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River Baisin IcstituteTHE winter tenti of liiis j ns.'ittï tion wi!I I menee the first Wednesday of November est, and comimie 15 weeks. it is pleasantly situaled in the town of Ilaisin, one miie east of the direct rond fröm Tecumseh to Adrián. Rooms. - 'J hereare now on the premises suitable rooms for fJio neconinioclation of iö'r'fy studc-iits. which nrc desiirned to hc occupietl ibr ■ vatestudy anJlodgin. Oihor nwx-éiary byildnrs :rc provitíc ! (jr ;cci;.-;üon ntid boardmg. - Mfcst students wil! ptobuhïy honrd thofi éeTvëè. Exi'e.vsks. - Tuisiort lor fifieen weeks, co;tinion branches 4 dolj.irs. IJiirlu-r English branches, inoiuding Greeli and La:in. 5 dollars. Room rent 8 cents per weel:, incidental oxnenses 50 cents per term. Smdc-nts are expected to l'urnish whatever they wish. to use in thcir roorns except andiroris.. Suidents who have to bny their hooks will do wel! io defer so doing, end buy them herc. ] The schoul is open to all appiicants of suitnbl.e age and moral c.haracter irrespective of éomptéiion or condition. "Il is very desïrr.ble that all who design, toattend school should bc ready to commence with the term. otherwise there ciainot bc a regular i-lassificatior. of the stndents. and without sueh classilkaiion coinparatively linio atlvancenient can hc made in study. Any 'further inforrri.atio'n rcppecuns; the lnstntion can be obtained ly ad-' dresinji, "post paid. JOHN PATCHIN, Principal. Raisin, Leinwoc Co., Mich. Rnisin. Oei. 3, 1813. ' 24-3w. Atteiiiïoia, fisavalidg. WHO has tricd the Pbrsiah and Jew David's or Hfurkw Plasteh. and is not ready to tc-stiiy that they are decidcdly the best medicines now in use? The above medicines have beer. befare "lie public sofríe four, and physicians at :he Eist have tssed them cxiënsively in thcir prncücü. and vc:c tliy hcre, tliey could toll you of tl'.c excfiüent quajitic-s of these medicines. Rkadku! liavc you ever used them? lf you have not: askihose who have if they are not whai. we recomrñeiui ílwm to be. rl'hcy are the Okeapsst as w.ell ps the Iicsr. A box of jlasier coniañre snfTicicn'i to spread 8 or 10 plasten - price 50 cents. The large Koxcs oí Pir.r.s con-' tain 7o piils ibr 03. cents: the wal! bnxes X) i]Is lor '.'A cents, rio perrons ali.-juld condcinii iliem uniil ihcy have ried (hem. and tlien we are suic they will not. These n edicines are for sale by one or more agen t in al! vülasand c lies in the United State3. C:ü on the agent, and he will give any ïniormation wiinted. For sale by J. H. Lund. S. P. & J. C. Jev.-eit. C. Eber'hach, Aun Árb'ojr: IX M. Lnód. .Müfnrd: M.. C. Eakin. Novi: D. H. ftowland. Nonliville; J. Scattersood, Plymoutlv. P. V:niivory. Franklin; .T. Dean, Pontiac; J. Mil'fn!. & Son. Dexter; Dr. Snwr. Jackson. IO-6m. Mns. C. BUFFFINGTON, ■pESPECTFULLY ann-uiaces to vhe ini-V babitánte of Ann Arbor and vicinity,ihat .he hns openerl a shop, rnkhvny, between tíie upper and lower vi!!ojrei?,where the business of UILLLYERY $ DRESS MAKING will bo arricJ on, in all its branches, with ptmctiiality.clospatch, and in the best and most lasliionnblo slyle. Ann Arbor, Aprils, 1343. 50 ly G5íTa V K S T ft E S MONL7WENTS, TOJB'taELES, 'tac. nníIB subscriber has a hirge assurtnuiu of X Marble. of the best quality, suilable for Cïuavk Sto.nks. Mo.mi-.ikvtí. tSc. whif:h hc will 3ell etieap ior cash. or exchangè for produce, at bis old stand, Nü. 00, Woodward Aveuue, Detroii. Persons wisliirig to buy will do well to cali, as they viil l.c sold inuch ciieaper than have ever been afforded in this ötate, and ofa Q,uaiuy that cannot iail to please. VM. L. PETERS. Dotroi!, Oct 27. 