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WOOXi! WOÖX! CLOTH! CLOTH!! THE Subfcribers would inform the Public th;it persons having wool to bemanufactured, can have it done at tlieir Manufactory wiihin a short time, as the Iar2e quamity of wooi furnished them by farmers and oihers the past season is ncarly completed, nnd will be finishcd witiiin a few days. We havo manufacturcd cloth this senson for about one liundrti and tioevVj fice custoviers. to whom we have reason to Lelievp, we have given general satisfaction.- Wiih this encouragernent, we hope for future patronage. TER MS. Half the cloth the wool will make, or 37L cenls per yard. We will also ezchunge Cloth fr Wool on recsonable lerms. Wool sent by Rail Road toScio will be properly nttended to. SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, Washtenaw Co., Dec. 25, 1843.Bristol's Sarsaparilla. npHlS valunhle medicine so justly celebra'ed JL as a certain cure for Scrofula or Xinrs Evil. or any disease arising from impurity of the Mood, lias becotne eo well known os to need no pull caüon of the numercus certificates now in ourpossession. of the extraordinary cures lately performed by il, but fearing ihere may be somt persons affecied who have been guiled by using the imitations got up by others, we would respectfully request them to tnll on us and satisfy tliemselves of i:s many cures in similar cases.- By purchasinfc of usihey can rely upon the gen uincness of the article, which thcy fihoulcf be carelul to do, as we are told there is a spurious article of the same name for sale in ibis vicinity Be careful to observe tha't Bristol's Extract oí Sarsaparilla, Buffalo," isstaniped upon the bottles, atid ':C. C. Bristol" written in bis own hand over the Cork. W S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, Dec. 25. 1843. 36 DR. OSGOOD'S INBIA GHOLAGOGUE. the most valuable qualities oí thïs . medicine, is its restoring mjluencc upon coneiitutions irr.paired and injured by prcvious attacks ot billicus fever, or fever and aguc; or by a long residence in those clfmatcs which produce them. There are many constitutions which becomc gradunlly undermined by a m'asmcl influence. without even a day's actual confinement. In such cases, the Cholagogue acts like a charm - the snüow complexion, loss of appetitc, languor, weariness and depression of spirits, with other unpleasont symptams which render life a burden. all yield to this remedy when faithfully used according to the directiuns of the accompanying pamphlet. It ie eniirely a vegetable prep aration, and may be taken wuh perfect sufety under all circumstances of ilic system For sale by 36 W. S. .% J. W. M AYNA RD? sole Ageiit, fur Ann Arbor and vicinity.THE TRUE PAIN 23XTEÜCTOR SAI. VS, WHICH cures like a charm all BURNS by fireur water, and evory exiernal SORE. PAJX. LNFLAMMATION, ACHEorlTCHIjKG ever yet found upon the human fa mi Ij', to wiiich it has been applied, must always be sought genuine from Comstock and Co., of New Yoik. or their outbonzed agetits. All are cautioneci against any spurious arricies, which may always bc avoided by knowing the one you buy comes from Comstock & Co , who are noV ihe o.)ly proprietors and manufncturers. Inquire forConnel's, which ia warranted to do ail it ever would when called by any other name, or the prictshall be refundcd in any caso ]f it does not please. To place it witliin reach of all, the price ha.