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.MOKTCAí-lO SA LK. TT"EFAL'LT lïavingUeèo made'io tbe pñymeni J of a ccrliiin suiu ul muney witli tiie nuerrsi thereon. selred "o bc'pnid by n ceftáfn indeiuure of Mprtgage, bearing dote llie tliiriy-first day ol OaabWi4a úte yonr oi onr Lord one thousnnd ci.'iit hundred and rorty. exectm-d by F.ü Granger. of Süii. iií tlie coiiniy oí Waslucnaw tóid tlic'siíueol' Michigan, to Samuel Clemens, ol Lima, m ne oou.My and Sntf níorcsnií!. vvliich Morfèfge was rocorded in tl, o Regis ice's oüi.-c. ol"thecouniy of VVnshtcnawafores.i l oh tJíeiéecorul dny of 'April. A. D. orí? ciíbuwftj, efghi hundred and íbrty-two, m Líber rer. ol Mortgiges. nt pniie one liuudred Snd si.viy-nne. and dcfaúlt hrivmg bc n made in the eon.lition of said moriga-rr, and no S.úi't or pnceeding m law liavjng been nítrtutod t rcoovev líio whole or any partof ihe inonoy nw (!ue on snid mürtijngc. - By virtue of wliirh defaiiU tjiere is now chiiuied ■ to be dnc on snid inonísgc, tlic sulti of threc hundred a lid tí'ty one dolJctrs and twenty cents, for principal und interest. Notice is ürerefore herebv given. that in pursuanceof a powcr oí salo in Sala Indenture ol inortase cömained. will be solt! nt public auction al ti efroni doorof tíie ("oiirí !.'oihc in tho villne of Atin Arbor. in tbe coiinty nforesaid. on ' thc seventb day of'Fohrunry ref, ai ten o'olock in the forenoun o!'siid dny. all tho premises described n saíd murtg.ige. or so nuch Hieieof ag moy be necossnry to snt sfy he amn.urrt diie foi principa! and interest o n snid mortoraiic. as well ascosisfor foreclosjng ihe saine. and described as fblluws: "Al' ('ial wrtain tract or parecí of land in iheSiüte aforesaid, known, boinded and . described as follows, tj wit: 'l'ne sourh halfof ihe south west qunrter of ssgtion seven, in town nv0 smiii. ffraiVe (íve bast. except fifteen acres on tho tioflh sifeofáiíl qunrier soeiion. beins . one half milc in lenafti) running oast and west." Dated al Aun Arbor, this sixth day ;Ql'-Novem ' SAMUEL CLOIF.NS. Morfgngee. By O. H awkií s, his Attorney.MORTGAGE SALE. DEFAULT having nftete in the pny ment of ti certnin puní of nmrx y witlrtln interest thereon, securcd to b"e pnid by n certah ind'-nture ot Mortgngc, bearing date the twenü eih doy of ."November", in theycar of oitr Lord onc ih'oúsam] oight hundred and thirty-oight. by Eli Granger oí Scio. in ihe coun'ty oi Woshtebaw, amiSi.itc pfMifliignn, to Jlhodri Phelps of the sanie place: which. morigage was reeordod ia tlioroisUT'5oInce ot county ol Washfenaw, nforesaid, on the twenty-stxth da of Jannnrv. A. D. one thotisand ciüht hundred nnd thirty-nine. in Libcr ntmibcrseven of mortgniïCF, nt page 't h ree Innidrod ifhd seventy foir, and íefsuk hnvinsr been rtiadë in the eonditioti ol snid moTtgnge, ami no suit or proceeeding nt low having been institued torecover the whole or any part of the mor.ey nowdue. on snid Mortgne, by virtue of which defmtlt tliere is now clnTmed if be due on said Mortgage. tbesiim oi onn hundred and tbirty-three dollars nnd fifiy-si. cents for pri)iciinl and interest, svhidi mortgttge hns neen duly gssisited w Saimiel Clemens. Notice is rhercfore liereby giveh. thnt inpureuance of a power of sale in ?aid inrlenturc of niortgage conlained. will be sold at the front dor of the dun iiouse, in tlic villugeofAnn Arbor. in the cönnty nforesaid. on the seventh day of' Fcbmary next, nt ten o'olock in the forenoon ofsaid dny, nt public aft ne premises describen) in snid Indenture of Mort gage, or so much thoreof as mny bc ncoessary to sáíisfy the aniount due for principal and interest, on said ï wéll a9 cosis for foreclosing the same; nnd desenlien1 as follows. to wil: the south haJfof the west half of the sonih-wcst qunrter of seetion seven, tówn-iwo south of range five east. containins forty anres. e ihe same more nr less. Datêd. Ann Arbor, November H, 18-1?. SAMUEL CLF.MEiVS. Assignee. of RMODA ?HFXPS, Mortgasee. By. O. II.uvkin?. his Attorney. 