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F1RE! FÍREÍ! FIREÜ! THE mcmlTS of the K;ilamaoü Mutirii In suranco Oompany are hereby notined, th; the ioliomng ofseSsmentö hnve buen mado by th direciors. on all noiea in force on the followin days, to wit: jnnnary íst, 1843, U Pr "' Februury 20th, " ] March 22d; April llth '; rfi May lst, l ■ sept. ïst, ; t Making, 7 Per cemSaid per cent (o be.past on ïheoripinol amounto the premium „oteTPthout relerence to n,y pro vioas endorsemen nd to be paid on or before thefirst d.iv of November, entier at the office of the compnny. or t a áúy authorfztdjrgel who wil! bc furnishcd with the .oll under the sea. of the companvAll who hegfect to pny t!.p:r assessmenTs are referred tojS.ociipn 2;i of ArticleSd of thé'By Lnws attacheil to each poücy, for the conscquences. , , ,, It is conhdeïnly exnected tlrtt the mombérs wilJ beprepnrcfl tpá"y thèir óssfS3ments ■;- 'as by so dpinp, ibí compp.ny can reheve themeelves of tlicir present iiidebteiJnes, nnd ificronse their future asefuhiess: Shoiild any ono neIeci or roHist! to pny when cnlied upon. suus willbe Í7istilnt'jl for the nmount of the premium notes, which in aJJ cises wil! !); collected. Office of the Kal. M. Ins. Co., ? Kaiiunazoo, Seot. ■.'.. 1813. S :■. T. TROüTY. Sec'y. mTo be publis'ived in all the newspapersprinted in this State for fjiice weeks nnd i1.e efli'or? of' said papers are rpfuestc"l to Riad a cupy of the ...paper cout iinin? the simo to the ofHce of the company clmii ir the contiounnpè óf the aflvertisement. asa voucher in the ádjustincni j)f thoir aecouniy. 0'T. L Am BE UT, BEGS leave to inform ilier inhnbitnnis of Ann Arbor. and the iurr.aunding country, that havjlig locatcd hinisclr in the Lviccr 'Piilags, "vuil ihe view öf cn:rying on the above business in dl its branches, (some f-which ere nnïTSvjfiL PION. u! ORXAMEXTJT. PdI.XTIJ'G, GILDING Dnl GLAZIG. ORAI ING, aj&nita'inn of !l W n-xis, 3T.R Ï'LFIZJNG. tRANSPARENClJMWAN.M.riS, &c. respectfuJIy sti!:c!ts ;iUwe of piiüfrc' patronage, ns tWs primes slmll ! !w in conform to the linies and his uork done in tbc best nianner. T. L. ,von!(] sny to Farmers thntjjeis particularly desirous i nttoml. to their calis, as produce is the best kind óf pfc. AnnArbor, LowerTown, Mare!; C 13. -i.". - I y. DR. BANISTER'SOI-XLT.IlATr.l) FEVKR AGÜE l'JLLS. - PmA' ' tablt. A safe, specdy. and snw rötnedy jÉÊÊt lever and ague, d::.n -'::"f. oliÜlfover, and tfF bilimjs diseji-egpocuüar t0 new bounlfies. These pills nre desuatá '"or the affecüons of tbeiiver.-indoïhfjriHB orgnns vvJiich attend tlie disenöw of new and nüaörnalic portioneofoir co-:ü;.'VTho proprictor liav:n: uietl them in a. prcól vsriety cf c;;sc5 ixmfideruly beliove? that they are'8uperior to nny ecmedy that Isas ever been ofTeted to the public lor ihe above diseases. Itispnrely Vrgclnhlc (fld pc:loctly harmless. and enn hc taken by rny person, nialeor female with perfect snfety. The pilla are prepored ?n two separate bnxes, marked N. 1 and o. 2. and acecompanied wiih üill directions. A grent number of cortifientes iniglit be proctired in favor of ibis mocficlne, but ihe ., proprieter has thjaught fit notto insert them, in as much as hedepeno's upon the nierils ojf , the sime for its repiitatin. Tlie abovepül iskept conatnntïy on hand by the proprlSr nnd can be Radatwholeèalé nnd rotrii! at the store of Beckley & Co. Orders from tlie èöinury prompiiv attended to. Ann Arbor, (lover town) Wnv '2( 1H42. 