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The Partnership heretotore existinor under the firrm of Davidsons & Becker was by jnutual consent dissolved on ;he 3Oth dny of Mavch. All notes and accoums of said Firm will be settled by R. and J. L. Davidson, who will still carry on the business at the old stand. l ROBERT DAVTDSON, JOHN DAVIDSO.V, ' C. R. BKCKEIt. Ann Arbor, Mirch 30, 1844. 3wL0 BY thn subscriber on the fifteenth of Dec. a BLACK STAG. three or" four ycara oid, vvuh a smnll square mark on the end of the lek ear. Saul Estray hns been entered on Tünvu Book, according to Law. o . A ., DANIEL DWIGHT. Seio, Apnl 3. 1844. 8w50 Woücc to HIcrchaBi. rrUIE Subscriber8 encourased by tbc patrónX nge they have hitherto receivcd in the wliolesale depnrt ment of their business, will the irst day of May next. open the store now occupied by Gëo.r Grenville. fronting on' Huron sireet, and connecting wnh their present store ín ihe rear. exclusivcly í'r a WiSOL S 'SilaSS E CGKWÊ, where they will keep at all mnes a Juli assoninent of Dry Goods. Boots, fy Shoes Carpeting fíats, Caps Paper Hangings, BonneLs,CrocJccryby Ihe Crale, Hardware and Groceries, $c. 4-c. $p. all of w hich will be eold on as good (erms as at anypoint this sideof New York City. G. D. I-ULL &CO. Ann Arbor, March 26, JP41. 4tf.SINCL AIR & CHASE, A T TORNE YS JIND CO UJYSELLORü AT LJ1W, (office loweh towx. ann ahuou.,) Will ttond ro all business in iheir profession w'iih nfidelity nnd despatch. Paricular attcntion will be givcn lo collecting. ROBERT P. SIXCTAIRr EDWABD R. CH kSS March 20, LS44. 4S-Jy. MAJYUFACTUJtEltS jIJYD MERCHJjYTS. rriFIE subscribers arenow receivinsr, atthnir X stores, 188 Jeffjrson Avenn-j, and corner ol Randolph and VVoodbridge streets, Detroit, a 'urge and ceucral stock of - DYE-WOODS AND DIE-STUFFS. '35 tons Logwood, J"u&tic. Limewod, Nicarragua, Hyperntc VVood, in the stick, Ï30 bbls. erouüd Camwood, 150 dö Fustic 120 do Logwood, 100 do Redwoods, 20 do Alum, 6 bhds Coppcras, 4 do Blue Vitfiol.' 4 pipes Omhre nnd Crop Madders, prime, f00 IDs. Extract Logwood. 600 do Bengnl. Mudras nnd Cnraccas Indigo, 300 do Blue Niüfralls. (Allcppo,) 250 do Powdered Cúrcuma, 200 do Verdigris. 10 Carboys OU Vilriol, 6 do A qua Fort is. 4 do Spirits Sea SaUe, 4 do Acid, 2 crises Lac ï)ye, 300 Ibs. Bnrrquo Tin, 250 do Cream Tartar, 500 do Q.iereciron Bïirk. Together with a complete assortment of all the ïinor anieles in llie trade. to wit: Pi-ess Papers. Tenxles, ïïrusbes, Jncks, Tent Hooks, Dye Keitlea, Pickers. Burling Jrons. Nippcrs. Prussiaioof ""otasb. Sal Amoniac. Sal Soda, Sugrnr of Lond, Steel jptrM1CHINE CÁRDS, Satinen Warps. S'iears, &c. Th!s ontire stock lias bcon piirchased witbin the last two weelts, nnd'sclectecl personally by one ofthe concern, who has been fn the business for tlie last eleven years, and [bey hnvc no besilation in sayine that the qualiiy of these goods is unexceptionable. They wil! positivly be sold at the Inu'eet New York jobbing prices, with the addition of transportation only. Tle subscribers iiave thc solé Agency in thif State for the salo of "fARSON'S SHEARÍNG MACHINES," and the. celebra ted "LEICESTER MACHINE CARDS," dficidedly the best in use. THEO.. II. EATON, & CO. April 11, 1S43. 