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HALSTEAD'S BRIS-BT P líala S. 28 Pills ron 25 Cents. THE Brisk Pilis unswcr the purpose more effcctually for any diseuse for which any otlier ül is reeommended, and supersede them alto ge-her in medical excellence nnd. virtue. Jf you doubt this-just iry will cost you only two ehithngs- and ihen you. with me, will be satis fied. Jftheyore not what I recommend tfiem toib'e, denounce tlicni and put tlicm down. lor ] cannót conscientiously recommend them ior n cure all lor every thing. Hul thisl do say, without fear ofcantradiction, that no pills are their equal in reinoving diseases originaiing in tlie etoniach or bowele. For liver and bilious discases. such as dum ngue, fever and ague. intermittant and remiuant fevers, the Brisk Pilis posaess peculiar proporties for their spcedy removal. Froin ten years experionce as a practising physician. I atn convinced that none can equal them. - Read what otlier pills are good for. and what they will cure, and ïf the JSrisk are not superior U them all, then discard their use. Do not believe all that ia snid aboili an intulliliie pill- iliat nover feils to cure any discase- but try the Brisk Pills -the cbeapest pills in usc- 21 pills for 25 cenis -and then you will have a chance to judge of their inerit ordewerit. As a blood cleanser. and a purifier to the diseasedeysïem, they perhaps suporsede every .pi.II in use. They are quick and easy in the operatiou. giving hfe and tone to a!l the torpid orLi:s; throwinoiTinipure mattere or huinors; k-ayinc; the systcm heakhy and clean. This is all that auy otie medicine can do.notwi l 6tnndingtho great sliuw ofwovJsand fiethious eer titlcates. We are determined to let these pills stand upon their own reputaiion, win or loose. All we ask. is, for a fair and impartial lr:a'_. They can be taken by old and young, at any time with perfect êdfety. They are an excellent medicine for children. for worms. &c. In a word, they possess all tho qualities ofan aperieni pill for lamily use. They have cured many diseases whieh no other medecine could remove. In conclusión I Gay, do not give up or despair of a cure until you 'have tried the Brisk Pills, for they do posBess peculiar properties and virtues. For Sale by S. P. &■ J. C. Jewett. C. EberKacb, Ann Arbor; D. H. Rowland, Northviüe: J. S. Scfiuergood, Plymouth: J. Dean, Pontiac: J.B. Dickson. Mt. Clemens; Maitland & Co.. Romeo; Sprague & Co., Rochester; Church & Burchard, N. P. Jacobs, J. Oweh &. Co., Detroit. 10-GmFASHIONABLE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. JR. WALKFR would announcö o bis friends nnd the public in g?n.eral, that he is now in the receipt of the all and winter fashioDs Tor 1843--4, which have been selected and furnished by two of the best establishments in the United States, on the first of the present monlh, after the kinds of goods aud fashions lor the season had become permanently eslablished, which is boautifully illustrated by two of the most plendid fashion platescver presented to this commumty. Any gentlemen who wish to have the "imon pure." can find it here furntshed ata ecason when there can be no mistake as to what ís or s not fashionable. Gentlemen, please cal] and examine tbr yourselves, and if tvecannot exhibiteomethinsr thnt wiUsatisiyyou ihat ihestyle of goods and fashion of garnients are chaste and beautiful, tlien we nre much mistaken. Mr. Walker would take this opportnnity to return his sincere thanks lp all who have hitheno favored him with rheir 'iironage. and hopes he has given general satisfaction. All who fcel dis posed to have an easy, at the same time a fashionable garment. can be gratiiïed by calling at the shop of J. D. Insh, one door south of Beach fe Abel's old store, where for the convenience ofhimself and cuotomers he-has loca'.ed for the Feason. where all demands in his line will be executed with nea'.ness and despatch. on reasonable (erms for cash or country produce, but posiiivcly credit. N. B. Cutting done, and warranted to fit if properly made up. ' October 1 1, 1843. 27-tf.YPSILANTI AC ADEM Y, A N D TEAGH1ES' SSMXH AE7 H. H. GRIFFEN. Principal. Mr. CHAS. S. VVOÜDARD, Assistant. THE winter term of this instituiion will commence on Monday, Nov. 20. and continue 11 weeks. While this school is equaily open to all of both sexes, who wishto acquire a good etfucation, particular attention wlll be given to those who are preparing to tcack. The 1 eive and uninterrupted attention of the principal will bc given to inipart a practical knowledge oi the English branches. ïJe oecupies about half an hour daily in ecturing, with the aid oftheapparatus. minerais, or othervvise. Apparatus. - The Inslitution is furnished wiih Chemical, Philosophical, and Astronómica! apparatus. Surveying Instruments, Geométrica! soüds, &c. to ihe amount of 300; also, a good Cabinetof Minerale worth SSO. TuiTiON' ín the conimon Engl'sh branches, including Comosition and Declamatïon from $2.00 to $3.50. In Philosophy. Chemistry, Astronomy. History, Rheturic, Boïany. Algebra. Geometry, Surveying. &c. from $4,50 to.