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The influence of the West begirïsiobe seriously feit in the present Congress. - - Hitherto the Western mernbers have received little consideration. But the members from the northern and southern Atlantic cities are paying their court to thera with much assiduity. The Western members feel their strength and intend to usO it. They intend to have their jrhare' in the expenditures óf' the public mon'ey. -Some 20,000,000 have. íeen expended by Government o-n thé" Atlantic coast, while the amount expended on the Western waters is a mere trifle. ' Oft a late occasion, Mr. Kennedy, of Indiana, said the West couldnow take careofiiself. - They had eighty representafives on the iïoor, and" they asked na fa vors, andwould secure justice tothemselves.ánd' no fhanks to any body. In the Sonate, Mr. Bexton oiTered the following resol u-tion which was adopted:Rf.soii-ed. Thai fhe Commitieé on tho ?vlilitia be insiructed to inquire into the expediency of modifying the militia lavvsof the Unjíed States so as to require the enrolment of every white male citizen of the respective States of the age of twentyone years and under the age of thirty-fivo vears. with the exceptions made hy existing laws; and to report to this House whether or nol, in their opinión, theburdens of the present militia organization may not be iiï other respects grcatly allevited without impairing its efficiency. In the Höue Dec. 20, Mr. Adamsprcs sented a petition f rom James Wallace and 212 other citizens of flífnóie; askingthatr the four following provisions might be


Signal of Liberty
Old News