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PIRE! FIREÜ FIREÜ! THE iiicinlicrí of the Knlaniazoo Mutual Iusuronee ('ompany are hereby nolified, thai thc íollowing assessments h.ive been made by díe directora, on all noiès in forcé on tiie foHowing days, to wii: January Ist, 1843, IJ per cent. February Mi, " 1 " " March 22d. " i 'l " April Hvh H " " May lst, " 1 " " Sept. Ist, _ M " Making, "' Per ccntSnici per cent to beenst on the original nmountof the premium note, Withoiitt reierence to any previoas endorsetnents. and io be paid on or béfore the first day of' November n-,-xt; eiihor at the office of the coninanv. or tu a dulv nuthoriz' .-d ogentwho will beförnwhed witli the roll under thesea! of the ca:)ij uiy. All who neglect to pay tlioir n?scssmemts ore referred to Seciion 2d of Anide 2d of the By Laws aitached to each policy, for the conseqnences. , lt is eonfulfiitly expected ihat the members wni be prepared lo pay iheir assessments jtromplly, as by so doing, the company can relieve themselves of their present indebtedness nnd incrense their future usefultiess. Should ny one ncslcc! or reluse to pay when calleo! upon, suits v.'ill bc t.d for the amotint of the premium notes. iPvliich in all cases will be collocled. Office of the Kal. M. Ins. Co., ? Kalamazoo, Sepf. 25. 1843. A. T. PROUTY, Sec'y. UTo be published in all the newspapersprinted in this State for three weeks nnd the eilitors of said papers are requeste.i to si)d n cpy of tbe paper contsynSng the same to ihc office of the company durir.ír 'he conlinuance of tho ndvertísetWénf, asa voucher ia the adjustment of rheir accounts. öo-ów.PAIMTIIUG. T. LAM BERT, BEGS lenve to inforni the inhnbitnnts -of Anri Arbor, and the surronncüng country, that having Iocatcd himself in the Loicer Vülagc, with the view of carrying on the above business in nll its branches, (some of wh'ich nro HOUSE. STGN, nnd ORNAMENTAL PAIJVTKYG, GILDING and GLAZWG. GRAJN1NG, imituiion of al! VooI3, MARBLEÍZ1NG, TRANSPARENCIES, BANxNERS. &c. respectfully soiicits n share of public patronage, as his prices shn!l be luw to conform to the times and his work done ia the best nianner. T. L. wonld say to Farmers thnf'he is particulnriy desiroiis to attend to their calis, as produce is the hrst kind of pay. Ann Arbor, LowerTown, March 6. 1843. 45- ly.Da J3A.NISTER'SCKLEDRATED FEVER AGÜE P1LLS-- Purtly. Vcgctabh, A safe, speedy. and sure remedy tor fever and agüe, dum agüe, chil! fever, and the bilious disenses peculiar to new countries. These pills are designed ror ihe affections of theiiver nnd other internal organs which attendthe diseases of the new and miasmaüc portionsof our country. The proprietor hnving tried them in a great variety of cases confidently believes ihat they are superior to any remedy that has ever been offered to the public for the obove diseases. It is pnrely Vegetable and perfectly harmless. and can be taken by any.person, malcor female with perfect safety. The pills are prepared in two separate boxes, marked No. 1 and lío. 2. and aeccompanied wkh t'ull directions. A great number of certifieates migbt be procured in favor of this medicine, but the proprieter has thought fit notto insert them, in as much as hedepends upon the merits of the sime for its reputation. The above pill is kept constantly on hand by the proprieier and can bc had at Wholesale and rotailat the store of Becklcy & Co. Orders from the country prompily attended to. Ana Arbor, (lower town) May 29 1842. 9 L. EECKLEY. B. USASES CELEBRATED CHEMICAL PLASTER. THE following is one from among the nurncroiiS testimoniáis from persona of the highest respectability, which the proprietor6 have receivcd. FROM DR. SWIFT OF PORTAGE CO. O. MüasF.s. H. Hakris & Co, - I have sold E. Dean's Chemical Piaster to a number of imiividuals i n this vícinity for the cure of sore and inflamed eyes, and I am informed thar it univer6ally elfected a cure in a short time when it has been applied according to dírectious. Yours respectfully, 27-4w. ISAAC SWIFT, M. D. EPFor the disensos in which this Piaster is applicable. sce advertisement in unothercoiuma of this pnper. E. Dcün'sChemicnl Pl.ister is for sale in Aun Arbor, (Lower Tnwn. ) by J. H. LUND. and W. S. &, J. W. MATNARD. ) Upper CHRISTIAN EBERUACH, S Town 49-1 yATTENTION, J!'. t' receivedat the General Depot, for the -„e of Cloüiiers Stock, Michmery, Dye Siuffs, &c. &c, No. 139. Jtffrsuu Avenue. Detroit, the foüowing large, weil assorted, and carefully selccted stock, viz: 100 bbla. St. Domingo Logwood, Cnt. 5 Tons 'l " ia Stick, 150 bbls. Cuba Fustic, Cut, 5 Tona " " in Stick, 50 bbls. Nic. Wood, Chipped, 50 " Lima Wood, " 30 " Red Wood, " ]2) " Ground Camwood, 10 " Quercitron Bark, 500 1bs. Nutgalls, 10 Cases Extract of Logwood, 3i)0 ibs. Ltvc üyc, 2 Ceroons Spanish Indigo, 300 Ibs. Sumac Sicily, 3 Casks Mudder, 3 Casks Blue Vitriol, 5 Casks Alum 2 Barrels Hed Tartar. 2 Barrels Crentn Tartar, 3 Carboj's A qua Fortis, 5 '' . Oil Vitriol, 3 " Muiiatic Acid, 500 lbs. Virdigris, 5J li Black Tin Tcase's. Twine, Copper Kettlea, all sizes, Parsjn's Shearing Machines, Curtis' " " Screws and Press Plates, Cranks, Press Paper, Steel Reeds, Worsted Harness. Tenter Hook3, Knierv, all No's., Olive Oil, Clothiers' Jacks, Sattinelt Warp, Clothiers' Brushes, Shuttles, Pickers, Card Cleaners, &c. &c. The above, witit a variety of other anieles bclonging to the trade, have heen purchnsed this Buinmer by the subscribers from Manuiacturers and First Hands in the New York, riiiladel)hio, and Boston Markers, and cvery thing hnying received his pers nal inspection. he can with the utmost confidence offïr tliem to purchasers as the bestand mas', compite stock 'in the country; and as it is his fixed determination (by the low rates a'. which hc vnJi seil) fo Drevent the necessity of our Clothiers and Mannfa'urers leaving the State to make their parchases, h. would merely Bay to the trade, CALL, examiné tho goods and ascertain prices befo re you say you can buy chcaper any teftsre else. He is also prepared to contract for CARD1NG MACHINES made in this State or East. PIERRE TELLER, Sign of the Golden Mortar, 139t, Jefierson Avenue, [17-tf.] Detroit. CIIXKB.KS H. STÜlVART, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, JEFFKRSOÍÍ AVENUE, DETROIT. 