$5,.00. Mezzotimo and Chinese or Thcorem painting. $3.0J each lor 12 lessons. tauglu by Mrs. Gri"ffen. The tuition is to be paid at the middle of the term. No deduction for absence will be made, except for protiacted sickness, and no onc will be ïeceived for Ies3 ihan five and a half weeks. - Books may be had of the pnneipil at Uetroii prices. Board, ïncluding room and washing. from $1,00 to 1,50 per week; for further particulars inquire of the principal. Rooms can be hired cheap for scholars to board themselves. Itev. I. M. Wenci. Rev. 11. P. Powers. Rev. O. F. North, J. Fairchild, M. D., J. C. Allen, M. D., G. and E. M. Skinner, Esqrs. havekindlv consented to form a visitiig committee. to be present at the Week reviews on Thnrsday. and at the pub-lic examination of the school. Ypsilanti, Oct. 16, IS 13. 5- ly WOOLEN THE subscribers would inform the public that they are now manufacturing WOOLEN CLOTH wi;h a degree of ëucccss equal to their most sanguine expectations. With the machin ery they now have," they are oble to manufacture from 75 to 100 pounds of wool per day. The cloth they have made for the last three months is of the best quality. and that made in future will be similar. They have entirely overeóme the difficulties of starting an establishment of this kind in a ncw country. Their terms aro 37 cents per yard for fulled cloth finished. or half the cloth the wool will make. Ifany alteration of the terms should bc detemuned on, public notice will be given. All wool received beforc Btich notice is given will bc workedon the above terms. If t,ny wish to have their wool worked without mixing it wiih other wool, it will be done, provided they assort it themselves, and turnish it in quaníities of 100 pounds of one q-uality of woíl. It is much better to sew up wool in saeks thanto tie it up in blankets; the cloth should be Btrbng. Provisionsof all kinds will be received in payment for manufaciuring tó thc amount requir'ed lor the consumption of the establisliment. Wool 6ent by raiiroad to Scio, will be properly attendedto; the numberof pounds should bemarkedon thesnck wíth ink; also the weíght of üie sack. - Thc wool will be worked in torn as it comrs in, as nearly as can be done with reference to the different qualities. O Many Farmers have expressed to us their gratification in consideration of our starting this branch of business, and many have encournged us by theirpatronageduring the last year. We now invite ail to bring their wool, to the amounl of 25,000 pounds, and receive the benefit of the very reasonable terms on which wc offer to manufacture t. The establishment is 2 milest west of Ann Arbor, on the Huron. S. W. FOSTER, & CO. Scio, April 30, 1843. 1-tf BROKE out of the cnclosure of the subscriber on or about the night of ihc 28t!i uit. a small gray Mare, fonr ycars old, nof shod. Any pers-m who will givc notico to the ownerby letter or otherwisc where said Mare may be found, shall be rewarded by CHARLES FIÜDSON. North Lake, Wash. co. Oct. 14, 1843. 4G-3w23. BSAH'S CELEBR ATED CHEMICAL PL ASTER, The most effeclual remedy yet discovercd for likeumatism, Fcvcr So-cs, White Sivellings, lvjlammnlion in the.JEyes, Steelled Throat in ScarIct Ferer, (uinsey, ij'-c. $c. THE CHEMICAL PLASTE R is nn important remedy for ihose who are nfflictcd with ciironie and iiiflammalory compkiints, by iis ensing pnin, counteracting inilammaiion. and giving specdy relief by its active, stréngthfsnirjg, aim,!yne. dinphoreiicand counterirrinuit pioperties - on elicetual remedy for Chronic nnd Imflammntory Rbcuniiitism, Ague in li-.e Breust, Scalds. Burns, Brm'scs. Scrofula. Ulcers, Old Sores oi almost evtry description. Cnnkered ond Swellid Thröat arisingfrom Scarlet Fever. Felona. White Swcllings. Chilblnins, &o. Persons suflering l'roui Liver Complainti, Pulmonary diseases, h)flammation of. the Lunga. with pain in the side, ïinek or liniüs. will (ind relief by the vse of ibis Piaster. In all cases it mny be used with pcrfeci safety. E. DEANS CHEMICAL TLASTER h uit up in boxes ni títty cents and one dollar éach. with fnll direct ions accoinpanyinfr each box. Manufactured nnd sold wlío!e?a!e by H. HAllRIS & CO.. Ashtabula. Obio. sole proprietors, to whom all orders should be uddressed. Sold ulso by their A gent 8 ihroughoul the country. CFA liberal discount made to dealers and physicians. For testimoniáis and certifientes from persons of the hisfhest icfipectibilify, who have used the ChernicalPJaster. see onother column of this paper. For sale by the following Agents in Michigan: H. W. Rood. Files, J. C. Larri more. u C. SJtaofihan. Edwnrdsbnrgh. Wm. O. Auslin, White Piireon. Isaac Benhnm. .Ir., Conatantine. Danl. L. Kiniberly. Schoolcrnft. H. B. Huston, &, F. March. jr PM Kalamazoo. James W. Cothren. P. M. Galesburgh. T. L. Bolk'com, P.' M. Battle Creek. James M, Parsons, P. M. Marshall. Paul Rnymond, Druggisr. Jaekson. Wm. Jaekson, P. M. Lnoni. Hale and Siíiíth, Grass Lake. ■John C. Winnns, Sylvan, J Milierd &- Sori, Dc-xter. Thomns P. May. Jr. Plymouth, Perin SEHnll, NorfKviliè, Mead & MoCarthy. Farmington, Peter Van Every, Franklin, Julius Dean. Pontiae, Mack & Spragnc, Rochester, James Stephens. Uiica. E. C. G.illup,' Mt. Clemens, G. &J.