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NATU RE'S GRAND npHJS vnlnable vegetable medicine stands unJL rivalled for the lollowinir complaints, viz: Dispepsia or Indigestión, BrseaaerJ Liv:r, Bil sous Disorders. Dropsy. Asthma, Costiveness. Worms and loss of Appetite," and' hy cleansmu thësfömach and bowels, cures paíns in the side. Stomach and Breasr, Col ds and Congas of Unv standing, Honrsi-ness. shortness of brehth'. Nervous compltiints, &c. which is frequcnily the ef feet of disease. lts virtues surpaps any thing herptofore knewn in removingSt. Viius' D-incc - two bottles have been known ti) cure thi allïicting disense, nfler Iinving bnfllitd evc-ry excrtion for fu.ur years. It has a most powerfo) influence. ïn reniovina pervouS'Complnints. It is plenaant w tuke. tinrl ?o easy in irs operntion, ihai .t rnny be arTininisterad to the inlaru witfi'snfcry. For sale by W. S. & J. W. MAYNARÖ, A'nn Arbor Nu'tTseröus certificnies might he given tvire ii deenied necessary. Let the following sufTïce: CERTIFÍCATE. This cerliijrs thnt I linve testcd i!io heneficial eflbets of tlHolmnn's Notares Grand Restara■ irS' in niy fnmily. (havïng: tiscrl ii for years,) nnd witnessed i:s lieilinir propertics in numcroiJS insinnces aniong others. I most cliecrfully recom mend it ns an invaluable medicine; and f 'by eo 'lointr the füseased nr iriduced tn try it, I have 'lie sntisfaction of belipving that I have ïcmiera) ihem an important service. G. BECKXEY. Ann Arbor, Nov. 24, 1843. 3-'-:w. Strayed F ROM the subscriber. in ;he town of Gren Onk. Livingston Co., on the lust of August a medium sïzcd Red Ox. 12 yenis o!d Iasi Spring,"liigh horns. vhidh have boen borcd for distomper. Wlioever wiíl írive iníornmtíon whftre Si'id Ox can bc found. wi'H be rcasonabJy rewarded. , , HANNIBAL LEE. Green Öak, Ñov. 13, 1843. 30-3w. lotice. AM. NOBLE would respecifully reniind his customers, that ns he has taken a part ner, and is making new arrangements in his . siness, he wishes for an . imniedkto settlement with all wbo VYQ indebted to. hini.' Ann Atbor, Nov. C, 1843. 28-3m.EBïTISTaY rTl. JJ3WEÏ T, would respecdüily giveno1-J tice that hc pcrfonii3 all operations for the pennancnt prrsei vtlhn of the THÜTH. He would invite aiteniion to his new nnd peculiar meihod of plupainy Teeih, by whieh il.c fillings a most invaraSly remuin, rendermg theiri durable na long ns needi'il. TrT'1 lest METALLIC JNGORRUPTimj 1 KhT H. msov(ed on pïtr.As or L?.!.) pinte So as t combine all the requisitos oí beauty and üttliiy. Disensos of rhe ppints and íocící scietMiticslly UcMed, nnd ÏVort e tuIx. j u:hout tho pain of extraiuiun. AU opcraüoiis wnrrantcd Advice graiis. Undoubied and satisfactory referencee ijivon. i.u.y be found-af the office oí 1. Wells, orenquire at Col. Geo. W. Jewett's. Ufpar 1 own. Ladics will beauended nttheir dwellings if eo uesirecl. Aun Arbor. Nov. 24, 1843. 