51 ff A Farisa jför Sale, SÍTUATÍCÜ in t!ie town oí Jnghnm, Inghnm County, Miclüíjan. Said Farm contnins one hundred and fiiiy acres handsomely aituated In the midst of a ihriving settlcment. - The land is what is usuuily called timbereci Land, in Mlrhignn, ho rnnber being suuarmaple. whkewood, bench, ash. oak, &c. ali kinds of timber peculiar to the timbered land in Michigan. Thora is on this farm abuut forty ocres of ffood improvement: o good part of this is Enslish Menrlow. A'so. a good LOG HOUSE AND NEW BARN, framcd, ? by 42 fcet, well iinished. There are also on the place larminj utensils. such as Chaina. Plougha. Drag. Cart, Fanning Mili. &c. vvhich will be sold with the píate. TERMS OF SALE. One qunrter of purchase money down; th? romnindcrin ten years, if neeessary, wilh annu:il interest For particulars enquirc of the subsoribcr in Dexter village. JULIUS RANNEY. March 20, 1844 48-if. CHARLES H. STEWART, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND S0LIC1T0R ÍN CHANCERY. JEKKBilSOJy -1VKNUE, UKTROIT49-1 f. SAL ERATUS. WHOLESALE and Retail. by H.BECKER. Ann Arbor. A;ig. 2, 1843. 15-tf.ATTEfVT-iOft, JUST received at the Gonernl JDcpot, ior the sale of Clothiers Stock, Mnchinery, Dye Siuffis,.&c. fca, Xo. 139. Jefftrson Avenue, Detroit, the following large, well asaorted, and carefnlty solected stock, viz: 100 bbls. St. Domingo Loguood, Cnt, 6 Tone (i " i, isúok, 150 bbls. Cuba Fustic, Cut. 5 Tons " " ' n Stick. 50 bbls. Nic. Wood. Chippcd. 50 " Lima Wood, 30 " Red Wood, i 12) " Ground Camwood, 10 " Quercitron Jïark, 5K) Ibs. Nutcnlls, J,0 Cases Extrnct of Logwood, 300 U,8. Lnc Dye, 2 Coroons Spanish InJigo, 300 lbs. tíurnnc Öicily,. I 3 Cnsks Mndder, 3 Casks Blue Vitriol, 5 Casks Alutn 2 Barrels Red Tartar. 2 Bnrrels Creain Tartnr, 3 Carboys Aqua P'orlis, 5 Oil Vitrio), 3 " JMuriatic Acid, 500 lbs. Virdigris, 50 " Block Tiïi, Teasc-ls, Twine, C"ppcr Kcttles, all sizes, Parson's Sbenring Machines, Curtia' " "- öcrews and Press Platea, Cracks. Press Papor. Steel Reeds, Worsted Harness, Tenter Hooks, Eniery, :ill N"'s.. Olive Oí!, Clothiers' Jacks. Sátlineu Warp, Clotbiers' Brusbcs. Shuillls, Pickers. Ciird Clc-iner?. Wp, &s The above, with n varioiy of orher articies bolonging to the trade, have been purcimsed this summer by the subscrifiers frorn Manufacturors and First Hnnrhin the New York. L hiladelphio, and Boston Market?, and evcry tHiog haviner received liis personal inspon um!. ]■.,■ c.óa wiih thn utmost con ridence iT;r them to purchasers ;is ihe beat and most tonvpUlc stpcfcTn the country; nnd as it ís his fixed deterniinatlbji (by üiü low ratos a', which he wül sc!l) 'o nrevent the neccísi'y ot our Clotbiers and Manijfnuirera leo vin; the State to make theirpurchases, h wouid rneróh say to the trade. CALL, examine Úw íjoods aml aseertnin prices beforo you say you can, buy cheaper any trfière else. Ho is nlso prepared to contract for CARDING MACHINES made in this State of Eaftt. PiERUK TELLER, Sign oithe Golden Mortar, 131), Jeflerson Acnue, rn-tn Dclroit.3S. mi AM9 CELEBÜATÉO CHEMICAL PL ASTER, 1 he most ejfcUual reviedy yet discovercd for lihtmmatisnh liever Sores, White Swdlings, Inflammnlion in ihe Eyes, Swèlled Tliroat in ScaricL Fcver, (uinsey, c. pc. THE CHEMICAL PLASTER is nn irnponX atu remedy lor ihpsc who ere iiiïlicted widi chronic and influmniatory complaints, by iis easi ing pain. countcrac'ing inikimma'ion, niitl "trivinfi speedy relief by iis active, streqgthentng, ano" dyne. diaplioretic and cminierirritant-propenics an eilecuia! remedy forChronie niniílmílammntory Rheumatism, Ague in the Broast. S.aM-. Burns Bniiscs, Scrólaia, Ulcers, Old Sores of ilniost every descripiion. Cankered nnd Swollrd Tliroat arisingfrom Scarlet Feyer, Felons. Wbite SwelÜnjrs, Cliilblains, Sc. 