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General Intelligence: Female Labor In England

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In England, the comprnsation for female labor is even less, tnucli Jcss, than in any part of this country. A late number of tiie London Time?, cor.toine some focts which are enough to tnake humanity shudder. ït seems that in consequonce of the onerous efiect of the poor ralea, the iomates of poor houses, paupers, have been empioyed on a large sca.'e, nt almost n mere nominal compensation, to malie articles of clothiner, ifius 1hrow ing1 mnny worthy and indostrious women out of empïoyment, or compolling1 them to labor for nlmost nothing1, and promoting the very object which it was the wish to discourage, pauperism; Tor the poor women, thos deprived oremployinent, have no resources bul to apply to the poor houses for a wretched subsistence. The shirr-malting establishment in Cornhill, London, of Silver & Co., employ 3000 females, and they state ti'üt in consequence of the low prices paid to the work-hou?eIiehment thev were constrained to reduce the priees ttrey formerly paid, to meet the evil.- The priees which they now pay for making shirts, are as folio ws: Slriped cotton shirts Os lOd or 20 ets per doz! Priníed ful! fronterJ, 2 6 60 Commofl white ditto,5 0 120 Better do do. 10 0 250 It thtis appears that the poorer quality of 6hirts are made at the largeand'regular establishments, at onecent and seven milis a piece! In the work house, the price paid is two cents for makitig shirts! And the redoction in price för making other articlesof apparel, 3 in proportion; It is stated in another English paper, that in the town of Dudly, the wages of a woman for manufacturing 1205 round headed hob nailsfare 5 6-4 d.; these are made with a ham mer weighing 1 1-4 Ibs. Each nail receives twelve blows before it is complete, and consequently the poör woman has to raise the enormous weight of 18 ,000 Ibs, in order io earn that email snm! . The Compensation for fèmale Iaboir in this country is deplorably lo'w- but in Great Britain it appears to be nvjch worse. We hope that the meetings in this city, by calling public attention lo thé subject,' will rê'sult in good -indeed we doutrt ñot that euch will be th!case. If it does not tênd diréctíy to increase searöstress's it will be because rhat kind of labor is overstöcked. But we doubt not that öther suitable ernployroeiUs for females will be Tónnd, that wil), in a great measure mitígate the cvils which are so justly complained oí.-Mercantile Jonriial. Pemmekin.- Does the reader know what Pemmekin is? Shduld he not be so informed, we wil] teil him that Pemmekin is a name given to the previously innominate mass foraned for the nourishment of the sailors who went under Capt. Parry's command to the North Pole- a concentraron of the nutricious qualities of meat, so powerful, that 50 pounda of beef malee about a square inch of it as much of it scraped as will lie on a shilling will feed a fellow six feet high and four feet broad fór twenty-two hours; its gïeat merit is, of course, its portability; and its utïlify must be evident to the must inveterately prejudiced landáman, when he comes to consider that Jack can carry a quarter of a bullock in his tabacco-box, and stow away half a dozen hams and a fillet of veal in thé fob of his tröwsers. A Manvfaciured aïicle.--A mèrchant in England having iinported n mummy SOOO years old, the custome-liouse could not cali it a raio material, so after much debate, they voted it a manufactured article. It wfis valed ot L400., and being pronounced a nianufactured article, he had to pay L200 or 50 percent duty upon it. % '4


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