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An Act To Punish Persons Criminally Who Are Guilty Of Seduct...

An Act To Punish Persons Criminally Who Are Guilty Of Seduct... image
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Sec. 1. Be it enacfed by the Senate and House of Reprefentaiives of the State of Michigan, that nny married man who s!ia!l eeduce and beget wilh child, any unmarried womnn under twen y-one yenrs of age Btiall be deemed gHiJty of a high misdemeanor, nnd upon conviction thereof, shall be punished in the staies prison for a term not exceediog five years, or by imprisonment in the cotmty jail for a term not exceeüing one year, or by fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, or by both such fine or imprisonment in the county jai!, in tne discretion of ihe court. Spc. 2. Any married man vho shall seduce and beget with child, nny unmarried wo'man over twenty-one yenrs of age, shall be guilty of a high misdemeanor, aud upon coHviction thereof, shall be punished by mprisonment in the state prison for a term not exceeding ihree years, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding one year, or by fine not exceeding one fhousand dollars, or byoth such fine and imprisonmen1; in the counly jail, in the discretion of the conrt. Sec. 3. Any unmarried man who shal] seduce and beget wirh chüd any unmarried woman under twenty ore years of age, shall be deemed guüty of a high misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof 6hall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for a term nol exceeding three yeare, or by imprisonir.eni in the county j.úl for a termiol exceeding ene year, or by fine not excerding one thousand 'dollars, or by bolh such fine and imprisonment in the county jail, in the discretion of the court.Sec. 4. Any unmarried man who shall seduce and beget with child any unmarried woman over the age of twenty-one years, shall be deemed to be guStJ of a high tnisdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by.impriïonment in the states prison for a term not exceeding two years or by imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding one year, or by fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonmenfm in 'he county jail, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 5. Any man who shall seduce or carnally know any married woman not being his wife, or who shall seduce and abscond with any mnrried womaii not being his wife. fchall be dremed guilly of a high misdemeanor. and npon conviction thereof, shalJ be punished by imprisonment in the fctate prison for a term not exceeding three yearp, or by im prisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding one year,or by fine not exceeding two thousand aoilars, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the county jaP, in the discreti on of the court. Sec. 6. Any man who shaU peduce'ant carnally know any unmarried womnn, shall be deemed guilty of a misclemeanor, and uoot conviction tiiefeof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail fora term no1 exceeding two years, or by line not exceeding two thou-cand dollar?, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discrelion of the court. Sec. 7. Any married man who shall have sexual intercourse with, and carnally know any woman not being his wife, and any unraarried mon who phall have sexual intercourse with and carmlly knowj any marriec woman, shall be deemetl to be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shal be punished by impnsnnment in the countj jail for a term not exceeding one year, or b fine not exceeding five hundred dollar?, or b both such fine and ïmprisonment, in the dis cretion of the court. Sec. 8. Any married woman who gIiq] have sexual intercourse with any man nu being her husband, or who shnll voluntarily leave her husband and abscond with auy othe man shall be deemed to be guilty of a mis demeanor, aad upon conviction thereof, shal be punished by imprisonment m the count} jail for a term not exceeding two years. Sec. 9. It .hall be competent for any person who shall be indicted onder either of the first six seciions of this act, to give in evi dence on the trial of such indictments, the prior character for cbastity of thu womnn whotn such persons shall be charged wit! ba ving .eetJuced. Sec, 10, Jt halí be compeíent for any perfon wlio sha1 be iiulicted iinder tho provisions of the SGventh section of ihisacr, to give :n evidence on the trial, the prior charucter for cliastity of the woman with whotn fucli seícua intercourse is charged to have been had, it case f=he sball be a witness on the trial; anc Gvidcnce of her bad cliaracter íür chaslitv sliall go to hfr credibility as such witness. Scc. 11. No prosecution sliall be commenced under the provisions of ihis act aftei onc ycar froin the time of the comuiission ol the oflencp. Approved Febrtiary 9, J844;


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