1P42. ' 29- ly iWiirder & Suicide! PASSING your sircelsa few dayssince, I was ilmost horror tirnck in noticing a continnal jirotractcd inurdcr. Citnlp",$t Store in town - ;New Ynik Wholesale and Retail Ckr.ap cash Store" "BuiTdo Chcap Store" led ine to aU wlièi-Q T snw the ';Kings Englisli" Ï4 tnanghx!, biecdiiiíí, dyiner. At another place I saw a greíñ display oí ctReú Rngs" and flaming hand biíls. wheré on exaiuotioq I (Vund that they claimed to have bought thcir goods at "Auciion" and 1 Itnew .that goods sold at auciion were of inferior qtïaljty, and ' = uch as would not bcar the test of privaie sale scrutiny. Oh.thonght lhey 3Ut their own throats in buying their goods at auciion. I pnsseel on to F. Denison's Ad èfaud whore I found II. Bjeckkr fairly settlcd svith a largo STOCK OF EOODS, selectcd at private sales, embracing ne.irly every thing callcd i'jr in the country, at low prices, for cash. produce, or good credit. And herel found that the pure English was spoken, as Ioniassured it is at his Store in the Lowcr Town. VIATOR. Ann Arbor, June 12, 1843. 7 tf.RAIL ISO A 15 TEMPERANCE HOUSE. TTTMiFj uiidersmned would rcspecilully inlorni JL ilic ÍVioiKÍri of Tempuranco. and the pubiic generalij', that theabove nained House, I'ormerly.kuown os ihe Tempernncc Hotel, and shuatcd on iho comer of Michigan nvenue and Washington street. ncar he Central Raihoad Depot, having undergone thorough repairs and very rea; addi'ional tnprovemonts, is now ready for the reception oí all those who may favor liini with a cali. The accommodatiuns, in eveiy respect, annot inferior tn any Tcü-peiance üouso m the country, and every attention wil! bo given to such as besiovy thcir .patronage upun this laudable enterprise. ' N. B,. Carriages nlways in leridiness to convey oassetigers to and from Boats ond C;us. WM, CHA MP. Detroit. Mny 0, 1843. 4-ly MJHVUFJICTURERS J11YD MERCHJNTS. TH E sabscribers aro now recciving, m their 6tores. 188 .Tcffrrson Avenue, and corner oí Randolph and Woodhridge streè.ls, Detroit, a large and general stock ol 33ye Woods éo Bye StufTs. 35 lons Lngwood, Fustic, Limewood, mcarras;iin. Hyperaic Wood, in the stick, 30 ground Caín wood, 15Ó do Fustic "H2Ü do Loirwood, 100 do - V Rechvoods, 20 do Aluin, C hiuls Copperas. 4 do PAne Vit.iol. 4 pipes OiTibr&nnd Crop Ma'dders, prime, TiflO Ibs. Extract Logwood. 600 do BeñgnT, Madras and Caraccas Indigo, :?()() do BlmrNutiialls, (Alleppo,) 250 do Powdored Cúrcuma, v.'O do Veiditnis. 10 Caihoys Óil Vitriol, 6 do Aqua Fortis, 4 do Spirits Sea Salt?, 4 do Ni;r;c Acid, 2 cases Lnc Dye. 300 Ibs. Banquo Tin, 2,"0 do Cream Tr.rtar. ' 500 do Qicreciroii Bnrk. Together with a complete assortmentofall tlie minor anieles in the tiade, :o wi;: Picss rapersj Tenx.Ies, Brush'esj .Incks, Tent Hooks, DveKetiIes, PicUers. Bnrling Iron, NipperS; Prussiaie of "otnsh. Snl Amonjac, Sal Soda, Sn'ar of Lr.-ii!, Steel Reeds. Cord Cleaners, MACHINE CAÏIDS, Satinctt Warps, ëhcars. &c. This entirn stock has been purchased within the bfit twu weeks, and selecied personally by o-ne uf tlie concern, who has been in the business for the Inst leven years, and tbey have no hcMtnlion in snyinij that the quaüiy of pods is uiiexcoption'ible. Thcy will lo.iiivly he so!d at the luw cat New York jobbing ])ricès. with the addition of transportation only. Tlie subrcriLers have the sale Agency in this Stille fur ihe s'nie óf "PARSON'S MACHIXKS." au,] ihe ockbnted .LElCJpSTEIl IdACIUXE CARDS." di'cidedly the best in u?n. THEO. H. EATON, & CO. April 11, 1843. 51 tf WOOLEN f ij Til E subscribers would inforrn the pu!iic iho: J_ they are now mánulacmríng WOOLEN CLOTil v.'