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MORTGAGE SALË. DEFAULT havíng been niado in the paymeni ola certuin eurn öf raoney, with the interest thereon, secnred to ba paid by a certain indeuture of Mortgage, Jjeanng date the sevemh day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousandeight hundred and fortynvo, executed by Patritk Green of Superior, in the county of Washtenaw, and State or Miuhigan, to Josinh Beckley (then of Ana Arbor in th Couniy of Washtenaw, (now deceneed) vh'tr.h said Mortgage was recordod in the Registers office of the ounty of Washtenawnlbrcsnid on t!ie fourteenth diy oi December in the year oí oür Lord onc thousand eight hond red and foriy-two, in Líber ten of Morigoges, nt pnge three hundred and ïeventy-three- and anid Mor; havins? been aseigned ly tho said Josiah üeckley in hls Jife time to wit: on the ninth dny of January,. in tire year of our Lord ona ihousandeight hundted and fofty-three to Oliver Bird and which said assignment was recorded ín the Register' s office of the'oounty of Washten;iw aforesaid, wi the nmih day of January, in the year of our Lord one taousand e;ght hund.ed and f jrty-ihrce. in Ljber numbcr ten, on page three !Hinfredand svciry!our, (374) and defauh having been made in ti e condin'on of snid Mortgagft, aud no sutior pro-, ceeding at law havinglreen instituted to itc.-)ver ha whole or any part of the tnoney now due nsnid Mortgage. By virtue f which deftuli there ík now claím(íd to bc due on said Mortgge af '.he cJare of ihis notico tho Bum ol ninety-eight dollursBnd nine-iour canta lor principal ad interest. Notfceis thercfore hefeby givcn that io pursunnce of n power of sale in enid ludenturo of ftlortgage comained will be sold at public auction at the front dour of the Cotut Hötlse in the village of Aim. Arbor in the county aforeBaid on the thirtieth dny ot May next at two of the clock ia the afternoon ai" 8iid dny all the preinisea de3cribed in said tadenturc of Mortgage or so rnucb thercof as may be necesary to 6aüsfy tke amount due for principal and interest on eaid Mortgage aa wil for costs for foreclosing the same, and describetl aa followe: "All that c&rtatn piece orparcel of land knownhoundedsnd described as folio ws lo wit: ]t being a part of the nortii halt' of aection number eleven, in townshiptwo souili ofrangeseven cust. beginning at tiie north west corner of seciion eleven, thence )utli on 6aid seciion line to land owned by [ Jencks C, Hagley, thence cast on snid Btigley's j line to lond owned by Th amas Blackwood, thence north on enid Blackwood's line to the j north line of aid sectioft. thence weQ on snid section line to the ptace of beginning, containing one hundred and five acres óf land be the same moreor less." OLÍVF-R BIRD, Assicnce. Diïofi, Ann Arbtr. this twenty-EecoiKl dnvof Fcbruory, A. D, J844. 45 NSW BSOK STOR.S. (ANN ARBOn, LO IV ER TO WN. ) THE Subscriber has jnt receivèd a genernl assortmont of SCHOOL BOOKS. such s ure in use in Common Schobls in this State, tego-her with a variety of Religious, Scientific and Miscellar.eous woiits, such es QiiUrto Bibies. Polyglot.& -Common, do Pocket EtUiion. Fumily, dr. School, do. Pocket Tcstaments. 