29-12w EIiaiicery fea 5e. Philip fl. Reevcs. -Jfe. . 'S' c ,, I" CHA.NCEKT. 2ü CIRCUIT. Dnnie! [J. Sciilly. ? and .Mary Scull}'. In piirmmce of a decretnl order fssued out of th& Court of Chancery. in and for the State of Michigan, I ehalj exposé to sale, to the highest bidder, nt the Court House, in the village of Ann Arbor. Washienaw cotihty, on the fifteenih day of Jnnuary npxt, at JO o'clock; A. M. of that duy, the following described premisos. :to wit:" ':Á11 that ceitain tract or pnreel of land lyirfg in ciWebster. and described as follows, t;to wit:" "The 'west hal} of the south enst quarter of see"r:lion tliirty si.w in township one south, of rang "five east, contninin cighty acres, more or less 'ivAIso the east half of the north enst quarter of "seciion (hirty six, in lowhship one south, of "rane five east. contuining: eighly acre?, more '"or less." or so nivich thoreoT as may be stifficient to raise the amounulue to the conripíainánt íor his principal, interest and cosis in rhi's cause. GECL DANFORTIÍ, Masier in Chancery. Gf,o. Mii.ks. Comp'ts. Sol. Nov. 24aïlS-tt. 31. NEW GOO.DSÜ HiíVlNG retirad, notfrom bu?iness. hut to the old stand of, G. Ward, l will; sell GOODS Chcnp. My stock is cntirclij ncw, and embraces a 2;ood vaáety, well selected, and the goods cannot fai! to-gatisfy those who wish to pinchase. I nave spent most of the sunjmer and part of the fall. in New Enghmd. whero-ihe Goods are made. and Lhnve been able to nurchase such gtiods ay-J ■S'anted; and :it such [iriecs. as will enablü me to se!l tii'in abom as low as they have bee$ sold in New York, from Jobbinü Houscs during.thisseason. Espeiaily I can sell loolen Cloths, from the gpnrsest to supriïne. ;-! A: G-4 Cloths. Satinetts, Cnssimeres, &c: &c. at low prices. More; I have cm vind a good stock of C"n!)s. Thread. Pms. Needies. &c. &c. which I erin. and w.ll sell to any, who wish to buy by the qnantity at very low ritus. Iwüïtake Á.SHES and BLACK SALTS, or rEAHl.ASHmniyAshery; and will sell SALERATUS in qiamitios to suilpnrchasurs. TERMS - Cash, Produce, rgooil Credit. I ani, Gentlemen and Lrsdie.?, ResprctfuÜy your?, F. DEN] SON. Ann Arbor, Upper Town. Nov. 7. 18 13. N: B. Cash paid for FLOUR, or Pot nnd Penrlash. -or advancced on the same und sold as üsüáf. 29-lf. 'leather. THE undersigned has ju.-t received from tho Maufaciurer, an'd will continue te be suppjied wtih a Genera' Assortmentnient ofEAS'i'ERN TANNED LEATHBIfe which he will sel) at dccidodly Low Prices, ii CASH or "HIDES. He will continually havo on hand Spanish and Slaugnter SÖLE LEATHER, of Light. Middje and Heavy Weights; Upper Leather. Oak and flemljck Tanned Calf Skins. Paini and Slaughter Kips, Harness and Bridle LeatherBíndíngs. Wate and Colored Linins Shoe ThreadjMrc All persons desirous of purchnsin are reqnésted o cali at the ONE STORY BUICK BUILDING, No. 39, Woodward Avenue, nnd examine the quality and prices befo re purchasing elsewhere. N. B. Tho hjghest Market Price will be paid in CASH FOR i-JÍDES. J. D. BALDW1N-. Detroit, Nov. 13, 18-13. 29-fim. Anti-Slavery Books. AQUANT1TY of Anti-Shivery Books are for sale at this office, very cheap. Cali fioon, before they are gone. 0,000 FLOUR BARRELS for sale Cheap for Cash, by C. J. GARLAND. 2 Ann Aibor, Upper Town, May 5. 1843 CHARLA II. STEWART, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND S0LIC1T0R ÍN CHANCERY. JJiriEIiSOÍÍ AVIÍ.NÚE, DETKOIT. 