üh a degree of successcqual to ilieii niostsañguíne cx)ceta!ions. With the inncliin ..-iy tU-v now h:ve, tiiey are ab!e to inanufaciiire from ?5 to 100 pounda of wod! per day. Tlie icloth they hnve rntoe fur the last thrce monihsis of t!ie best' 'qunlity. and that mode in mture wül pa - si mi 1 ar. Thcy have enrireJy overeóme the ■ üfTiculiies of stuiiing an er?ial,;l:shment of iliit kind in a' liew civ.miry. T!ic-iv teVms are '■■ui cents peytird forfulled cloth finished, or linlfthe eloih tlie wool will niake. Ifany alteralion of ihe tenníí should be deternuncd on, public notiee will be given. All woól Tcceivcd before such notice is given will be worked on the abovc terms. If bTiy-wish to have thcir wool worked without, niixing it with oihcr wool, it ;ill be done, pro vid cd thcy nssort it tnemselves, and tarhish it in quantilies of 100 pounds .of one qiality of wool. ]t is much bettcr toscw up wooi in sacke than to tie it up in blankets; the cloth should be slroijj;. Provisionsof all kinds wül be received in pnyinent forinanufaciiirmg Jto the amount rcquiieti tor the 'consitmpiion of the estabüshjucnr. Wool tsent !y railroad to Scio. will be properly nucnded to; ihe ïmnibpr ol' pomuls should bemnrkedon iliosack with ink; u!so the weiijiit of ihe sack. - Tne wool will be worked in turn as it comes in. as ncarly m can be done with reference to the diffurent qualities. 1CT Many Farmers have o.-pre.c-d lo us ihoir gratifica tion in considerador) of e-ur slnrtng thie branch of business, nnd rnimy have encourasred us by their patronage diiring the last ypar. We now invite a!l to bring thcir wool, to the nmount of '25,i)('O pouhds. and reecive the benefit of the very roasonable terms on which weofler to manufacture it. The establishment is 2L milest west of Anti Arbor, on the IJuron. S. W. FOSTER. &CO. Scio, April "0,1843. ' 1-tf Cash and Barter Store. C. J. GA RL AND, HAVINGpurchased ihc entire Stock in Irade of Godlrcy und Allen, will be hnppy to wait upon sueh as will give hjrn a cal). I!is stock consista of vn general ns.sortmenl óf goods, and will be sold clieap, and for rcady jay only. WANTED, In exchange lor GOODS, most kinds of country produce, and 000,000 FLOUR BARREL STAVES & HEADING, for which a fair price will be paiu. Ann Arbor, April 19, 1843. 52-tf.YíSILAXTÍ ACADEMY1,. ". AND XI. H. GR] FF EN, Principal. " Miss. E. HAMMOND, Assistant. TUE winter term oi tliis jnstiiution will commcnce on Monday, Nov. 20, nnd eontinuu 11 weeks. VVliilc ihis school sequnlly open to ill ot' boih scxes, who wish tu acquire a goocl ötlucntion, particular nlicmíon wlll be {.'ven to those who are to teaih. The cxrlusivc and unintorrupied attention of the principal will bo givon io inipnrt a practical knowledge ol the Énuíish branches. Hè oecupies -ibout hall in hour daily in lecturing. with the aid of thünpparams. minernls, or otherwise. A'pparátüs. - Tho Instiuuion is fuïhished wi li Chemical, and A.strönotnical ajparaui?, Survcying Instrumenta. Geometiical iojirls, &c. to the amount of$3"); also, a good Ciibinet of JMinerals worth $50. Tuitiun in the cömmon English branches, inclúdiiiy: (N)[ii;ios;'.ion and Declamarion hóffí $9,00 to $9,5(1, In Philosophy. Chemistry, Astronomy, Jüistory, Rhetvric, j3ovnny, Algebra. Gfoometry. iwveyjng, &c. trom $4,50 to $.5,00 Mozzo linio and Chinese or Theorcm painnnir. i;3.0J euch ior 12 lessojis, laught by Mis. Griffèh. The tuition is to be paid at the middle of Uie ferm. No dedtiction t'er absence will bc made, c'xecpt for pronacted sieknes?, and 10 olie will lie íeíeived for less than íive and a Half weeks. - Books m'ay be had of tho principal at Detroii p rices. Board. Tndiiding room oud washi'ngr, froni $!.