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Daniel Webster

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It has been rumored for some time, that Mr. Chonte, Senator from Massachusetts, is about to reeigR, tü make way for the return of Mr. Webster to the ü. S. Senate. Rev. Joáhua Leavitt, of the Boston Emancipator objects to such an arrangement on account of Websler's internpcrate habita. Th3 papar ppeaks of the facts as well known, and continuet-: ' Mr. Webster cannot now serve their turn ns bcfore, becnuse he is not now the Mr. Webster who?e name the people lieliht to honor. Massacbnsetts is a Temperance Sl.ite. She is the banner State in Tfimpernnce. The Temperance Society was firit formetl here, and has heve gained iis complefest inumphs. The people fee! that much is due to Temperance in the selection of public men. ond the Whigs know how miich they owe of their pahiat success, in the late eledion, to the Temperance Iabor3 and reputation of Mr. Erps. Now we teil them tb'at if thfiy elect fo the Senate of the United States, in iho place of Mr. Choafr, a man so hubitually, notoncnisly, shtnnelrssly, and boasiftdly intern ■ pera te, as Mr. Webster now is, the people vvill not stand it. The party which does it will never recover its ground." T"hi?, certamly, is languoge, and eau only bejustified by the most palpable, undeniable facts. Botas Mr. Leavitt has rteidVd in Boston and in Washington for several years. the presnmption is that he knowo whereof he affirms.05a The Committee of the State Prison to whom was referred the memorials respecting the competition of convict labor with that of other mecbanics have reported.that such a system ot labor should be established in the prison by law,as wil] leadtothe employment of convicts"in the production of those articles of mechanical ware which will not come into competiiion wil h the productions of individual mechanics." This is all well enough, but some peopie are at a loss to know what kinds of "mechanical ware" would not "come in competition with the productions of individual mechanics." The evil remains untouched.ÖWe notice that handbills have beon published inviting the formation of a Pugilislic or Fighting School in our village. The object is to teach gentlemen how to fight with their fists in the most scieniific manner. We can scarcely believe that the good sense of our citizens will sustain an establishment of ihis kind. lts tendency must be to deprave public moráis, and so far as we can see, the result of the practice is evil and only evil. Men ought io hè distinguished for their intellectual vigor and energy, rather than for the force of .their fists; and when a man. young or öld, has no higher ambition than to be able to strike his fists against his fellow men with the greatest effect and in the most scieniific manner, we may bid farewell to all hopes of his ever benefitting them through the superiority of hiVmental powers, or the excellence ofhisheart.


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