-G. Hill. } n , . t i r e r } Detroit. John Owen & Co. Dr. Thos. M. Sweeny, Dearbornville, Samsnn. Ypsilanti, J. H. LUND. ) i W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, Ann Albor, i CHRISTIAN EBERBACH, ) 1 49-ly IREADY MADE CLOTHIWG ! !" HALL OCK $ RJ1 YM OJVD WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Ann Arbor, and tñe State generally, that they have now on hand the LARGEST and CHEAPEST stock of "READY MADE CLOTHING" to be found at any establisliment in this State. which they are determined to sell at púcesloicer than were before offered, and they confidently invite all persons in want of "Rcady Made Clothing," visiting Dotroit, to cali at their establishment, "Corner of Jcffcrson and Woodicard Arennes," in the nevv brick block, Pliocnix Building where they will find every variety of garments íuitable for gentleinen's Fall or Winter wear. and they believe at prices from 15 to 25 percent cluaper than they can obtain them in any other way. Ateo, a very choice selection of "Sroad Cloths, CassimereSj and Vestings,? which they are prepared to manufacture to order in a superior tnanner and etyle not to be exceKed i ii the City of Nao York or elscwhere, Garments alvvays warranted t? fit and pleasc or no sale!! Also. a very heavy Stock of DOMESTIC CLOTHS. PILOT and BEAVER CLOTHS. BELGTC CLOTHS, SATTINETS. WINTER TWEEDS. and every variety and description of goods suitable for gentlemen's wearing apparel. all of which shall be sold very loto for cash. or exchanged tbr Produce at market pricefi. All those wishing Bargahis in any of the aboye anieles are invited to cnll at the "FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM" of the subscribers. Cor. of JefTerson and Woodward Avenues. Detroit. HALLOCK & RAYMOND. Detroit, Sept. 28, 1843. 23-tfTO CZ.OTHZ33ZIS, MA7VUFJ1CTURERS JlJYD MERCHJHYTS. nnHE subscribers are now receiving, at thcir JL stores, 188 Jefferson Avenue, and corner of Randolph and Woodbridge stieeis, Detroit, a large and general stock of DYE-WOODS AND DIE-STUFFS. 35 tons Logwood. Fustic, Ltmewood, Nicarragua, Hypernic Wood. in ihe stick, Ï30 bbls. ground Cam wood, 150 do Fustic 120 do Logwood, 100 do Redwoods, 20 do Alum, G hhds Copperas, 4 do Blue Vilriol, 4 pipes Ornbre and Crop Madders, prime, 500 Ibs. Extract Logwood, 600 do Bengal. M dras and Caraccas Indigo, 300 do Blue Nutgalls, (AIIcppo,) 250 do Powdered Cúrcuma, 2(i0 do Verdigris. 10 Carboys Oil Vitriol, 6 do A qua Fortis. 4 do Spirits Sea Salts, 4 do NitricAcid, 2 cases Lac Dye. 303 Ibs. Banquo Tin. 2."0 do Cream Tartnr. 500 do Qnereciron Bark. Togetber with a complete assortment of all the minor anieles in the trude, o wit: Fi-ess Papers. Teazles, Brusbes, Jacks, Tent Hooks. Dye Ketiles, Pickcrs, Buríing Irons. Nippers, Prussiaieof 7otaeh, Sal Amoniac, Sal Soda, Sugnr of Lead, Steel Reeds, Card Cleonérs, MACHINE CARDS, Satinett Warps. Shears, &c. Tbis entile stock has been purchased within the Inst two weeks, and selected personally by one of the concern, who bas been in the business for the last eleven years, and they have no hcHtation in saying tbat the quality of these goods is unexceptionable. They wíll po3Ítivly be sold at the lowest New York jobbing prices, with tlie addiiion of trahsportation only. The subscribers haVe the solo Agency ')% this Staie for the sale of "PARSON'S SHEARÍNG MACHINES," and ihe celebnued "LËWÈSTER MACHINE CARDS," decidedly the best in use. THEO. H. EATON, & CO. April 11, 1843. 5i tf JAMES O. BÏRNIEY, AT TORN E Y AND COUNSELLOR A T LA W. SAGANAW CITY, MICHIGAN. JG. B. will also act as Land Agent in the Land District in which this (Saganow) County is; he will make investments for others Iaml8, pay over for non-residents their taxes, and give ïnfonnation generalij to persons interested in this part of thecountrv,' or desiroueof bccoming tnnnigrants lo k.Peters Pilis. "!'s fun theysay to get well wuh them, ALL mankind througjjput their wídc and immonsc circulution, that ever try them con tinue to buy them. Peters' Pilis are purely vegetable; tliey work no miracles, nor do they profess to care all discases, because they aro the scienrific eompound ota regular physician, who has niade hiá proiession the study oi his lile. Dr Peters is a gradúate ol'Yale College, also ofthe Al.issai-husetts Medical College, and has somewhatdistinguished üimself as a man of science and genius among thc fainily oí the late Gjv. Peters. Peters' Vegeiablo Pilis are simple in :heir pt-eparation, inüd ín tlicir riction. ihoroiiírh iu their operation. and unrivalled in their results. - The town and country are nlïke felfea with tluii praise. The palace and"the poor house alike ocho with their viruies. In all clímates they wiJl reta i n their wumlurful powers and exen them unaltered by age or situntion. and ihis the voiceoi'a gratef'ul community proclaimed. - Peters' Pilis prevent - keep off discases it" timely used. end have no rival in cúriug billious lever, lever and ague.dyspepsia, livor complaints.croup. sick hendadle, jaumhec. Jisthma.dropsy. rheamalisiii, cnlargement of the splnen. piles, coliu. íemale olistruetion. heait burn. furred tongue. nausea, distenüon of thc stoninch nndhowcls. ineipient diarrhoca. ílatulencc, habitual costiveness, losa of appeiite, bloched.or sallow complexión, and in all cases oftorpor of the bowete, where a cathartic ur nperienf is indicated, producing neilber nausea, griping or debility; and ive repeat all who buy them continue to try tliem. The most triumphant success has ever atrended their use and enough is alreody known oí' them to immorlaüze and hand them down to pos terity with the improvements ofthe age in medical setence. Dr. Peters was bred to the healingart.and in order to supply demands, he has originated and called to his aid the only steam driven machinery in the world for pill working. 