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Ving Not Only Questions Of Boundary Which, Under The Most F...

Ving Not Only Questions Of Boundary Which, Under The Most F... image
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Ving not orily qtiestions of bour.dory which,under the mot favorable circuntanéee, arealways emhnrraMn{T, but nt the snfnë time important nnd high principie of mnfiiime low - border conuoversies bet ween the citizens and ubject of the two conntr ies bd enjrendered a state of feeling and of conduct which llirentened the most cnlntnitous conseqtipnoe;.- The hazards incident lo this state of ihino vrere greatly heu hfened by the arrest and imprisonment of a subject of Great Britnin. trho, aciiriir as it was alleged, as a part of a military force, had aided in the commission ofan act violativ of the tcritorial juriídiction of the Un led Slntes, and ir volvingr thp murder of a citizrn of the state o'% Npv Yurk. - A largenmount ofcHms npams-t the gown ment of Mexico remained unadjiisted, and o ytT of overal years contimi'incc with the BBvapp tribes of iil] prevailed, attended with the dosolation of a large port ion of that beantiful terfitry, and with the sacrifice of many vnluable livea. To mcreose the embrras8njents of the povernment, individual rA State credit had been nenrly stricken down, and confidente in the general gnremmeiit wi eo much impairrd that loans of a nmll amonnt could only be negotiated at a coneidembie sacrifice. Aa a necwsary cotvrquence of the blipht which had folien on commerce and mechanical industry,ibe ships of the one were hrown out f employmput, and the operations of the ether had ben greatly diminished. Owinj? to th cin"iio? of the eurrency, exchange tetween dinerent part of the country had become ruinonsl hig-h, and trnde had to depend on a depreciated paper rurrency in conductinp ita tranKHdions. I shnit be permitted to congratúlate the country thar urderari overruling Providince peace was preserved without a acrifíce of tbe naficnnl honor: and war in Florida was brought to a eeedy terminaticn: larpe portion of the claimt on Mexico have been fully adjudimted, and are in a courae of paymenf, while jnstice has been rendered to uu in oiher matters by othr natione; confi nee between man nd mnn is in a eren' Tneaure reptofed, and the credit of this Gjvrnment fnlly and pprfcc'Iy re-establWipd. Commerce is becomíng larper Rnd more xtended in i's operntion, and manufacturiri(T nd mfhnnicnl induetry onfe niore reap the reward of skill nd lubor honestly npplied. - The operations of trade rest on a ottnd currency, nd the ratea of exchangre are rduced to their lowest amotmt. In this condition of things ! hav feit it to be my duly to brinp to your favorable consideration inalferu of jjTMt intcrPBt in their pre-ent atid iniirnate resul t, and the only defire which I iel in connection with the future is, and wil! continue, to be lolrave ihe country proeperous and itt instituiioiic unimpaired.


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