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Foreign News: From England--23 Days Later: Arrival Of The Ca...

Foreign News: From England--23 Days Later: Arrival Of The Ca... image
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Albany Argus, (Extro) Aíarch 23.Thestenm-ship Caledonia airived at Boston on Friday. The most important formation is the conclusión of the State Trials, and a verdict of GUILTY against Mr. O'Conarll and the otlier traversers. The judgment is to be declaïed on the l&th of April- preceediug which a motion in urrest of judgment will be made. From Wilmer's Liverpool News Letter. Conviclion of O'Connell.Vel the Irish Trials have at length been concluded, and ech of the Traversers has been found guüty of the charge preferred against him by the Governtnent, but as yet the country 'is ignorant as to ihe mode or eximt of punishmenl lo be awarded - sentence being deferred until next term. In the mean time a thoueand rumors and spcculationa are hazarded as to what effect the trial will have upon the condition of Ireland, and the future movement of the Repealers. Some incline to the belief that no punishment will be inflicted, and contend tnat the moral effect will, on that account be greater than the greatest torture- that the governtnent in inetiinting the proseculions, did so not so much with the intention of punishmenl, as lo try the legality of the Repeal meetings, and having sueceeded in obtaining a verdict, are content to paes over what has alteady occurred, being in a condition to stop nt once nny further proceedings. Others contend that the conduct of O'Connell during the next few montha will determine the question of punishment- that if mild nnd subdued in bis tone no further notice will be taken of the matter. But all these opiniona are merely speculat.ive. In the mean time Mr. O'Connell has, on behalf of himself and his companions, protested against the verdict, and has intimated that eo eoon aa sentence Bhall have bijen passed, ho will have the matter supmitted to rfje wholebody of Judges in Ireland, and that if their decisión should be unfavorable, he wi'.l appeal to the House of Lords before he will submit. If we might hazard an opinión weshould say that he will be spared all ihis trouble - for in otir opimon, no punisbnient will be nflicted - and paiticually fmatters should progress aa quietly as they have done eince the conclusión oí' the trials- for the whole country, which was in a state of the utmost exciteraent before, is cuw as calm as an 'unruffled Jake. Th trials laeted twenly-five days! Mr. O'Conjjei.l ia in London, vhere be was to be complimented wiih a public Dinner, at the Covent Garder Theatre on the 12th of Marcb. Several Peers and leading merabers of Parliament were to be present. The Government was consta ntly sending arms and ammunition into Ireland. OQGen. Bkrtranb was interred by the side of the Emperor Napoleon, in the Chapel of the Hospital of Invalid?. The Oregon Terrilory . - Her Majesty's Government has issued orders for the immediate employment of an additional force of non-cominissioncd officers and men belonging to the Roysl Sappers and Miners under thé Boundary Commissioner, Colonel Estcourt. This detachment, wnich has boen Eelected from the companies of that corps employed on similar service in England, on account of their experience and knowledge of the particular duties of them arrived at Woolwich, fromainerent places in &ngland, on the lst inst. and are now in hourly expectation of proceeing to Liverpool wbere they are to embark for America, and on landing tbere, will be sent to the Oregon Terriiory, to join lbose already employed in that service. Thits looks war like. British Parliament - On the lSth ultimo, Lord John Russell brought forward his preposed motion in reference to lreland. He moved for a ccmmittee óf the whole House, to take inlo consideration the state of Jreland. The discussion of this motion whólly occupied the attention of the House of Commons for nine n'ghts, and the result was, that il was lost by a vote of 225 for, and 325 against, giving ministers a mnjority of 99 votes. It may be remarked that even ministerial members, through the debate, admitted that something must be done to improve the condition of Ireland. Mr. O'Connell was present during the debato, and made an eloquent appeal in behalf of country. The Duke of Wellington is said to have siated that the British government did not mtend to press for judgmen on O Connell and his compatriota. Revolts and attempís at revolution are the order of the day in Europe. We have an attempted revolution in Portugal - butcherings in Spain - revolts in the province of Turkey - insurrection and revolution in Italy- ïnsurrection in Syria.The plague has appeared in Egypt. The French have restored the Society Islands to the nalive sovereignty. Scveral regiments are held in readiness for immediats embarkation for Ireland shouJd the Biep be deemed expedient. New troops are under "draft" for the Canada and Nova Scolia, and a reinforcement will rjach those stations shorfly. The English fleet on the North America and West india 6taticns was. to receive iinmediale reinforceraent. Additional strength was also to be tent to South America. The late King of Holland left a fortune of $85,000,000. How many of Iris subjecis were not worth 65 cents! Monarchy is a capita] kind of government for the - Monarch!


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