31-3w. ABBOT a BÏËÊCHËR DETHOIT WHOtESAtB ,JArL DOMESTIC STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. JÜST received n lnrger Stock thaji ever of Heavy Krown Siieetings, Shirüngsand Drillïiitrs. Bkached Goocis, Calicóes, Apron Cbecke, Baggings, JJurlnps, Diapers, Crath, Muslin, Fustians. lole Skins,. Snllincls. Shcir,)'s Gray Cloih, Buckskin Cloth, Fjncy Cnssimeres, VVíilveríoé Coatings, Alnpaca Lustre. ChangeaMe Stripe Do. Fancy, Crape nelaincs.IndiaCluih, Mouslin De Laincs. Paribinns. Chusans. Shawl?. Rob Rovs, Canlinnls, Damask Shawls, Black. Ötüc lilnck, Brown. and Bhie Brond Clorhs, Feit and Pilot Over Cóatings, Blanke-.s, Fbnnels, and Superior BEAVEK CJOTÏIS, T.eather, Cotton Yarn, Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Rice and Tobacco. All of wiiieh Gooils wil! besold at the LOWEST PR1CF.S that üiey enrt bo boueht for West of New York Citv, nn.l we wish our Frk'iids to give us a Cali before jguying. WAN'TED, POT ASII, WOOL AND FLOUR, For which we wíl! piy the Üighest pnces ettber in CASH or GOODS, at tho CHE AP EST CASH P RICES, No. 144, Jeíierson Avenuo, Corner Baies Street, Detroïf, Nov. 13, 1843. 29-lf! E. BSilH'S CELEBRA TE D CflEMr'OAL PIASTER. THE folluwmg is one frorn among the nuuierou6 testimoninls from persons of tht highest respeeiabüity, whieh the proprietors have received. Rca4 the following astonisMng cure of a Pever Sor e : FROM JOSEPII LEE. Westlktville, Eríe en.. Pa. ? TT r Maf, 27. 1840. ( H. & Cp'.- Sirs: Tliïs rnay certify that I have beon hr twenty-two years afHicte'd with a íever Sore on one of my legs, and havi freque-ttfy appliect to medical gentlemen ior med icme to enre it. but I have never found any thing to effect ihe desired object untii I obtainecl a box of D&.n's Chemical Piaster. Sirs, 1 can now say to you th'at in onó hoirr the Piaster relieveri the pain and in less trmn two weeks it efiected a cure, My leg is now perfeesiy sound, and J air most cheei fut ty lecornraend the Piaster tobe r sale and vilunfIe rernedy for Fever Sores, and would advise all that are afliicted as J have been to try for themselvcs the liealing virtues of this nvaluable Piaster. Yoir3 respectfullr. - 'JOSEPH LEE. tCFFor the disesses ín which this Piaster is ap plicable. see advertisement in another column othis paper. E. De;in's Chemical Plister is for sale in Ani: Arbor (Lowcr Tmvn.) by J. li. LUND. and V. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. ppe CIIRISTÍAN EÜElUiACH', Tow, 49-1 yifjroXTTT OF ÏNTSSEST. NOBLE AND SPRAGUE, WOULD cali the a'ten:ion ef the citizens ol Aon Albor, and ilie eommunity ín gener ■il tp the fact that ihcy. believi;inr that two head; are better than onc, have forme? a co-partnershij lor the purposö of cnrrying on.ihe TA ILORING B USINESS; in all its branches. They will be alwnysoD hand. 'jwn doors West of the Washtenaw. in the Low er Village of Aun Arbor, wheré all ífan íavoi t!iem with tlieir patronage moy be suro of satisfaction. No pains will be sparetl in makini; tlic.r garmcnts fushiunao!e. comfortabie, and durable. They feel coníident from pnst experience. onc? froni the nltootion vvhich ihey pay 10 tlieir busi ntss. iliat they cnnnoi fail ol giving universïi' satisfactiqn-,, ai.d they are deteri)(inoij not 10 bt otittione by nnv esUiblishmèüt west of New York N. C CUTTING done on short notice, and stiict attenttoö wilj Le paid to üie orders of ihtcustomer. P. S. Welike to havefbreot by the wny to mention, that we oo are in the receïpt of fhc fv York and Boston Fashions. for thé Fall anti Winter ofl843-4. 2ft-3.rt. NORLE & SI'RAGUE. Ann Lower Town, Nov. 3, '1843. mes. sumsséTON RESPECTFULLY nfurms tlie ladies'of A.nn Arbor nnd ifs vieinity, tiiat she hns just received her latcst Pa i tenis lor Hafs.Caps. Clonks. nnd Dxcssëé; and she resnecïfnlly invites them té caJI and examine for themseives. She ükewise renders them her sincere thanks for their ontronage for the past year, n'nd begs a continua tion I 'er establishment will be found midwav letwcen the Upper and Lower Town. Ann Arbor. Nov. 2. 