his prices shall be low lö conform to the tiinesand his work dond in tbc bist wanner. T. Í-. u'ould say to Farmers thot he is particnlarly desrroua to aucnd to their calls; as produce is the best kind of pay. Ann Arbor, LowcrTown, March C, 1843. 45. - ly.DU. BAMSTÉR'S CKLEURATEDFi; AGÜE P1LLS.- Pttrdy Ve?ctubh, A eufe, specd.v, .and sure remedy lor fever and ague. dum agüe, chili fever. nnd the bilious disenses peculiar'to new coüntrics. These pil Is rae dcsigncil for the r.flbctions o1 the liver and oihcr interna] orgnns which rittend the diseases of new and miasmatic portionsof oi:r country. The proprietor having 'ried them in a grest variety of cases confidently believc s ihat tbey are superior to aiiy remedy ihnf lias ever heen ofTeied to the public íoí the abovc disea?ps. Itisp'.ircly Vegetable ; and perfectly harmless_. and can be token by anyperson, maleor female wirh perfect saf'ety. The pills are prepared in two separate boxes, marked No. 1 and No. 2. and acecompanied wiih full directions. A groat number of coi tifien rep might be procurod in favor of tliis medicine, but (lie proprieter lins thought fit notto insert them. in as nincb ns hedepends upon the nieriis of the öanié forits ppiïiatian. Theabovepill Í6 kept constanlly on hand by the proprieier and can be hnd a; wbolcsnle and rctüiiat the store of Beckley & Co. Orders f rom the country pronipdy attended to. Ann Arbor. flower town) May 2í 1.S42. 9 L. BÉCKLEY LANK DKJ-JDS. AlOJtTGAüES, &.c fbrsale nt thjs ollicc. Ann Arbor. Auust I. J843. ' , FIRÊ! FIREÜ FIREÜ! THE menibers of the Kalamazoo Mjituai Insuranee ííompafíy are hérèby noiiíjed, th'aï the assessments have been made by the directors_. on aü notes in force on the foJlovvüng days, tü wit: January Jst. 1843, 1 J, per cent. Febrtiary 20th, " í ;í - March 22d, - 1 ' " April lhh " ] " " May lst, " ï F " Sept. lst, U ; " .Making, 7 per cent. Said per cent to becast on the original amount of the premium note, wi'hoat reterence to aiiy previoas endórsemenos, nnd to be paid on or before thefirst day of November n:xt, either at the office of the compariy. or to a du!y aiuhorizid agent who will ba furnishcd with the roll under theseal of the conpany. All who neglect to pay tlieir a?sessments are referred to Seciion 2d of Amele 2d of the By Laws attached to eacii policy, for the conseqüences. Jt is confidently expeoted that the menibers will be prepared to pay theïr assessinénis pio?nptly, as by Bo doin-g, the company can relieve tlietnselves of tiieir present indebttjdnes. nnd increasc their future use'fuiriéss. Siiould any one negleci or refuse to pay when callcd upon. euits will be inslitvtcf. for the amount of the premium uotes, which in all cases will be cullected. Office of the Kal. M. Ins. Co., ? Kaiamazoo, Sept. 25, 1843. S A. T. PROUTY. Sec'y. (TFTo bepublishod in all the newspapersprinted in this Stato for three weeks and the eaitors of said papers are rcqacsted to spnd a copy óf the paper contuning the same the office of the company durir.g the continuance of the advertisement, asa voucher in the adjustment of thcir accounts. '-Tv-Mw. iiÊiSMncry & Osess IHakilsg-. Mas. G. BUFFFJNGTON, ■pESPECTFULLY aDnounccs to the in-TV habitants of Ann Arhpr and vicinify, í hal he has oponed a shop, midway, beKveen Hie upper nnd lenver vil!ag-e?,wliere the business of MILUJYERY $ 'jDRESS MJlKIJ'G will bo carried on, in ell its branches, with piiiiciiiality, despatcli, and in the best and mosl fashionablc stylo. Ann Arbor, Aprils, 1843. 