'Tis perfect, aud its process imparts to the pill ssentiai virtue. because by being perfectly - do you lieur thatl while a host can tcstify that they believo ihey ovve their salvntion f rom disease and death to Peters' Pili, and if calomel aud knivesare getting partially into disuse we are only mistaken.Ckktikicates. - TliÍ8 paper could be filled with them by residents of Michigan, by your friends and neiglibors - nsk ouragents. It s now well linöwn that the people will have Peters' Pil!s, and lo hinder would betostop the rushing wind. Pnce 25 or 50 cents per box. The resisllessforce of these truths - their universal reception, ndded to the testimony of millons. "keep it before the people'" must and will be henrd ihroughout this vaLe of tears. Their happy infiuence on joung ladies while suifering under the usual changes of life as directed by the laws of nature, they impart a buoyancy of heart, feeling and nction, an elastic step, velvet cheek, lilly and carnation complexion by their action on the chyle. &c. and ladies in delicate situaiions always admit their power and in nocence, and take them two or three at a time without in the slightest degree incutring the )iazard of an abortion; which facts are of the utmost importance. Pimples; a young lady sent her love to Dr. Peters, and says she feels more grateful to him for the restoraiion of her beauty than ifhehad saved herlife. 'Tis fun to get well with Peters Pills,for they cause the blood to course fis limprd and gentle through ihe veins as a mountain rivulet; 3 or 4 is a common dose. henee the patiënt is not comelled to make a nieal.TROUBJLE IN PLUTO'S CAMP. Quite astonished Old Pluto cameto New Ycrk. (Hearing Pefers had got liis Pili Engine at work, j To resign his commission, his hour glass and scythe; I have come to deliver them all up to you - Sir, my calling is over - my business isthrough; I have been for three years in a terrible stew, And I really don't know what on earth I'am to do; - Not of your mighly stre do I come to complain. But a tamal New Yorker, one PETERS by name; The diseases my aids. in this war of mankind, Are subdued by this Peters, what help can we find? I would yield him N. York, sir, if there he would stay; But, sir. Peters will have the whole world for his sway. While musingin council what course to pursue. That Engine of Peters broke forth into view. The King of terrors looked a while, As though his soul was turned to bile, At that uusparing scourge of ills, By all men known as Peters' Pilis. These Pilis ot Peters' stop the slaughter. And leaves theblood as pure as water. Now Peters makes, I've heard him say, Fíve hundred thousand pills a day; So (hat the chance is very small Of people dying there at all; For soon'the cheeks, so marked for doom, Begin like any rose to bloom . Look hcre! all icho try them continue to buy thcm. Fursale as follows, by Messre. Beach & Abel, G. Grenville, F. J. B. Crane, Maynard. & Go.! G. Ward, S.P. &J. C. Jewett, J. H. Lunch H. Becker. Dickenson & Cogswell, and S. K. Jones, Ann Arbor: Geo. Warner & Co-, and J. Millerd & Son, Dexter, Wm. A. L. Shaw, Lima; J. C. Winans, Sylvan, Halp, & StnithGrassLake; W. Jackson, Leoni: D. T. Morri. man. Jackson; M. A. Shoemaher. Michigan Centre; Brotherson & Co., L. B. Kief & Gilbcrt. Manchester; D. S. Haywood, Saline; Snow &Keys, Clinton; J. Scattergood & Co., Plymouth; Stone. Babcock &Co., andJulins, Movius&Co., Ypsilanti; Pierre Teller, Detroit; J. &, J. Bidwcll, and Dr. Underwood, Adrion; Hart & Mosher, Springvillc; Harmen & Cook. Brooklyn; Smith & Co., Jonesville; L. M. Boyee, Chicago - and almost every where elsO. Oct. 19. 1842 27-lyATTENTION, CE.OTHIESRS! JUST received at the General Depot, for the sale of Clothiers Stock, Machinery, Dyc Stuffs, &c. &c, No. 139, Jeffirson Avenue, Detroitj the following large, weil assorted, and ;arefully selected stock, viz: 100 bbls. St. Domingo Logwood, Cut. 5 Tons " " ia Stick, 150 bbls. Cuba Fustic, Cut, 5 Tons " " in Stick, 50 bbls. Nic. Wood, Chipped, 50 " Lima Wood, " 30 " Red Wood, " 120 " Ground Camwood, 10 " Quercitron Bark, 500 lbs. Nutgalls, 10 Cases Extract of Logwood, 300 lbs. Lac Dye, 2 Ceroons Spanish Indigo, ' 300 lbs. SumacSicily, 3 Casks Madder, 3 Casks Blue Vitriol, 5 Casks Alum. 2 Barrels Red Tartar. 2 Barrels Cream 'I'artar, 3 Carboys A qua Fortis, 5 4i Oil Vitriol, 3 " Muriatic Acid, 500 lbs. Virdigris, 50 '' Block Tin, Teasels, Twine, Copper Kettles, all sizes, Parson's Sbearing Machines, Curtis' " " Screws and Press Plates, Cranks, Press Paper, Steel Reeds, Worsted Harness, Tenter Hooks, Emery, all No's., Olive Oil. Clothiers' Jacks. Sattinett Warp, Clothiers' Brushes, Shuttles, Pickers, Card .Cleaners, &c. &c. The above, with a variety of other anieles belongincr to tlie irnde, have been purchased this summer by the subscribers from Manufacturare and First Hands in the New York, Thiladelphia. and Boston Markets, and every thing having received his personal inspection. he enn with tho utmost confidence offer them to purchasers as the best and most complete stockin the country; and as it is his fixed determination (by ihe low ratcs a'. which he will sell) ro Drevent the necessity ol our Clothiers and Manufacturera leaving the State to make their purchases, h would mereljsay to the trade, CALL, examine tho goods and ascertain prices before you say you can buy cheaper any vherc else. He is also prepared to contract for CARD1NG MACHINES made in thts State or East. PIERRE TELLER, Sign of the Golden Mortar, 139, Jefier8on Avenue, [17-tf.] Detroit.L.OWER TOWN MESSRS. DAVIDSONS& BECKER, have justreceived froin New York a large and spiend id assortment of Fancy and Staple DKY GOOD$. Also, a Jarge quantity of Dry Groceries, Crockery, íShelf Hardware, Nails, Boots and Shoes, Men's and Boy's Caps? Paints," Dye Stun% and Medicines, &c. &c. &c. wbich tliey will sell lower than has ever before been offered in this place. For particulars cali at their Store, No. 3, Brown's Block, (formerly occupicd by H. Becker.) The highest Maikctpiice will be paid in Goods for most kinds of Produce. # Remember that they will not be undersold.