49-tf.RAÍL ROAD HOTEL" 2843. BY 1843. .'PATJRICK Se ANDREWS. OPPO9TTE THE WESTERN AND NORTHERN RAIL ROAD lUCrOTS, DKTItOIT, MICU. nnMK nbove Hotel has grpntly ehfarged) i íunt tiucd lip 'h a siyle equai lo ftny publít n.!is' in Dct'oii, Cor comfort initi convemence- Ira ; loca I ion is in n l.o:-] liy. atu! plepsoiy part oí the "city. boinir siiuaicd un t!.o Public S'qua'ro. md in the iniuicfliaic cinity ol' C'eniral and Nüiiheru Rail iluads, and oonvei.icMU to i!u Miricipal STAGS SOUTBS divcrgiiiír t,i ilie (Jifi'cren! pans oí ftie t?tatc. Tkavki.i.i vi#h:i4r lo takc ilu' Cais or Hon;? cnnnoTfipd n mure cuivcnic nt jil ce than tliis. heing nenr llie Curs ón liotií K:n! Ro;;ds. and in iinincdiaftí conneetic-n wi'h tho Jíoats. 'J'íio l'mpnctois nssurja tlie puhlic. tliat no pains will bi spaiid p fr.rnisli i:.e r TAJ3L 10 with ihcbcst tlie iMnfRot aílordp, and ilieir eiis:omerswitli dvoiv .'ttetuion in tliei [icwer, rcquisile to iHeir coinfort. ca un i a g r;$ $ n A o 6 Á Q B Wa is e NS ilways in readinoss WJ cunvey Passenaers to and from thn Hoat? nnd Ctus fVeoof charjic. TE1131S- -lo ct-ns per dny. or '2ó cen(6. per meal. PATIUCK & ANDRRWS. Nov. G. 18 H. -2,S-tím. tejo II O L "ÍTLe & R E T A I L . BOOKSELLERAH)STAT!OMEB, &WARfré BTA)CK, ' 1 37 JET F R R S O N AV B X (I K, DETROIT. Kecps cnnstainly lor sale a nuplete assonmem of Miscc!iai!c.n;s. School and Classical Bnoks; Leiternnd Cap Pnper. plain and rnlcd, Quiüs. I,,k. gealing Wax, Ciriory. Wrappina Paper. Pnnting Paper, oí oií stzes; and üi'ok. Nouaaiid Canister Ink. o! var'nn; Í;íx7aBLANK BOOKSr Full and hall IiojuuI. ol everv v&'riètyoJ Kulin"1 MEMORANDUM BÖOKi?. &c. To Merehairs. Teachers, and others. buying in q'uairtiries. n [urge tffacönnt nde. SABBATH SCHOOL & BI8LE SOCIETV DEPOSITOR 5l"lfWBOLESAfiE &'RETAIt. STA PLU AND F ANC Y TÍj e] Subicribsis kp coosiiuicly on halad i Inrge and chöice stocïc oí DIÍY GOÖDS-, BOOTS AND SHOr.S, DRV OHOCKliƒ■'. $c. fas. whioli Jiave heen sclcctcd wi.h care, anu are of the newest styles and btsi quaJities. As thcy are dutennined not to be undersüld, they solicit the patronage of those wishing '.'o purcliase. Amongother thire;stoo 'nnmerous to rucntion.. Üicy Kavü a large and exctlient assortment of SHEEThXGS, DRÍLMNGS, SUMVIKRSTUFFS, CALICÓES, PULLED. CLOTHS,] SATÍN PiTS. BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, GAMBROONS, LÍNENS, CAMBRICS, MUSLINS, HANJKERCHIEPS, fac. fee. Bomicl Rifibojts, a vcry beautiful r.ssortment. SLatpIs, Broche, Siik, and TJiibet, of the richest paltcms. Pttrósals; oi a!l kinds, qunlities. and prices. Hose and Half IIcsj. Cotton'and Worpted. Bonncts. Leghorn, Tuscan and Straw. The above assortment of GOODS wil] be sold is cicüp, or cheaper than can be purchased in Detroit. ef-WooI, Potash, Flor,=n] nnd all kinds oí ÍRODUCL' will be rem ved in payment. ABBOTT &. BEECHER, 144, JeiTerson Avenue, Jnly, 72. 1843. (12-tf.) Detroit. KEEP GOING AHEAD. Rïow is the Tune for Oreat Bargalns, and ao ÏKKstak?. R . iAH, W.OULD inform his " ers and oihers visiung Detroit, that hc has removed to ihe corner of Jefferson Avenue and Griswold streef, opposite Michigan [ ranee vhere he has onimnd n are Stock of READY MADE CLOTHIJVG, qonaisiing-'in partpf Óver Coats, Box C'oats. Drcsj and Frock Coats, Vcsts, Putiis, and every árdele in the clothing line. chenper than the cheopest. A q,uick sixpence is better than n slo'.v shilling. -Oiily cive us a cali and we will satisfy every one; that is our maxim. Üetroit. Oct. 7. 1S43. 