50 lyCLOCKS! CLOCKS! TÍIfí liavirig jnst rêóeifêd eeverai cases of B RA SS and YVOOD GJLOCKS. oi varioiis uescripiions. is urepared to sel.l thern Cheap J'nr Cask. Also. n general assortment oi JTBWSILII.'S', consistmg in pnrt of" Gold Finger R:ngs, and Busotn Pm.s. ílüans and Crosses. Silvcr and Cominyn Thimbles, Watch Cnains and Keys, Pen 21 ! Ciises; alsoSpoons, Sugar Bowls, Euiirir Knivcs, Too'th nnd' flair Bruslics, Pocket Books, Violia Strings, Necdlcs, Pins. Mooks, and Ey. s, Spectaclea, Fine Combs, Sido Combs, Back, Pocket Comba, Water Paints. Mark ing Cotion, Steel Pens. and Twcasers, SnuiF& Tobncco Boxas, El isiics. &c. All of w!iicl w.iJ) be sold p.s qheap as at any othcr eslnblishiiient ihis tule of New York. N. B. The 8ubscriber thanUfnl for so large a abare of public patronage, siill solicita a co'ñiínuence of'ihe same. CLOCKS AND WATCHES of every dpscripiion repniied and v;urained. Algo, JEWEUlY repnired on short notice.- Shop at bis old stand dircctly opposite the Conri House. C. BLISS. Ann Arbor, Nov. 6, 1843. 2S-ly. MES. 'BVJTFÏSSGrTÖN T) ESPEC'i'FüLLY forros the Iridies of Ann XV Arbor and íls vieimty, ihat she tías jnst received her !a(est Patterns for Hals. Caps. Cloakt, nnd Dresses; and she respectfully invites them to culi and examine for ihcrnselves. She ükewisc renders them her eincere thanks for their patronogc for the past year, and begs a continua tion. J ícr efltabüshment will be found midway between ihe Upper nnd Lowor Town. Ann Arbor, Nov. 2, 1Ö4S, gö-if. 1WJHMMLES A frE-ARETAII S T A P LB A JVD FjHy C Y TIp] Suoscrioers kéëp cori&lhrïtty on linnd l;irg.e and clioice siock of DllY GOODS BOOTS AND SU O ES, Dllï GROVER IEK, $. $;. vvliich have been selecicd wi.l '.;arc, mul aro of iRè nrwcst s'ylrs n:id licsr qü-rnitrtft'i As ilioy dBceriiüued r,ot to bc amias o!J. tluy soiicil liie pationnyc oí" these wisiiir.g lp purcïins i. Aiñouíí oliicr ihiVitsioo nunicrous'.o montïon tWey li.ivè n lan'e and excolluni assoniiKMU ot' S IJ ! E'I'I N( Í % IRI Í-1 ï 'S S, SDM M KR TUFFS, CALICÓES, PULLED CLOTüS, SATINKTS. BRÖADCLOTI1S, CARkSIMBRES, GAMRROONS, L1NENS, ■CAMBRICS, - MUSLÍNS, UA.NDKERCH1BFS, , c B,mv.:t.Ridions, a very bcautiful tósDrtinont. ísihirirU, Broche, SÜt, and Thifiet. of the ricliest patiernai . Pamsulx; ot' nll Kinds, quritics. and pnces. : Hosc. and . Huff Bosc, Collón arul Wolled. Bonncli, Leghorn, 'l'u.s-an and Sutiw. Theabüvc cssqrlmgnl of GOODS wil) besojtl as chenp, or öHéaper lli'ári can be purchased in Detroit. TooL Potash, Floijr, fl and a!l kinds of P1LOJXJCE wiil be reeetved in nay inent. ABBOTT BEECÍIER, 4', Jeflersön Avenur. Jnly? 12. 18-13. (12-tí.) Detroit.ATTENTION, -; TtiHT-icceived ui tho Conejal Depot, ior th JÍ sale of CiÓtJiïers Sim-U. Mnehinery, Dyt Sit.iFs iV.e. Ac.. No. Kïi). ícffsrsoft Avenue, Detroit, the füllnwiiiír Inrírc, well assorted. and carefully selecicd siuek, viz: 100 bbls. St. Dojnipgo Logwood, Cut, 5 Tona '; " i Stick, 150 bbls. Cuba Fustic, Cut, 5 Tons iL " in Stick, 50 biis. Nic. Wood. Chipped, 50 ': J-ima Wood', " 30 " Red Wood, " ]g0 " Ground Camwood, 10 " Qoercitron Bark, 500 lbs. Nitfg&ifó, 10 Cases Extract of Logwood, 3Q0 bs. Lnc'Dy.e, 2 Ceroons.Spanïsh Indigo, 300 lbs. Sum'ac Sicily, 3 Casks Madder, 3 Cüöks Blue Vitrjol, 5 Cissks Aliirrv 2 Barrels Red Tartar. 2 Barrels Cream Turtar, 3 Cnrboys Aqua Foi tis, 5 " Oü Vitriol, 3 ii Muriaiic Acid, 500 lbs. Virdigris. 51) ' JJIock Tin, Teuseis. Twinc, Coppor Kottles, all sizca, Parson's Shcaring Mochines, Curtís' " '; Screws and Piess Platos, Cmnks, Press l'aper. Steel Reeds, Worsted Harncss. Tfiutcr Uooke, Emery, uil iNVs.. Olivo Oil, Ciotlncrs' J;icks, Sattinett VVarp, Clothiurd' Brus'ifs, Shuttles, Kekers, Ciird Cleancrs, &c. &c. The abovo, with a varieíy of other articlcs belonging to the irado, have been purchased this slimmer by the subscribers from JManufacturers and First IJnndsin tho Now York, Tliiladelpliia, and Boston Markets, and every tliing having received his personal inspeetion. he can with the utmost coTilidcncc ofFor thcin to purchasers as h". !;f:t mul. mr st cotnplstè stock in the cauntry; and as it is his iixed dotcniiinatinn (by the low rates al which ho wilj sell) W orevent tho uccessi'y of our Cloihiers and PrLmulV'urcrs leaving the State to make their purchases, hs would nierelj' say to the trade, CALL, examine the goods and acertain prices', before you