Ê# Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Nov. 13, 1843. 29-6m UST received at the Farmers' and Mechantes' Store, ■ a general assortment of Fancy and staple DRY GOODS, Groceries, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, &c. &c. which will be sold cheap and for ready payonly. C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, Nov. 20, 1843. N. B. As usual, any Goods purchased of him not giving satisfaction n prjee and quality, the purchaser has the privilege to return them and receive back his monf y. 32 C. J. GARLAND.RIVER RAISIN INSTITUTE. THE winter term of this Institution wiil commence the first Wednesday of November next, and continue 15 weeks. It is plensamly situaled in the town of Raisin, one mile east of the direct road from Tecumseh to Adrián. Rooms. - 'J here' are now on the premises suitable rooms for the accommodation of forty students. which are designedtobe cccupied for private study and lodging. Oiher necessary buildings are provided for recitation and boarding. - Most students will probubly board themselves. Expensks. - Tuition for fifteen weeks, com-, mon branches 4 dollars. Higher English branches., including Greek and Latin, 5 dollars. Room rent 8 cents per week. Incidental expenses 50 cents per term. Students are expected to furnish whatever they wish to use in their rooms excopt andirons. r Students who have to buy their books will do well to defer so doing, and buy them here. The school is open to all applicanta of suitable ago and moral character irrespective of com-pltxion or condition. It is very desirable that all who design to altend school should be ready to commence with the term. otherwise there ctinnot be a regular classification of the students, and without such classification coinparatively liitle advancement can be made in study. Any further Information respecting the Tnstution can be obtained by addresing, post paid, JOUN PATCHIN, Principal. Raisin, Leiawee Co., Mich. Raisin, Oct. 3, 1843. 24-3w. Attentioia, lnralids. WHO has tried the Persian Pilis and Jew David'sor Hkbjiew Plaster, and is not ready to testify that they are dccidedly the best medicines now in use? The above' medicines have been before .'he public some four years, and physicians at the Easi have used them extensively in their practice. and were they here, thcy could teil you of the excellent qunüties of these medicines. Reader! Have you ever used them? If you have not, ask those who have if they are not what we recommend them to be. They are the Chcapest as well as the best. A box of piaster contains sufficient to spread 8 or ]0 piasters - price50 cents. The Iarge Boxes oí Pili.s contain 73 puls for 63 cents: the smnll boxes 35 pills fo-r 31 cents. No persons should condemn them until they have tried them, and then we are sure they will not. These medicines are for sale by one or moreagents in all villages and cities in the United States. Cali on the agent, and he will give any information wanted. For sale by J. H. Lund. S. P. & J. C. Jcweu. C. Eberbach, Ann Arbor; D. M. Ladd. Milford; M. C. Eakin. Novi; D. II. Rowland. Noiihville; J. Scattergood, Plymouth; P. Vanavery, Frnnklin; .1. Dean, Pontiac: J. Millerd, & Son, Dexter; Dr. Sager. Jackson. J0 - 6m.JJIurder & Suicide! PASSING your streets a few dayssince, I was nlinost horror struck in noticing a continual protracted nnirder. Choapest Store in town - !NewYork Wholesale and Retail Ckcap cash Store" "Buffalo Clieap Store" led me to cali where T saw the "Kings English" lie mangled, bleeding, dying. Atanother placo I saw a great display of "Red Rag3" and fiaming hand bilis, where on examination I found that they cJaimed to havebought their goods at 1!Auction" and I knew that goods sold at auction were of inferior qunüty. and such as would not bear the test of private sale scrutiny. Oh.thought they cut their own throafs in buying thefr goods at auction. I passed on to F. Denison's old stand where I found II. Becker fairly settled with a large STOCK OF GOODS, selected at private sales, cmbracing nearly every thing colled for in the country, at low prices. for cash. produce, or good credit. And herel found that the pure Enghsh was spoken, as I am assured it is at his Store in the Lower Town. VIATOR. Ann Arbor, June 12, 1843. 7 tf. RAIL, ROA D V rag rTTijim riB9a TEMPERANCE HOUSE. THE undersipned would respectlully infonn the friends of Temperanee. and the public generally, that theabove named House, formerlylinown as the Temperanee Hotel, and situated on the corner of Michigan avenue and Washington street, near the Central Railroad Depot, having undergone thorough repairs and very great addi'ional improvemenls, is now ready for the reception of all thuse who may favor him with a cali. The accommodations, in every respect, are not inferior to any Temperanee House in ;he country, and every attention will be given to such as bestow their patronage upon this laudable enterprise. N. B. Carriages always in readincss to convey passengers to and from Boals and Cars. WM. CHA MP. Detroit, May 9, 1843. 