49 -tf.Peters Filis. i 'Tis íun thcysay to get well with.them, A I,L mankind throughout their wide nnd im' xjl inonse circulution, that ever try them continue to buy Peters' Pilis are purely vegetable; they work no miraclcs, nor do they profess tu cure all diseasee, becnuse ihey aro the scientific compound ota regular physicían, who has mude liis prèfession the study oi his lile. Dr. Piicrs s a gradúate ofYale College, nlso o! the Massachusetts Medical College, and has sotnewhat djstingnished hiiiiselfns a mñn of science and genius aniong the amily of ibc late G jv. Peters. Peteis' Vegetable Pulsare simple in :hcii pfeporationj niiid ni their actio'h. thoiough in iheir opemiun. and unnvallud in their resulta. - The town and country are nhke tilled wiih iheir proisc. Tlie palnce. and the puor house alike ocho with ihcir irtues. In all cl majes they wili retfffn their wúñderfal po.wers nnd ex cu thein uiKiliered by age or süirition. nnd th iirthe voiceofa gratelul cunnniinty proclnimed. - Peters" Pilis prevent - keep off disënses ïf tiniely tised. und have nó rival in cuiiMg brliious fevar. fever and agueJyspepsia. liver cqftipfnints.cröuj). sick hcadachc, jnuridice, as!hin;t.dioisy: rheumntisin, cnhigeiiieiu of tiie 8plen; piles, colic. fetnale ohstruction. heart bui n. furreci tongue. nausea, disieniion ofthe slomach andbowelsr incipient diarrheen.. flatulence, habitual costiveness, loss of appetne, bloched. or sallow complexión, and in all cases of torpor of tbe boweU, vhere a caihartic'or apcrieni is indicated. producing neilber nausc.'i, griping or debility; and ivè rtpeat all who buy (hem continue to try tliem. The most triumphant succes? bas over altended their use and enougii. is nlready lutown of them to immortali.e and hand them duwn to pos tirity with the improvements ofthe nge fr medical science. Dr. Peters was brod to the healing ar, nnd in ordvr 10 supply deuunds, he has oriinatcd and ca'led to his aid the oniystcüm dfiveii machinefy in the world for pill working.lis perlect, anu üs process itnparts to the pil essënüal virtue. bccanse . by being perfectlj - do you hear thnt! while a host can testifj ihat thcy believo' they owe their salvau'on lioir disease and dcath io Peters' Pili, nud if calóme andknivcsnre peiling partialiy into disuse w are only mistaken. CEnTii-'iCATKS. - Thispnpercould hefilled with tliem by residents of Michigan, by your friends and neigfibors - ask ourager.ts. It is now well known that the püopl.e will have Peters' Pilis, and ia hinder would be to stop the rushing wind. Price-25 or 50 cenls per box. The resisiless Torce of these'truths- their universal reception, addeü to the lestimony of milions. "kerp it before tl:e pcople'' must and will be heard throughout this vale of tears. Their happy influence on }oung ladies while suffering under the usual changes of life as directed by the laws of nature, tliey impart a buoyaney of heart, feeling and action, an elastic step, velvet cheek, lilly and carnation complexión by. their aciion on the ehyle, &c. and ladies in delicíate si,tuaiions always admit ihcir power and in riocence, and take them two or three at a time without in the slightest degree incutring the Jazard of an abortion; which faets are of the utimet im porta nce. Pimples; a young lady sent her love to Dr. Peters, and says she feels more gratefu! to him for the restoration .of her beauty than ifhehad sa vod her life. 'Tis fun to get well with Peters Pills.for ihey cause the blood tó course aslimpid and gentío through the veins as a mountain rivulet; 3 or 4 is a common dose, henee the patiënt is not comelled to make a meal. TROUBJLEINPLUTO'S CAMP. Quite astonished Old Phuo cameto New Ycrk. 'Hearing Peters had got bis Pili Engine at work.j To resign bis commission, his hour glass and scythe; [ have come to deliver them all up to you - 3ir. my callingis over - my business is through; I have been for three years in a terrible stew, And I really don't know what on earth I'am to do; - Not of your mighly sire do I come 1o complain, But a tamal New Yorker, one PETERS by name; The diseases my aids. in this war of mankind, Are subdued by this'Peters, what help can we find? I would yield him N. York, sir, if there he would stay ; Buít, sir. Peters will have the whole world for hit-sway. While musingin council what course to pursuc. That Engine of Peters broke forth into view. The King of terrors looked a while, As though his soul was lurt ed to bile, At that unsparing scourge of ills, Byall men knnwn as Peters' Pilis. These Pilis ol Peters' stop the slaughter. And leaves the blood as pure as water. Now Peters makes, I've heard him say, Five hundred thousand pills a day; So that the chance is very small Of people dying there at all; For soon tiie cheeks, so marked for doom, Begin like any rose to bloom. Look herc! all xcho try thevi coniinne to-huy them.For saleas follows, by Meêsrs. Bench & Abel. G. Grenville. F. J. B. Crane. Maynard. & Co.. G. Ward. S.P. fc J. C. Jeuett, J. H. Lund. II. Becker. Dickepson & Cogsweïi, and S. KJones, Ann Arbor: Geo. Warner & Co-, and J. 