say you can huy clicaper any ichtrc oise. Jic ís also j'iep:ircd to contract for CARD1NG MACHINES made in this Stare or East. PJERUE TELLEll, Sign of the Golden Mortar, 1G9. Jeflerson Avernièj [17-tf.] Detroit. A.ttei2liou, Itïvaiids. WHO has tiïed the Pk.sian' Pilis and Jew David's or Hkurkw Plastkr. and is not ready to testify that they are decidedly the best medicines now in use? Tlie above medicines have been before :he public so:ne four ycars, and physicians at. il:c E.nüiave used tlium estensively in their practice. an-.l verc they here. ttiey could iel! you of the excellent qualities of these medicines. Ri;a_dkr! Have you ever used them? JÍ you have not. ask ihosc who have if they are not wliat wereconunend ihem to bc. They are the Cfwapast as well as ihe best. Á box of piaster contains sufficient to sprend 8 or 10 plasiers - price 50 cents. The iarge Boxes of Pir.r.s contain 73 pills for f3 ccnt6: the sinall boxes 35 pil Is for 31 cents. No persons should condemn thom until thoy have tried them. and then we are surc they wül not. These medicines are fiir sale by one pr moreagents in'al! villages and ciiics m the United States. Cali on the agent, and he will give nny in'ormatlon wr.nted. ' For sale by .1. IJ. Lund, S. P. &. J. C. Jeweit. C. Ebcibach, Ann Arbor; D. M." Lndd. Milford: M. C. Bakin, Novi; D. H. Rowland. Nonhville; J. Scatteritood, Plymouth; P. Vanfivery. Frnnklin; J. Dean, Pontiac: J. MiHerd, & Son, Dcxter; Dr. Sager, Jackson. 10 - 6m. I4Ho W H O L ElfALir&rR E T A I L . éSS&Úl-hls&ii Mr4 -,; v tí -A $ SSïi&tiy 8MAIÍT8 BLOCK, 1S7 JEFFKUSON AVF.NUB, DETROIT. Keeps constantly i)r_sale a Complete .issortniebf oí iJisccllaiicjus. School and Clrisdical Bóoks; Letteiaiid C;:p Paper, plaiu and ruled, Quiüs. Ibk. Scalinj; Vuxf Cuílerj'i Wrapping Papor. Printíng Paper, of all' slzes; aud Book, News and Canister ínk. oí var:nns kinds. Fulland lialf boutid. o! 'evéry v;irietyoí Ruling. MEMORANDUM BOOKS. &c. Tü Merchn.'iüí. Teachers, nnd othets, buying, in qunmities. n lare discount madn. 8ABBATH 8GH00L & B1BLE SOCIETY DEP0S1TOR 51 -ti. CELEBRATED CHEM10AL f LASTEB. THE foilowintc is one frorn aniong the n'arx:eroi8 testimoniaía frorn -.persons of the highest respectabiHty. which the roprietorshave received. FROM DR. SWIFT OF PORTA GE CO. O. Mkssrs. H. Habris & Co. - I h.nve sold E. Dean's Chemical Plnsler to a noniber oí" individuáis in this vicinity for the cure of sore and níl.imed eyes. and I am inforrned tliat it !niver.sally efiected a cure n a phort time when it has beeu opplied acoordjng to directions. Yours rcspectftíüy, 27-lw. JSAAC SWIFT, M. D. (CTFor the disensos in which this Piaster is applicable, see advertiscinent inanother column of this pnper. E. Denn's Chemical Plnster is for sale in Ann Arbor, (Lower Tmvn.) by J. H. LUJíD. and W. & .1. W. MAYNARD. Upper CHRISTIAN EBERHACH, Town 49-ly CIÏAKLES Si. STEWART, ATTORNEY ANO COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, JEFI'ERSON AVENUE, DETROIT. 49-tf.HALSTEAD'S ■BRISE FILLS. 2& l'ir.i.s ï'oi; 25 Cknts. nniIE Erislv Pilis answer the purposo more efJL fcciually for nny disease for wlncli .iny olhci piH is rcco.-nmenflcil, and superadlo ilion oliogetfier in medical excellence nnl vinuo. ]i yöu doubt ihis. jtist t)-y will CüSt you only fVü sfiilfiffgS - hd Üifffi you. willi me. Wfíl lic sntis lied. ' ihty ure tuu wliat I icooiiinieml yhem 10 b,i. (.'ciiDiincn jltgin ptid put iliom (iown. fot caniMt consoi: ntioiisly vrcohimcnd hcm lor ;i cnro ;ill lor c-vciy t!iin. But líiis I da s:y, vvitliout )c;w of (..uti.idiction. liiat 110 pülö are llnu cquiil ia rqmdvína difon.scs oríginmiiig in the siotiiüch ir!)