4-1 yNOTICE. ALL those indcbtecl to the firm of J. Beckley & Co, are requcsted to makc payment iinmediately. Oct. 23, 1843.CLOCKS! CLOCKS! THE subscribcr hnving just receivcd seveial cases of BR A SS and WOOD CLOCKS, ol 'various desciiptions. is prepared to sell them Ckeap for Cash. Also, a general assorímeni oí JEWBLRÏ, consisring in part of Gold Finger Rings, nnd Bosom Pins. Heart6ai)d Crosses. Silverand Comraon Thimbles, Watch Chains and Keys, Pendil Cases: nlso, Spoons, Sugar Bowls. Butler Knives, Tooth and Hair Erushes, Pocket Books, Violin Slrings, Needies, Pins. Hooks, and Eyes, Spec(acle8, Fine,Dressing Combs, Side Combs, Back Combs, Pocket Combs. Water Paints. Marking Cotton, Steel Pens, and TweaserS; SnufF& Tobacco Boxes, EInstics, &c. All of which will be sold as cheap as at any other establishment thie side of New York. N. B. The subscriber thankful for so large a share ofpnblic patronncre. still solicitan continuence of the same. CLOCKS! AND WATCHES of every description repaired and warranted. Also, JEWELRY repaired on short notice.- Shop at his old stand directly opposite the Court House. C. BLISS. Ann Arbor, Nov. 6, 1843. 28-1 y. Cash and Barter Store. C. J. GARLAND, HAVINGpurchased the entire Stock in trade of Godlrey and Allen, will be hnppy to wait upon such as will give him a cali. His stock consists of a general assortmcntof goods. aild will be sold cheap. and for rcady 2ay only. WANTED, In exchangelor GOODS, most kinds of country produce, and 300,000 FLOÜR BARREL STAVES & HEADING. for which a fair price will be paid. Ann Arbor, April 19, 1843. 52-tf. ftlïümery & Bress iVf akiiig. Mus. C. BUFFFINGTON, "OESPECTFÜLLY announces to the in-t' habitants of Ann Arbor and vicinity, thnl she has opened a shop, midway, between the upper and lower villages, where the business of MILLIJYERY $- DRESS MJ1KIJYG will bo ?arrie(l on, in all lts branches, with punctuality, despatch, and in the best and most fashionable style. Ann Arbor, April 8, 1843. 00 lyAT THJ4 1'AlMCR MILL (l.OWER TOWN) ANN ARBOR. EBOOTH would respectfully infonn the inhabitantsof Ann Arbor and vicinity that he coniinues the business of , BOOK BINDING, ut the old tand, in the Paper Mili. Oíd Boofcs will be neatly rebound on shortnotice. All, kinds of RULING done to or?er. - Country produce taken in payment. April 19, 1S43. 52-tf. Chcese. FOR Sale by C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, Mny 5, '43. 2 WOODWORTH'S HOTEL. NORTHERN, EASTERN, AN0 SOUTHERN STAGE HOUSE. ryiHE undersigned respectfully announces to JL the Public, thnt he is now the Proprietor of this -veil known establishment. The House iiaving been thoroughly overhnuled, and refi'.ted in a manner calculated to promote tho comfort of citizens and the travelling public. The house occupies an eligible position, on the corner of Woodbridgc and Randolph streets, in a business part of the city. Those who may honor him with their countcnance, inny be assured that no expense or attention in his power, will be spared, to make their sojourn in Detroit agreeablennd sntisfnetory. [4G-ly] S. D. WOODWORTH. TAII.ORI27G WILLIAM WILKINSON CLAIMS the attention of the inhabitants of Ann Arbor and the surrounding country, and informe them he has Iocated h'm6ftlf the Norlh aide the square, near ihe Post Oíílce, opposiie the rear of the Court House, where he is always on hand to wait on ihosc who wish to obiige him with a cali. The farmers are sure to be suited with good comfortable fits. All who are more fashionably inclincd can be accommodated. having received the latest FashionsforFall and Winter. Cutting done on the shortest notice, nnd warrnnted to fit if made up by experienccd hands. Ann Arbor, Oct. 1, 1843. 23-tf.RAIL ROAD HOTEL 1843L BY 1843. ■PATRICK & ANDREWS. OPPOSITE THE WESTERN AND NORTHERN RAIL ROAD DEPOTS, DETROIT, MICH. THE obove Hotel has been grcaily enlnrgcd, and fiücd up in a style oqual to nny public housoín Detroit, for comfort and conveniencc. - lis locnlion is in a healthy nnd plensnnt part oí tho city, being skuated on the Public Square. nnd i the immediate vicinity of the Central and Northern llnil Rouds, and convenicnt to the principal STAGE ROUTES (livprging ta tlie different pnrts ot the Stnte. Travki.ers wishing to tnke the Cars or Bonts cannot íind a more convenient plnce than this. being neur the Cars on both R:n Roads, and in mmediate connection with the Boats. The Proprietors nssure the public, thai no pains will be sparod to furnish thcir TABLE with the best the Market afibrds, and their cuslomere with overy attention in their power, requisite to their comfort. CABRIAGES # BAGGAGE WAGONS nlvyays in readine5S to convey Pa9sengers to and from the Boat8 and Cars free of charge. TERMS- 75 cents per day, or 25 cents per meal. PATRICK & ANDREWS. Nov. 6, 1843. 28-6m. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. BOOKSELLERANDSTATIOHER, SMART S BLOCK, 137 JEFFRRSOtf AVKNUE, DETROIT. Keeps constanily for sale a complete nssortment of Misccllaneous, School and Classical Books; Letterand Cap Paper, plain and ruled, Quills. Ink, Sealing Vax, Cuilery, Wrapping Paper. Printjng Pnper, of all stzes; and . Book, News and Canister Ink. of varioiis kinds. SLANZ BOQZS, Full and hall bound. ol every variety ol Ruling. MEMORANDUM BOOKS. &c. To Merchants. Teachers, and others, buying in quaatities.. a large discount made. SABBATH SGHOOL & BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR 51-tf. WHOL.ESAJLE & RETAI1. STAPLE AND FAJYCYDRY @GOBS. Tfití Subscribers keep constantly on hnniJ .' large and choice stock of DRY GOODS. BOOTS AND SHOES, DRY GROCERIES, fyc. $' -which have selected care, and are of