1 43. 28-tf. $25,00Ö WORTHÍ WheyvJ They must be dcar, Sir. $0,000 WíííiTMír Wor?R vpf, froni apnearances. $75:Oöb WOB.THH1 Thui is il. judgnig Ironi prices. C LL at G Wnr.d's oíd 's and. where ihey talk iiii(ieií:'.iiirlii)í:ly. and sell Goods si that ( i good slock v.-ill ninouni to less tban $)O,UOfl "V jnder die present fystem. VIA TOR. Ann Arbor. Nov. 7, ÍS 13. 27-tf.Sfcrayed TpROM the sab'scrifrér, in the town of Snlinc JJ il)( lit lï-e 20ih of July IjisL twó' yokc oí Red O.en. One yoke ware ot afga size, nnd ono of ih'éril n pale red, Viiii a ropo aroiuid liis liorns vyhën !u-y wem awffy. The othcr yoke wero of niidaliñg size, nrd one of theni !i;:d u whiio spot in ilie lorehond, nnd sonui white on one of his l:ind 1cï. Thoy are abont ten yenr okl. Whpèver wil! return è-'iid óxen. or cive informattón where tliey niny be folind, to Mr. Foñl, or 10 IVfr. Van Kuscn. iri Saline vill.ige, orto ilic Bubscribar in ihe town of Highland, Oaliland county. shall be libernliy iwnrd ed. " HIltAM BAIIRETT. Octoher 2, 1343. 3. SAL ERATÜS. WHOLESALE nnd Retail, by H. BECKER. I Aan Arbor, Aug. 2, 1843. tf.i t . S B '8) 8. ■ I I Ê I Ï O O. O W Es a Hr O a r - i w o y O' i L- .1 Ë ! Il 0 i - i i 1 i I i I fe Ira n 3 5 Es -g 'S g lili i fe} o -2 8 O H 'g o - w -5 8 5 , 2 Ë '3 L lg "3 , 'i o J &S ] I 'ë g es w bo Sé o o; - -s 8 S. N " 3 J S Ê. 5 'S -1 i - -8 5 I I q 1 M Sí o Es C -r; í be g S fa 'S Ï S o ■ J .a g S 2 s s g g g 'S : f "ff O S -g I O S. 2 o fi S 63 tí Jg "fe S "S g o 1 J5 d t g g 2 O r o !5 tí I S 8 3 S.' I í I ! 1 1 I fco rt L O w o a '? ":L■?■! -s í fe .■; I - -S 2 J fe - J á o g 2 fcp g -5 rf 5 ts xa . -55 o '5FASHIONABLE HAT STORE. WBARNUM, would rcspectfully nrprni the citizcns oí Detroit, and surrounding country that ho lias conslautJy on hand a valuare .issorlniem of Hats, Caps, Furs Séc vhich be offers for sale on the most reasbnable ernisatNo. 75, Jelierson Avenue. Gsntlfmen and Lapjks frora abroadon visitng ihe City will ()o we II 10 give faun a caíl before purchasiñ'g elsewhere. Deiroit, Nov. 10ih. 1843. 29-6m Axes IfOR sale. WÜolesale or Retni!, by. J. BECKLEYCO. Ann Arbor, Aug. ]5. 1S43. 17-6w. MARRIAGÉ CERTIFICA'fES, OF öbijèrior quality, just pri'nted and for Sale at Uiis Office. Ann Arbor, Nov. 2, 1S43. FIRE! FIREÍ! FIREÜt G. D. FIül, Agent of tho JEtna JneüranceCo., wil! insure property agnirát Ios3 or daimigeby Fnc on reasonuble teruis. Oei. So, I13. 27- tfwesleyan Hyxnn Books, J'UST rect'ivcd anil for sale by' G. BECKLET. Ann Arboi', Nóv. 18, 1843. 30 Attention adíes. SPINNING VVHEELS, QUILL WHEELS. REELS and SPOOLS. for snle by C. J. GARLAND. November 18, 1843." 30 s. péttíronIbí ' SURVEÏOR, MAKER, AND" AWD AGENT. Oilice in Court fiousc Square, Ann Arbor. June 19, 18Ï3. 8-tf. BLANK. DEED. MORTGAGES, EXECUTIONS. SUMB1OINSES, &c. just printcdand for sale at the KTSIGNAL OFFICE. L0 WOOB! WÓODÜ WANTED immediately, any quantitv of DRY WOUD in poyment for the Signal of Liberty. Come soon. Por Sale. ONE yoko of VVORKING OXEN. Enquira at the Hat Store of H. BAGG. Lowcr Town. Ann Arbor, May 29, 1843. '5-if


Signal of Liberty
Old News