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Foreign News: Four Days Later From England

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The New York Iïerald has received, by special espress from Boston, fourdays later intelligence from Europe. According to all accounts, CTConnell may be convicted. There has been a further improvement in the Wheat market. Cotton was again in theascendency. - Market closed firmly at the last account3. There have been a few revolutionary indications in France. A thousand students had called upon Lafitte, they were rife for a emute, and cried vive Moliere, &c. A good prospect for a very fine spring trade was held out. Fresh disturbances had broken out in AthensThe foreigü papers give an account of an eruption at Mount Etna, and of the damage causcd by the lava. Sevcral of tbeoWemen's scats have been burncd to the ground, some viney ardshave been destroyed, and amoog the heaviest losses sustamed is that of a paper manufactory of immense size and notoriety. Wo have heard of no loss of life. as sufneient time appears to have heen given to the people to escape the awful catastrophe. - Cataniaiias fortunately escaped, as the lavn,beforeeachingthe town of Bronti,(of Nelson notoriety) took a northeriy direction. The road bctween Catania and Palermo is rendered impassable to somO distance from tbestraium of burning lava thereon deposited.Later fkom Texas.- New Orleana papers of the 22d uit. bring news from Texas to íhe 17th. A bilí is before Congress directing active and ofFensive hostilitiès against the Mexican towns, if tho Texan prisoners are not Iiberated by tho lst March next. Tho bill further provides that the army to be organized, shall endeavor to procure a sufficient number of Mexican prisoners of the highest rank and consideration, to be held as hostages for the good treatment of the Texas captives; that the warfare shall be iransferred to the Mexican soil; and Uiat the Texas troops shall be supported andpaid by confiscation of prooertvandforcing contributions. A bilí providing for annexation to tho U. States, has passed tlic House. All Representatives and all the Senators but one, are said to be in favor of the annexation.Rumors were along the western fronlíers ofanew and formiable invasion.d Litlle importance was attached to thern at Houston or Galveston. News had been received from different souress, that the coramissioners to Mexico had faiied in their mission and iv, r.turning home. The report seemed tobo credited. The Mexicans, it is stated had no ternas lo proposc short of the abolition of negro slnvery in Texas, and the return of that country to the condition of a department of Mexico. - Adv.Mexico and Yucatán.- The Natíoual Intelligencer translates the following from a late Mexican paper: "It gives us the live! est satisfaction to say that on the 14th of the current month was scitled and ratified, by hisexcelJency General Don Joseph Maria Tornel by Mendivil, Minister of War and of fho Navy, and by Messrs. Don Crescencio Josse Pinely, Don Joachira García Rejón, and Jerimino Castle, Commissioners ofYucatán, a conuention which definitely restores ihat departmení to the bosom of the nation, incorporates it anew in tho great Mexican houshold, and ends forever a war which never should be begun." From Giieece. - Extract of a letter from theRev. Dr. Hawes to a fricnd in Hartford, datcd at Athens, November 27, 1843: I nccd not say I am grcatcly interested in Athens. We carne here just at the right time. Tho National Assembly met tho day before the arrival. I went yesterdaytosee them. They apPear, on the whole, to be a very respectable body of men. I was struck with the matunty of ago andmarks of intelligence apparent in the members. I saw very few among the whole number (two hundrea and thir.


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