the newest styles and bese qualitie8. As they are deteftnined not to be undersold, they solicit the patronage of those wishin to purchase. Among other thingstoo numerons to montion. they have a large and excellent assortment of SHEETINGS, DRILI.INGS, SUMMKRSTUFFS, CALICÓES, FULLED CLOTíiS, SATINKTS, BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, GAMBROONS, LINENS, CAMBRICS, MÜSLINS, HANDKERCHIEFS, fcc. &c. Bonnet Ribbons, a very "beautiful assortment. Shawls, Broche, Silk, and Thibet. of the richest patterns. Parasols; of all kinds, qualities, and prices. Hose and Iltdf Hosc. Cotton and Womed. Bonncts, Leghorn, Tusoan and Straw. The above assortment of GOODS will beeolfl ns cheap, or cheaper than can be purchased in Detroii. (cr Wool, Potash, Flour, m and all kinds of PRODUCE will be received in payment. ABBOTT & BEECHER, 144, 'JefFerson Aveniye. July, 12. 1843. (12-tf.) Detroit.KEEP GOING AHEAD. Now is the Time for Great Bargains, and ulo Mistak . R . S A N K S 9 TÏ7OULD respectfully in'form his oldcustom TT ers nnd oihers visiting Detroit, that hiñas removed to the corner of JefFerson Avenue and Grissvold street, oppoaite Michigan Jnstnrance whcro he has on hand a large Stock of READY MADE CLOTHHYG, consistí ng in part of Over Coats, Box Coais. Drcss and Frock Coats, Vests, Pants, and every artiele in the clothing line, chenper than the cheapest. A quick sixpence is better than d slow shilling. Only give us a cali and we wil! satJsfy every one: that is our maxim. Detroit, Öct. 7, 1843. 23-3m. PAIMTIWG. T. LAMBERT, BEGS leave to inform the inhabitanis of Ann Arbor, and the surrounriing country, that having locatcd hiniself in the Lowcr Villagc, with the view of carrying on the above business in all its branches, (some of which are HOUSE, SIGN. and ORNAMENTAL PAIJYTIJVG, GILDING and GLAZIJNTG, GRA1NING, imitation of all Woods, MARBLEIZING, TRANSPARENCIES, BANJNERS, fee. respectfully solicits a share of public patronage, as his prices shall be low to conform to the times and his work done in the best manner. T. L. would say to Farmers thathe is particularly desirous to attend to theïr calis, as produce is the best kind of pay. Ann Arbor, LowerTown, March 6, 1843. 45.- ly.DR. BANISTER'S CELEBRATED FEVER AGÜE P1LLS. -Purcly Vegetable, A safe, speedy, and sure rernedy lor lever and ague, dum ague, chili fever, and the biliouadiseases peculiar to new cotintries. These pulsare designed .for the affeclions oí theliver and other internal organs which attend the discases of the new and miasmatic portions of our country. Tho proprietor having iried them in a great variety of cases confideiuly believes that they are superior to any remedy that has ever been offeted to the public for the above diseases. It is.purely Vegetable and perfectly hannless, and can be taken by any persori, maleor fem'ale with perfect safety. The pills are prepared in two separate boxes, marked No. 1 and No. 2. and acecorapanied willi full directions. A great number of certificates might be procured in favor of this medicine, but the proprieter has thought fit notto insert them, in ae much as he depends upon the meriis of the sume for its reputuiion. The above pill is kept constontly on hand by the proprieter and can be had at wholesalo nnd rotailat the store of Beckley & Co. Orders from the country proniplly attended to. Ann Arbor, (lower town) May 29 ]89. 9 , L. BECKLEY OF all kinds neatly execuied at :he Signa. Office, at the shortest nótice, oh the most reasonable terms. : Books Pamphets Circulars &c. Will be pruued to order, aany time, with the utmost accuracy. UT Orders by mail promptly filled. SAL ERATUS. WHOLESALE and Retail. by H. BECKER. Anu Arbor, Aug. 2, 1843. 15-tf.MORTGAGE SALE. DEFAULT havingbeenmndein the pnymen of a certain euiu ol money with thO interes thereon, secured to bepaidby n certain oinjuarmi of Mortgagc, bearing date ihe thirty-firstdaoi October, in the year of onr Lord one thouaaun eight hundred and forty, executed by Eli Gran ger, ofScio, in the county of Washtetiaw and the Staie of Michigan, to Samuel Clemens of Lima, in the coimty and State aforesaid whicb. Mortgage was recorded in the Kcgister's office ol'lhe couniy of Washtenaw aforesaid. on these ' ond day of April, A. D. onc tWsand eifrht hundred and ibrty-two, in Liber ten of AJorteair es, at page one hundred and sixiy-onc. and de faalt having bem made in the condition of 8aid mortgagc, and no suit or proceeding at law hav ing been instnuted to recover the whole or arir pari of the money now due on said mortoaee By vim.e of which default there ls now clnimed to be due on said mortgage, the sum of thrp hundred and fifty one dollars ancl twenty cente for principal and interest. ' B Notice is therefore hereby given, t'hat in n.,r suanceof a power ol sale in said Xndentiirp e mortgagc contained, will be soJd at publicar,;!? at the front door of the Court H0lT T ?l IngeofAnn Arbor, in the county aforean Li „" the seventh day of February ncxtf ai X'íí Í in the fpfënoon of said day, all ffiS 'Z&fö cnbed in said mortgnge, or 80 much thereof . may be necessary to sat sfy the aniount due lof principal and interest on said morigaKe as WpÜ' as cos.e for foreciosing the same.aní deribed aï follows: "All tliat certain iract or parcel of Inní lying-_ in the State aforesaid, known, bounded and desenbed as follows, to wit: The south hnJf of t?,ï south west quarter of section seven, in to vn two south, of range five cast, except fifteen acre. on thenorthsideofsaid