()VL','s." For liver nnd bilioua díécases!, surh ;is dum ayuc, fover ;ii)d ogue. iritcir iitittaiH ar.d iciiiiiiiüi levers, iiio Brifck })i!!s posséés pcei.iliar proporties fo'r th'éi'r ëpec'dy rem'ovat. Froin ten ye;ns expeHence as a prnetiyin;r physi-cian. I am convinccd tlvit none can c(ik1 thtmi. - Lténd wimt other pillsaregüod forj and wíiátthey wijl eure. and it' t!ie Brisk are not superior tu tíiem n!l. then discard tïielfüse. Do not beücve all that is snid about an infalliUIe pi! I - !h;ü i)'v er faifa to curcany disonsc - but tiy ilie J3riak Puls - the chenpest pilla iu usc - 2S p:l!a lor 25. een 16 - nnrl then yon will have a clinnce. to j'tde of (heir rnerit ordemcrit. As a Lilood clennscr. and a purilier to t'ne diseased systcm. tliey perJia)s su'porgcJip every pi]! in uuc. 'ïhvy are qüick and ensy n the öpeintion. giving lift; nnd tone to all tho (orpid organs; throwing oiTimpure inatters r Inmiory; J e ;i v i j j y t'ic systom lualihy and clean. Pilis s il! ihat any ono niedieioe can dp.notwi I - fnndingthe gretit show of wordt? and fict'irious eer itleatcs. We nre dett nuincd to let these oills stand pon tiicir owji reiutution. win or loose. All ré ;isk iV, for n fnir arï3 mpariial tr:a'. Tlu y nn 1)0' tnktn by o!d and yonnu;, rt nny time vvirii leiirct saict-y. 'I'lioy ;iri ,-iii c.'icclli'iit medicine 'or c!)ildreri. Ibr worrns, Sec. Jn n word, tlnv possess all tho oiK'.üiKTS of an nperient pill for fninüy use. They have cured niuny disensee whieh no otiver inedecine could remove. In conclusión J i=.iy. do iKitifivii up or dpspair. of a cure until yon have tried the Jitisk Pilis, for tliey do possess prctiliar proporties ónfl virtnes. For .Sale by S. P. & J. C. Jewett. C. El)crbacli, Ann Arbor;. D, 11. Rowland, Jforthville; .T. S. Peatïergood, l'lymouth: J. Dean, Pontinc; J. B. Dickson. Mf. Clemens: Maitlnnd fc Co., Romeo; Sprapue & Co., Rochcster; Churcli & Burchard, N. ' P. Jacobs, J. Owen Sc Co., Detroit. ]O-()tn TO WÖÖb OB.OWSRS. WOOL CARDING Sf CLOTH DRESSING.THE ubscrfbers respect fully annonnco to the citizens of Ann Arbor and vicinity, that tlvy are prepared to card Wool and dress Cloth for custorners, in the best stj'le, and at the shortegj noti'ce. liaviiig guod maclüncry. esperienced workmen. and long pranice in the business, ihey liavc' thé utmost confidence that they sb.ill give ampie satisfact.on to thoso who favor theni vmh i.heir putronagc. Woólcn Factory. The subRcribers iave on hand FULL CLOTJIS and FLAIN'NELS. i'nanufaciured by themselvcs. - ALSO- A large ntnount of Satinctts of a spcriorqualUy. whieh they puruose to oxchnngo lor wool. TER MS. One yard of Cloi!i wíTÍ be given for two nnd three fotinh pounds of wool n the fleecè; tlie clotli to be of the sanie quality the wool willrnake. - also - One yard of ïïnnncl for one and a half pounds of wool. Thankful for past favors. the stibscrijers would respectfully solicít a sharc of public patronage. J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor, Au pust 2T. lii'ó. 17-tf. Webratëd CHEMICAL PLASTEE, 27te most rjfcclval rcimdy yel discovéred for fflievmalism, Fcver ÍSo?'cs, TV hile l$iveU ings, Injidmma lion in the JEyes, tíivclled Tliiout in tëcarUl Fcrcr, Qiti'nscT, miIE CHEMICAL TLASTER :s an importJL ant remedy ior those who are aiïlicted with elironic and inilaiinnatoi y coippjajnts, by iis easng pain. cóuiitéVacting inflaniniation, and ivirig peedy relief by its active, ö'.rengiheninii. anoiyne. dinjiWoretic and conntc.rirri.tant properties - in eflectual remedy forChnniic and Iniilaininatoy Klieumncifm, Aguo in the Breast, Scnlds, iiurns. Bruises, Scrofula, Ulcers, Old Sores of lmost every deactiption, Cankered and öwfeili (i Throat ar sin g {Vöhi Scarlet Fever; Felons. White Svelliii26, Chilbiains, &c. ' Persons snübring 'romLiver Coinplaintp, l'ulmonary disenges, Jnflamination of thjg Lungs, with pain in the sidc, ack or Htnbs. will íí nel -relief by the use of tliis Piaster. In all cases it rnay bc used with perfect safety. E. DEANS CHEMICAL PIASTER ís, put up in boxes at filty cents and oue dollar caen, with fuü directions accompaiyingeacli box. Manufactured and sold whnlesule by H. HARRÍS & CO.. Ashtnbuia, Ohio. sole proprietois. to whom all orders sboiild be 