= been reduced tnore tlian four Told, and ís now sold for 25 cents, the price being too. exorbitant. The 50 cent size now comains four times as mucli as the Jormer, aud the $1 siz? ne.:r ten ti:nes rrs much. No fámily haf has ony title to humanity, will fa;l to have Conkel's Pain Extractor Ointment a'ways :.t hand. to save life, allscars. and reduce al! agony from any burn in five minutes, provided they have scen it used, or wiil believé thoèe who have used it. COMSTOCK &, CO., 21. Couniand Street. tT? Bc eire. thereforp, and ask fo Cos.vel's, ns our plate with ünüey's name on it has been sioien, aud ihe sjiurious riiay ap[)Dnr with th-it nameen it. Knos% tlierefor?. tliat it comes dirncdy Aoin Comstock & Co., or shun it. VM. S. &, J. W. MAYNARÜ, 36 Agent for Ann Arbor.SALERATÜS. WHOLESALE and RETAIL by F. DENJSON. December 20, IM'i. 35-tf. STONE-WARE. OV Eastcrn mnnulacture, for sale cheap, Wholesale or Re tai 1. by F. DENISON. Dec. 20, 1S-I3. 35-if. SCHOOF SOOKS EVERY varieij' of School Books in use in ihis State, for stle ar Detroit prices at the New Book Store, for CASH. by WM. R. PSRRT. December 15. ! 843. 34.FIRE! FIREÜ FIREÜ! GD. Hül, Agent of the Etna Insurance Co.. will insiire propcrty against loss or datmsreliy Fire aú reasomb'e tcrms. Ccu 2u [;8f3. 27- tf Wesleyan Hymu Books, JUST received and for sale by G. BECKLEY. Ann Arbor. Nov. 18, 1843. 30 Attention Iiadies. SPINiilNG WHEKLS, QüILL WHEELS. REEJS and SPOOLS, for sale by C. J. GA RL AND. November 18. 1843. 30 SURvftvcm, MAP tlAKBR, ASD LAND AGENT. Oflice in Court Houso Square. Ann Arbor. June 19, 1Ö43. tl. BLANK OF.EDS. MORTGAGES. EXECUTIONS, SUMMONSES, c. jusi pniuedantJ for s.ile at the ÏÏTSIGNAL OFFICE. 3}For Sale. ONE yoke of WORKJNG OXEN. Enquire at íhe Hat Síoreof H. BAGG. Lower Town. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1S43. 5-tf Axes FOR sale. Wholesnle or Rctnil, by J. BF.CKLEY & C;O. Ann Arbor. Aug. 15, 1813. 17-6w.ABBOT & fiEECHER. DETROIT WHOÏ.ESAI.E HETAIL D2ALERS IKT DOMESTIC STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODSJUST received a larger Stock than ever at Heavy Brown Shcetin'gs, Shirtiiigsand Drillings. Bleached Gooo's. Calicóes, Apruh Checks, Baggings, Burlaps, Diapers, CratTi, Muslin, Fustians, Mole' Skins. Sattinets, Shccp's Gray Cloih, Buekskin Clotiv,. Faocy Cassimereï, Wolverine Coatings, AInpoca J,ustre, Changeable Stripe Do. Fancy Alapines, Crapo Uelaines,India Cloih, M')Ufilm De Laines, p;irisians, Chusnne. Shnwls. Rob Cari)nal8, Damask Shawfs, Black. Blue Black, Brown. and Blue Brond Clorhp, Fdt and Pilot Over Coatings, Blankets, Flannel?, and Superior BEAVER C2LOTHS, Leather, Cotton Yam, Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Rice and Tobacco. Al! ofwhich Góo'ái will beáoícfaf the LOEST PRTCKS that lliéy can be bonght for Vi'est of New York Citv, and we wisb. our Fricndff t'o giveus a Cali before Buying. WANTED, POT ASH, WOOL AND FLOÜR, For which we will pav the higheet prices either in CASH or GÖODS, at the CHE A PEST CASH PRICE&j No. 144, Jefferson Avenue, Corner Bates Streef, Deiroit. Nov. 13, 1843. 29-tf. UNITÏ OF IKfTEBSST, NOBLE AND SPRAGüE, WOULD cali the a'tention ol the citizens of Ann Arbor. and the community in general to ttie fact that they, believing thm two heads are better than one, have formeel a partnership for the purpdse of carrying on tho TAILORING BUSINESS, in all lts branches. They will be alwayson hand, (wo doora West of the Washtenaw. in tho Lower Vilfage of Ann Arbor, where all whn favor them wilh their patronage may be sure of satis- faction. N( pnins will bo epared n makfng thnir garments fasbionable, conifortable, and durable. They fee! confident from.pnst experieace. and fro:n the attention which they pay to tbeir business, that they cannot faíl oí grvinqr nniversal f-atisfaction, and thev are déteriniñed not to bd ouidone by any establishment west of New York. N. B. CÜTTNG dene on short notice. nnd strict attention will be paid to thé orders