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ADMINISTRATORS' NOTÍCE. THE undersicned, having been nppointed by the Judge of Probate for the County of Vaahtenaw, administrators on tlie estáte of Asa j. Smuh, late of said coun'y; and having given bonds as required by law, hereby give notjee to all persons indebted to said estaie to make inmediate paynient to them, and all ersmis havng claims agninst said estáte to present 'iheni properly attesied for adjustment. SYRENA SM1TFI, Administratrix. "WILLIAM M. SINCLAIR, Administrator. Ann Arbor. March l, 1844. 45-6wTO THE PUBLIC GLJERALLY AJYD TO SCHOOL LYSPECTORS ÏJV PARTICULAR. THE maps of Beverol counties. and the map of the State by the State Gcologist, will aoon be forthcoming. The JMassacbusetts „School Libraries are on hand, aud I have commenced disnibuiing-them !o the towns. I shall visu every town in the State as soon as possible, hnginning whh Lenawee; and then nest in order, Jackeon, Ciilhounandlngham Ccmnties. for ihe purpose of selling the maps und ihose excellent school Hbrarjea, and various other good school books. and hbrary books. School inspeciors will please have their money ready. T S. - Éditors thronghout the Sta'e wil! aive the above two inseriions shall have each an elegant map of tle Staie or sotneih'mg that will pleae them equally well. Several towns have resolved to raise all the money allowed by law. and conünue to do so uniil their libraries contaiu 09 mnny volumes eb there are 'children in their respective towns. 'Go thou and do likewise.' JONATHAN LAMB. Ann Arbor, Feb. 16, 1844. 5BIÏMGHAM ó CHAFMAH, FORWARDING MERCHANTS, DEALERS IJY DRY GO O DS, GROCERIE8, 4-c AT THE RAIL-ROAD DEPOT, GRASS LAKK, MICH. H. H. BINGHAM. G. CHAPMAN. 4-'5-3m. EfEW 3OOH STOP.S(ANN ARBOR, LOWERTOWX.) THE Súbscriber has just receiveci a general assortmp-nt of SCHOOL BOOKS. sucli is are in use in Common Schools in this. State, togehcr with a variety of Religious. Scietotific and Miscellar.eous works, suca as Qnarto Bihles, Pol)'glot & Common, do. Pocke: Ediiion. Family, do. School, do. Pocket Testaments, 3 sizes. Prayer Books, 4 siies. The Psalmist, a new Baptist. Uyrnn Book, Methodist ilymn Book, Watts' Psalms and Hymns. Annuals for 1844, Cowpers Poems. Ossians, do Campbells, do. Burns', do. Milton's Works, Scott's Works, Albums, Tales of n Grandfatherj Scoit's Napoleon, Beau'iiul New Year's Presents, View of all Religion8. Mo;hera Friend. Fireside Piety, Gems o Piety. Meditation on Prayer. a valnabJe work, The Task. Berquins Works. Christian. Baptist, Chnrch, Washingtonian and Farmers' Almnnacs. Boston Academy. Sacred Lyre and Manhattan Collection Singing Books, Blank Day Books, Ledgers, Jourii-ils and Blotters, Justices' Dockets. Ty Bibles, ?rim, ere. J00 kinds, Song Books.20 kinds. and varions other Books. together with Wafers. Sealing Wax. Ink. Quills, Steel Pens. Letter Paper, (nn excellent article.) and common. Cap Paper, Ink Stnnds, Lead Pencila, Drawing Penci'e. B. B. & H. B.. and Prepared India Rubber. All of wbich will be sotd at Detroit prices for Cash. The súbscriber has made his arrangements so that almost anything in the line of Books and Stationary which is not on hand can be furnished at a short notiíe. He intends to mnke the sale of Books a permanent business and will therefore do what he can to keep his assortment good. Doh't forget fhe place, Ann Arbor. Lower Village, nearly opposite the Flouring Mili. WM. R. PERRY. Janunry R, 1844. 3?-3m.WOOL AND WOOLEN CLOTHS. Iwill exchange woolen cloths of cvery widih and quality for wool, 10 be delivered in May or June, or fier .shenring time. My stock of cloth is complete, quality good. prices low. &c. F. DENISON. Ann Arbor, Februnry lst. 1843. 41. JV. B. It is important tlint wool be floneup in good order, and any infonnation wil! be given when asked. F. D. BY the Barrel, for sale by C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town. Jan. 17, '44. 39 CASH PAID for WHEAT and TIMOTHY SECDr by C. J. GARLAND Ann Arbor. Upper Town, Jan. 17. '44. ?9 Attention Ladies. SPINNING WHEELS, QUILL VVBEELS, REEIiS and SFOOLS. for sale by C.J. GARLA NTD. November 18, 1843. 30 FIRE! FIREH FIREÜ! GD. Hill, Agent of tho iEtna Insurance Co., . will Insure properly against loss or damageby Fire on reasonable terms. Oct. 25, 1643. 