'Tersons suflorin" Irom Liver Cotnplainifi. Pulmonary cuspases. ínflammatioa of the Lungs, with pain in the sidc, back or ltnihs. will find relief by the of (his Piaster. In all cases it may be used with perfc-ci safety. E. BEANS CHEMICAL PLA&TLR h put up in boxes at fiity cems one doflar ench. with iiill di.recuoqs accompanying each box. Manufactured and sold tirholsale by H. If ARRIS- & CO.. Ashtabula. Ohio, so]e proprietois. to wjiom all orders should be nddressed'-Sold also by iheir Agents UiroDghout the eonrfrry. - CFA liberal discount made to dealers and physicians. For testimoniáis and eènïrTcntes frein persons of the birhesi rcspectibility, who have used the Chemical Piaster, sée another column of this paper. For sale by the following Agents in HüeJKgén: H. W. Rood, Mes, 'J. C. Lnrrimore. " C Slfiinahan. Edwardsburh. Win, O. Ausiin. White PÏgeon. Isaac Benhnm, Sr.,!. L. Kimberly, Schor.lcraft. H. B. Huston, &. F. March.jr PM Katnmazoo. James W. Cothren, P. M. Gnlesburgh. T L. Éolkcom, R M. Battlc Creek.' Jnmes M. Parsons, P. M. Marshall. Poul Rnyrnond. Drugist, Jnckson. Wra. Jackson, P. M. Leoni. Uale nnd Smiih. Grass Luke. John C. -Winans. Sylvan. J Millerd & Son, De.-ter. Thomas P. Mav. Jr. Plymou-th, Perin &HaU, Northville. Mend & McCartby. Farrnin2ton, Peter Van Evnry. Fianklin, Julius Dean. Pontiac, Mack Sr Sprague. Rochester, James Stéphens. Utieff. E. C. Gallup, Mt. Clcmens, G. & 3.G. Hii!. ?n John Owen &. Co. $ DetrDr. Thos. M. S, wceny, Dearbornville, E. Samson. Ypsilanti, J. H. LUND.' W. S..& J. W. MAYNARD, Ann Albor. c CHRISTIAN EBERRACK.' ) 49-7y WHOLESALE & RETAIL. BOQKSELLEB AN3 STATIOKEB, c StfARTS' BLÜC'X, b 137 JEFFKRS O ft AVEN U K, DETROIT. ] Keeps onst-nntly for sate a íompleie nssovtnic))! of Misccllanooiis.. School ond Clasarcal v Books; Letrernnd Cap Paper. pl:i in and ruletl. Qtlls. Ink, Sealin;; V'n., Culery, Wrnpping Püpcr, '-' ing Paper, of oil sI'.ps; and JBoli. 'iews and Cunister Ink. ot varío ns kinds.rnns Ktnos. r uil imlhtiir bu.und. o.l tivinjiniwii lUiliug. MEMORANDUM BÓOKS'.'&c. To Mcychan'f, Teachers, anti others. buying in qunniities. a lnree discount marie. SABBATH SGHOOL & BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR DR. OSGOOD'S AMOiN'G the mosi v;lunb!e qüalities ol (hïs . niediuine, ís iis restoring iifltience upon Cünsiitutions rr.pnjred and njurcd by previous nitocks ot hüü fcver, or fever and ngfuc: or iiy.a long resiiJoiico in thosc c!inotrs which proiJuce (hem. TIktc are nmny corisiitutions which becömc grnduaïly andërotiifed Ky'B vvnsnutl nfluenre. wiilioui even n day's nctual coníinement. ín such cases, iiie Cholagoguè acts likeo chnrni - the Si'illow caniplexion, loss of oppetitó, fortguor, vveaiiness am) depression of spirits, wïib oihor unplèasant syropiotps which redder Ufe a burelen. ;it' yicld jo tliïa ronsody wlien faithfuüy üsud according to the directions of the accompanying pamphlet. It s t-miroly kvegétíibíe prop aratipn, and iiiarybe taken wuh perfect scfety under a!l circuinstanccs of t'ie system. For sülf by 35 W. g. .1. W. MAYNARD, polñ Agwit, for Ann Arbor and viciniiy. Bl'NG-ttJim &, CHiFiAlVr, FORWAnDING MERCHANTSr DEALERS IJV DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ij-e. ATTHK RAir.