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Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Abolitionism Vs. ...

Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Abolitionism Vs. ... image
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■"Withdraw mombership and fellowship from pro-slavery and pretended neutra! churche unless they can be reformed." "With these (i. e. slaveholders.) three fourths of all the Episcopalians, Methodists. Enptists, Presbyte rians, and Cöngregnfiorialistg in the non slavehokün State?, are in close and paterna fellcmsbip nnd connection, without utterihg a word of remonstrance or intreaty ogainst slavery, jiay for the mo6t part framing apologie for the practice," &tc. I quote from W. Goodeil'a address to the churchee. See Signal of December 18, 1GÍ3. I select this only because it is a convenien specimen of the manner and mode of preach ing up Echvsm, nnd covenant breaking, to members of churches. Let us examine it. - Herc is a. Jumping t&gether of all denominations, and a charge of sin in the gros?, upo them. 1. They are in fellownhip. wit elaveholders. 2. They are, eome of them 'pretended neutral churches.'1 Tbis mode o; declamation, bitting every bodv, or nobodv, i too rnuch in the style of other charges. I rasps the irritable mind, but puts the reflecting; onc on its gunrd. Here is opened an avenu vvide enough to bring every chtirch but a po litico religious one, onder the ban of proscrip tion. To. prevent disniption, cannot these 'pre tended neuttnl churches' be ftirnished with crêed aid resolutions thnt shall be satisfactor to liim wlioso kindly tskes Ihcir oversig-bt "P on himself7 - Htnless tkey can be reformcd? Well, the subject has been agitated for sev eral years, and is not the day of grnce almos "eñded? Piense irochum to Mie chorches th longrsl time your vfmost ■pntience tcill nllniv and with creed nnd resol ntionf furnished t hand, let us ?ee if, before the time expires, w cánnot be "reformed." Drnco, the leg-islator of Atlien, pnnishec every oifence with death. The boy who rob bod a neighboring' fruit tree, and the midnigh murdercr, were hung on the samé gallowe, - Wow I qucs'ion wheííier there is a slavehold ing Cpngregnuonal chnrch in the Union. - Shiill tliey too be visited with Ecclesiustica death, onder this law, nnd like tbe men, wo '■roon and children of Jabeshgilead, be btiriet in the universal ruin, because of 'pretended1 ne'utraiUy? - jatead the cap! ion ngain. Ife sound is icnposing-. Now revolvc in your own mind a practicable and righleous me'.hod cf carrying it out. Draw your lino so as to sepárale the innocent from the guiky if you cnn. You will then discover, that ns a practical rule iti worthless. If. is only preaching up ECCLESJASTICAL ANARCIIY. I will not dis pule the sinccrily of men who preach suc! doctiine. Paul was just as smeerr. when superintending the martyrdom of Stephen, a v!en he preached the gospel at Rome. Bul .his sincerity did not prove him light. lam no Episcopalinn, and least of all, am I disposed to render nllpginnce to a self consti tuted Episcopnl Abolition Bishop, or to submit to dognntism, from a sou ree, unknown to, and acknowledged by the churches. It is a figment of the Garrisonian spirit, that in our churches, would 'rule or ruin.' You may believe this to be a proper course, and that if a clmrch neglects or refupes to withdraw fellowship frem "proslavery" and 'pretended neutral churehes' it is your duty to withdraw your membership from tho church. Very well, I question not your right of private judgmmt, nor will T differ with vou about it. Bot if the Abolition "party, eustain you in pmclmming this doctrine, and you thinlc best to do it, we are at antipodes. -Your AboJition creed is too long. h emiraces what I most sincerely believe to be a èirked, aditsmatical dogma. It directly . sanclions the principie that clmrch menibors tuke counsel of a partí of nen out of the chvrch, with reference to tbeir ction as members of the chxirck. Do you wonder that Abolitionists ore viewcd with nspicion, whtn we see them as an organized arhj, directly niming to make the churches, s purjt, subservient to. thuir scemes. Hcre ndecd Ís the ROOT of OFPOSITION umong onsiderate, reflecting-, religious men. The uestion ia not whethcr the elave ehall become f ree, - but witether the cburchks and ko I.KSrASTICAt B0DIE9 OY THE NoRTH 6IIALLBK KLE TO MAINTA1N THEJR INDKPE.VBE.NCK, A ATNST THK ENCROACHMENTS AND DTCTAT10N F AN OROAN1ZATIOW VHICH SKTS 1TSELF AOVK, AND IS INDEPENDKXT OF THE CHDRCHS. ' I pray ron Jook at tliip, and commit it to Tiemory. When viewed with suspicion önd reated wilh coolnpsg, by ministers and mem ers of churches, instead of complacently atribiiting- it to Lpro-Hlaveryi.m,' and 'Negro, atred,' remember that we think religáous reedom, nt the north, as valuable as civil free om at the south. Nor are they ïmcompatile, except as abolitionist?, by attemptin to rowbeat, and coerce the churche?, make them o. Paul eay?, '?Cow I beseech yott brei hen, mark them wliich cause divisionsand offences, ' ontrary to the doctrine which ye have learnd, and avoid them.' But you say? thechureheB ovght to act, nnd mist.' ' To this I givemy ful) consent. 'Ony propnpate your principies, and let those who embrace them see to i.hoir own ctmrchea, and all will be well. You need not identify ibolitioniim with church amon. Let Abolí - tionists confine thempelves to their legitímate work, nnd act tiirough their oton organizaíions, cnveriin, if they can, every man, wo? man nnd child, among all reügious denominntiope. These as mrmbers of their respective churches, not as dbolitiontsts, wrll give the right shnpe and form to their own orgönizaïions. Presbytêrians want neither Quaker or Methodist interferrnce with their church mattere nor do Quakers and Mcihodists profi by Présbyterian dictation on this subject. Thi is true to the end of the chapler of denomination8. Think yon that different reiigious de. nomination?, will be persuaded by other than themselves? Thihk you that the sect of Abolitionists, by which I mean men from all other sects, c?n be more successful? (See Signal of Aug. 7, 1843.) Extract froii a report of a Committee o the Ohio Anü-Slavery Society: 'The chief obstacle to the more rapid pmgress of the Anti-SIavefy reform in this country, are nnd political "organizations. The mass of mind is controlled by these bodies. Now as these political and eeetarian organizations, control the mass of mmd in this nation, shaping and coloring its religious creed, it follows: that they are the chief obstarles of ' anli-slavery reform, the buhcarlcs of American Slavery. Every step gained in our canse is in opposition to their. poticy.' U Abolitionists intend to destroy oi:r churches, as introductor)' to the extinción of. Slavery, this istrue, - if tn'ey'simply aim at the' abolítion of slayery, it is a sad mhtace. They have embraccd the fundamental error, that to attack slavery with success, they must first acquire the control of churches and ecclesiastical bodies, This they cannot do. Why then labor at it? Sow your Emancipotion seed, my dear friends. Scattpr it broadenst over the land. By and hy it willbear ebundnnt fmit. Cense to 'exercisc yourseJveji in. preat matters or in things too bigh' for you. - 'Ye havecowpassed thhmönntain long enmrgh, turn you SOUTH W AR D.'


Signal of Liberty
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