()) to $1.00 yér weck; forfutlhcr parücnlars 'iiquire of ilie piincipal. Rooms -can bo hired cheap for Kchulnrs to board themsclves. Ilov. I. M. Wcnn. Rev. IJ. P. JPoweis, ïïev. O. F. North', J. Faiichü-I, M. D.. J. C Aüen. M. D., G. and F. M. Skinni-r, Esqrs. havekind[y conseiued to lorrn a visiiinL; ciinimiti'.'C. to be Diesent at ihe Werk reviews on Thtusday, and iti the public oxnniHiation of the school. ' Ypsüanti. O.'t. H5, IS13. 5- ly ÜRASS LA KB ACADEMY, . A N D TEACHER' ti SEMINARY., THE winter, term ofihis lnstitution will cotnmence on Monday the sixtli of November ne.t. The Trustees in view of the opening lorrn feel thnt it niay not be amis3 to lay büfór'.1 :he public their lesiimony in iis iiivor. For the past-year it has been undcrihc caró ofMr. BAHÍÍS' Dnriiii; that ycar. v.e have watcked iis progress, and though on accoi'.nt of its youih il 'in:y be inferior to many of its siater institutions 6a to number?, yet iis course ol' atudy, managenienr, aiid d-iseipline have been sueli as io cominend it to our cordial approbatioií and thai of its patrous generally. TUITION. For the common Ëngüsh luanches, L3 00 The Naiüia! and .MailmhinnVal Sciences, f; 4 00 Jatin. Girek and Civil Engineering, gó 00 Boord '.ma'y bejobiained ija ihe viciniiy at $1 00 per weck. the term to consist oí eleven ivrtlis. The Trusiecs are about ereeting their bnildincf. rtï Chftpél] anc( Recic tion Ilootns, whieh will bë inii-hcd ior ihefinccodi-iiiTlerm. Wil! students apply as hear the opening of the erm as posbible. FOSTER .TüCKER, Secretary of the Epard. Grass Lake, Oct 23. 1813. '. 2:i-4w. GREAT BARGAÏNS I N BEADY ÜLBTHiKB ! T HALLO CK $ RJIYMOND WOULD reipcctfuliy iriform the ciiizens of Arm Arbor. and t..-c Siate geiurally. that they have nosv on hand the LÁRGEST and CHEAPEST stock of READY iAIADE CLOTHING" 0 bc foirn'd at any esiabü.shment in this State, vhich thcy are determined to sell ai paces loze er ban weie befure oti'ered, and they confidenily invite all persons in want of "Riuidy Made Cloih't7g," visiiinjr Doiro'tt, to cnil at their establishment, "Corner of Jcffnrson and Wo-dxcard Avenues," in the new brick block, Pltoonix Buildings, where they will find every variety ofgarments suitnble for 2Óntlenicn's Fall or Winter wear, ;nd they belieyc at prices fVoni IS io 25 percent chciper thnn they can obtain theiii 1 a any oilier way. Also. a very choice selcetion of "Brosd Clotias, @assimcres, hich they are prepared to manuhicture to order; in a superior nianner and átyíe not to be exceded in 'he City of iWio YÓrk or eisrwbere. Garinpriis always warranted io fit and pleasc or 710 sdtéïl Álso. a vcry heavy Stock of DÓMFSTJC CLÓTHR. PJLOT and BEAVFR CLOTHR. BKLG1C CLOTIÍS. SATTINETS. WINTER TWEEDS, and every varioty and descriplion of goods siiiiable lor genilè'rnen's Wearing upporei, all of whicli shall be .sol'l vxnj law ibv cash. or exchanged for Produce at mnrket pricee. All ihose wishing Bargainsm any of the above avíleles inviiod ui cali at tne ' FA&H lONAil-LE Vl.OriilNG EUPOIUUM" of the sab.srnbers. Cor. of Jeilbrson and Vvroodvard Avenues, Detroit. HALLOCK& RAYMOND. Detroit. S-pt. 28, 184:?. 1 f Btrsyed "piROM t'ne stibscrü'.er, in the town of Snüne JL1 ai, ut (l-e aOth of Jnly l;:si. uvo yoke of ilediOxen, yoke vyerpo.1 !are sze. and orie of thcni a palo red, wiih a ropo aronnd bis horns Avhcn they went away. The otber yoluWer.c of hiiddlin" si7.o; and One of ihein had a white spot in the lorcíio.-id, and sonso while on orie oí bis hínil leg. Thcy are abont ten ycart oíd. Whoover will return said o:cn, or give in.'onr.ntiun vvherc t'.iey uiriy be found, lo Mr. Ford, or to Mr. Van fjusen, in Saüne villaye, or to, (hft suhseribor in ihc lown of ÍJi! laúd, Oaklund couniy. fhn!l be liber'allv irwardel. ' HHtAMBARRETT. Octobcr 2, 1843. 