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raW SOOS STOK.S. (ANN ARBOR, LOWER TOWN.) IJE Subscriber hns jtst reccivcrl a rrenern! í assortmfint of SCHOOL BOOKS! sucli iro in use in Cominon Schools in ihis Siaio. 5 her with a varieiy of ïleiiyious. Scieniific Miscellar.cous works, sucli ns irto Bibles, Po'yglot & Coimnon, do. Pockei liiion, F;im:iy, do. School, do. Pocket Tcstalenrs. 3 sizes. Prayer Book?. 4 sizcs. The Psalmist, a new Bnptist J-Jynin Book, - Methodist Hyinn Bouk. Watts' Paalms ( and Hymns, Annuals for 1-14, Cow, pers Poems. Ossians. !o Campa ?j beJls. do. Burns1, do. Müton's "" Workp, Scott's Works, Al. biiras. Tales of a Gi;indfatlior, Sco:t's iVnpoleon, Be.Tii'iiul Nèw Ypnr'a Prcsonis. View of all -p Relitriotis. Mothcrs - Frieiid. Fi reside Pielv.' Gen ceir . _ . f f 1 i rwt t-O C tditntion on Prayer, n v.-iinnWü work, The , Pask. Bcrquins VVoiks. Clnisrinn. Bnp:ist, W'f Chiirch, Washmgtonian nnd Fnmiers' Almnnacs, Boston Acödemyi Sa n' cieil Lyre and Mnnhniinn Col'e leoii'in Singing Dooks, Blank Dny Books, Lsdgers, 3urtinjs önd -_r._. iteis, Jusricrs' Docfceis. Tov Bibles, V er?. JfO kinds, " ' Sonu'Jïo.ik-in kinds. D nnd vurioi a o;ior Bnokp. toiro'lnM wiili Wnferé; Sènliftg Wa. hik. Qvill?. Sfeêl Pens. Letsy ter Pnpor. f.-.ii ejfcetlent nnic!e. ) and V_ mon. Cup Paprr. Ink Stnnd?. Lcnd Pcnchls, Di.iwiitic P-nrils. B. B. AH, 15. J), nnd Prppnred Ih'diá Rul.hor. rf wÜíi'ch wiü be gölcl at Detroit prices for ). The subscriber hse made bis' nvrahrxets so thnt nlmost onything in the line of rf1 ks and Statibnafy WKtch is not on hand enn _T iirnished ata sliort noii:e. He intends to dam! e the 'sale of Books n pennnnent business O( wil! therofoie do whnt he can to keep his nent gond. Don't forirct the pliiee. Ann r. Lower Villac, uenrly opposila the iring Mili. yjj WM. R. PERRY. J tnwy 8} 1S44. S?-3m. ' AiStray Cattle CÜME nto the enclogato of me Subscritor,, living nenr Foster's Mills, in Scio, on or ■ibout ilio lst rif December last, OArL LIGHT RED STEER, some white siripcs on hint, and lefi hotn n 1'nilm luppcd, and isoboutlbur ynrs old. Also, TWO STA GS. One sp rcr], with a whi;c iLce; the other dark red, rnixed wnh brindlc. and supposed to be nbout iliree yeats old. The owner ia refjiested to prove prooeri}-, pny chnrirrs anti (ake tHent) nwhy, JOHN 1ULLER. Ruio. January 29, li?41 40-8wr;. CASIJ pnid for ÏALLOW, hy G. J. GARLAND. Ann ArI)or,.Upper Tovvn, Jan. 22, '44. 40 CJÊJVBEiJES, BY the Box. 'or sale by C. J. GARLAND; Ann Aibor, Upper Town. Jan. 17. '44, 391 BY the Barrel, lor sale by C. .T. GARLAND. Ann Arbor. Upper Town. Jaii. J7. '44. ?9% CASH PAID for WHEATand TÍMOTHYSEED;. by C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor. Upper Town. Jan. 17. '44. C9.HAT STORE. WI{AR?;UM, would rcspcctfnlly in'brm the citizens oi 'Detroit, and surrounding' country thai he has conataiitly on hand a valuadble nssoriment of fíats, Caps, Furs &c. wliich lie oflóra for snle on the most reasonable terms atNo. 75, Jeflc:son Avenue. Gknti.i mi:n nncl Laimes froni abroad on visitíng ihe City vII rio wtll to give hini a cali beíore purc'insing elsewherc. Deiroit. Nov. lOili. 1843; 2L-6m Estray Osen.. CAME nto llie inclosure of ihe subscriber on or abont the mili of November last, a pair of 8 TRA Y OXEN. One is n spoitefl red and whiie - the other refK and had on i .sn:n!l bell: Tliey werc partly shod - jnilacd to be íl) or 1 2 yoars oíd. The said Oxcn have been duly entert-d on the Towu Bouk and opnraiscd iiceordinsr lo tbetaw. ADAMS J. CUSHTNG'. Webster, Jan. 5. 1S4 1. 38-8r Michigan 3 ook Store. 