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Communications: The Whigs And The Liberty Party

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Mkssrs. Editors: - The whig pnners of tliis región, as well qs most of the Whig politicianrs are clamorotis, in the assertions that abolitionists are hypncritical; that they have no regnrd for tho welfare, of the slnve, or the free coloree} people. To such a charge my only reply is, let their works testify; ak the black man, who is hts fr end, and whose policy is for his gfoocï; ask the hardhearted sluveholder, whose efforts he most dreuds. But further, abolitionists are eccused by the Whigs of beingf at hcart, "loco;" and thnt their leaders, are '♦Locop," and when the fit time comes, they wiíl order them all into the ranks of the "Democratie" party, and moro, that it is eiricidal to the cause wnichthe whigs pretend to espouse to hold a separate orgauization, when the two prominent partiep are so nearly eqnal, for ifthe Demócrata get the ascendency, the cause ie ruined - no notice will be paid to the demanda of Abolitionists, Sz. &c. While if the Whigs succeed, añer attention paid to the greatleading questions of the time, they will do somethinnr, Stc. foc. It is further affirmed, thal Abolitionists nre in consistency bound to assist the wbips into office, because tiiey will do more for the cousè of Emoncipatior. than the Demócrata -il! - that the whigs have done all that has been done by way of Lepislation for the benefit of the Africans in America, fcc. &tc.Now I do not suppo?e tbat very many melligent men do actualiy ond honestly make iiich objections, and yet I have no doubt but hat somo are deluded by this circiimscribed ñew of the case. And though sntisfactory mswers hsve been ofton made to most or all if these objectioua, still 6uch answers hnve iot come before the mass of the whigs, and ■jerliaps not befare all who occasionnlly read he Signal. The many valuable argumenis ind answers and statements that are ecatlered alón the track of political discussion, and which form conclusive apologfies ond explannlion for thecourse of the Liberty party since ts organization, would be valuable if coinpiled and put in a readable form; but this will not be done, and though what I mny wriie is only a repetition of the past, and though it may and will fa il to fully rxhibil the case in its proper light, yet it may do what the repetition of truth invariably does (impress il more fully on the mind) and il may be read by some who have never noticed many of the belter answers of better men, and oor opponents may sce that liberty men are not devoid of reason or eense - that they have eome vvell founded objecüono to the policy of the Whig party..Candor is a jewol of great beauty, and thotigh not often valued by ils posseasor, is yet highly prized by the observer. No whig can candidly say that the Liberly party or Liberty men are more in favor toith or oj the Democratie party than of the Whig. In the various pbaee of the two great parties, both have exhibited much that was right and much that was arongr, and while whigs overlook, ns they do, the heresy of those who difFer from the main body in some points if they only vote with them, they ought in candor to concede as mnch to Liberty men, even though they voteotherwise. But when the whigs claim the snpport of the abolitionist because without it the Denrocratic party will succeed, they ought to put their words in Iho moulh of John Tyler, and seo how they would act. Suppose John Tyler to say - ' Whigs - parMes are nearly eqnally balanced, nnd if yon do not support me. you indirectly giveyour support to Van Buren; I have done all for the Whig party that any President has done for them these 12 years, and though I do not favor yon in all pointe, still there are so many tbings which I favor you in, while Van Buren will oppose you in every thing that it is your duty to vote for me. Öf the "two evils choose the least. You cannot elect Honry Clay, therefore elect the one neare$t to your views that you can, dont throwaway you votes, or ponder tolhe "Locog." What is the answer in the cast? Why ït is that they will not support John Tylr they esteem him to be a traitor; and tha points on which they diner witb him are the very points important, and on tho whole they would rather loose the election, than vote for John Tyler. Gentlemen, be your own judge, and when you have settled fully the reason ror forsaking John Tyler, you have seen ome of the reasons, why Abolilionists will not support Heury Clay. Abolitionisls believe that slavery ia a crea ture of law, that legislation has forged the chaina f the slave. They believe that if men who held right principies on this subject, had been chosen to act in the various 'inslancei' of slave legislation, elavery would not now exist in our country. They belicvethat if we wo„ld have correct legislation upon that subject we must elect men to legisfate, who ] act right; and if it i jost and cowutent for Wkigs, to reject a man who will not fully carry out their schemes, and elect on who will; i it less consistent for Abolitionhtt to erect the same standard? WJien you ar' disposed to censure the course-the artion of abolitionists, just converse vvith yourselves and put your favoiite schemes in the scale' and then judge, remembenng tbot otJur men have the same right to hold sacred, and d hold as encred their schemes, as you 9 yourtt. Again, wben the Whigs claim, that Liberty men, and UheHy papers, have more fé say in censure of the Whigs, ihan of the Derno. crntF, my adviceh, that you examine the matter fully zm see if yoa arp correct, and again enquire if the Whigs are not constnnlly agitaling the question of difTercnce, and f circumstonceg, do -t comprl Ubctty advocate to speok. Explain wljy it fe, tlial the Whg papers hbound in denunciations of the Tyler party now; say fit does not seem, and if it is not avowed by Whig.c, thot they would rejoice in the defeal of John Tyfer, oven though done by ihe Democrats; nnd if you find the voice of the Whig party dec'nring a prefèrence for the suecess of the dmocratic, ratker than of the Tyler party, im, agine that the reasons which rou give for it, may be some of tho reasons why the Liberty party rejoice whor the Clay party is defeated'. Finally, abolitionistg claim that the Emancipation of the elave is of more immedmte consequence, thnn nny other measures that are before the nation. They claim that th ►kvrholding power has held in bondagf, not the Southern slave only, but the poiitical nction of the JVbrth also. That both Wliipt and Democrats have thought it policv to tacure the votes of the South, for Bome pecuniary scheme, even (ftongh the waving of the rights of the slave, were the price, and invtriahly the South bas demanded this sacrifico, and neither whcu whigs or democrats wer in power, have they done for the abolition of slavery what ihey conld have done. To se- cnre Virgini, tbe Whigs nominated Joh Tyler for Vice President, and "tiiey had their Jesire granted thern. and the" residue wiih ir, "Leannees in their souls," and now abolitionists believe, thnt the wbigs hold Henry Clay in nomination, because the Souih demsnt] it. Tliey believe that Ilenry Cloy will opposeany 6cheme of emancipatinn: that it woutd be a blot upon our natinn to put a slaveholder in the Presidential chnir. Thpy believe that t abohsh slavery, a Liberty party must be form-' ed- that deluy only increases the difRculties in the way - that now is the accfplei time, and with stability of purpose they are determined to uct upon tbeir principies till slavery shall bc abolished in our Innd, or they be culled lo that world where tbe "slare is free from h3 master."


Signal of Liberty
Old News