3 sizee, Prayer Booke, 4 62es. The Psnimist, a nergf Bnpiist Hymn Book, Methodist Ilyfirrn Book, Watts Pealms and Hyirins, Annuals for Ï844, Cowper Poemsr Gssiona, do Carnpbells. do. JBurns'. do. Milton'a Work?, Scott's Works, Albums. Tales of n Granöfather, Scou'r Niipoleon, fioauuiul New Year' Presen!, View of all Reüjjions. Molhers Friend. Fireside Piety, Genis óf Piety. Meditation on Prayer. a'valtwbïe 'otIï, The Task, Berquins Works. Christian, Baptist, (Jhr:h, Washingtouian and Farmers' Almnnacs, Boston Acadcmy. Sacred Lyre and Manhattan Collection Singing Btiok-s, Blnnk Day Books, Ledgers, Journr}7 and Blotters, Justices' Dockets. Toy Bib!es, Primers. 1(30 kinds. Song Books. QOkincf?. and varióos mber Books. togeiher with Waferg. Sealing . Wax, Ink. Quills, Sttel Pens. Letter Paper, (nn excellent artiele. ) and common, Of Pnper, Ink Stands, Lead Pen. cils,, Drawing Psnei's. B. B. & IL 3 nnd Prepiired India Rubber. AU of whieh will be sold at Detroit píices for Cash. The subscriber ht$ mnde Iris orrnngemente so ihnt almost anything in the line of Books and S'ationary which is not on hand can be fiirnished nt a hortnoiiíe. He íntends tö mnko rhe sale of Books a permanent business and vvill thernfore rio wliat ho can to keep his asso-tmsut gorid. Don't forget the plnee, Ann Arbor. Lowrr V'.llage, nearly opposite the Flburiug KÜJL WK R. PER71T. JanüAry 8, 1S44. 37-."m.500, GÖO Fect PINE LUMBER, TUE subscribers offer jor ga!o. Five hun4red ThaioniFeet SEASONED PME LUMJiER, which has heen pot np in the best pnssible mannee; '"ifl, is ofevery qualiiy and ihiekness. Pw. sous wisbing to purchaèe Luinber Utt is ín for immedtaie trs will do welfto give usn cal!, before purchasiae erécwhere. HAZELT02Í & PATER50N. formerly Apetits for Bearih & Co. Plint, Jfiftunry 2?, 18-14. 49-(5m. woolaND woolen cloths. IW-ill e.vchnnpc woolen clotá of cvery width and qualitv for Wool, lo be deüvered inJVléP or.Tune. or ;if;er slnring1 time. .My stock of cloth is complete, qunüty good, pnces !cw. &c. F. DENISON. Ann Arbor February let, 1843. 41. Si B. ft is importanr tbaí wool le (íonc up in good order, and atf .infonnation wiH b given vrhed asked. F. D.Stray Cattle. C AME into the endosare of the Subgcriber. livins no.u Fosier"s Milis, 'ia iScio, jn or about ilie Ist of December last, ONE LIGHT RED STEER, onttf white stripes on him, nm] feft hom a littJe oppcd, and je about four years pld. Also, TWÜ STAGS. One ís reti. wit!i n white fice: the other dark re4, mixed with brtndlo. nnd snpposed lo !e about three yenrs old. The owner is rcqnestcd to prove pronertv, pay. chfirgfs and take them awav. JOHN fULLER. Scio, January29, 1S41. 40-Sw. BlXxYK DEED5. MORTGAGES, EXECÜTIONS, SUMMOKSES, &c. &c printedand for sn!e at ;he ET SLG NÁ L OFFICE, xüfJPJPXJB, BY tho Barrel, for 6ale by C. .T. GARLAND. Ann Arlior. Upper Town. Jar. J7. '44. ZO CASH PAID for WHEAT anti TIMOTH Y SEKD. by C. J. 9 A RL AND. Ann Arbor. Upper Town, Jan. 17. '44. T9 ikttentiozi JLadies. SRTNKÍNG VMt:!'.LS, QÜILL WHEELS. REÉLS und SPOOLS. for sn!e by C. J. GA RL AND. November 18, 1843. 30 FIRE! FIRËÜ FIREÍÍ! GD. Mili, Agent of the .Etna Co.. will Insure propertv ngainst loss or damageby Fire on reaèonable lerms. Oct. 2ó; 1843. 