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- Forry usea oy me 2iin uongress, me nrsi unaer Mr. Van Buren, we find stich items as the following in the report of onc Committce on rctronchment (by Mr. Summers) 2d session, 27th congres, House Doe. No. 80: For 3,079 reama cnyclope paFarmer and Artist - Of what use is all your studying and your books,' eaid an honest farmer to nn ingcnious arlist. 'They don't make the corn grow nor produce vegetables for market. My Sam does more good with his plough in one month, than you cnn do with all your books and papers in one year.' ♦What plough doea your son use? said the arlist quietly. Why, he uaes 's plough, to be sure. - He can do nothing with nny othcr. By using thia plough, we save half the labor, nnd ra8C fu il three times as rauch au we did with the old wooden concern.' The artist lurned over one of his sheets and showeri the farmer the draw ing of hia much pruifcd plough, saying with a smile, 'l am the inventor of your favorite plough, and my name is ' The astonishod farmer 6hook the artist heartily by the hand, and invited him to cali at the farmhouse and make it his home as long as he liked. - Loudon Paper, Tke Rovte to Oregon. - The emigrants to Oregon, says a weetem paper, have a long route to travel, much of the way over mountains and barren deserts, and but few resting places. The distance S6et down as follow6: from Independence, on the frontier of Missouri, to Fort Larimie, 750 miles; from Larimie to Fort Hall, 550 miles; from Fort Hall, to Fort Wallah-Wallah, 450 miles; from Fort Wallan-Wallah to Fort Vancouver, S50 liii les. The Art of Shopping.-lYh'8 the price of this arücle?' enquired a draf old lady. - 'Seven thilhnge,' said the draper. 'Seventeen shillings!' she exclaimed, PU give you ihirtecn. Seven shillings,' replied ttie honest tradesrnan, 'is the price of the article!' 'Oh! seven shillings F the lady sharply rejoined: PU give you five!' A Mrs.Harriöon has completed. one third of a task of walking 1000 miles in a thousand consecurive hours, and, it is said, wil acconaplish the herculean lask. The English vvomen are great walkers though not great talkers. Virginia has the President, Fpeaker of the House, and two of the eix merabers of the Cnbinet. The South has the President, Preeidentof the Sena te, Speaker of the House, - Fourofthesix members of the Cabinet, the Cliief Justice and a majority of the Supreme Court - with all the other officers in proportion and all the unmunities and advantngee that' naturally flow from euch a etate of things. Poor, injured slavery-ridden, helpleess, spiritless, imbecile North! Deaths. - Hon Esek Cowen, one of the Judges of the Supremo Court in New York, died at Albany on the llth inst. Ex-Govern or Noble, of Ia. died on the 8th inst, at Indianapolis. Lead Gas, - A largo stenm bngging factory at Cincinnati is lighted by gas manufactured in the establishment out of lead. The works are very simple, and do not occupy a space of more than four by eight feet. Twenty-five pounds of lead per day are coasmned."Astonishing cure for consumpton,n as the oíd lady snid, when shesprinkled snuffon the Vtctuals of her boarders. The Senate of Mainc has L8 members. Of these, 10 are reported tobe farmers; and 4 more engaged in farming with other business. The remaining 14 are, Lumber dealer, 1; Seaman, 1; Tonner, 1; Teacher, i; Physicions, 3; Traders, 5; Lawyers, 4. Central Railroad Receipts. - Amount of the receipts for the month of February were as follows: Por Passengers f 2,31 1 88 " Freight 7,895 31 ' Oíd Iron 160 70 - 10,367 89 Amount in the correspondmg month 1843, waB 2,778 92 Detroit, March 2d, 1844. 20,000 spectators assembled nt Columbus, Ohio, on the Olh inst. to see the death of two fellow bpinga on the gallows. Abouf 5000 females carne together to view the last ngonies of these two persons. Printers .-The average oge of printers ie only 31 years, but they do quite as much good ra thcir lives as some that live longer. Yeomen live to the age of 66, clergymen 55, lishermen 44, marinera 43. gentlemen 53, lawyers 53, physicians 58, laborers 51, butchers 62, traders 60, paintere 42, po wder ♦makers 25. Á CemfortahU Assurance. - "Isthere any dangcr of ihe boa constrictor bitingf' said a visitor to a zoologicnl showman. "Not the cast," replied the showman, "hc nerer bitee, ie 8wullowe liis wittles whole."Collecting. - The Knickerbocker tclls the following: A gentleman from New York, who had been in Boston forthe purpose of collecting some money due him in that city, was about returníng, when he found that one bill of $100 liad been overlookcd. - His landlord, who knew the debtor, thought it a doubtful case, but added, that if it was collectable at all,a tall raw boned native, then dunning a lodger in another part of the room, would annoy it out of the man. Calling him up, therefore, he introduced him to the creditor,who showcd him the account. "Well, squire, 'taint much use in trying I guess. I know that critter. You might as well try to equeeze ile out of Bunker Hill Monument, as to try to collect adebt out of him. But, anyhow, what'll you give, supposm' 1 do try?" "Well, sir, the bill is $100 Pil give you - yes, PU give you half,if you collect it." "Agreed," replied the collector; "there's no harm in trying any how." Some weeks after, the creditor happened to be in Boston,and in walking up Tremont street encountered his enterprising friend. "Look here," said he, "I had considerable luck with that bill of your'n. You see I stuck to him like a dog to a root, but for the first week or so, it wasn't no use, not