2& Ádministrator's lotice. T I ]l) undersigned having bcen app( X the Judge of Probate jor ilie county oí Wf.shtcnnw. adminis'.rators on the estale of Josioh Beckley, Jate ot said county; decrased, and having given bonds a3 reqi'ircd by law. herehy giVe noiice to all pe.'sotis indebted ro said eslate to make immediite paynietu to iliem, and all persons having dnims against snid eslale to present ihem propeily atiested for adjustnieht. MINERVA BECKLEY, Administratrix. LUKE BECKLEY, Adminislrator. A nn Arbor. Scpt 28, 1842. V&Hm. F ROM tbe Subscriber iu MancheTter, Washtenaw connív. ahuin thó tcnih ÓT .Inly lasi. a faint sórrel or róan colored maro, suppdscd to ño eleven years oíd, mediuni size. whiio hack í'eet with alargo scar.on one lioof, mide by a splít. and á smnll swellin on hor bnck. eauf-'ed y riding; ntoíith w.uc.h bit-wo;n, and white mar!; in hei liice. Any iníoniiaiíon concerning said mare will be thankfully receiveci, or aesistinco in socuring her to the owner shall be liberally rewarded. GEO. J. BARRER. Manchester. July 23. 1843. ÍD-.)w. AT TUV, l'APKR MII.L (t.OWKR TOWN') AiVN AltCOK. EBOÜTI1 v.-ould respecTÍhlly iniorm. the inhahitanlsof Aun Albor and vicinity that he continúes tbc business of SSOOK B5ÏTOÏ, at the oíd diand, in ihc Paper Mili. Oíd Books wil! be neaïly rebound on short notice. AU kinds of RULING done to order.- Country produce taken in payment. Apní 15), 1343. 52-tf. Checse. FOR Sale by C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, May 5, '43. 2KEEP GOING AHEADWow is the Time for Great Bargains, and no Mistak:;. R. ,BANKS,. WO-U LD respectfully inform ti is oldctisiomers nnd oihers visiáng Detroit, that lic hüs removed lo tho corner of JoiFerson Avenue und Griswold strceíj opposite Michigan Jhsurance where hu luis on hand n large Stock of RE AD Y MADE CLOTHIJVG, eonslstintr in pnrt of Orr.r Cotits, Box Coafs, Jilïs und Frutk Coats. Vnsts, l'ants, and evci y nrticlc in the clothing line, eheiiper than tiic chenpe?t. A qnick sixpencc is better than n slow shilling. Only give lis a c;.-il i. and v.e wil! satisfy every one; thnt is our ïnaxim. Detroit. Óct. 7, !S4?. 25-3m. MARCUS STEVENS $ SAMUEL ZUG, HAVE. taken the rooms in the lowcr e'nd ril the White. Biock. dircctly oppositti the Mi chisran Exchange, whcro they will keep nn extensivo assoriivc-nt rl' CMBIJVET WtSRE of eyery kind. quality. and deseription, of their vn manufaoturing, and wnrranied to be us fashour.bln. göo:dj and chèap as can bo lind West o! Sovf York.. Pürchosersaie requested lo cali and examine our extensivo ossortinent bcfore buying. Any ar:iolc of Furniture made to order, and IVwrantctt to piense." UPHOLSTERING done in all ts various manches, and at tho sliortest notlce. CIIAIKS. LOOKING GLASSES. AND WILLOW WAR F,: ulso. Mahogany Boards and Vcnccrs - asehcep as tlie cneá'peBi. WANTED, ín pxchnnjre. CHERRY, WAÍ.NUT, AND MAPLE LVMliER, S?r. jc. $c. STEVENS & ZUG. Dettoitj April I7: 1S40. 5-3m ADMiniSTRAVOÏVÜ JVOTWE. ' fl i f Í E undersigned liaving been appointed by jL tho Judgb of Probóte for the count}' of Wpsh'fepflvv. Admiin'stintrix o;i t!ic c.-tute of Joel il. ijid.!e:i. det-ensi-d. late ofsaid coun'y and inving givcn bunds as reqnired by !aw. hcLby ives notice to all persons i ndebted to said Rstate o niüke iiTimcdinie pnyineiu to her, and all perrons having claims against estáte to present hem properly attested for ndiusiítHítU: LAURA HIDDEN. Ann Arbor, Oct. 17, 1H43. 