27- tf ■THB-íoll jwing indispensable family remedies mny be íouml at May.vakd's Druggisi Store, in Ana Albor, where none will be sold unless known tJ be of the best kind and no counterfeit nrtide ever ofTered, patent medicina mvuriably pïocured ol the original inventor or his regnlnr succesaor: O" No familj shoiddbt a weeíc xciíhout thtí remedies. JJ BALDNESS. jBalm of Co'umbia, for the Huir, ivhich wii stop it if falling out, or restore iton bnld places and on cliildren make it grow rapidly, or oa those who ham lost the hair frora oay cause. ALL VERMIN that nfest the hecds of children in schools, are prevented or killed by it at once. Find she name of COMSTOCK on it or never try it. Pemember this uhcays. PILES, &c are wholly prevenid, or governed if the alfnek. litis come on, if you nae the only true Hats' Lijtutkñt, (rom Comstock & Co. All SORES,. ond every thing relieved by it that admita ofan. outward applícation. it act3 like a chajrn. UsOt. RHEUMATISM AND LAMENF.SS poitively cnired: allshrivelied musclcs arfd limbsare resfbred, in the oíd uryoime, by the Iridian Vcg ifiiblc Elidrand Nerce and Bone Linimcnt-but never without the naine of Comstock & Co. on it. KOLMSTOCK'S VERMÍFUGE will oradjcate ni I YVORMS in ehildrea or adulta with certainty quite astonifahing. TOOTH DROPS. Ki.irbb- cures cíTectualIji.. Ann Arbor, Feb. 5r'1844. 4iTO THE VÍCTOR BELONG THE SPOILS." ALTHOUGH mnny jireparatioBsin the torn of. '-POPULAR MEDICINES," hav been before the public, elaiming to give relief and even cre the most invetérate tlisenseay vet none havo so well answered tlm purpose na Dr. SHERMAN'S MED1CATED LOZÜNGES, Dr. Slierman'a "COUGH LOZEJÍGES" cure the most obstinnte cases of Cough in a few lumrs. They havecured alarge nurnber of persons who have been given up by tbeir physieian and friends. and many who have been redueed 10 the verge of the grave by spitting blood, Consumption and Electie Fever. by their us hnve had the rose of health restored (o the hogeard cbeek. and now live to speak forth tho praises of this invaluable medicine. Dr. Sherman's WORM LOZENGES"ïave been proved in more than 400,000 cases to be infnliible, in fact. the onlycertain W.irm dstroying medicine ever discovered. ChiMreí will eat them when they cnnnot be (orced to tak nny other medicine, and the benefit derived from the administratkm of ncedicine to thnm in thioForm ia great bcyorvd eonception. They havs ncver been k ïown to fail. Dr. Shermaa CAMPHOR LOZENGES," relieve Heñidle. TVcrvons Sick-heaáncbe, Palpitation of the Heart, aid aickne&s ia a very few minu'es. Dr. Sherirnn'a "POOR MAPí'S PLASTER" is ocknowledd by all who hnve ever used it to le the hest strengthening Piaster in the worldV nnd a sovereign remcdy for painsond ■weaknea in the rwck, lom, eidé, breast, neck, Iimb joints, rheumatism, Inmbago, &c. Be carefnl to procure the above and atl other medicines of " Mavnard's, and you will he snre tbere will be ny mistake 'm qnamity or chnrjre. W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor. February 5, T844. 41Xtëichigan E ook Store. 142 JEFPEKSON AVENUE DETROIT. rrifJE pnbüc are nformed ihat vcry large adJL ditions have been mode to this establishneni during tlie pnst snmnier, and recently, embraaing a very cxtensive assoitment of works in ttie various departments of Science and Literature. Moráis, and Religión: and aleo, a most Ciimpleie stock of Letter nn.i Foolseap Paper, Siationary article3. Clnssical and Sehool Books; BLtnkwork, &c. &c. all of which are ofFered to the pubüc wholesnle or retai!, as clieap ai can be had at any Bookstore west of New York city. The nssortmcnt of Ju venile Books is very larga and veU woríh theattentíon oí parentsand others, who may wish topuigood books into the bands of ch i ld ren. Family Bibles - a grcat rarietr; Pocket do, Prnyer Book.. fine and common: Penlms nnü Hymns, rnrions collections: Ursulide Manual, Caiholic Piety, Flowers of Pietv, Christian Sacrifiee, Christian Guide, Caiholie Melodies, &c. &c. Books for Libmries. in snbstnntinl bindinga, may be fonnd here'in grent obündance. Ladies' Albump,B fine assortment: Portfolios, with and without locks; fine editionsof the Poets. Inrge &pmall, Dissected MapsBattU Doors. Birrls. &c &c. Pleasecall and examine.. C. MORSE. January 14, 1844. 38-tf


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