quarter socúon, beiiS one half rnile jn length running east and west '' berDÏ843nt An" Arbr th'S S'Xth day of Novró5 o MUELfL?MENSMortgageff By O. Hawkiks, his Attorney. '29-12 wMORTGAGE SALÜT 't DEFAULT having been made in the payment of d certiiin eum of mon y with tha interest thereon, aecured to be pnid by a certain mdenture of Mortgage, bearing date ihe twentietli day of rsovemben, in the year of our Lord one Umusand eight Jumdred and thirty-eiht ejieciú tod by Eli Granger of Scio. in he county of Washlenaw, and State of Michigan, fc Rhoda I helps of the same place; whjch mortgage was recoided in thcregisier's office of the county of SVnshtenaw, afoiesaid, on the twenty-sixth day of January. A. ü. one thousand eigbt hundred nnd thirty-nine, in Líber numberseven f mortgogea, at page three hundred and seventy foar. and delault having been made ia the condition of said niortgnge, nnd no suit or proceeeding at law having been instituted to recover the whole or nny part of the money nowdue, on said Moxtcoge, by virine of which dcfault there is now clnimed lo be due on snid Morigage. thesum of one hundred and thirty-three dollars and fifty-six cents lor principal and interest, which mortgago has been duly assigncd to Samuel Clemens. Notice is therelbre hercby given. that in pursuance oí n power of sale in snid indenturo of niortgnge fontíiined. will be sold at the front door of the Court House, in the villageofAnn Arbor, in the county aforesaid. on the 6cventh day of February next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said dny, at public auclion, alj the premises described in said Indenture of Mortgnge, or so rnuch thereofas may be necessnry to satis'y the omount due for principal and interest, on aaid well as cosls for foreclosinc; the same, and de9cribed asfollows, to wit: the south halfof the west half of the soinh-west quarier of acction seven, town two south of range five east, containing forty acres, be ihe same more or lcss. Dated, Ann Arbor, November (5. 1843. SAMUEL CLEMENS. Assignee, of RMODA PHELPS, Mortgniïee. By. O. Hawki.vs, bis Attorney. 29-12wChaiacery Sale. Philip H. Reeves, Daniel H." Scully, IB # 2d cirt. ïnd Mary Scully. In puiEuance of a decretal order issued out of the Court of Chancery, in and for the State oí VTichignp, I shall expose to sale, to the highest bidder, at the Conrt House, in the village of Ann Arbor, Washlenaw county, on the fifteenth dny of Janunry next, at 10 o'clock. A. M. of that. day, the following described preniÍ9cs, "to wit:" "All that cortain tfact or pnrcel of lnnd lying in "Webster, and described" as follows. "to wit:" "The west hall of the south east quarter of s?c''lion thirty six. in township one south, of rarige "live east, containing eighty acres, more or les. "Also theeast half of the.north east quarter ol ''section thiuy six, in township one south, of "range five east, containing eighty acres, mor "or less," or so much thereof as may be sufficient to raise the amountdue to the complainant for his principal, interest and costs in this cause. GEO. DANFORTH, M aster in Chancery. Gko. Miles, Comp'ts. Sol. Nov. 24, 1843. 31. NEW GOODS!! HAVING retired, not from business, but to the old stand of G. Ward,, 1 will eell GOODS Cheap. My stock is cntirely new, and embraces a good variety, well aelected, and the goods cannot fail to saüsfy those who.wish io purchase. I have spent most of the summcr and part of the fall. in JNew England. where ihe Goods are made, and I huve been able to purchase such noods aslwanted; nnd at sucli prices, as will enable me to sell them nbom oa low as they have been sold in New York, from Jobbiiig Housc8 during tbiyseason. Especially I can sell Woolen Cloths, Trom the conrsest to superfine. 3-4 & 6-4 Cloths, Satinetts, Cassimeiea. &c. &c. at low prices. More: I have on hand a good stock of Combs, Thread, Pins, Needies. &e. &c. which I can, nnd will sell to auy, vvho wish to buy by the qunntiry ai very low rates. I wül take ASHES and BLACK SALTS, or PEARLASH at my.Ashejry; and will eell SALFRA')'US in quRiiüties to suit purchasere. TERMS-- Cash, Produce, or good Credit. 1 am, Geni lemen nnd Lndies, Respe ctfnlly yours. F. 'DENISON. Ann Arbor, Upper Town. Nov. 7, J813. N. H. Cash paid for FLOUR, or Pot nnl P'enrlashj or advanceed on the saine and sold ai usunl. ' 29-tf: LE.ATHEE. THE undersigned has just received from tho Mnnufacturer, and will continue (e besnp-1 püed with a General Assortmentmenr ofEASTERN TANNliD LEATHEIl, which he will sell at dccidcdly Low Prices, for CASH or HIDES. He will continually have on hand Spanis and Slauffhter SÖLE LEATHER, of Light, Middle and Heavy Weightó; Upper Leather. Oak and Hemlock Tanned Calf Skins, Patna and Slaughter Kips, Harness and Bridle Leather, Bindings, White and Colored LiningSt Shoe Thread, &c. All persons desirous of purchnsing are requested to coll at the ONE STORY BRICK BUILDING, No. 39, Woodward Avenue, and examine the quality and prices bcforc purchasing clsewliore. N. B, The highest Market Price will be pata inCASriFORHIDES. J. D. BALDVVliV. Detroit, Nov. 13, 1843. 29-6m. Anti-Slavery Books. AQUANT1TY of Anti-Slavery Books ar for enle at this office, very cheap. Calt soon, before they are gone. 3,000 FLOUR BARRELS for sale Cheap for Cash, by J. GARLAND. Ann Atbor, Upper Town, May 5 1843 CHAJ&LES H. STEWART ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW ANB SOLIdTOR fN CHANCERY. JEFFERSO AVENUE, DBTROTT.


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