'Millerd & Son. Dexter, Wm. A. L. Sliaw, Lima; J. C. Winnns. Sylvnn, Halp, &, Smith GrnssLnke; W. Jackson. Leoni: D. T. Merri. man. Jackson; M. A. Michigan Centre; Brotherson & Co., L. B. Kief & Gil bert. Manchester; D. S. Haywood, S?lme; Snou &Keys. Clinion; .T. Scatlergood & Co.,.Plymout!i; Stone. Babcock & Co., and Julins. MoviusfeCo.. Ypsilanti: Pierre Teller. Detroit; J. & J. Bidwell. and Dr. Underwood. Adrion; fiart & Mosher. Springville; Harmen & Cook. BrooklVn; Smith & Co., Jonesville; L. M.' Boyce, Chicago - and almost every whereelse. Oct. Ï9. J-2 27-1 y IToungr Nadies' Seniinary. MISS E. PAGE, Principal. Miss West, Teacher in Music. Mrs. Huczis, " Drawingand Painiing. Mrs. SaUinDjeks, '; Fiench. do do " Mathematics. Miss L. Ward, " ThePrimary Depart'nt THE ensuing term of Miss P's. Seminary _ cüinnienceson Tuesday. 29ih iii3t. TERMS QF TL1T1ON. In the Engüsh branches, from 2 50 to 4 5Í) perqu;irter ot' twelve weeks; 'Lessons on tlie Pi.ino, vvith the useof the instniment, $10; Draw. ing and Painting. $4 50;. Latin. $3 00; French, .$3 00: Fancy Work, 20u; .Board. 1 50; Wash ing and Ironing, 374 cents per dozen. No pupil will be rpceived for esa than one quarter, and no deduction will be made for absance except in cases of ill health. Among the Books used in School are - Paley's Natural Theology and Fvidences of Chrrstianity - Abercroinbie on tlie iniellectual and M.iral Poweis-Kame's Klc-ments of Criticism - Whntely's Loric - Jamison's Itheioric- Mrs. Lincoln's Boiany - Pnrker's Nnturnl Philosophy - Comstock's Chemistry and P-hyöiology - Burriit's Geograpliy of tho Heavens - Phelp's LeKai C!;i83ics - Uollin's Aricicnt History wiih Butler's Ancicnt Atlas - Playiairs Euclid - Davie's Algebrn and Aiithmetic, with Colburn's - Mitchell's Geography - Goodrich's History U. StaLes. All the friends of Education are requesled to visit the school on Thursdays, when the lessons of ihe past week are reviewed. and compositions read . The Superintendent of Public Instrijction, the Professors of the University. ajid the Ciergy o' Ann Arbor hnve consented to act asa visiting comnuitcc to the School. As úw most decis've tc3timony in favor ot any institulion. is to be obta'ned fioni those who are best acquain'.cd with the su'jecis upon which it operates, Miss P. refers for ïnformatfon lo ihe parents and guardians of her pupils - a catalogue of v.'hose names will be furmshed to those interested in theenquiry. J8-tf. OF all kinds neatly execucd at the Sig'na. Office, at the shotieat notice, and on the most rensonnblo terins. m Books Famphets Circularsf. L2anQDllIS wtll be pnnied to order, a anj tune. wnii ihe utmost accurrcy. tTT" Orders by' mail promptly filled. For Sale. NTE yoke of W0RK1NG OXEN. Enquire VJ at the Hat Store of H. BAGG. Lower Town. Ann Arbor, May 29, 1843. 5-tfLOWER TOWN Efli [ l BS flfifi hmhv Bh Hm flaflp BBW. &MH Jfflwgg EBOttfwBf VSanD WkSv '■■'ii:-.'.1 ï ï v" t" f -j ü. v."'-!'; F TMjESSRS. DAVÏÏ)SONS& BECKER, have justre1-- ceived frorn New York a large and splendid assortmcnt of Faiicy and Staple Also, a Iarge quantity of Dry Groceries Crockery, . Shelf Hardware, Nails, Boots and Slioes, JMen's and Boy's Caps Paints, Dye Stuffs, and Medicines, &c. &c. &c. which they will sell lower than has ever before been offered in this place. For jarticulars cali at their Store, No. 3, Brown's Block, (formerly occupied by H. Becker.) The highest Matketprice will be paid in Goods for most kinds oí' Produce. $jp Rememher ihat they will not be undersold. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Nov.. 13, 1843. 29-GmCLOCKS! CLOCKS! f B U1E subscriher hnving just recuived several X cases of BRA.SS and WOOD CLOCKS, o descripiions, s prepared to seil (hem Oibap for Casli. Also. n general nssorímeiií oí JSWSLUY, consisring in part oF Gold Finger Rings, nnd Bosom Pins. fïennsand Crosses. Silvernnd Common Thimbles, Wmch Clnins and Këys, Pen ri I Cases: nlso. Spoons Suirnr Bowis, Butter Knives, Tooih nnd Huir Brushes, Pocket Books, Violin Sirinps. piëedies, Pins. Hooks, and Eyea. Spectacles. Fine Coir.hs, Dressing Combs, Side Comb8, Bnck Combs, Pocket Com'os, Water Paints. Mnrkinp Cotton, Steel Pens. ' and Twenscrs. Sni:fffc Tobacco Boxes, EInstics, &:. All of which will be sold as eheap as at any other establishment iliis side of New York. N. B. The subsciïber thankful for so. Inrge a share of pnblic pntronntre. still solicits n continnence of the same. CLOCKS AND WATCllES of everv description repaired and wnrranied. Also, JEWEI.RY repaired on short notice. - Shop at Iris old stand directly opposite the Court House. C. BLISS. Ann Arbor, Nov. fí, 1843. 