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In the Kouíp, on the 16ih, Mr. Gilmcr, of Va., (the new Socretary of the Navy) made a leport from the Select Committee having charge of the Massacbüaetts Resolutions, pruo$ing an arneorlment lo the Const'tution. - Vlr. Gilmer said the Committee would report adversély to the proposition. Tlie Commitee, however, fond afreed that each iwember of lic eommirtoe shotild preseat his views to the louse. Agrofiably witb this understanding he now presented his views with those of anorho er member of the Comnnttee. He asked that tliey shonld be laid pon the table and printed when the ofher Reporta should be printed. - Vlr. Guldings, ef Ohio, (alaoa member of the Committee,) eaid he had no objections if alf the Reports were to be printed at the same time, and with this understanding the subject )ased from rhe House. ' The o-rders of the day were then calledi )emg the Report of the committee on Rules and Orders relntion to the 21st Rule. Mr. Severance, of M., finished his sppcel in opposition to the rule. He advocaied the abolition of slnvory in the Distriet of Columbia nnd the TerritorieB. lhrt. R. M'CIelland, from the Committeö on CommtMce, reportod a bilí appropriatiiig 8595,000 for improving the Rivcs au4 Har bors of the Lukesand of the Northwest. Votes on the Prcsklcnis nomina tioiiïto the tenate. On the nominntion of Mr. Henshaw ascofleetor of Customs at Boston - Ycas 8, Nays 81. On the nnrnination of Mr. Spencer as a Justice or' the Supreme Court- yens 21, Nays 26. On the tmminntion of Mr. Porter, as Secretary of W ar- Yens S, Nnys S8. Ou the nnminatiou of Mr. Wise, as Minisister to Rio de Janeiro - Yeas S0, Nays 10. On nonviiBtion of Mr. Proffit, Minister to Mexico- Yens 8, Nays 33. On the iiotninatioii of L-anc Hill, to nn office of trust, (place ütít rccollected;- Ycas 11, Nays 25. Mr. Merrick's postoffice bilí, which bas been reported with amendnwnts, provides that all drop letters to be charged at the rate of two cents each, and all letters which shaH hereaftcr bo advertised, shall, on delivery, be charged with the cost of advertising, in addition to regular postage.Second Section. - Where thesize of papers is mentioned, the allowonce is 1600 equare inches, instead of 1300,- admitti ng all papers free for 30 miles trom the place of publication instead of confiuing it to the county. Printed or lithogrnphic circulnrs cliarged at two cents for all disfances. Make9 it the duty of deputy postmosters, bnfore delivering any letter enclo8ed in the official envelope, to eo mn tilate it that it cannot be used a secoíid time. No postmnster sholl receive, to be conveyed by mail, any packet which s'kiII weigh more than thrce pounds. Makes it penal to counterfeit the stomps- not less than six montbs, nor more than live yeuró, and be fined a 6ura not cxceeding $5,000. A newspaper is definetl to bo any printed publication issued in numbers, consisting of not more than two sheets, and published ot short stated intervals of not more ihan one week. The 29th eection of the post office law of 1325, is reatored 80 as to moko freo the cxchongcB of editors- and allow popereto be sent outsidc of the mail as merclian" dise. In the House, Mr. Randolph preeented a petiiion of eundry citizens of Raudolph county, lllinoiö, praying for a modification of tüe


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