a bit If he was home, he was short; if he wasn't home I could get no satisfaction. By andby, saysl, after going sixteen times, Pil fix you; so I sot down on the door step, and I sot all day, and a part of the evèning, and I began early next morning, and about ten o'clock he gin m. He paid me my half and lgin him wp the note." SELF-RELÏANCE. Dppend on your owo efforts. Darc to think for younself ; judge, decide, act. Personal independence of action indicates strength of intellect, and has the effect to cultívate it. A timid mind is innctive; and a habït of indecisión weakens the power of the mind to arrive at defínite conclusions. Some aro turned & influcneed too much by tbe ju2g ment of others. They almost think by bor rowed thoughta. To consider the opinions o others is alvvnys safe- to drspi e them presumptuous; but reformers are found onl, among the independent thinkors. Yankeeitm. - 'Any work for a feller!' eaii a fresh imported specimen across our counter 'he other day. 'No,' was the reply. You don't know of' nobody round here tha would'nt like to hire nobody, do you?' -No.' Still the chap hang upon the counter. The clerk's attention was called away - and upon return:ng, he found the chap as busy folding papers as if hired by the job. 'Only thought I might be dewing something wliile I woited.' 'But who toldyou to wait?' 'Oh, nobody told me I should'nt - and T did'nt know but something might turn up if I did; but if you are so almighty stuck up, I won't charge you for what Tve done. Good morning; and I hope you'Jl be here when I come back.' So he walkcd: and we'U bet he has wormcd himself into a situation before this time, if he has not, it is no fault of his own, al any rate, and if he has, hts employer finds no fault with him, we'll he bound. Seclional Inieresls. - The Madisonian has published a table exhibiting the politica! strength of the different sections of the country, wliich it saya may be iiuereeting at "thia particular juncture," and dividea the different sections as folio ws: North Eastern States, 94 Western Free States, 41 Southern and Western Slave States, 88 It will be noticed that the Slave States are, in a body arrayed against the Eastern free States, and the Slave States being titill in a minority, the Western free States are thrown in as a balance of power. The Mammoth Cave. - J. B.Taylor,an Agent af the American Tract Society, has rëcently made a visit to this wonderful Cave, and thus describes it. "The mouth is vast, and you enter it with emotions of awe and terror. After passing forward a few rods the darkness is complete, except as the rocky sides and roof are illumined by the lamp which each visitor carries in his hand. The Main B ranch is about five miles in length, of the average width of Pearl street, New York, or Washington streel, Boston, and about as high as ordinary two or three story houses. There are one hundred and sixty branches of various length and size. The farthest point to which we penetrated, Croghan's Hall, is said by the guides to be nine miles from the mouth of the Cave; and in reaching it we had crossed three rivers in boats, two of them quite short,and one about one half or three fourthsof a mile in length. The great attraction is Cleveland's Cabinet, which s an arched avenue of about a mile and a ïalf, witli" a span of nearly 70 feet. and quite straight, encrusted from end to end with beautiful formations resembling alabaster.. The roof and floor are covered vith delicate or massive stalactites, and lie whole scène is brilliant beyond descriptiön." 'Not Bad.- Wc heard a buteher boy remark, the other doy, that he had often hcard of the fore quarters of the Globe, but he sïiould like to know where the kind quarters vere?- N. Y, Sun. Mercury.Dealruciive Fire. - Eight thousand five huudred bales of cotton were destroyed by fire at New Orleans, on the 1 lth uit. The cotton was wortli $5840,000. The damage to the buildings, pres and apparatus, is estimated at $575,000, all of wbich is covercd by insuranee. JYftv Slaie. - A hill hns been pnssed by the Territorial Legisluture to refcr the question of organizirijr 'The state of Wisconsiii' to tJie people at the fall elcction. Germans. - It is estimated fhcre nre tliree millions of Gerrnaiisin the United States, and that there are fifty newspapers prinled in their language. The court of errors of tho state of New York have juditially decided that os long as a man can stand on two legs he is not drunk. -Boston Poft, Femah Induslry. - The farmers wives in tho interior of New England are proverbinl for their diligence in business.' The wife of Harvey Ford, of Winchester, Conn. has made dwing the 16 years past, 108,807 Iba. of butter and cheese. exclusive of what was used in the family, and somo sales not reckoned in the account. The amount of money for which these articles were sold was $8,340.- Twenty cows were usally kept and almost the ontire labor of the dairy was performed by Mrs. P. The usual average is 6,800 Iba. at $521 - no small fruit of one woman's iabor. A hog raised in Clinton county, Illinois, weighing upwards offourteen hundred pounds was rccently exhibited at Chicago. Catholicity in tkt Unhed States.- -It ie stated that by the arnval of the Hibernia, advice from Rome liaa been received that the Right Rev. Bishop Kccleson, of Baltimore, has been nominated Metropolitan Bishop of the United States; Bishop Benedict Fenwick, of Boston, Bishop Hughes, of New York, Bishop Purcell, of Ohio, and Bishop Le Blanc, of New Orleans, are to be made Arch


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