2)-6v JA iTl E S é7lïi ÏS N K JÍ, A T T O R NE Y AND C O ÜN S E LL O il A ■' LA W . SAGANAAV CITV, JirCÜIGAN. JG. B. wfPI also net as Land Agent in ihe Land District in which this (Saganaw) County is; ho will make nvestments for otlicrs ands.' piiy over for non-resideiits their taxes. atui rjwe iniormniujr! gonerally to persons i nierested n this part of the country, or desirousóf becomng imiiiiiir.'tnts io it. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. JR. WALK Fit would announce to bis friends and the publi(! in general, that he s now in the receipt ot the all and winior lashrons for 184o-4. v.hich have be(.-n selec-ted an-i urnlshed by twouf the best .cstablislnnns in tinUnited States, ón the firat of the present mu'iiih aiier the kinds of goOris nnd liiyliions lor ihe se.-i son b:come permanenily csiablislic-ii, which s bnii'ifiii!y illustiated by i'vn of the mo'sj sj)!e.idid'fashion plates-ovcr presen ted rothiscomüuniiy. Any gentlt-nien who wish to have the 'simón 1'l're." can find it lierë furnishcd at a season when tliere can be no mislukt? as to what s or is not fasiiionaliie. Gentlemen, please cali jnd examine for yourselvés, nnd i! vecannot exiibit something that will saiisfy yon that the style )f aoods and iasliion qCgariuents are chaste and )eautiful, ' then wc aio mucli mistaken. Mr. Walker would take this opporfunity to reurn bis sincere thanks to all who have hithero avored hiin witli fheir iiaironage.' and hopes hé ms given general satisfaction. All who (cel dis Tosed to have an easy, at the snnie time n fash on.'iole g::inient. can be graiífird by calnng "', the sliop of J. D. Irish. one ' soul h of Bo ie!. .' Abel's o!vl stoc, where for tho Qonvenience jf hirnself and ctmtoniers hc hns locn'eil for th'sens'jn. whore -.!l desnands in liis line will be c.e'cuteg wïtn neatni'ssqnd desjinich, on reasonnlile terms for cash or country produce, but pos'.t 'vdly no cre.djjtf N. 15. Cutting done, and warrantcd tolïtil propi-ily rhft'de ii. ' Oct.iber 11. is 13. 27-if. TYPE AT REDUCED PRICËS. " GEO BRUCE &CO; Typelounders. at No I o. Chambere stiect, near the Post Office, ?■'; w Yor!i. have on hand a unnsually large stock ol'thcir well known Pitniing Types, Ornaments, Borders, R.ules. &c. of tho best mntenid. casr in original natiices. and very 'accnrately finished; ■iil ol which tlity have determinod to sfll at GilEATLY REDUCED PRICES: - placing the book and newspaper ibnts as fojjows: Pica. at '22 ets a Ib. Sn-.allPica, U i; Lonr Prinicrj 36 '; Bourgeois, 40 'J Brevier. ' 4Ü '; Minion. 54 i: Nonpareil. 6b' " Agate, ' . 82 PfenrT, $1 % or approved pnpcr at six months, or at 6 pei cent loss for cash. Wood Type, Printing Ink. Presscs, Cnscs.; Gaüeys. IJrass 11 ule, Composipg Sticks. Cliasri-.. and bnicr Printing nntfiiials. furnishcd with pio'i'ptiiudc and at ihe lovvfst pil-ce. : Printers o! 'newspapt-rs, who .will publish this ññ értisëmént, with tliis note, tlnec times beIbre th.e iirst ofJt'ne, 18-13. and scn.i one of tlu papers to '.he toundry, w;ll be emitied to payinent of their bill. on buying four linies tbr anionnt of it. Oet23.. lb'43. BROKE out of the endosure ol the subscribe! on or about tho night of the ÜHih uit. as:uail ray Mare. fbür ycnrs oio, not shod. Ány person whoM'il! give notice to the ownorby letter or othcrwise where said Mare inay be found, shal! be rewarded by CHARLES ÍIUDSON. North Lakn. Wash. a. Oct. J4, IS43. 46-3w Timothy Seed, WANTED on accounts, or in exchangc fo." GOODS, by J. BECKF.EY St CO. AnnArbor.Aug. 15,1843. 17-G.v. , SAL ERATÜS. WHOLESALE and Retail. by II. BECKER. Ann Arbor. Ang. 2, 1843. Jó-tf. nti-Slavery Sooks. AQUAN'iTi'Y of' Ami-Slaveiy Books nrc for finle at tliis oilice, very cheap. Cali Spon, before thfy are gU)6j "SHEEP SHEARS, FOR Sale by C. J. GARLAND. ' Ahn Arbor. UpporTown, M.;y 5. 