25-3m.T. LAMBERT, BEGS Jeave to inform the inhabitanis of Ann Arbor. and the siirrounding . try. that havinsf located himselfinihe Loiccr VUlage, with the view oC cnrfying on the above business in hf! its branches, (some of which are HOUSE. SÏGN, nnd' 0R7YAMEWTAL PAINTIjYG, GILDIXG and GLAZIG. GRAINJNG, imitution of all Wnods. MARBLE1ZJNG, TRANSPARENCIES,' BANJERS. &c! respectfully solicíts n share of public patronage, as bis prices shalL be low to conform to thetimésaud his work done in the best manner. T. L. wou'd say to Farmers thnt he is particularly deaírous to'nüend to tlieir calis, as produce is tho best kind of pay. Ann Arbor. Lovver Town, Mareli 6, 1S43. 45.- ly. DR. BANISTER'S - VER AGUÈ VILLS.-Purchj Ieein.hlt, A safo, speed y. and sure remedy tor lever ;ídí! agüe, dunj !iriïe. chili fever, and the bilioua diseoses peculiar to new countries. These pulsare desigiied,rac the uffections of the liver ::nd other interna1. öTgaaa which attend ;he dfteaseB of t{;e ncw ánd miasmatic portionsoJ'our couiurv. The propnetor Saviqg dicd them in a erreat vnriety of cases beüeves that they are superior to any remedy that hns ever been ollcted tü the public lor the above diséasês. Itispnreiy Vegetable and peïfcctly harmless. and can bc taken by anyperson, maleór female with perfect safety. The pills are prepared in two separate boxes, marked No. 1 and No. 2. and acecompaniedwiih full direciions. A wrent number of certifica tes might he procured ín favor of this medicine, but the propríéter has thotjsrhi fit nótlo insert them. in as tnuch as hé dcpen'riö upori the merits of the s;ime for 'its reputaiitm. The above pill is kept constnntly on hand by the proprieter and cari bo had at wholesnle nnd rctailat the store of Bcckley &, Co Orders froin the country prompily atfended to. Ann Arbor. ( lo wer town ) May 29 1 842. 9 L. BECKLEY aiOO ipiBitssirisi OF all kinds neatly excu'ed at '.he Signa. Office, at the shortest notice, and on tli most rcasonnble terms. Famphets Circulara Eïaïldlills Vc wilt be pnnted to order, a any time. with the utmost accuracy. ITT Orders by mail promptly filled. For Sale. ONE yoke of VVORKIJNG OXEN. Enquire at tho Hat Store of H. BAGG. Lower Town. Ann Arbor, May 29, 1843. 6-tf - B8 BSsr BS SS in "g"UST received al the Farmers' and Mechanica' Store a general assortm ent of Fancy andstaple Groceries, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, &c. &c. which will be sold heap and for ready piyonly. C. J. GARLAND. And ArhoT, Upper Town, Nov. 20v1843. N. í. As usual, any Goods p'irchased of hina not givina; satisfaction in pri.cé and quulitv, tile purchaser has the privilege to return them and receive back his momy. 32 C. J. GARLAND, - LOWËR TO1VN mESSRS. DAVIDSONS& BECKER, have just re-L-- ceived from New York a large and splendid assortment of Fancy and Staple AIso, a large quantity of Dry GrocerieSj Crockery, Shelf Hardware, Nails, Boots and Shoes, Men's and Boy's Caps, Paints, Dye StuiFs, and Medicines, &c. &c. &c. which they will sell lower than has ever before been offered in this place. For particulars cali at their Slore, No. 3, Brown's Blode, (formerly occupied by H. Becker.) The highest Market price will be paid in Goods iov mo.t kinds oí' Produce. ö Rememberihat they wiJl not be undersold.- Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Noy. 13, 1843. 29-GmCLOCKS? CLOCKS! rpHE subscriber having just received several X cases of BRASS and WOOD CLOCKS, oi various descriptions, is prepared to sell them Chctij} for Cash. Also. a geneial assorlmeni of JSWELRY, consisting' in part of Gold Fingcr Rings, and Bosom Pinp. Hearts and Crosses. Silverand Cominon Thinibles, Watch Chains and Keys, Pencil Cases: alsp. Spoons, Sucar Bowis. Buiicr Knives, Tofih iind iíair Brasiles, Pocket Books. Violin Sirings, Needies, Pins. Hooks, and Eyes. Spectacles. Fine Combs, Dressing Combs, Side Combs, Back Combs, Pocket Combs. Water Paints. Marking Cotton, Steel Pens, and Tweasers. Snuff & Tobacco Boxes, Elástica, &c. All of which wil] be sold as eheap as at any other estnLIishrnent this side of New York. N. B. The snbscriber thankful for 60 large a share of public patronage, slill solicita a continnence of the same. CLOCKS AND WATC'HES of every dfisription repaired and warranted. Ateo, JEWELRY repaired on short notice. - Shop at bis old stand directly opposite the Court House. C. BLISS. Ann Arbor, Nov. 6. 