28-1 y. ZUyer Raisin Institute THE winter term of iliis jns;itmion wül commence the first Wednosday of November next, nnd continue 15 weeks, h is pleasantly siiuated in the town óf Raisin, one mile east of the direct rond from Tecumseh to Adrián. Rooms. - There are now on the premises suitable rooms for the acuommodation of forty students. which are designed to be occupied for private study and lodging. Oiher nccessary buildings are provided (or recitalion and boarding. - Most students "will probubly board theirselves. Expenses. - Tuition lor fifteen weeks, common branches 4 doilars. Higber English branches, ineludmg Greek and Latin, 5 dollars. Room rent8centeper week. Incidental expenses 50 cents jjer term. Siudents are expected to furnisli whatever they wisli to use ín their rooms except an&rons. Students who have to buy their books will do well to defer so doing, and buy them here. The schoül is open to all appiicants of suitnble age ahd mornl character irrespective of complezion or conclition. It is very desirable that all who design to attend school should be ready to cotmnence with the term, otherwise there cünnot bc a regular classification of the students. and without such classirlcation comparatively liltle advancement can bo made in study. Any further inforrnation respecting the fnstution can be obtnined bv addiesip.2, postpaid, JOHJV PATCHÏN, Principal. Raisin, Leiawee Co., Mich. Rnisin. Qcl. 3, 1843. ' 24-3w. yííciaiiosa, lnTalids. XTSJ'HO has tried the Persian Pilis and Jew TT David's or Hkbrkw and is not ready to testify that they are decidedly the best medicines now in use? The above medicines have been before 'he public some four ycars, and physicians at the East have used thetn extensivcly in their praciice. and were they here. they could teil you of the excellent qu.ilities of these medicines. Rkadf.k! Have you ever used them? Il" you have not, ask ihose who have if they are not what we recommend thetn to be. They are the Clietipsst as well as the best. A box of piaster contains siuTicient to spread 8 or ]0 plasters-price 50 cents. The large Boxes of Pitxs contain 73 puls for 03 cents: the small boxes 35 pills lor 31 cents. No persons should condemn them until ihey have tried them. and then we are sure they will not. These medicines are for sale by one or moreagenis in all villages and cities in the United States. Cali on the agent, and he will give any inlormation wnnted. For sale by J. II. Lund. S. P. & J. C. Jeweit. C. Eberbach, Ann Arbor; D. M. Ladd, Milfor'd; M. C. Bakin, Novi; D. H. Rowland, Northville; J, Scattergood, Plymouth; P. Vonavery, Franklin; J. Dean, Pontiac: J. Millerd, & Son, Dexter; Dr. Sager, Jackson. 10 - Gm. Millinery & Dress irSakitig. Mr?. C. BUFFFINGTÓN, ■DESPECTFÜLLY onnounces to the n-t' liabitants of Ann Arhor and viciiiity, thal she has opened a shop, midwoy, between the upper and lower villajes, where Hie business of MILLIJYERY DRESS MAKING will bo arried on, in all its branches, with ptmcttmlity, despatch, nnd in thebest.and most faehionable style. Ann Arbor, Aprils, 1843. 50 ly " GRAVE STOWES MONUMENTS, TOMB TABLES, fee. rjlHE subscriber lias a large assortmeni of JL MarOle, of the best quality, suitable for Gkavk Stones,, &c. which he wili sell etieap for cash, or excliange for produce, at his old stand, No. 90, Woodward Aveaue, Detroit. Persons wishing to buy will do weH to cali, as they will be sold much cheaper thon hac ever been afForded in this State, and of a Quality that cannot iail to please. WM. E. PETERS. Detroit, Oct 27, 1842. 29- ly ülurder & Suicide! PASSING your Ptreeis a few dayssince, I was ilmost horror struck in noticing a continual protracted murder. Ckeopest Stoie in town - ■;iNew Yoik WkolcsaJe and Retail Chcap cash Store" "Buffalo Clieap Store" led me to cali where I saw the "Kings English" lie mangled, bleeding. dyins;. Atanother place I saw a great display of :Red Pings" and flurning hand bilis, where on examination I found that they claimed to have bougtit their goods at "Auction" and I knew 'hat goods sold at auction were of inferior quality, and eueh ns would not bear the test of privaie sale scrutiny. Oh.thought they jut their own thronts in buying their goods at ouction. I pnssed on to F. Denison's old stand where I found II. Bkcker fairly seliled with a large STOCK OF GO O DS, selccted at private s.ilcd, embracing nearly every thing called ír in the country, at low prices, for ensh, produce, or good credit. And here I found that the pure English was spoken, as I am aasured it is at his Store in the Lower Town. VIATOR. Ann Arbor, June 12,. 184?. 7 tf.RAIL ROAD ■abCyl flfíJjlMi idbyFai TEMPERANCE HOUSE. f a i J-J C uiidersifriiud would respcctlully inform _L tbe fnends ot Temperance. and the public generally, ihat theabtne named House, fornierjy known as the Téímerancé Hotel, nnd situated on the comer of Micliigan avenue nnd Washington street, nearhe Central. Railrond Depot, lmving undergone thoroufeh repairs aiul very great addi'ional nnprovements, is nowready forthe reception oi ail thuse who may iavor h i ni wiih a culi. The nccommodnfions, in qveiy respect, are not inferior to any Tehiperance House in the cbÚDtry, and every attfcntion wiil be given to such as bestow thcir patronage upon this laudable enterprise. N. B. Carriages ahvays n readiness to convoy passengers to and frorn Boats and Cars. V.'M. CHAMP. Detroit, May 9, 1843. 4-ly TO CXiOTZ3ISSH.S, MANUFJ1CTURERS AND MkRCHJUVTS. THE subscribers are now receiving, at their stores, 188 Jeflerson Avenue, and corner oí Randolph and Woodbridge streets, Detroit, a large and general stock, oí Bye Woods Sc Bye Stuñs. 35 tons Logwood, Fustic, Limewood. Nicarragua, Hyp,ernic Wood, in the stick, (30 bbls. ground Camwood, ]50 do" Fustic 120 do Logwood, 100 do Redwoods, 20 do Alum, 6 hhds Copperas, 4 do Biue Vitriol, 4 pipes Ombre nnd Crop Madders, prime, 500 Ibs. "Extract Logwood, 600 do Bengal, Madras and Caraccas índigo, 300 do Blue Nutgalls,. (Allcppo,) 250 do Powdered Cúrcuma, 2ílO do Verdigris, 10 Carboys üil Vitriol, G do Aqua Fortis, 4 do Spiriis Sea Salts, 4 do Nitric Acid, 2 cases Lac Dye. 300 Ibs. Banquo Tin, 250 do CreamTartar. 