9 L. BECKLEY. CELEBRA TE D CHEM10AL PUSTÉIT.' THE fpílpwipg is olio rom aüioiig the numeroL-s tesiirnpnials fröm persa of, tin highestrespectabiiity, wbich lliê profirie'tors iiave received. FROM DR. SWIFT OF PORTAfiE CO. O. Messrs. H. Harrjs & Co.- I soá E. Dean's Cjhemicnl Plasser to n nuaioer of individuáis irí thf? viciniiy hr the cue óf sort anó inflamed eyand I nm iiftrmed ihal it Hiyver8ally effeeteíPa cure in a shoit time wlien it hís beea applied acoording to directions. Yours resoectfuüv. 27-4w. SAi&GSWIFT; M. D. (ET'For the disenses in wluchthis Piaster is npplicaijlc. see adveriisenicni in arioiher column of this paper. E. Dean's Chemicnl PIns'.er is fot ,Ie in Ann Arbor, (Lo'.ver Tnv.n.) by J. H. LUND, r.'.y] W. S. & 3. W. M WNATID. } Upper CHRISTIA?! EUEnA.Cn. Tówn 49-1 y ATTENTION, %sSL&k JUtóT received .u ihe G.-ner;il Depot, ior tlu sale of daúíior's' Stock, Machitiery, Dyc KtufFs &c. &c., No. i:;i. Jcff-riun Avenue. Detroit, the foltawing lari.-'.1, wcil assortédj and carefully selecied stock, viz: 100 bbls. St. Domingo Loguood,. G"t, 5 Tons ': in bnck. 150 bbls. Cuba Fustic. Cut, 5 Tons !: ■ inStickP 50 bbls. Nic. Wood. Chippc 50 i' Lisn.i Wood, ': 30 u Red Woo.l. " 121 " Gi-oumi Caiawood, 10 " Q,uercitron Bak. 5')0 lbs. Nutgalis, 10 Cases Extract of Logwood, 300 lbs. Lnc Dye, 2 Ceroons SpaiuRflndigo, 300 lbs. Sumnc öicify; 3 Cnsks MndJer. 3 Cnsks Bi u e Viuiol, 5 Casks Ál 2 Borrels led Tnrtar. 2 Barvels Crea in Tirmr, 3 Carboys Aqun Fortis, 5 " O.l Viiriol, 3 il Müriatic Acjd, 500 lbs. Vinh'giis. 5J ; Block Ti, Teasé's. Twino, C'p;)cr Kettles, all size.3, Pnrson's Sjïearing M.icliines, Cuitis' " " Screws and Prt?s Pinte?, Cranks. Press P.ipor, Stnel Rrcds, Worsied flarnpss. Terfter Hooks, '0 Emer; , al] No's..' OïiveOil, Cloihiers'.Jrirki. iinitinott Warp, Clothiers Brushs. Shtittle3, Piekers. Gnrd (.'le-üiors. &c. Sic. The above, with a vnrieiy of oiher anieles belonging to tlie trnde. have been pnrehnsed tliif cuinmer by the subscri()crs from Mannfncturors and First Hands in the New Yo;k i hiládeíphfo. and Boston Markets, and every thing Kanng received his personal irisñection. he cáji witii thr utmost contidcncc ó tliem to purebnsers zs.ihb best and mesí compite stochm 'lie coimiry; Jinc as it is his fixed dotermination (by the low rates at which he will sell) o nrevent thc necessi'y oí our Clothiers and Manu'urerr, leavuíg the State to make their parchases, kr. vould mèreh Bay to the trade. CALÍ,, examiüo Uii íjoods and ascertain prices before you say you can buy cheaper any irht'c else. líe is also prepared to contract for CARD1NG MACHINES made in tlns Stare rir E.tsf. PÍERRE TELLER, Siga ofthsiïol'Ien Mortar, 139, Jeflerson Avenue, [17-tf.] Detroit. CIIUÍIJ II.ÏTEWART, ATTORNEY ANO COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERA, JEFFERSOU AVEKUEi DETROIT. 49-t.


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