1813. S. PETTKBOIVE, SURVEYOR, MAKIÍR, AND XAND AGBNJT. Oiüce inCourt Uoïise Square. Ann Arb.r, Juno 19, Jtíl3. ' 8-ií. Ases " FOR sale. Wholesale ot ÍÍHnil, by J. BF.CKLEY & CO. Aun Arbor. Aug. 15; 1843. 17-Gw. LANK DEEDá. MORTGAGES. EXECUTIONS, SÚMMONSES, &c. just printed and for sale at the JSX.SIGNÁL OFFICE, xj "WOTICE. ALL those i ndebted to tho firm of J. Bkckí.r.x &-Co, are requested u make paymen immediátoly. Oct. 23, 1843. -HALSTEAD'S SEISE PILLS-. 2ti riLi-s fok tib Cje.n-j s. Tni: Brisk Pilis anewcr the purposo more eflectuallyvfor any discase for whichnny othor pill is rccommended, and supersede théin altoether n medical excellence and virtue. ]f yOlJ doubt iliis. just try will cost you only two shillings - and ihcn you, with me, vi!l be snria(icd. IT ihey are not wbat I reconmiend hetn io be. denounce them and put them down, for i cannot conseientioiisly recommend iheni for tt' cure alt for evcry tliihg. But this I do say, with. out l'ear of contradiction, that no pills me tile;r equ.'il in rémoving disensos originatin'g in the siomach' orboweis. Por liver and bilious dij. eoses. sucli as duin ague, lever and ague. intermitt:mt and remittani fevers, the Biiek Pilis posT sees peculiar i5ropenií3 for their speedy rcmoval" From ten years c.vperi(?;rce as a practisiñg pliyai " cían', 1 ntn convinerd tbat nondcan cqtialihóm -Z Read wliat oiher pills aröüood Cor, and whntth'ev will cure, oud.if the Bris aio not superior to them nll. thon diecard tbcif use. Do nót behWa nil tbaüs snid aboui au mfallible jiill -tint never fails' to cure any disease - but iry the Brisk Pilla' - the cheapest pilla in uc- 2-4 prlla lor 25 cenl8 - and thon you will have a chanco to judoe or iheir mefij ordcmèrii. As a bloot! cleansei ■' imd' apnrifier to the disensedsysiem, they perhapVbu persedc every pill in usc. They are quick and: e.Tsy ín the operntiorï. giving life nnd tóne to al? the torpid orgitns: throwing offinipurc moiter or humor: icavuiL' the sstom JK-ahhy nnd clean This is all thut ánv b'fie nin-licihe can do.notirih'standing the greatshow of woidsand fictitious cèt' liiicr.tes. We r:io detcrmitied to lei ihesu yills stond" up'oñ their own reputátiort, win or loosc. Al? we nek is, for a fair and imprirtial irra'. Thcy enn be tnken by old and young. ai any time witr perfect sniety. They are en excellent medicine tbr ehmlrcn. tor worms, t5ic. Ju a word, they possesa all the quallticsofan apnrieni pill for rn' iiily v,bc. Thc-y have curèd many tlisenses which' no other medomne could remove. In conclusión' I fj-iv. do nu trive np or desppir of a cine untiF you havo tried the Drisk Pillsl fur ihey do posseps piculinr progenies and virmrs. For Sole by S. P. & J. C. Jevvott. C. Eberhach. Ann Arbor; D. H. Rowland, Northvillo; T. R. .Scattergood. Plvmouth: J. Dean. Pontiac' J. B. Dtckson, Mt. Cleniens; Maitland & Co.' Romeo; Sprasrne & Co.. Rochesier; Church &. B'irchnrd, N. P. Jacobs, J. Owen & Co DeT0it- _ 10-Gm WÜÜL ('AIWING SrCLOTH DRESSING. npMfO Sul.sjiilieis ïcBpeeifully announce to (he A. ciiizena of Ann Arbor and. viciuity, that llwy are picpui'ud tö card Vool and dress Cloth oí custotners. in the best style. and at ihe shortest üotice. llavinjj good machinery, experienced workmen. and long practice in the 'business; they hnve the utmost conridciice tñit thty shall give amplusaiiïfact.on to those who favor them with iheir patronage. "Woolen Factory. ThesubRcribershaveon hand FULLCLOTHS and FLANNELS. manufacturcd by ihernselvca. - A LSO- A larEfe amount of Snti netts of a s penar qiiality, whieh they purpose to exchange ior wool. 7' E R M S. One yard of Clotli will he given for two and tlitee towrth pounds of wool in the fleece; hccloth to be of the same quality the wool wil! linke. - a lso - One yard of flannel for one and a lialf pounds of wool. Thnnkiul for past favors, the subscri)crs vvoúld respecifully solicit a sharé of public latronage. .T. