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- This is the name of ancw system of curiog nearly alWiseases by water alone. Ií anpears to have "quite a run in Engiand, and numbers among its converis eminent physiciansand physiologists. - R. D. Webb, of Dublin, refers to it thus in a letter to the Liberator: "í have been surprised, amid&tall I have seen in. the American papers on the subject of reform ia dietetics, practice of medicine, and the best means ofmaintaining fhe.human machine in good heahh and work ing order, I have heard noth ing of Hydropathy. it cannot bè that you know nothingofPnessmtz. h is co!d water care, his setz báths, and 'colt! baths.aüd foöt baths, and eyo baths,nnd"fiiïger baths, und dauche baths, and , slieet baths; his wet sheet, and warm "blankete. and so forth. Iiow Jie eschaws al] dru;, and of his wonderfnl success evinced in the fact that whiist he has treated 72J9 patienís ín.the ten years from 1831 when he had 02, to 1841 whrn hc hadtipwards of 1400paiiems, BW y have died under his care m nl! thattime; and of these, a largcproporiion wen-e individuáis siuTeririg under incurable diseases,. such as he was unwilling to undertakc when thcy cnrae. The work on ITiroprahy iaiely publishcd bv Br. Ecíward Johnson, of London, is pef%pa the bestíhat has vet appeared. He shows the consistency óf Priessnitz sys:eni with 'LiebigV theory of universal life, and BïlHngs' theory óf discase. He shows that it requires rcat cirQumspecion and considerable knowledgc of pahology and anatomy, to wield ihjs Hygean wen pon with success in cases of'disise; but that, in tlic ordinaa-y ljfc of all men, it requires simple unstimiilating diet, cleanliness, air. and cxercise, to ensnre freedom (Vom ill hcalth, and á sound mind I in a sound "body."At the snniversary of the Vermonl Sta!. Temrernnce Sociely from Win. Slade intro (iiiced tlio íbllowiní re?o!ution: Resolved, That it bc recommendsd to tíi peopie to petition the Leisiature to prohibí tlie sale, oxcept for medical and rmn.ifacturin purpoes, of intoxica! ing-Üquors in njl town n this átate whie isíiaü nof, in tpyn meel ing warned for that pinposc, pnss a reíolutioi; speciíilly requestingr t C.onnty Court to irrant ücerise Cor the sale of inïoxicatii.g qïors in sucli lown, and setting forth the reasons thorefor.A very nnimntcd and protracted discnssion ook place onthe forogoing resoiiilion of Mr. Sladc: u which Messrs. Slade, Twining, Adiitis, Püge, Pierpont, Marsh, Bishop, Merril ?f Mjddlebury, N'treéter, Plumb, Wichkatn nd Clark, participated, whc the resolution vas adopted.■ ttThe Michigan State Journal. Whig, I thus comments on the report of the Comrniftee to whom were referred the petitïons for the iurther protection of personal liberty: ."We regretto learn that the committeel on ederal Relations in our House of iiepresentatives. have reported aainst the numerous petïtions for the bettersecunty of personsal liberty. The petitions askfid for the enactment of a law similar tó those of Majne, Mass. and Vermont prohibiting any oificer of the State Trom aidiügm the arrest or detention of any pej-sün claimed as a fugitive slave. Certainly there can be no real difference of opinión ainong the people of Michigan as to the justice of such a law, whatever svudl polilicians may think of the matter. Perlmps there are few iustices of the peace in Michigan wlio would aid in arrestiug a person whose only crime was seeking to ftnd in a foreign land, hk inalienable tirth-right of freedóm; yet it is ; possibie that soma liberty loving Dcmoernts might be bad enough even to éo this. ' It is rigbt that the charaeter of the State should not beoiled by such crimes on the part of any of its officers."


Signal of Liberty
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