-nOAD DEPOT, tiKASSI.AKE. MICH. H. II. r.INGHAM. G. CIlArMA.V. 4ö-om.(èkkARBOR, Lolyli.ll TQWN.) THE Subst-ribor bns jítst receiverl n general assornneut of SCHOOL BOOKS. sucli is aro in use in Consmon Schools in thio State, togethcr with a variety ot" Iwúigious, tícieruific nncl Miscellaneous works, such as Quarto Bibles, Polyglo: - . ,,. Pocket -Editton. Family, do. School, do. Pocket Testamenta. 3 sizus, Piayer Books, 4 sizes. The Psalmist, a new Eapüst Hyii'in Hooi, Methodist JHymn Book, Wirtts' Psülnttl and Hymn Annuala for 1844, Cowpera PAk Ossians, do L, ■ bells, do! Burns', d. MHton'a Worke, Scou's Works, AU bunia, Tale f a Gr;mufathor, Scotf'g Napoleón, Beau' i ful IVcw Year's Preseius, View oí ;il! lleligione. Molhers Fricii'l. FirceiiJo F1 Heiy, Gcm oí Pin tv. Mectitation on Pray-cr. a valuable work, Tb Ta8k, Berquins Works. Chrisiian. Bíiptíst, Church, Washingtonian and Farmer.' Almarmcs, Boston Acacffmy. Sacred Lyre and Manbaitan Collcction Singing Booke, Blank Day Books, Lfidgcrs, JourJtals and Blótters, Justict'B' Doekeis. Tor Bibles Trira ers. J00 kimls, Song Bockc-i.'-iO kind?, and vurioiis otht-r Books. together witli Whícií;. SéJSfng Waxrlnk, Quills, Sitel Pens. Letter Papnr, (an excelfent ariicle.) and comtnon. Cap Papor luk StnrÁs, Lead Pencils, Drnsving Pcncüs. B. B. & H. B. rind Prepared India Rubbfir. All of wbich will be soJd at Deirott priocs (or Cash. Thn eubscriber has mnde bis arrangemcnts ko tlrtt alnio-t any'thing in tlie Jine.of Books and Statiooary whichis ïiot on hand c;m be furnisbcd nt a sliort noiix-. He intenda to make ibe sale pf Books? n permanent busince and will dierfifofC do wbat he can to keep his oa-" soüment gond. Pon 't fojget the place. Ann Arlor. Lowor V.llagéJ nearly opposito tb Flouring Mii!. WÍJ. R. PERRY. , JrfrYnnry P, 18i. 7-:irn. "TO THE VÍCTOR J3ELONG THE SPOILS." A LTHOUG-H many jireparationsin tbc krm JA. of ■POPULAR MI-:D1C1iES?" WËk been before tbe public, clainiin; to give relief and even ctrre tbe most invefcr.jte tliseases, yet none have so well answerod thn purpose ns Dr. SHERMAN'S MED1CATED LOZiKGES. Dr. Sberman's "COUGH JLOZENGES" euro tbe most obstinate cases of Cojugb in a few hours. Thny bavectired a large number of persons who-have been given up by theirpbysicians and frienda, and inany who have boen reduced to the verge of tbe grave by spittincr blood. Consunipiion and Ife-ctic Fever. by their uselirive hnd lbo rose of healtlv restored to tTie hag','nvd cheek. nnSfciiow live to spcak ïbrïh tbo praisesoFtlus iiivaluable medicine. Dr. Shcrman's"TTG22M LOZENGES" ' have boen provcdf n more thnn 400.000 cdsgp to Lm iiïiolübJe. in fct, the only certain Worm 36s!roypr medicine ever discoveie'd. Children vill ent them when tbey cannot be íorced to tnko any oilier medicine, nndtho benefit derived írom ilio administration of medicine to thrm in fhia form is great beyond conception, 'i'lu-v havs nover been kiown to faiJ. Dr. Sherman'a "CAMPHOR LOZENGEP." relieve Hcadachp. Nervmis Sick-headache, Pul pitation of the Heart. and sicknoss in a very few minuies. Dr. Phcrrron's POOR MAN'S PLASTER" 13 ncknnwlcdged by al] who have ever used itto be ihe best strengthening Piaster in the world, anc? a sovereign remcriy for painsanrl wcnknrss in the back, Ioüis, side, brengt, neck, Jinibs, joints, rbeumaiism, lumbago, Ac Bé ca re ful fo procure the nhove and all other medicines of Maynard's, and yóu willbesnre there will beno mistake in quannty or charce. W.'S. & J. W. 