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JJmerican Enterprise. - The Largest Contract Ever Made. - The Emperor of Russia has contract ed with Mr. Ross Winans, of Baltimore; and Messrs. Eastwark & Harrison of this city, for the constmetion of one hundred and ttvo locomotivas, wiih tenders for each, and Jive thonsand three kundred burthen cart, together wilh duplicates of euch parts of the machinery as raay require to be renewed. Thirty locomotive engines, and one tliousonc] car tracks are to be finisheu n 1845 and the üke number is to be compleled in each subsequent year to 1848, inclusive. - The whole cost of the roachinery here contracted for will be more than four millions oj dollars! The locomotives and care are intended for the Railroad belween St. Petersburgh and Moscow, which is four hundred miles in ength. The whole line of road is now in a great state of forvvardness under the euperintendance of our ecientific countryman Major George Whistler, and will probably be completed in three yeara from this date. - Daily Ckronicle.Trades and Professions in JYew York. - Bakers, there are 506. JBlacksmiths, 174. - Bookscllers, 129. Boot and Shoemakers, 1227. Brokers, 435. Carmen, 2000. Clergymen, 243. Coffin-warehousee, 46. Commission Merchants, 810. Corset Ware-houses 35! Dentists, 100, Dry Good Dealers, 1426. Grocers, 1084. Hair Dresaers, 267. Hotels nnd Taverne, ISO. Imporiers, 1218. Iron Merchants,34. Lnwyers 839! Milliner shops, 314. Nevyspapers, 60. Nurses, 148. Oyser Saloons, 136. Pbysiciana, 736! Porter louses, 992. Tailora and Clothiers, 780. "I am humeward bovnd," as the loafer said, vhen they were takmg him to Bridewell. A Toügh Yarw. - The Picayune tella a tory of a clergymon who lately read the 'ollowing nnnouDcement: "I am requested to tate, thal immediately afier eervice this evenng, there will be a race just back of the cliurch, two mile heats, for a purse of three niniired dollars; two nngs entered, and soma hopes of another. I trust you will all be here." They have a delicate way of snnouncing a ock fight n New York, tliey cali it a "chickn dispute." Lost, - Yesterday, somewhere beiween eun ise and sun set, two golden hours, each set vith tixly diamond viinutès. No reward is ffèred, for they are gone forever. - Express. A Seducer Sentenced. - On the 16th inst., man from Erie county Pa., vas sentenced to he Peniteniary in Allegany city having been onvicted ot' seduction under the law against int crime, paesed at the Jast session of the Pennsylvania Legislature. This u the first onviction under the new act. - Chtmung Whxg.rfmncsty. - Canada papers announce thal ie home Government has granted a pardon o all the citizens of Canada who were exed to Van Dieman's Land Tor participating n the "Patriot War." The amnesty doee ot include citizens of the United States bnhed for a similar offence Free Press. JL Point of Safety - During the cornet xcitement, 68ys the Aurora, a bright specnen of the human form divine' after listenïg to storie8 respscting the destruction of the world, asked what lie intended to do in such case. Wel!, I ara going over to neighbor Gillespie's; he's a pretty knowin' man, and if ie says the world's goin' to be burnt up, eres what puts for Canada.' Honid Murder. - A quarrel arrose between wo members of the Clny committee, namud . C. Hornsby and D. H. Twogood, ai a reat whig meeting n New Orleans, on the 5th uit. (Sundayï) in which Hornsby knocked Col. Twogood down and killed him by amping on his head and breastü! Hunreds of ladies were presenr, eays the N. Y. tepublic to witn?83 thia expr eosion of whig rinciplee. - Expounder.We extremely regret to sec the following, which we cut from the Cincinnoti Gazette. As Mr . Clay is now put at the head of the moral and religoua song-eingmg whigs, we euppose duelling is to become the order of the day: Ohio Statesman. Duel1. - On Thursday morning last, LOth February, Mr. Ryan, editor of the Vicksbiirg Sentinel and Mr. Hammet, editor of the Vicksburgh Whig, fought a duel on the old dudling ground, opposite Vicksburgh in Louiiana. They fought with pistols at ten paces. The first fire did not take effect, at the second, Ryan wounded Hammet very elightly in the shoulder; at the third round he cut his clothes at the email of the back; and at the fourth fire, Ryan feil mortally wounded, Hammet's ball having struck his pistol arm and glonced into his bieast. He expired in a few hours. The abovp particular were furnished me by Mr. Pralt, who was present on the occasion. SPIRIT OF REPÜBLICAN INST1TUTIONS. lt is on interesting commentary upon the spirit and genius of our institutions, thal al the present time the two great rival candidates for the Chief Magistracy of this Republic, are men of obscure origin. They have no long l'ne of aristocratie and royal ancertry of which to boast. They cannot trace their pedigree back from family to faraily, until they find some one of their grext grand fathers standing at the lfoot stool of the Califf,' Or seated upon the high throne of state. Neither of them enjoyed the dazzling honors of an Academie degree, confered by some celebrated 8cientific institution. Neither of them enjoyed in boyhood until they entered upon thestudies of their profession, any other advantagea than those to be found "in the lowly district school." The óae was for a long time familiarly known as the little Dutch boy of Kinderhook, and the other, as the "mili boy of the elashes of Hanover." The inheritance ofboth consisted of raga and povety. Want was the earliest cacapanion of their childhood. Y et now the atiention of a nation, consisting of bc venteen millions of people, the most en lightened and intelligent of any on earih, is turned upon the one or the other, as the object of their choice for the most exalted station within iheir gift. They aro held in the estim at ion of their fellow citizens, or of ihe political parties to which they are respectivelj attached as the niost worthy and deserving of ali American Statesman. - Expositor. ffWhen one will not, two cannot quarrel.


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