87-tfTHE lol lo wing indispensable famiJy remedie roay. be found at MaTsat&'s Druggiit Store, in Ami Albor, where none will be eoid unles kriovvr: to bo of ihe best kind apd no countérfeit anide ever ofiêred, patent medicin invariably procured ot the original inventor or bis rcgtilar succcssor: O No famllj should'li a wtk icitheut thts remedies, j-fl ÈALDNESS, Balm of Co'umbia, for the, Huir, which wil stop it i( ialling out, of restore iton bnld placas; and on childrea make it grow rapidly, or on those who hii?ö lost tbebair (rom ariy causo. ALL VERMLV that infest the hnads ot children in schools, are prevemed or killed by it at once. Find ifae name of COMSTOCK'oo it or never try it. Rtmember ihis alitays. . PfLESf &C. are who51y preventcd, or governed iftho atack has coiné on, if you nee the only true TIaTs' Lrwimest, irorti Comstock & Co. All SOftES, und evcry thing reliieved by it that admita of art; outward applicatíoa. ít acts like a chaím. Üs it. RHEÜMATISAf AND LAMENESS poaitively oured: ntl shrivelled muscles ond ümbsar restored, in the oidor younby xhelndian Vg fixhU Elixir and tferteund Bone Linimtnt - but nevur withotn the aanae of Coiustock &. Co. on it. KOLMSTÖCRS VERMIFITGE wiireradiw cato all WOÍ1MS in' öliildreo or adaüa wth a certöinty quite astonisbïng. TOOTH DROPS. KrAtna- cureeffecttiö1!y. Ann Atbof, Feb. 1844. 41 "TO THE VÍCTOR BELONG TBE SPOILS." 4 LTHOUGH mnny jreparationsin the 1orra JL o{ "POPULAR MEDICINES1 hav been bcfore the public, claiming to give relief und even cure the most invetérate diaeases, vet none havo so wefl arrswered tho purpose an Dr SHERMAN'S MED1CATED LOZtNGES. Dr. Slïerma-n's "COUGH LOEIGES" cure the most obstinate cases of Coögit in a few hours. Thcy have cúred a large number of persons who nave been given up by their physicians and friends, and many vfho bave been reduced .10 the verge of ihe grave by -epiuing blood, Consumption anJ ilectic Tevtr, by (hriT sa have hnd the rose of henlth restored to theíiag;ard clieek. and now lrvc to spetk forth the praises of this invaluabïe medicine. Dr. Shcrman'a "WORM LQZENGES" have been provedin more than 40(',00ft cases to bc nfnlüble, in faet. the only cerfain Worm destroying medicme erer dlscovercd ChihJreö willeatthem whcnthey cannot belorced to tak nny other medicine, and the beftefu dcri'védfrom the admin-istrntían rtf medicine o them in thi form is great beyond conception. 1'hey havi jioverbeen known to fail. Dr. Sherman' CAIHPIJOR LOZEtfGES." relieve Hendache. Narvons Srck-headache, Pal pitaiion of tho Heart, and sickness in a yery few minu'es. Dr. Shernrt"s "POOR MAN'S PLASTER" s nckwjwledced by all who have cvct nsed it to be the best strengiheivinS Piaster in the worfd, nnd a Bovereign remp-dy for pain and wenknes in the bacic, lom, side, breast. nerk, limb, oints. rheumatÍ8m, lumbago, &c. Ee careful 10 procure the nbove and all other medicines of Matjnard's, and you wil! he sffre thefe wiíl be ao mistakc in quan'ity or charcre. W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, Fcbruary 5, 1844. 41Michigan Book Store. 