'iddressed. Sold aiso by their Agents ihroughout ilie country. (CFA liberal discount made to dealers and physieians. For testimoniáis and cerlificates from -personsof the biirliest especubility, wlio have u?ed the Chemical Piaster, see another colunui oi' ibis paper. Forsnle by ilie following Agents in Michigan: II. W. Rood. Míos, J. C. Lfirrimore. " ■ C. Skanahan. Edwnrdsbiukh. Wiii, ). Austin, Wliite Pieon. Isnac Benlinrn. .Ir.. Conatnniine.' Dan!. L. Ki(nl(.uly. Schosjbwjifi. H. B. Hu5!on,&F. ilnrch.jr PM Kalamazoo. Jinies W. CotHren. P. !T. Galesbnrgh. Ij. Bolkcom, P.' M. Battie CreeltJames M. Parsons. P. M. Marshall. Paul Raymond. Druggist. Jack'son. Win. Jackson, P. M. Leoni. Halo and Smith. Giass Lake. John C. Winans. Sylvan, J Millerd & Son, Dexter. Thomas P. May. Jr. Plymouth, Perin &Hall, Northvillê, Mead & MnCarthy. Farmington, Peter Van Every. Franklin, Jiiiins D?nn. Puntine, Mack & Sprague, Rochester, Jaiv.os Pirpliens. Utica, E. C. Gallup. Mt. Clci'nens, G. &J.G. JIü!, lrfi,ijí# Jonn O wen Co. y Dr. Thos. M. Sweeny, Dearbornville, JÍ. Sarneon, Ypsilanti, J. [Í. LUND, ) W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Aibor. CHRISTIAN EBERBACÍI, ) 't 9-1 y tZeïFF 'ba &1 TA2SSFF. GOODS ARE CIIE4B AT GÁRLANDS. JIJST receiyedat the Farmers and Mechanica Store, direct f'rom New York, a general assortráentof choice pnj select GOODS, cons:sting.of all mos', every atticle wantod, Slifiétings Sliirtincs', Broad Ciotlis, Casaiñicrc, Calicóes. Drilíins, Gnmbíoons, Lir.ens, Umbrcllns, Rililjons. (;'ravatfl, Mous. de Inins. Silks, Shawls, 'JJnnntits. J Jais, Silgar, Tea nnd Coiice. Crockery, Boots and Shoes. Iookina Classes, fco. Src. All ofwhich will be sold chènp as ihe cl.copest. Goodspurchnsers v,-i!l keep in mind the Farm-; ers andMechanics Store C. J. GARLAND. N. B. Any goodspurchascd of hini not givng satisfaction in price and quality can be rcturncd. Ann Arbor. (Upper Town) June 12, 7(f FLOUR BARRELS for fsnlo Cheap for Cash, by C J. GARLAND. 2 Ann Albor, Upper Towa, May 5, 1843 IPeters Filis. 'Tís íua theysay to get wcll with them, ALL innnkind througb.out thcir widc and in mcnsc circulution, ihot ever try them con . lujue 10 huv ifiem. Peïers' Pilis ore pirrdy veg , eioblo; Üwy' woik no mirneles, nor do thcy pro , ïes .-to-cure all distes, bccaiiw tlicy aio ij 'scientiiie compoimd ofnrpgiiteï pbVsiciui, wh , !ns made liie prdfesstón the stúdy of üè hie. Ui [ Peters is a gradute of Yule College, also oí tli i Massac.buseUS Medical College, and lias some . whaulistingiiishcd liinisclf8 a man oi scienc andgeniuö nniong the fnmilyof the Inte (x.v Peters. Peters' Vegetable Pilis are simple iichci üreiOVAíiPO, mud in thcir lotion, ihomiijili i , ilioiropcraiioiumdunrivnlled in ilxjir rcMir,.- 'l'lie tosvn and country öre fitted with t hei praisc. Tbc aud ihe poor house alil; echo with dieft virtucs. In all cliinates they wil retain thcir wondo'rful powers and exer them ■ unahcred by ago or situaiion, nndthi the voiceofa gratejjll comuunmy procliumed.-Peters' Piïls pruveiü- keep oft' discases ïF-Uniêl; used. ;.nd have !io rival in curiug billioüs fever fever' and ugue.dyspepsia.'liver complainis.croup sick head.-ichcjaundice, as;hmn.dropsy. rhcunin lism.'onlargement oi'lhe p!en. piles, colic. fe maleobstniciiori. keart bum. furred tongue. n:iusen, distenuon of the utomaeh nndbowels. inuipi ent diarrhoen, flatulenee. habüual costivencss lass of appc'.iie, bloched. or sallow complexión and in ail eaocs ofiorpor' of the bowels, wherc n enchartic or apcrieiu is imlicnted. Rroducjm neiiher nraisea, gri'ping or dcbility; and ive iu pi-m :il! who by ïlieni cominue to try them. The most iriiimphun; success has ever atten ded iheiruseand enougii is aiready known o tl;éii) to imniortaüze and hand them down to pos terity with theiinprovenieins oítlie age in ihed ical science. Dr. Peters . was bred to the healing art, and in ordi.-r to supply dem.imls, lie has oiuíinated nnd e.'