142 JEPFEnSON AVBXUE DETROIT. TUR pnb'iic me intormed thai vory large nidiiiniis !i"ve Leen made to this establishment duiing ihe past sumtner, and recently, mbraciira a vciv extrnsive nssiiiiment oí vvorks i ihe varions cJepartnients oí Science and Literature. IVlm-íiís. and Religión: and nlso, a most cúmplele etock of Letter and Fonlscap Papr Stationnry artictes. Clnssicnl and Sehool Book; Blnnkwork. &c. &c. nll of which are oficr to the pnblic wholesale or retail, as chep os enn he liad atany Cookstore west of New York, cítv. The fiFsorimnt of .Tnvcnile Bo'c is verv larga and v.'ell worth ilu: nítention ol parenisand othors, %vho may wisli to pul good boo!;s hito the honda of cfuldren. Faiinlv Biblcs - n rreat vartely; Pocfect do, Praycr Books. fine and cnmtnnn: Psnltns and JTymns, vnriou.o c''I"cH'ns: Ursníi(1e Manual, C-i'holic Pio'v, Flowers ofPietv, CITstian Saelirice. Chtistian Guide. Calholie Melodies, &e, Books for Librnrie?. in snbstaniinl bindingg, mny be fonnd here'in great abunriance. Lncürs Arburo b fine nssoriment; Portfolios, wiih and wiiiiont locks: fine editioneof 'he Poets, lnrge &s;na!I. Dissected Maps Battlt Dóors. Eirrls, &c &c. Please cali and examine. C. 3VIORSF. January M, 1814. 33-tf DR. OSGOOD'S AMOiNG ihe most valupblë qualities of thii . medicine. 13 its restoring rnfluence upon CJiisiiliuion? ín.pnired and njured by previou attqcksoí billicus íever, or feVer and a?ue; or tiy a lonyresifieiice in those climaies which produce tbem. There are many consíitutions which iieeomc gradually undermined by a masrmol influence. wi.i'iom even a day's actual continenient. ín s.ich cas-cs, the Cholagogue ocis likea charm - (he saüow complexión, loss of appetitc, """ guor, w.eariaess and depression of spirits, with jther unplensnnt symptoms which render Jife a iiuiden. all yield to this remedy wlien fyithfulif ísed necordiñg to ihe directions of ihe aenompaiying pomphlet. It is emirely a vegetable prep - traiion, and rnay be tahen wUb perfect sfety uníer ai circutnsiances of ihe systera. For sale by 36 W. S. Jk J. W. MAYNARD,sene xigem. ior Ann aroor and vjcinilyv TA3XO3&IJO. WILLIAM WILKINSON CLAIMS iho anemion ot the inhabitanis of Ann Arbor and ilie surrounding countrv ind inlorms them lie ims Jocfüed h mself the North siffe the squnre, ncar il.e Post Oflke opposite tho rar of the Court IJouse, where b is ïlways on boocl to wait on fhose who wish to blSe him vvith a cnil-. The Tinners are surftto e suited wiih ood conifortl,e fus. AU who iré moro fashionably inciinorj can bs nceommolatcd. li.ivingrcceivedihe latest FashionsforFall ind Wimcr. Cuttïng done on (he shoriest notice. nnd wariinipH f(1 fit f m.iríp un lit avma. j i_ _ jAnn Arbor, Oct. J. 1S43. 23-tf. $25,000 WORTH! WJiew! They must be dear, Sir. $50,000 WURTHÜ Worse yet, jurlgriug: frqai nppearances ...; $75:OOO WORTHÜ! Tfiat s it. jüdgmg (rom priees. CJLLnt G. Ward's oíd s and. wher.e they talk understandiDgly, nndsel! Goods eo ihat n good sIock will amount to less than $10,000 un Ier the present sysicm. VI TOR Ann Arbor, Nov. 7, 18 5.?. ' 27-tfi O KSPEGTFULLY infonns the todiesof A X Arbor nnd its v cinity, tlmi she hnsiust rece.ved hor latest Pn.terns Por Hats.Caps. Cioak8, md lressè3; und she i respcotfully invites them rocall and exnmine for themselves. She Jikewise ro-nders them her sincere thanks for their prronnge for the past year, and bega a continuanon. iTer. establishment wil] bo found midway hetween the Upper and Lpwer Towii. Ann Arbor, Nov. 2, 1Ö43. 2S_tf. SALERATÜS. I7HOLESALE and RETA IL !.y ',. , '.. F. DENISON. December L0, J8-13. 35_tr. stone-wareT" O, 1848. 1 PIRE! FIREH FiREü! n D. Hm, Agent of thè iEtna Insurance Co., UI. willmsure propertv nginst losa or Fire jn rensonuble lerma Oct. 5, 1643. ?7_ ■' ' - ■ ■ Wesleyan Hyam Bóoks, TUST received and for sale hy AnnArbor:Nov.l?llSí0-BEeK:ÍE0


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