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Albor, Aucut 21. 1-43, 17-tf. Velebrated CHEMICAL PL ASTER, The nwsl rffccliud reme-dij yel discovercd for Jihtuin'ilism, ïh'efö'? Sores, Whii't Swullings, liijlmnmu lion in the Eycs, tiweltcd Throitl ii &carlil IVver, (uhisey, THE CHEMICAL l'iaASTER is an important remedy u-r iliose who nre aiHictetl with chronic and inilaüimatory coinplaints, bv iis easng pain. coiinteriieüiitf inflainniaiio.i, and giving speedy relief by its active, strentiieninü. auolyne. dia)horetc and coimteriiritaiit propeities - ui arïectual rétnedy JorChronic and Jtnilauimntoy uheumatism, Ague in the Breast, Scalde, Bi;ni. Bruifes. Kcrofiila. Ulcere, Old Sores of linost every descriplion. Cankeied and Swellid Phroat arisiiiir (Voui Scarlet Fever, FelorTs, White Swellinys, Chilblains, &c. Persons si:fl'sring iom Liver Complaints, Pulmonary discases, Jularnmatipn of the Lunys, with pain in the side, )nck or limbs. vül find relief' hy the use of this 'laster. In all cases it may be used with perfect safety. E. DEANS CHEMICAL P LASTER i lut ii)) in boos at iil:y cenis and one dollar ench. wit!] ful] (iirectioris ncc'ómponyjng cach box. Vlanuinciared and sld whohsile by H. H ARRIS iSi Ct).. As!it;tbuiii. Ohio. solo propnetois, ;o whoii all oulcit) should be úiafhieea. Suld ,Lso l;y iheir Ai:cnts tluouphont the country. ID'-'A hbeu;l discomu imidc to dealers and pliysicians. For (cstinionials and certifícales from peisons of the liijrhest reepéctibility, who have used tho Chemical Piaster, see anothcr column of ihis pa;er. Forsnlo by tho foüowing Agents in Michigan: U. W. Ro6a, ües, J. C. Larrimorfl. " C. Skanahnn, Eiiwardsburh. Win. O. Aus'.in, White Piireon. IsaacBenham, Jr., Gonntuntine. Danl. h. Kinjicrlv. Schor.lcrait. Tf. B. Husïoii, & F. Mareh, jr V M K lamazoo. James VV. Cohren. P. M. Galos!)urgh. T. h. Boíkcorñ, M. Baltic Creefc. Jamos M. Prtrso'ns, Pi M. Marshall. Paul Rayrnoud. Druggisi, Jnckson. Win. Jnckson, P. M. Leoni. ïlaio and Smith. Grnss Lake, John C. Wjnnns, Sylvan, J Miíierd & Son, De.-cter. ThoniasP. Mnv. Jr. Plymoutn, Perin & HjiII. Norihvüle, Mond&MitCarthy. Farmington, . Peter Van Every. Franklin, Julius l")ean, Pominc, Mack & Spraguc. IJnchcster, .Tnniés Stcphens. Üticn. E. C. Gniliip. Mr. Cleinens,. G. &J.G. HC ?Delroir. . ohn O wen &. Dr. Thos. W. Sweeny, Dearbornvillej E. Pampón. Ypsjfantï, .T. W. LTIND. ) W. & fc.T. W. MAYNARD. Ann Aibor. CHRISTIAN EBERBACÍÍ, ) 4!)-1y OOODS ARE CHE4P AT GARLANDS. JUST receivedat the Farmers and Mochnnics Store, direct from Nos# York, a general assortment of choicc an: select GOOÜb. consistingöf all most every articïc wnnled. euch as Sheednga Sliirtin?s. Broad Cloths. Ca6Stmere,=Calicoes. Drillins, Gambroona, -..rLirens, Umhrellas, RibboiiB, EraWk' vata. Mous. de Lains. Silks, Slviwls, Bonnets, Ilats, Surar. Tc.i and Coffco. Crockery, Bnols nnd Shocs. Looking Glasses, &c. &c. All of which will bcsold chcap as the cl.eapost. Goodspurchnscrs will keep in mind the Farmera and Mcchanics Store cjgarland N. B. Any goodspurchased of him not giving satisfaction in price and quality can bo returned. c Ann Arbor, (Upper Town) _ 3,000 FLOUR BARRELS for enlc Chcap for Cash, by C J. GARLAND. 2 Ann Aibor, Upper Town, May 6, 3 84


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