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The Reasons

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The fxllówing extract frora the Cincinnati Herald is quite as applicable to the Signal as to the Herald. We therefore commend its candid consideration to thoee who find fault with ur fbr our Whig course. Ie carrying- forward our enterprise, we niust of course come most in collision with those who are most active in opposing us. But to the extract: "Why so severè in your striclures upon the delinquencies of the Whigs nnd Henry Clay, and so eparing in your allueions lo the Dernocrats and Martin Van Buren?" This question is fiequantly put to us by our Whig friends. If they would reflect for a moment, they would find satisfactory reasons for our course. Ist. The Democrats ranke no pretensions to sympathy with anti slavery principies or objects. They do not claim anti slavery virtues for their candidate. They do not affect to conceal their alliance with the aristocracy of slave-growers, slave-buyers and slave-sellers. The present vassalage of the Democratie organization to slnve-holding principies, is an admittod fact. We know of no Democratie speaker or paper that pretends to deny it. - Their leaders raake no effort, at least in this State, to enlrap anti-slavery men, or conciliate their support. Henee, there is not one partiere of danger that Liberty men will be deceived by them, or seduced to amalgámate with them. 2d. The posilion of the Whigs is directly the reverse. They claim, in some places, to be the Liborty party. They teil us that their success will be the 6iiccess of our principies. At the North they pretend, that their candidate is anti-slavery in his feelings. They point to their opposition to Texas and their defence of the right of petition as proof positive that they are entitled to the support of nnti-slavery men. They cover np, so far as possible, their alliance with slaveholders. - They openly demand the sopport of anli slavery men, on anti-slavery grounds. 3d. Now we put it to every candid Whig. whelher we have nol stated correctly the positions respectively held by the Iwo psrties. - Does not the diíFerence between their positions impose upon us, different dulies in relation to them. The Democrats confess all that we charge them with : ihey ask no fa vors. - Why take up time wilh argument to prove what they admit, and guard our friende from granting fa vors not atked? The whigs deny what we charge upon them, claim to beelavery,' nnd demand tlis support of anf i-sla very wen. Necessarily, ue are boiuid t make good our charge against them, if true to examino rigorously tlieir claims; to ehou if wecnn, the unreasonablcness of thcir de mnnda. Does not cvery one at once eec, tha it is the cliaractcr of JVhig pretensions, no any peculiar hostility we have against vvhigs tliat leads us to more frequent etrictures upo fhcm llian llicir opponents? Whén the. claim that.Mr. Clay is anti -sla very in hia priii ciples, we can do no less thnnpoint to his ac! and sayings for a refutation of the claim - When they magnify their devotion to the right of petition, we are bound to show, tha the support oithis right when conjoined witl deadly hostility to the objects of pelition, con sütutes no title to the countenancc of hntislavery men. When they teil us that their success would bethe triumph of anti-slavery principies, they compel us to remind them that they haye declared a slaveholder nnd an ad vocate of perpetual elavery, to be the embodi ment of their principies - that the}' have on every occasion voted against the doctrines of he Liberty Party - that ahvaje, except in the tvvo particular, the right of petition, and the question of annexution, they have yielded submissively to the control of the SlavePower. Recollect, it is the Whigs themelvep, who, by Iheir unfounded pretensions, compel us to this course."


Signal of Liberty
Old News