of the cusiomer. P. S. We like to have forot by the way to mention. ihnt we too are in the receipt of the New York and Boston Fashions, for the Fa and Wintor of 1SJ3-4, 28-3.n. NOBLE & SPRAGUË. Ann Arbor. Lower Town, Nov. 3, 1843.NATU RE'S GRAND RSSTORATIVE 1MlS valuable vegetable medicine sfcmda un. nvalled for the ïbllowing complaints, vizDispepsia ot Indigestión, Diseased èr Billous Disorders, Dropsy. Asthma. Coerivenew, VVorms and loss of Appétitey ond by cleansing the stomach and bowels, cures pains in the side Suvnach and Colas and Cougha of long stonding, Hoarseness. shortness of breath Ñervous complaints, &c. which is frequently thé efTec: of disease. 1 ts virtues surpass any thing heretofo'é known in removingSt. Vitus' Dance; - two bott'es have been known to cure this afflicting disease, after having baffled evcry éxernon for fuuryears. Jt has a most powerfffl inHuencc. in removing nervous complaints. It is pieas-ant fo take. rtnd so easy in its operat-on that .t may be administerad to the iniam with Bafety. j or sale by ' W. S. &J. W. MAYÑARD, Ann Arbor. Nuroerous certifícales might be given were it deemed necesSary. Let the following suffice: CERTIFÍCATE. This certifirs that I have tested the beneficia! eftects of '-Holman s Naturcs Grand RestaraUve. in myfamily, (having used ir for veáis, ) and witneesed iis healfng properties in numérous instancpé among others. I most cheerfully recommenditnsamnvaluable medicine; and if by so ' oing the diseased are induced to try it. Í have He satisfaction of believing that I have rendered tnem an important service. G. BECKÏÉf. Ann Arbor, ISov. 24. 1343. 32-3w.FASHIONABLE HAT STORE. WBAJINUM, would rcspectfully inrorm the cmzens of Detroit, nnd surronndine country that he hns constamly on hand a valuable ossoriment of Mats, Caps, Furs &c. which he otters for s-ile on rhe most reasonablo terms.-aNo. 75, Jefferson Avenue. Gkntumün and Laüif.s from abroad o'n visit;ng the City wil! do well lö give him a cali bo(ore purchasinjï elsewhere. Doiroit, Nov. lOth, 1843. 29-6m$25,000 WORTH! Whew! They must be Sir ■ $50,000 VPORTHÍ! Worse ynr, jndjriiig frorn apnenrances $75000 WORTH!.'! ■ Thai is ït, judging hom prices. C ALL at G. Ward"s oíd s and. whcre they talU understandingly, ond sell Goods so that a good slock will amotint to less ilian $10 000 under the present eystem. VI TOR Ann Arbor. Nor. 7. 1843. 27-tf! Strayed F ROM the subscnüci, iji lno town of Green Oak, Livingswn Co., on iho ftist of August a medium sized Red Ox, 12 years old last Spring, high horns. which have been bored for distemper. Whoever will give information where said Ox can be found. will be reasonabïy rewarded. :V'.-í HANNIBAL LEE. Green Oak, NTov. U, 1843. 30-3w.RSR. BUFFINGTON RESPECTFÜLL Y informs the ladies of Ann Arbor and iis vicia i ty, that she has just received her !ntest Partems for Hats.Cnps. Ckmks, aud Üresses; and she respeetfulíy invites thera to cali and examine for themselves. She likeise rcnders them her sincere thunks for their nr.'.ronasre for the past yeaV, and éegs a continuation. Iler estabiisliment will bo fúund midway between the Upper and LowcrTown. -Ann Arbor. Nov. 2, 1843. 28-tf. ATotiee. AM. NOBLE woiild respectfulíy remind his customers, that as he has taken a partner, and is making new arrangements in his business, ho wishes for an immediate settlement wiih all who are indebted to him. Ann Arbor, Nov. 6, 1843. 28-3m. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, O F si.perinr quality, just pri:ited and for Sala at this Oílkc. Ann Arbor, Nov. 2, 1843. woo:d!woo:d!! WANTED immcdiately, any quantitv of DRY WOOD in páyment for the Signa} of Liberty, Come soen.


Signal of Liberty
Old News