142 JEfFERSON AVENÜE DETROIT. TIJK pnbift are intormecï that very Inrge addition8 haïe been made to this establishment during the past summer, and rtcenily, embracinjj a ver extensive assorffnent of woiks in the varióos departmen 19 of Seiencc and Literature, Moráis, and Religión: and also, a most complete stock of Letter and Foolscap Paper, Stmionr.ry anieles, Claestcal and Sehool Booka; Blank work. &c. &c. oTl of which are ofiered to the public wholessle or retnil, as cheap na can be liad at any Bookstore west of Iview York city. The nssorfment of Juvenile Boofce hvcrf larg nnd well worth the attention of parenfsand oihcrs, who maf vish to püt goöd books into the hand of childrën. Fnnnly Bibles- ft grcat rariety; Pocket do Prayer BooRk. fine and common: Psaims afid Hymne, vartous collections: Ürsulh Manual, Cmholic Piety, Flowers of Píetv, Gíirisiian Sacrifice, Christian Guíele, Cathoíic Melódica, &c. &c. Books for Lihrnries, in stibsfantial bindinjs, mvy be found here'in erreat abundance. Lndics' Albunip, e fin; aasortment; Portfolios, ivith and withont locks: fine -ediiions of the Poets, hrge &stnall, Öissected Maps J?attl Doors. Eirtis. A--c &c. Please cali and examine. C. MORSE. Jnmnrr 14, 1S44. 38-tf PORTJRAIT OF JAMES G. BIRNKY. THE subsenber bas just finished a porCroitof tbisgenileroan.írom whclihiiuon(!s lo havo an ergravin? made in the firiest ety!e o the art., He is opening a eubscription wliich will short ly be placed intü the hands of all the publiehere of li.berty pupers tn the free States, where thoso who vjch to av.iil themselves oí a correct likcncss of tuis enlijhtened philanthropiat. and enndidnte of ihe .Liberty Pj,rty for the filghest office in the gift of the Peopíe. can have the privilege ofsiibscribing. No person will f.c compelled te take the portrait uniera it is pronounced good. The price will be $í,00 each forein?le copies. E. W GOOD WIN. Albany, Dec,ï,1843. (CrBecliley Sc Fostcr are soíe agenta for the Srnte of Michigan, and will tüpply all who may wish fortbe portraiis at ene dollnr ench, pnynWe on delivery. Persons desirous of odtaining thera enn make application throngh tho aeents o" the Signal of Liberty, who are autliomed to teceive subscripHons. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, 1844.CELÉBRATE!) CMEMIOAL PLASTEB.: THE following is one frora aniong the nu i mernus testimoniáis from pereons of the higliestrespectability, which thé propriefors Lava reoeivcd. FHOM S. T. SMITH. WiLLOLGhBt, Lnke Co., O., ) TT _, "■ June tí. J840. Á ( H. Harris & Co - Sirs: Tbis is to inforra vou tnat for the lnet eight years I have been nfflicted w;th the Inflammatory Rheumntism, and at time so severo thet I bíd no use of my lega for three or four weeks. I iried nll thc remedies that I could hear of with bijt Hule eflbet. - At Iengih I heiird of and was indticcd to make mal of E. Dean's Chemical IMaster- I purchased n box of Doctor Gibbs, yoiir Agent in this place, 6omo thrce months ago when I had nn attack. and appliecl one piaster which very sooti gnve lelief and I havo had no return of th complaint siiice I therefore would reconimend all to try it. Yours, &c. 43. S. T. SMITH. KFFor the disenees in which thts Piaster is x?t plicable, see advenisement in onother column, et this papen E. Dean's Chemical Pln3ter is for esale in Aun Arbor, (Lower Town.) by J. TI. LUND, and W. S. & J. W, MAYNARD, ) TJpper CHRISTIAN EUERIJACH, Town 4í-ly Seeds. WANTED.- Twcnty-Five pounds Long Blood, Large Red, and VVhito Sugar Beet Seed, ond Twcnty poünds Cucuniber Sced. for which a liberal price will be paid ñ goods, if delivered soon. Also, Twenty bushela Red and White Onlons, dclivereH in April next, and Twcnty buehels Red and Blood Beete. &. 7k NOBLE. Ann Arbor. Téb. $t 1844. 42-6r


Signal of Liberty
Old News