'MATNARD. Ann Arbor, February 5, 1S44. 4] Onaf dian's ale#. "O Y virtue ofa license issned by the Hon. JJ? Judge of Probate of the Couniy of VVasbtenaw, on the eleven:h of Mnreh instant, I frhail couse to be-sold on ihe filteemh day of April next. ctofie of the clock in rho afternoon, njl the riglu, t,itle and interes' of James Prntt, Sarah ?j. Pratt, Henry M, Pratt nd Alvah Prntt, niïnor beirs of Elisha Pratt, feté of eaid county, deceasud, in the followipg described premises, situared in ibe township of Pittsfied, " cqunty of Washtenaw aforesaid. unti described as fbilowa, to wi(: Being the Fast hall of the South East qtnrtrr of section twenty-fuur in township numbur three soutb of ranpe number six East. The sale to tnke place on the premisos in the lown of Pitisiicld. TIORACi: CARPENTER. Guardian. Dated. Pittfifield, March Jltb, ÍS44. 47-Zw NOÏICE. rriHE undersigned would say, "to those whom i it mny concorn," that all unsetiled mattere appertsining to the forrncr bugin:ss oí Warden &Keix'cs. Charles Kkllocg, deceased, and HIMSEI.F, n;)!st be arrntiffecl or paid within iho ttëxA sixty dnyp. or the êame willthen be lef: .viih Wai. R. Pi:KrY. risq. for collccïion. Diirinp; the aloiesaid time, the sníd í!maters" may le found with ilie subscriber. at the fike opposito Jiis Jate 4iIron Store." DAN W. KELLOGG. Ann Arbor, (lower town.) March 25. 1844. 48-3w.FASmONABJ.E HAT STORE. WHAÍINUM, v.-ould rcspectfully inrorm the cii'zcns oi'Döiroit, and surrounding country ihat lia lias eonslamïy on Uand a valuah!e nssoriment of Hatsf ' Caps, Faro &c. which he offers for enlc on tlio most leasonable [ernis at No. 75; JciTêrsnn Avenue. Gentllmcn ai)d Ladiks from abroad on visitng Ihe City will' do wel! to gire hiui a c;ill bebre purciiasing eJscwhere.. Deiroit. K.ov. lOth. 1843. 2Ö-6mL RAT HEK. TfiE unrjcrsigned hos rcccivcd from tho Mmnfne'iirer. and will continue )e be'sapplied with n General Assortmentrmmi pfEASTLRN TANNlvD LEATHhR. which he will sell at dceidedly Low Trices, f CASH ur HIDES. He will conlinually have on hand Spanish and Slnusrbter SÖLE USATHfiJR, of Light, Middle and Pleovy VYeighls; Upper Leather, Oak and Hcmlock Tanned Calf Skins, Patna and Slaughter Kips, Ilarness nnd Bridla Leatber, Uindings, White and Colored Linings, tíhoe Thread, &c. All persons desirons oí purchnsing nre requcsiod to cali at the ONÈ STORY BRICK BUILDING, Ro. Si), Woodward Avenue, and examine the quality and prices before purchasing elsevyheje. N. B. T!)o hfghest Market Pricc will be paid inCASHFORÜIDES. J. D. BALDWkV. Detroit, Nov. ÏH, 1S43. 29-0m. 00,000 Fcet PIN E LÜMBER. TUE subscriben offer for sale. Five hundred ThousnndFeet SEASONED PINE LUMBEB, wbich has been put up in ilie best pjssiblo monncr. and is ol' evciy qualiiy nnd liiickriess. I'er. sons wishing tó porchaa Luniher th&t is fit for imvtf.diatc use, will dcwell lo give usa cali, beloie purohnsinir elsewhere. IIAZFXTON & PATF,KSONT. Formorly Ajienía íorBcacrh &.C0. Flinl, Januaiy 22, 1844. 4J-Cm.


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