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A Corporation Not Soulless

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-Incemberlasr, JMiss Mary Dovis, of Peacham, Vi. had on'e of her hnnds so badly injured in the Suffblk Mills, Lowell as to make amputation necessary. The Corporation sent her tolhe hospita), and paid all büls tiJl ehe. wag licaled, tind then gave her OSon. The operatives in the milis also rfiised $200 moro forhet.-JYashua (W. H.jTdegraph. The Journal of Commerce sfafes that tbe ces of the Clerk in the Ü. S. District Court, Tor N. Y., in bankruptcy cases, have amountcd to filty thousand dollars, and those of the assinrnee, Mr. Waddell, to one hundred thounnd, whiJe the Courier has received over twenty thousand for advertisements. Mr. McConneJ, mcniber of Congress from Alaba ma, was recently cxpelled from the Washington city theatre for indecency, but has not been expelled from the House of Representatives. This shows that the theatre is a more decent establishment tban the House.The Republic of Mexico now contoins about seven milüons iuhabiiants. Of thesa only 1,000,000 are white- 4,000,000 are In dians- Ihe rest negroes- Mestizos, &c. Out of theso 7,000.-000, only 887,748 of all classes can rcad and writc. The city of Mexico contáins a population of about 200,000.


Signal of Liberty
Old News