500 do Quereciron Bark. Together with a complete assortmentof all the minor nrticles in the trade, to wit: Piess Papers. Teazles, Brusbes, Jacks, Tent Hooks, DyeKettles, Pickers, Burling Irons, Ñippeis. Prussiate of otnsh. Sal Amoniac. Sal Soda, Sugar oF Lead, Steel Reeds, Card Cleaners, MACHINE CARDS, Satineit Warps, Shears, &c. This entirn stock has l'ccn purchased within the last t.wo weeks, and eclected personally by one of the concern, who has been in the business for the last' eleven years, and they have no hentation in sayini' that the quality of these goods is unexceptionable. They will positivly be sold at the lowest New York jobbing prices, with the addition of transportaron only. The subscribers have the solc Agency in this State for the sale of "l'AUSON'S SHEARING MACHINES," and the celebrated "LEÍCESTER MACHINE CARDS," docidedly the best in use. THEO. H. EATON, & CO. April 11, 1843. 51 tf WOOLEN THE subscribers would inform the public tbat they are now manulaeturing WOOLEN CLOTI1 wiih a degree of successequal to their most sanguine expectations. With the machín ery they now have, ihev are oble to manufacture from 75 to 100 pounds of wool per dny. The cloth they have made for the last three monthsis of the best quality. and that made in luture will be similar. They have entirely overeóme the difiicuUies of starting an establishment of this kind in a new country. Their terms are 37i cents per yard for ful led cloth finished, or half the cloth the wool will make. lf any alteration of "the terms ehould i)ö o'eifcrrmnod on, (Riblic no üce will be given. All wool received beforc such nolice is given will be worked on the above terms. If uny wish to have their wool worked without mixing it wilh other wool, it will be done, provided they assort it theinselves, nnd lurnish t ín quantities of 100 pounds of one quality of wool. It ismuch to sew up wool in sacks than to lie it up in blankets; the cloth should be slrong. Provisionsof all kinds will be received in payment for manufacturing to the amount required ior the conaumption of the establishment. Wool sent by railrood to Scio. will be properly iittehdcd to; the number of pounds should be markedon thesack withink; also the weight of the sack. - The wool will be worked in turn as it comrs in. as nearly as can be done with reference to the different qualities. tCF Many Farmers have expresscd to us their gratification in consi-deration of our starting this branch of business, and many have encouraged us by their atronnge during tlie last year. We now invite ail to bring their wool, to the amounl of ■f)(-0 pounds. and receive !c benefit of the very roasonablc terms on which weofl'erto manufacture it. The establishment is 2J milest west of AnnArbor, on the Huron. S. W. FOSTER, & CO. Scio, April 30, 1843. 1-tf Cash and Barter Store. C. J. GARLAND, HAVINGpurehased the entire Stock in trade of Godlrey and Allen, will be happy to wait upon such 03 will give him a cali. His stock consista of a general assortment of goods, and will be sold cheap. and for rcady jtay only. WANTED, In exchange (or GOODS, most kinds of country produce, anrl 300,000 FLOUR BARREL STA VES & IIEADING, for which a fair price will be paid. Aan Arbcr, April 19, 1843. 52-tf.YPSILANTI AGADEMY, A N D TEACHERS' SKSMIWARY H. H. GRIFFEN. Pkincipal. Mr. CHAS. WOODARD, Assistant THE wimer term pt'this instmnion will com menee on Monday, Nov. 2(1, and contin uell weeks. While this school ís equally open to nll oí butli, who wish to noquiro a gock education, particular attentioii wlll be givcn to ihosc who nriï ptepcring lo teath. The exelu sive nnd unintcmiptcri mtention of the principn will be givtín to iinpart n pn.cucal knowledge o dio Engüsii branches. Ue oocupies about hall in 'hou'r ilaily n Iectunnor. vvitli tiic uid öfüféifpparuius. iiiinei.-ilö. or oihenvise. Appakatus. - The lnsiiiution 3 furnished wi li Ciieniical. Pliilosophical, and Astronomieal ippnrntus, Su:veying Instruments, Geom'etrical olids. &c. io the nmount of SjO9; also, a good Gabinet ot' Minerals wonh $50. Tlition in the conunon English branches, including Composition. and Dec'atnation fïom 2,.0Ü to $o,5(). In Philopophy, Chemistry, Astronomy. History, Rhetotic. otnny',' Algebra. Geumetry, Surveying. Sec. linm $l,50 to $5.00 Mezzotinio and Chinese or Theorem psiintintr. S'-iO) cach Jor 12 lessons, taught by Mrs. Griffen. The tuition is to be paid at the middle of the term. No dedueiion for absence .will be made, fixcept for protiacted sickness, nnd no onè will be leceived for less than five utul a hall weeks. - Books niay be had oí tho principal at Detroit prices. Board. Tnciudihg room nnd washing. from $1.00 to $1.50 jjer week; forfurther particulars inquire 'of' the principal. Hoorns can be hired chenp for scholars to board themselves. Rev. I. M. Wean. Rev. H. P. Powers, Rev. O. F. North. J. Faiichild, M. ]., J. C. Allen, M. D., G. and K. M. Skinnor, Esqrs. havekindly consented to forrn a visiting committee, to be present at ibe Weck reviews on Thursday, and nt the public examination of the school. Ypsilanti, Oct. IG, 1S43. . 5- ly ÜRASS LAKE ACADEM Y, AND TEACHER1 &' S E MIJYA R Y. rTHHE wimer term of this Institution will comH menee on Monday the sixth of November liext. The Trustees in view of the opening tijrm feel that it rnay not be amiss to lay before the public their tesiimony in its favor. For the ost yenr it has been under the care of Mr. BAR11S. Biinng that year. we have watcaed its rogress, and though on acco:mt of iis youih il nny bc inferior to rnany of is sister institutions s to nuinber?, vet its course of study, ffíáñagenent, and discipline have been such as io comnend it to our cordial approbatiou and that of its atroné generally. TUITION. For ,the common English branches, $3 00 The Natural and Mmliematicnl Sciences, $4 00 Lntin. Gieek and Civil Engineering, $5 00 Board niay beobtnincd in the vicinity at $1 00 jer week. the term to consist of eleven weeks. The Trustees nre about erecting their Diiilding. ■e Chnpel, aiKiReciir non Rooms, which will bc inished ior the succedi-ng term. Will students apply as near the opening of the erm as possible. FOSTER TÜCKER, Secretary of the Board. Grnss Lak e, Oct 23, 1843. 