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The popnïation of tbis liltie State, in 1840 wns 78,035, of whom 2.G05 werp sjoves, heing (i79 less ihan in 1830. Yet Deiawnre i.- to far nnrtli, tliat the influences of tlie Free States Imve been feit npon her councils, and her only roeuiber in the House of Re presen !atives we believe, Ims goneraily voled with ihe Frce Suites for severa] years. Her criminal code, Lmvever, seems slill to exhibil the barbarism of s-lavery. Two or tlireo years tónce, we reniembrr our nortliern papers were liorrified ihat u luhite girl of tixteen shoul' be sentenced to be tied np to a wjiippíng1 post in the market place, nnd publiciy whipped rn the bare back, as a punishment for larcenv.A correspondent of ihe Albnny Patriot, noutravelling aliiie South, says: "In the connties of Newc'nstle and Kont, there are y.ery fuw slaveholderp, not u few worm Abolitionisls, nnd a general sentiment hostile to slavery. In the ollnr cóutltV. Sussex, there are more sla ves, nnd a geat ias? of gnorant, rlrinkingf popnlntion - s5ill enliglitened frièmla of ireedom are not wnntitïg thpre. 'Che most impirtant nevvpapf'r in t.he Stalf can be controlled by Anti-slavery men. - There are n niitnbpr of faiilifnl, xvise nnd sane friénds in the State, rendy tn do vviii tlieir miglit wimt needs to be done to dpstrny S!ave ry;SOO voies will (! the v.'urk. for tlmt. numiier will compleiely control the eleotions, State and N'ilionnl. I have no doubt tliai one year's labor and $5.000, will make Delaware a Fukk Statb. A larpfe èdiüon f an ndrriirab'e anti-slavery-pharnphk.t has h(jen recently circula' ed in D?l uviiro and Maryland, vvith frood effect. - A larga odition of J. J. Gurnoy's phamphlei is in the conrss of circnlütion in another Slave Siate, by the agency of some of its best minJs."Tliot'gh Dekware is so smnl], yet síie has as mucli nfluence in the U. S. Senate as the ?re:it Slate of New York, and os the Senate is novv eqnnlly dividcd bot'ween the free ano slave States, the nccession of Delaware to tlie former is an object of importance. j eriions sliould be made for the renovalion of Delaware. We have Ftood on the deiensivc too long already. Active ag-írresions should bc nrade upon the slave territory.


Signal of Liberty
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