184S. 28-ly. Cash and Barter Store. C. J. GARLAND, HAVIJVGpurchased the entire Stock in trade of Godfrey and Allen, will be happy to wait upon sweh as will give him a cali, flis stock consists of a general assortnient of goods, and will be sold cheap. and for ready pay only. WANTED,, In exchange lor GOODS, most kinds of country produce, and 300,00 FLOUR BARREL STAVES & HEADING, for which a fair price will be paid. Ann Arbor, April 19, 1843. m 52-tf. ülifllinery & Oress ülaking. Mrs. C. BUFFFINGTON, "QESPECTFULLY announces to the inJLV habitants of Ann Arbor and vicinity,that she has ppened a shop, midvvay, between the upper and lowor villages, where the business of MILLIJYERY $ BRESS MAKING will bo iarried on, in all its branches, with pnncttialily , despatch, and in the best and most fashionablo style. Ann Arbor, Aprils, 1843. 50 ly BOOE AT TH.K PAPJvR MI1.L (l.OWKKTOWN) AifM ARBOIi. EBOOTII would respectfully infprm the inhabitanisof Ann Arbor and vicinitythat ie coniinitos tbc business of at the old stand, in the Paper Mili. Old Books will-be neaïly rebound on short notice. All kinds of RULING done to order.- Country produce taken in payment. April' ia, 1S43. 52-tf. Checse. FOR Sale by C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town. May 5, '43. 2 WOOBWQRTirS HOTEL. NORTHERN, EASTERN, AND SOUTHERN STAGE HOtTSE. npHE undersigncd respectfully announces to i the Public, that he is now the Proprietor of this veil known establishment.. The House having been thoroughly overhauied, and refitted in a manner calcr.lated to promote the comfort of ciiizcns and the travelling public. The house occupies arieligible position, on the corner of Woodbridgc and Randolph streets, in a business part of the city. Those who may honor him with their countenance, may be assured that no expense or atten'ion in his power, will be spared. lo make their sojourn in Detroit agreeableainl satisfuctory. [4(5-ly] S. DWOODWORTH. TAII.ORING WILLIAM WILKINS0N CIjAIMS the attention of the inhabitants of Ann Arbor and the surrounding country, and informs them he has located h-meelf the Norlh side the square, near the Post Office, opposite the rear of the Court House, where he is always on band to wait on those who wish to obligo him with a cali. The farmers are sure to be suited with good comfortable fits. All who are more fashionably inclined can be necommodated. having received the latest FashionsforFall andWinler. Cutiing done on the ehortest noücc. and warranted to fit if made up by experienccd handa. Ann Arbor, Oct. 1, 1843. 23-tf.RIVER RAISIN INSTITUTE. THE winter term of this ïnsiituuon wij] commence the firsc Wednesday of November uext, and continue 15 weeks. It s plensantly situated in the town of llaisin, one tnile east oï the direct road from Tecumseh to Adrián. Rooms. - There are now on the premisos suitable rooms for the aceommodation of forty studente, which are de6Ígned tobo occupied for private study and lodging. Other necessary buildings areprovided ior recitation and boarding. Most students will probfibly board themselves. Expenses. - Tuition ior fiftecn weeks, common branches 4 dollars. IJigher English branches, including Greek and Latin, 5 dollars. Room rent 8 cents per week. Incidental expenses 50 cents per term. Students are expected to furnish whatever they wish to use in their rooms except andirons. Students who have to buy their books will do well to doler so