2fi-4w. in "REABY MADE EL0TH1NG ! !" HALLO CK RMYMOJYD WOULD respecifully inform the citizens of Ann Arbor, and t..e State generally, that hey have now on hand the LARGEST and CHE A PEST stock of READY MADE CLOTHING" o be founcl at any esinblishment in this State, which they are deiermined to sell at piices lojcer tuin wer before olfexcd, -and the}1 confidemly nvite all persons in want of i:Rcxidij Made Clofking," visiting Dotroit. to cali at their esablishment, "Corner of Jefferson and Woodoard Avenues," in the new brick block, Pkocix Buildings, where they will find cvery vacty ofgannents suitable for gentletnen's Fall or Vinter wear. and they bclieveat prices from 15 o 25 percent cheaper than they can obtain them n any other way. Js0, a very choice selection of 'Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, and Vestiags," vhich they are prepared to manufacture to order n a superior manner and siyle not to be excelled n ihe City cf New Ymh or elscwhere, Garïents always warranted Ij fit and -pitase or no ale!! Also. a very henvy Stock of DOMEST1C CLOTfIS. P1LOT and BEAVER CLOTHS. BE1.GJC CLOTHS, SATTINFrS. WINTER TWEEÜS, and every. ariety anddescription of goods suitable lor genemen's wearing apparel, all of which shall be oíd vsnj loto for cash. or exchanged for Produce t market pricee. All those wish-ing Bargains in any of the nbove rticles are invited ro cali at the ifFASH!OlriBLE CLOTHING EMPÖRWM" of the ubsíribers. Cor. of Jeflèrson and Woodward Avenues, Detroir. HALLOCK & RAYMOND. Detroit, Sept. 28. 1843. 23-tf Strayed FPi-OM the subscriber, in the town of Suline abcut tl'e 20th óf July last, two yoke oí led Oxen. One yoke were of hirge-size, and ne of them a palé red, v.'ith a rope around bis ïorns when they went awny. The other yoke were of middling size, and onè of them liad a vhite spot in the lorehead, and aomc white on no of nis bind lege. They ure about ten yenrs ld. Whoever will return said oxen, or give ntormation whcre they may be found, to Mr. ''ord, or to Mr. Van Husen, in Saline v i 1 - age, or to the subsenbor in the town of Highand, Oakland county. sbnll be liberally iwardd. HIRAM BARRETT. Octobcr 2, 1843. 23. Administrator's Wotice. THE undeisigncd liaving been appoinud by tlic Judge of. Probate for the county of VWi'fenaw, administrator3 on the estáte of osiah Beckley, late of said county, deceased, nd having given bonds as required by law. ïereby give notice to all pesons indebted to said state to make immediaie payment to them, and 11 persons liaving claims against said estáte io jesent them properly atiesied for ndjustment. MINERVA BECK1.EY, Administratrix. LUKE BECKLEY, Administrator. Ann Arbor, Sept 28, 1842. 23-6w. Strayed or Stolen FROM the. Subscriber in Manchester, Washtenaw county, about the tenth of July lost, n fnint sorrel or roan colored mare, supposed to oe eleven years old, medium size, white back feet with a large scar on one hoof, made by a split, and a smallswelling on her back, caused by riding; mouth much bit-worn, and white mark in hei fnce. Any information concerning suid rnare will be thankfully received, or assist;mce in secin ing her to the owner shnll be liberally rewarded. GEO. J. BARKER. Manchester. July 23. 1843. . 'l9-3w. BOOK BZNS2RY. AT THÏ PAl'KU MI IX (l,OVER TOWS) ANN ARBOR. EBOOTH would respectfully inform the inhabitantsof Ann Arbor and vicinity that he continúes the business of BSOOK BIIVBTiG, at the old atand, in the Paper Mili. Old Books will be neatly rebound on short notice. Al! kind3 of RULING done to order.- Country produce taken in payment. April 19, 1843. 52-tf. Cheese. FOR Sale by C. J. GARLAND. Aun Arbor, Upper Town, May 5, '43. 2KEEP GOING AHEZD IMow is the Time for Great Eargains, and no Mistak s. K. BANKS, TyCJTOULD respectfully nform his oldcustorn V y crs nd oihcrs visiíing Detroit, tliat hc has removed to the corner of' Jeft'erson Avenue and Grisvvold street, opposife Michigan Jnsurance where he hns on hand n Inrge Stock of READY MADE CLOTWJYG, consisting in pnrt of Ocv.r Coats, Box Coats, -Dress and Fnuk Coats, Vests, Ponts, and every irüclo in the cluthing line, cilie:iper than the chenpeit. A quiek sixpence is botter thon a slow shilling. Onty give us a culi and 'we will satisfy every ene; thnt sour maxim. Detroit, Óct. 7, 1843. 25-3m. "PH252S LABOR." MARCU8 STEVENS # SAMUEL ZUG, HAVE taken (he, rooms in the lower end of the White Block, direptly opposite the Mi cliiyañ Exchnnge, where thoy will keep an ex tensive nssortment óf C.ËRIJVET IVRJE of every kind, quality. and description, of theii own, nnd warranted to he ns fashonable. guod. nnd cheap as can be had West ol Vew York. Purchasersaie requested 10 cali and examine our oxtensive assortment bèfore huying. Any anicle of Furniture. made lo order, and Warrqnled to piense. UPHOLSTERING done in all ts various inmr.hes. and at the shortest notice. CHA1RS, LOOKING GLASSES. AND WJLLOW WAÍIR; ulso. lifalingany i Boards and Vcneurs - ascheep as he cheapest. WANTED, In exchange. CHERRY, WALNUT, AND MAPLE LUMBER, Qv. #c. $c. STEVENS & ZUG. Detroit, April 17, 1843. 