.lled tc bis aid the only stean driven in the world ibr pill working 'Tis perfect, and its process imparts to the pil esseminl vi'rtue. becatise by being perfect!} - do you henr thnt! while a host can testify llia t ihey believa they owe thcir .salvation Irom disense and death to Peters' Pil!, and if calóme and knivesnre getting partialiy into disuecwe are oniy mistaken. Certifica tks. - Tbis paper could be fillcd witli them by residents 'of Michigan, by your friends antí neighbors - ask ouraents. It is now well known thnt the people will hnve Petere' Pilis, and to hinder vyould be toatop ilic rushing wind. 'Price 25 or 50 cents por box. The resfijfleèöTöröé of these fuths - their universal reception, iidded to the U'stimony of millions. "keep it before the people'' mustand will be henrd throughont tliis vale of tears. 'vi Thcir happy infiucnee ia }oung Indios while stiiïering un'ior the usual changea of liie hs iiirêcte'd by the laws of nature, they impart o buoyancy of heart, feelint; and action, an elnatic step., velvet cheek, Lillyand carnation complexion hy their action on 'he chyle, A'.e. and ladies in delic;ue situattons always admit thoir power ant! in nocence, nnd take them two or thiee at a time without in the slightest degree inemring the hazard of an abortion; vvnich fncts art. of the uttnist importance. Pimples; a young lady sent lier love to Dr. Peters, and saysshe feeisniore gratefu! (Ji him for the restoration of her beauty tlian ifhehad savod her life. 'Tis fun to get wcll witli Peters Pilis. for tb,ey cnuse the blood to course aslimpidand gentle through the veins as a mountain rivulet; 3 or 4 is a coramon dose, henee the patiënt is not comellcd to make a mea!. TPvOUBLE ÍN PLUTO'S CAMP. Quite astonished Oíd Pinto cameto New Ycrk. ( Hearing Peters had got liis Pill Engine at work,) To rosign his commission, his hoiir glasa and - scythe; I llave come to deliver them all up to you - Sir. my calling is over - my business is through; I have been for three years in a terrible stew, And Ireally don't krrow what on carth I'am to do;- Not of your ibighiy sire do I come to coniplain. But a tárnal New" Yorker, one PETERS by name; Tho diseases my aids. in this war of mankind, Are subdued by this Peters, what help can we find? . I would yieldhimN. York. sir, if there he wonld stay; But, sir. Peters will have the whole world for his sway. While muping in council what course to pnrsue. That Engine of Peters broke lorth mto view. The Kingöf terrors 'ookcd a wliiK'. As ihough his soul waa turred to bile, At that unsparing scourge óf ills, By all men known as Peters' Pilis. These Pilld ot Peters' stop the alaughter. And leaves the blood as pure as water. Now Peters makes, I'veheard himsay, Frve hundred thousand pills a day; So that the chance is-very small Of people dyinjr there at all; For sonn the chceks. so markcd for doom, Begin like any rose to bloom. Look Iijkc! a.U, icho try them continue to btiy ihr,m. For sale as follows, by Messrp. Bench & Abel. G. Grenvüle. F. J. i. ("rane. Maynard. &. Co.. G. Wafd, S. P. & J. C. Jèweït, J. II. I.üncL l. Recker. Dick Mison & Cogswel). and ë. KJones, Aun Arbor:.Geo. Wíirner& Co-, nnd J. Millerd Sc Son. Dexter, Wm. A. L. Shaw. Lima; J. C. Winans. Sylvan, Half, &. Smith GrassLake; W. Jackson. Leoni: D. T. Merri. man. Jackson; M. A. Shoemnhpr. Micliigan Centre; Brotbersón & Go.. L: V. Kic-f & Gilbert. Manchester; D. S. Haywood. S'-'lme; .Snow &Keys. Clinfon; J. Scattergood & Co., Plymouth; Slone. B.ibcock & Co., and Julins, Movius & Co., "i'psilamï: Pierre Teller. Detroit: J. & J. Bidwèll. and Dr. Underwood. Adrion; ifart & Mosher, SpringvHle; Harmen & Cook. Brooklyn; Smith : Co., Jonesville; L. M. Bbycèt Chicago - and nlmost cvery whereelse. Ocf.m ISJg o7_IyMISS E. PAGE. Piuncïpal. Miss Wkst, Teacher n Miisic. JNlis. IIor.HS, " Drawingnnd Paitninc. JMrs. ídau?. ij;rs, : F:eiuh. do do " Mm hematíes. Miss L. Ward, " The Primnry Depart'm THE' ensiiing term of Miss 'P's. Seininary cununencoson TnosiJay. 