doing, and buy themherc. The school is open to all applicants of suitable ágo and moral character irrespective of complexión or condition. Itie very desirable that all who design to attend school should be ready to commence with the term. otherwise there cannot be a regular classification of the students. and without such classification comparoiively little advancement can be made in study. Any further nformation respecting the ínstution can be obtained hy addresing, post paid. JOHN PATCHÏN, Principal, Rnisin, Co., Mich. Raisin. Oei. 3, 1S43. ' 24-3w. AUeiitioia, luralids. WHO has tried the Persian Pilis and Jew David's ar Hkbrkw Pi. a ster. and is not ready to testify that they are decidedly the best medicines now in use? The above medicines have been before :he public some four ycars, and physicians at the Easi haveusedthem extensively in their practice. and were they here, they could teil you of the excellent qualities of these medicines. Reader! Have you ever used them? youhnvo not, ask those who have if they are not what we recommend them to be. They are the Cheapest as weli as the best. A box of piaster contains iufficient to spread 8 or J0 piasters price 50 cents. The largo Boxes oí Pilt.s contain 73 puls for (33 cents: the small boxes 35 pills for 31 cents. No persons should condemn them until ihey have tried them. and then we are sure they will not. These medicines are for sale by one or more agents ín all villages and cities in the United States. Cali on the agent, and he wil give anyjnformation wanted. For sale by J. H. Lund. S. P. &. J. C. Jewett. C. Eberbach, Ann Arbor; D. M. Ladd, Milford; M. C. Bakin, Novi; D. H. Rowland. Norihville; J. Scattergood, Plymouth; P. Vanavery, Frankün; J. Dean, Pontiac; J, Millerd, &, Son, Dexter; Dr. Sager, Jackson. 10 - 6m. Ulwrder & Sïaicide! PASSING your streets a few dayssince, I was almost horror struck in noticing a continual prptracted murder. Cheapest Store in town - :New York Wholesale and Retail Cheap cash Store" "BufTalo Cheap Store" led me to cali where T saw the "Kings English" lie mangled, bleeding, dying. Atanother place I saw a great display of iL Red Rags" and flaming hand bille. where on examination I found that they claimed to have bought their goods at "Auction" and I knew 'hat goods sold at anction were of inferior quality, and such ns would not bear the test of private sale scrutiny. Oh.thonght they 2ut their own throats in buying their goods at nuction. I passed on lo F. Denison's old stand where I found H. Becker fairly settled with a large STOCK OF GOODS, selectcd at private sales, embracing nearly every thing called for in the country, at low prices. for cash. produce, or good credit. And herel found that the pure English was spoken, as Iamassured it is ot his Store in the Lower Town. VIATOR. Ann Arbor, June 12, 1843. 7 tf. RAIL ROAD TEMPERANCE HOUSE. THE undersiirned would respectfully inform tlieTriends of Temperance. and the public generally, that the abose named House, formerly known as the Temperance Hotel, and situated on the corner of Michigan avenue and Washington street, tiear the Central Railroad Depot, havng undergone thorough repairs and very great additional improvements, is now ready the reception of all those who may favor him with a cali. Tho accommodaiions, in every respect, are not inferior to any Temperance House in the country, and evory attention will be given to such as bestow their patronage upon thïs laudable enterprise. N. B. Carriagea alwnys in readiness to convey passengers to and from Boats and Cars. WM. CHAMP. Detroit, May 9, 1843'. . 4-1 y NOTICE. ALL those indebted to the firm of J. Becklky & Co, are requosted to mitke payment immediaiely. Oct. 23, 1843.


Signal of Liberty
Old News