5i-3m A DMIJS IS TRA TOK tí JY0T1CE. THE úndersigned hoving been appoimed by the Judge of Probate for the county ol W;ishter.av, Administratrix on the e. tate of Joel R. Hielden, deccasied. Inte of said county and ïaving given bonds as required by law, herehy give8 notice to all persons indebiecl to said estatio muke immediate payment to her, and all persons having claims against snixl esiate to present lieai properly attested for íuljustinerYí LAURA HINDEN. Ann Arbor, Oct. 17, ltí 13. . 2ö-Cw JAJIE . BlRlVElf, ATTOR NE Y A NI) C O UN S E LL O R A T L A W. SA6ANAW CITY, MICHIGAN. JG, B. will also act as Land Agent in the Lamí District in which this (Soganaw) County is; he will inake investments for others nnds, pny over for non-residents their taxes, and ive informntion gcnerally t( persons interested n ihis part of the country, or dsirousof becomns; iinmiírr.-intf lo it. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. JR. WALKFR ivould annbuiicö to his friends and the public in gsneral, thnt fie s now in the receiüt oí' the f'ull nnd winter ons for liS43-4, which have been selected and 'urnished by two of the best establishments in the Jnited States, on the first of the present niontli, ai'ter the kinds of gooris and fashions lor the sea son had becomè permanently estahlished, which 3 beautifuily il'ustrated by two of the most sple.)did (hshíon piales ever presented tothiscotnïiumty. Any gentlemen who wish to have the 'simos purk." can find t here furnished at a_ season vhen there can be no mistake as to whai s or is not foshionabie. Gentlemen, please eall md examine for yourselves, and if wecannot ex ïibit something that will satisly yvu that thesyl' of goods and (ashion of garmems are enaste and jeautiful, then we are mucli mistaken. Mr. Walker would take this opportunity reurn his sincere thnnks to all who have hitheno 'avored him with their patronage, and hopes he ins given general satisfnetion. All who foei dis)osed to have an easy. at the same time a fashonable garment, can be gratifíed by calling at he shop of J. D. Irish, one door souih of Beneh & Abel's old store, where for the convenience ofhimselt and customers he has located for the eason. where all demands in his line will be excuted with neatness and despatch, on reasonable erms for cash or country produce, but posiíively no credit. N. B. Cnlting done, and warranted to fit if properly made up. October 11. 1843. 27-tf. TYPE AT REDUCED PRICES. ri EO BRLCE & CO. Typelounders, at No UT 13. Cliambere s'.rect, nour the Post Office. New York. have on hand a unusually large stock f their well known Prin'.ing Types. Ornamenta, ïorders. Rules. &c. of the best inatcnnl. cast in riginal matrices, and veiy accurately finished. 11 oí which they have determinod tó sell at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES: lr.cing the book and newspaper fonts as follows: Pica. at SÍ2 ct8a lb. Smal! Pica, 34 " LontT Primer, 36 u Bonrseois, 40 " Brevier, 40 l Minion, 54 " Nunparëil. 60 ' ' Agnte, 82 " Péarl, ■ $1 20 or approved piper at six months, or at 6 per ent less for cash. WooO Type, Printing Ink, Presses, Cases, jralleys, Brass Rule, Composing Sticks. Chases, nd other Printing materials. furnished with Homptitude and at tbc lowest price. Printers of newspapers, who will puhlish this d ertisement, with ibis note, three limes beore the hrst of June, 1643, and send one of th japers tó !he ioundry, will be eiuitled to payment of their bilt, on buying four times the mount of it. Oct 23.. 1843. BROKE out of the cnclosuie of the siibscribci on or about the rnght of tbc 28th uit. a sin.aH jray Mare. lour yunro oUI, mi oiioiH Any per on who wil! givc notice to the ownerby letter oi therwisie where said Mare may be found, shall e rewarded by CHARLES HUDSON. North Lakc, Wnsh. co. Oot. 14, (843. 4(i-3w Timothy Seed, WANTED on accounts, or in exchange fo GOODS, by J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor, Aug. 15, 1843. 17-6-v. SAL ERATÜS. WHOLESALE and Retail, by H. BECKER. Ann Arbor, Aug. 2, 1843. 15-tf. Anti-Slavery Books. AQÜANT1TY of Auti-Slavery Books are for sale at this office, very cheap. Cali soon, hefore they are gone. SHEEP SHEARS, FOR Sale by C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor. Upper Town, Mny 5, 18-13. S. PETTIBOIVE, SORVEYOR, MAP MAKER, AND LAND AGRNT. Otiice in Court House Square, Ann Arbor. Jane 19, 1 843. 8-tf. Ases FOR sale, Wholesole or Retnil, by J. BECKLEY &. CO. Ann Arbor, Aug. 15, 1843. 17-6 w. LANK DEEDS. MORTGAGES, EXECUTIONS, STJMMONSES, &c. jus printed and for sale at ïhe VT8IGNAL OFFICE. jj NOTICE. ALL those indebted to the firmofJ. Beck ley & Co,, are requosted to make paymen immediately. Oct. 23, 1843".HALSTEAD'S BRISK PILLS. 2ti PlLLS FOK 25 CKNTS. THE Brisk Pilis answer the purpose more efIcctually for any disease for which any othcr pillis recommended, and supersede them altogether n medical excellence nnd virtue. lf you doubt this. just try them,it will cost you only two fihillings - nnd tfaen you. with me, will be satisfied. If thcy are not what I recommend Mem lo be, denounce tliem and put them down,-for I cannot conscientiouely recommend tliem for a cure all for cvery tliing. Bilt this 1 do eay, with out of contradiciion, that no pills are their equ;il in removing discnses originaung in the stomach or bowels. For liver and bilious disenses, sucli as dum ague, fever and ngue. intcrmitfnnt nnd remittnnt fevers. the. Brisk Pills possess peculiar proporties for their speedy removal From ten jréars experience as a prnctising physician, I ani convinced ihrit none can cqual ihem Read whni otlier pills are ood fór, and whot they will cure, and if the Brisk are not superior o them oH, then disenrd their use. Do not believo all that ia saïd aboiu an inlallible pill - tliat ncver fails to cure any diséasi!