29 h jist. TER. MS OF T11T1ON. In the Enghsh branches, ('rom $2 50 to 4 50 per (jii'irter oí twelvc weelts; Lessons on the Piorno, wiih the uso of the instrument, ,$J0; Drnwin and Paintiusr. $4 50; Lnün.'SOO: Frencli. $:Í00; Fancy Work, aoo; Jionrd. 1 50; YVashinp nd Ironing, Wè cents per dozen. Ko pupil wil 1 be received for ess than one quarter, and no deduction will 1)0 made for absance except in e;iscs of i!l health. Among tlie Books used in School are - Paley's Niiuirnl Theolpgyaiid Kvidcnccs of CliristiVinity - Alicrcroniliie on the Inicüectual and PiLiriil I'owors - Kaïne's Elemenlsol' Criticismo - Whatcly's L05ÍC - Jiimjeon's Ilhetoric - Mï$. Lincoln's Botnny - Parker's Natural Philosophy - Cv)instoclc's Cliemistiy eind Phyéiotbgy - ]';■ ritt's Geogrnphy of tho Jicavons - Pinol p's Lc-g;d Classics - Hollin's Anciont Hislory wiih Uut lar's Ancient Atlns - jplayfaïfs Eüelid - Davie's Algebra and Arithmetic, witli Coihuin's - Mitcl'.cll's Geography - Goodrich's History U. States. Al! the friends of Edncation are requesied to. visit the school on Thursdnys, wlien llie lessons of the past week are revievved, and cornpositious react The Supórlnicndent of Public Instruction. the Professors of tlie University, and the Ciergy of Ann ArboH' hnvc consented to act asa visiting (ioniniittce to the Schuil. As t'ie most decisr'vó tcsttmony. in fnvor o! nnv instiiulion. is to be obteiped from those who are best acqu.'iinted wiili the suiijieis upon which it nperates, Miss P. refers for information to the pnrentá and jruardians of hai' papils - a catalogue of whose names will be furnished to those ir 1 erested in theenquiry. JS-lf. OF nll kinds nently extcued ;u '-he tóigna. Office, at the shortost notice, and 011 the ni'st reaonaWo térros, Oircnlsurft. ïSaSdfosllS' wiU ue prtntcü to oidor, . iny inau, wuji the utmost accuracy. TT Orders by mni! promptly (llled. For Ssüe. ONE yoke of WülíKING OXEN. Enquire at the Hat Store of H. BAGG. Lowcr Town. Ann Arbor, May 29, 1843. 5-tfAND TX j Miss. E. HAMMOND, AssíLA,T JL mer.ce.on ftlondny, Nov yo „Ja ' ciiuell weeks. Whileih.seehcofQ ' "?,d Cmim!I ofboth séxeswbo KhUioSyOmi educntion, particular aitcntio'n wlll Y ■ 8d lióse wlio are pic}).:riig to tecuh 'y,sVcn to aiYe and unintcriuptéd aticntion of tU .exc'uwill be giyjsn io impart a practica] knnJ?ir'?cipB ihc Unglisl, He oeiu, a?edge'of an hour daüy n lecturing, wítl tL?aid1?,íi lialí paiaius. ímneinls, or. otherwiso. ü"neap ArPAUA-rus.- 'í'he Jnsihuti'on c r wiih Chemic-nl. Philosophtcal. and Ástroí"'8 apparatus. Surveying Instruments C n0Rllcal solide, &c. to ihe amoum of S'Joo'. ,e0Blctricnl Cübinot of Minerals woi ih $50 ■ ' a Sd Tuítion in the conunon KnÚBvLn , diuliñg Composi.ion and öHmS ' trooowy, Ilistory,, 72J# A.. Geouietry, Surveying, Ac. froni & %, Ael". MMkörime bnd Chinese or TW ?5'k ;:cacHorl2lesSoJ18!lhng Tire tuición is to be pnid nt thé ml in term. No cteduction In, aneï J ft ?f be -eceived Cor le&s (han fiveoné l,Bir "e. Wilj Books may be had of M,e Sálfíf pi-íces. 'o" at Detroit BoAitD. Tncluding room and v-w $l,0flto $1,50 -peí week; foíflh nf' from' ,heap forscholnrsto board, eiSvt' ' h'rcd R;v. I. M. Wer,b. Rev W?S M. !.. G. and E. M. Sk nn fení P llcn' íy ëönsented to ferm a vS S !a ,nnt at jho Week reviewïo ÏÏ J;'0 at the public examinatfon oí the school X Ypsilonti, Oct. Ï6, 1S43. g, gssTZkeacadímy; - : TEACHERS %&MtffÍtr npiHE winter term Öfthïs Insmu'ion v] M' pnst year ,t has been undr ,!)C c of Mr BAR ment, audchscplinel.vcb.ensucl'aJ.o ot mend it to our cordial approbaiion and ihat of h patrons gcnerally. m ua TUITÍON. For tho commo!) English broncees, ♦' an The Natán! ahd Mhen.atieal Sciences,' SS Latín, Gieek and Civil Engirreeri, iV,Q Bonrd may beobtained in tbc virinity at Vi íft per wek'Xtbe tefn. toVon9istof eleven wefks Ihel ruatecs ore Rboiu their buildin, tlie Chape!, nna Recití tion Rooms, wlnch wiil bê hnished for the uccedi-Dg terrn. Wil! students apply as near the openinc of thn term as possible. FQSTER TUCKER, v , Secretary of tlie BoanJ. GrassLake. Oct 23. 