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Another Slave Case

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{iSamivel We! Ier, Jr.," the Washington Correspondent of the Albany Patriot, gives the parüculars of the arrest of ten slaves i?i thal city, just as Ih'èy were auont stnrtinnr for Canada. A poor colored persen, bought up for the purpoe had turned traitor. The leumster had placed iiis team under the sl.ed of one Bdsh, a colored man, without his kr.owledge or consent, but. lie wns takan tip and held to b;iii for aidintr and counselling the escape of siaves, nnd also for "kidnapping" fOayrs, under ari old hv of Maryland, long f mee repecled, but io forcé iñ the Federal District. Under this law, if found gnilty, lie must be hangrd! David A. Hall, Eq.. is preparing the defence in this case. jIt involves nearly or quite all tl. e points in the Van Zandt andcaFe, also i Hè consi itöf ionjality of Slavery in the District of Columhia. It is intended to take the cate to the Supreme Court on this lotier point at the enr'iestday. Tle case can be brouuht on in Febrnaryvhen öeward, Morris and ('hasewill be in Washington to attend to the Van Zandt case.The last arrival from Europe brings little intelligence of interest. The State tricis have been ndjourncd lo the 15.h Jnnuary, nnd O'Connell has gone to viste hia "mountain home1' at Derrynaue. Reports are circuluted tiitlt the trials will be abandoned, and }hat Sir Robcrt Peel has determined to apply to Parliament for suminary powers to pat down the agitation in Ireland. It is also 6tated that measures of amelioration are in progress. d'l he Democrats are disputing which ís the banner town of this State. The Pontiac Jacksonian chiims the honor for Addison, a ,tovu in Oakland Cotinty, in which the vote fitood thus for Congreseraen: For Hu4, Dem. 84 votes. For Drnke, Whig-, 2 For Canfiold. Liderty, 4 Truly this was o close vote. Mr. Leavitt describes the Speaker of the House of Representatives thus: "Jones is on indolent looking, rather unciiltivated sort of a person, wilh a particular vulgarity of appe-rancy from bis inordidate conBumptión of his native weed, in fact, a living and overflowing fountain- nay, river- of tobacco juice."


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