- bnt tr"y the Brisk Pilis - the cheapest pilla in use - 23 pills lor 25 centtf. - and then you will have a chance to judge of ihcir inerit ordemerit. As a blood cleanser, and1 x purifier to the diseased-systcm. they perhap su-; persede eyery pil! in use. They aré qtiick and eRy n the operntión. givin lite nnd tone to all1 the torpid orgnns; throwing off impure matter r huinors: letivini; the systum henliiiy nnd clean: This is all that nny one medicine can do.riutwi r.-' standing the great show of words and fictnious cer tirlcates. "We are determined tolet these pills stand1 upon their own reputation, win or loose. AlP we ask is, for a fair and nipariial tra!. The? can be taken by old nnd young, at nny time witb' jerfect snfety. TUey are an excellent medicine' br childron, for worms, fcc. In a word, they possess all the qunlities qf an npcrient pifl for fa-mily use. They have cured many iliaenses which1 no other medecine could remove. In conclusión [ any. do noteive up or despnir of a cure untiï you have tried the Brisk Pilis, for they do posses? peculiar properües nnd virtues. For Sale by S. P. & .1. C. Jewett. C. Eberhnch. Ann Arbor; D. H. Rowland, Northville; J. S. Scattergood, Plymouth: J. Dean. Pontiac? f. B. Dickson, Mt. Olemens; Maitland & Co. lomeo; Sprastie & Co.. Rochester; Church &. i'irchard, N. P. Jacobs, J. O wen & Co., De roit. 10-6m TÖWOOI. GROWERS WOOL CARDING S? CLOTH DRESSING. TUF) Subsciibers reepectfuUy announce to tho citizens of Ann Arbor and vicinity, that lv%y are preparad to card Wool and dress Cloth 'or custoniers, in the best sryio. nnd at the short■st notice. Having good machincry, experienced workmen. and long prociice in the business, they mve the utmost coniidence that they shall give iiDplc sntisfnct.on to those who favor them with heir patronriije. Troolen Factory. Thesubseribershaveon hand FULL CLOTHS ind FLAiN'.N'ELS, liianufactured by ihemselvcs. - ALSO - A Inrge amount of Satinetts of a perior quality, which they purpose to exchangeibr wool. TER MS. One yard of Cioh will be given for two ind three lourth pounds of wool in the fleece; he cloth to be of the same quuüty the wool will naUe. - also - .One yard of flannel for one and a half pounds of wool. Thankful for past favors. the subscriers would respectfully solicit a sliare of public jatrnnage. J. BECKLEY &, CO. Ann Arbor, Au trust 21. 1843. 17-tf. E. DEAB'S CELEBR ATED CHEMICAL PLASTEE, The mosl effectmd remedy yet discovered for Rheumatism, Fever Sores, White Swtllings, Injlamnuttiun in the Eyes, wel led Throut in Scarlel Ferer, Quinsey, rriHE CHEMICAL PLASTER is an importJL ant remedy for those who are afflicted with hronic and inflnn-.matory complaints, by irs eaaig puin, counteracting inflammation, and giving peedy relief by its active, strengthening. anoyhe. diaphoretic and counterirritunt properties - n efleciuul remedy lorChronic and Jmflainmntoy Rheiimntism, Ague in rhe Brenst, Scalds, 3urns, Bruses, Scroi'iila. Ulcers, Old Sores of hnost evo y desciipiion, Cnnkercd and Swelled hroat arisins from Scarlet Fever, Felons, White Swellings, Cliilbiains, &c. Persons sufl'erihg romLiver C.m plnmts. Pulmonary disenses, Innrnnjation oí the Lungs, with jiain n the side, nek or limbs. will find relief ly the use of this Jl--)ster. In all cases it niay bc used with perfect afeiy. E. DEANS CHEMICAL' PLASTER is ut up in boxes at filiy cenis and one dollar ijch. wiih (uil directions accompnnyinc ench box. Innufnctsired nnd sold whoenle by II. HAIlIIS & CO.. Ashttibula. Ohio, sole proprietois, o whom all orders sliould be nddreíaed. Suld lso iy their Agenis ihrbughöut the country. UTA liberal discount made to dealers and phyicians. F"Or testimoniáis and cenifientes from personr f tbc hishest respectibility, who liave used üo Chemical Piaster, see another column of this paer. For sale by the íollowing Agenta in Miagan: H. W. Rood. iles, J. C. Larrimore. " C. Sl-ianalmn. Edwnrdsburgh. Wm. O. Auslin, White Pigeon. Jsnac Benhnm, Jr., Conatnniine. Danl. L. Kiiiiberly, Sclioalciaft. H. B. Huston, & F. Marc-h. jr P M KnlnmazOPJames W. Cothren. P. M. Galesburgh. T L. Bolkcom, P. M. Battlc CreekJames M. Parsons, F. M. Mnrsl'-'" Pnui Rnymond. Drjw;Vl .r8n'' w - J.iul...-"' M. Leoni. TJalcfiiul Smith. Grnss Lake. John C Winnns, Sylvnn, J Millerd &. Son, Dexier. Thomas P. Mnv. Jr. Plymouth, Perin fcïlnll. Northville, . Mead & MCnrthy. Farmington, Peter Van Every. Frahklin, Julius Dean, Pontiac, Mnck & Sprngue, Rochesterr James Stephens, Uticn, E. C. Gnllup. Mt. Clemens, G. &J.G. Hill, ? retroi, John O wen & Co. $ DetrOir' Dr. Thos. M. Sweeny, Dearbornville, E. Samson. Ypsilanti, J. H. LUND. ) W S . & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Aibor CHRISTIAN EBERBACH, ) 49-1 y TARIFPOR KTO TARIFF, GOODS ARE CHE4P AT GARLANDS. JUST received nt ihc Farmers and MechanicaStore, direct from New York, a general assortment of choice an ! select GOODS, consistingof all most every article wnnted, euch as Shëetins Shirtings, Broad Cloths. Cassi-mcre," Calicóes. Drillinsís. Gnmbroons, Lir:en8, Umbrellas, Ribbons, Cravats, Mous, de Lains. Silks, Shawls. BonnetP. Hals,Bugar, Tea and Cofiee, Crockery. Boots nnd Shoes. Looking Glnsses, fee. &c. AU of which willbesold chenpns the clveap-' Goodspnrchosers will keep in mind the Farmers and Mechanics Store ejGARLANDi N. B. Any goodapurchased of him not giving satisfaction in price and' quality can be reAnn Arbor, (Upper Town) June 12, '43. 7tf 39000 FLOUR BARRELS for sale Cheap for Cash, by C. J. GARLAND. 2 Ann Aibor, Upper Town, May 5, 1843


Signal of Liberty
Old News