1849. 26-4 GREAT BARGAÍÑS " IN iABYBEJL8_TO8 ! Y HJILL O CK $ RJl YM0jI) WOÜLD respectfuliy inform the citizena of Ann Arbor. añil i;;e Stare í;eneralíy. that they hoye now on hand the LARGEST ajid CHEAPEST stock of READY MADE CL0THING" to be fpund at any es:ablishment in this Slate, which they are deterrnined to sell at p: ices loicèr than wero befare oííered, and ti;ey confidently invite all persona in want of "Roády Nade Clolhing," visiting Dotroit, to cali ot their establishment, ''Comer of Jrffcrsnn (nul Woudwart Azemics," in tlie new brick bloek, l'hotnix Br-iüimgs. where they will find. every vaietyofgaments suitablé for Kftnlleuien's Fall or Winter wear. and they bciieveat prices from J 5 to.25 percent cheuper than they can obtain thetu in atiy oíher vvay. Also, a very choiee selection of "Broad Elotl2s? Cfassimeres, and Vestiiígs," wiiicii they are prenared to ríianulac'.ure to order in a superior uianner nnd stj'íe not lo be e.reelled i ii he Ci.7 of New York or elawhtre, Garments aiwuya warranted to f.t and picase or no sale!! Alto, a very heavy Stock of DOMEST1C CLOTHS. PJÍ,OT nnd BEAVER CLOTHS. Ui.'LGïC CLOTHg, SATTINETS. VVÏNT.ER TWEEDS, and every variety anddescription of goods suitablé lor í;enüenitn's wëaring appare!, all of which ehall bé sold vzrij low for cash, or e.xchanged for Produce at mnrket pricos. All (hoí-é wisliiñg Barrainsn any of the nbové artich-s arr invited to cali at the "FASKIONABLE.CLOTHÍNG EMFORIUM". of the sub'scrib'ers. Cor. oí JeiTcrson and Woodward Avfinucs. Detroit. HALLOCK & RAYMOND. Detroit. Rept. 28, 1 &','■. 23-lf Strayed TTTROM the siibscribéf, in ihe fown of Snline JL abcut tl-e 2üüi uL Jnly last, two yoke of Red Oxrn. Ono yoke wcrc oi íarge s;ze, and one of tliem n parle red, vfhh a vope arnund his lunns when they went away. rJ'he yoke were of middüng size, and one of ihem had a white 6pot in ;hé forehnad, and eoir.6 white on one of his hind leg?. They are aboVit ten years oid. WhoGver will reiurn said oxen, or.giva intorrnaíion where they may bq íóiind. lo Mr. Pord, or to Mr. Van fhisen. in Saline villase, or to tiie subscriber in the town of High land, Oaklmid couúty, shall be liberaüy iwnrdod. ' HIRAMBARÍtETT. . Octobcr 2, 18'Í3. 23. Ldministrstor's JSSotice. T1IE undeigigrjed hoving been appointcd by the J.udgp of Probate for the county of Watthtcnaw, adniinistratora on tho cstatc of Josinh Beckley, laic oí ööid county, ciecea3ed; and having given bonds a3 requircd by luw, hcreby give notice to all pesons jndebtcd to said estáte to inake itfiinedLitc pnyment to them, and all persons having claims agninet said estáte to present them properly attesied foradjusttrient. MINERVA BECKI-EY, Administratrice. LUKE BECKLEY, Adininistrator. Ann Arbor, Sopt 23, 1842. 2'W5 r?IROM the öuiisciiber in rtlanclicster. WashJl_ tenaw coun'íy, about thn tcnih ol Jujy 1oLt a fnini sorrel or roan colovcd mare, etippü'seí ta no eieven yoarsold, meclium sizo. whiie baclíí'eet wiih a large scar on one hoof, made by i split, and bsinaliswèHing on lier back. cnnseii y ridmg; inoirtli ■ mucti bit-worn, and whiie iak in hei face. Any information concorning nid mare ■ wül be thankfully recci vod, or assistnce in securing her to the ownor shall be liberly rowarded. GEO. J. JBARKER. Manchester. Jufy 23. 1843. 19-3w. r tuk iwri-.rt Mir.t (owkr town) ann arbor. 7 BOO'i'fJ would respect fully inlovm the li inhabimnlsof Ann Arbor and vicinity thai c conuniu:8 the business of the old .stand; in the Paper Mili. Oíd Boofca ill bc neatly reböund on short nolice. Al! kinds of RULING done to order.- üuntry produce laken in payiaent. April 1D, 1Ö43. 52tfChccse. -pOR Sale by & ]. and; Ann Arbor, Upper Town, May 5, '43. 2


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