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LOWER TOWN ■H JÊ H Bj I nH ET '' '-5 El Kk In mES8R8. DAVIDSON & CECKER, liave justrc--▼-■ ceived' from New York a largc and splendid assortment of Fancy and Staple DRY GOOm7 'Also, a largè quantity of Dry Groceries Crfrckery, Shelf Hardware, Nails, Boots and hoes, Men's and Boy's Caps? Paints, Dye Stuffs, and Medicines, &c. &c. &c. which they wilisell lower than bas ever before been offer ed in f bis place. For particulars cali at their Slore, Nú. 3, Brovvn's Block, (formerly occupied by H. Becker.) The highest Market piice will be paid in Goods for most kinds oí' Produce. $$ Rememher that they will not be undersold.4$ Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Nov. 13, 1843. 29-6m VIET ORY == The Fever and Ague used up- Dr. Banister's Pilis TRlUamPHAWTDR. BANISTER'S CELEBIUTED FEVER AND AGUE PILLS.- Purely Vegetable. - A sare, speedy, and sure reim-dy Tor fever and ague, dum ague, chili fever, and the billious disea-e3 peculiar to nevv countries. These pills are designed for the öfFectionsof the üver and olher infernal organs vvhich altend the diseases of the nevv and miasmatic purlions of our country. The unparalleled success that hos atlendcd the usc of these pills, induces the proprieior fo believe that they are superior lo any reinedy ever oftered to the public ior the above diseases. They are purely VEGETABLE and perfectly harmless, and can be taten by anv person, male or female vvith peiiect safety. The pills are prepared in two separate boxe, marked No. 1, and No. 2, m1 accompanied with full directions. A great number of certificates might be procured 'm favor of ihis mediïine, but the proprietor has thought fit not lo insert them, in as tr.uch as le lepends upon the merits oí the same for íts reputation. The above pill is kept constantly on hand by the proprietor and can be iad at vvholesale or relail at the Store of J. Beckley & Co., Ann Arbor, jovver Town. Orders from the country promptly attended to. L. BECKLEY, Proprietor. Jamiary 17, 1844. 39-3m.ÏÜST received at the Farmers' and Mechanica' Store, a general assortment of Fancy andstaple jdmy jÊmmam Groceries, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, &c. &c. which will be sold cheap and for ready payonly. C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, Nov. 20, 1843. N. B. s usual, any Goods purchased of him not giving satisfaction in pnce and quality, the purcliaser has the privilege to return them and reeeive back his money. 32 . C. J. GRL?ND.RAIL, R O A D TEMPERANCE HOUSE. TUE undersigned would respecttully iníonn thefriends of Teinperance. nnd the public generally, that the abose named House, formerlyknown as the Temperance Hotel, and situated on the córner of Michigan avenue and Washington streef, near the Central Raüroad Depot, having undergone thorough repairs and vory great additional improvements, is now ready for the reception of all thuse who may favor him with a cali. The accom modal ions, in evevy respect, are not inferior to any Temperance House in the country, and every attention will be given to such as bestow thcir patronage upon this laudable enterpr8e. N. B. Carriages always in readiness to convey passengers to and from Boats and Cars. WM. CHAMP. Detroit, May 9, 1843. 4-ly WOOL! WOOZ.! CLiOTH! CLOTHÜ nniJE Subscribers would inform the Public X that persona having wool to bomanufactured, can hnve it done at their Manufactory within a short time, as the large quantity o f wool furnished them by farmers and 'others the post season is nearly completed. and will be íinished within a few days. We have manufactured cloth this season for about one hundretl and twcvt;-Jive customers, to whom we have reason to believe, we have given general satisfaction. With this encouragement, we hope for fuíure patronage. TER MS. Half the cloth the wool will make, or 37 cents per yard. We will also exehange Cloth for Wool on recsonable lerms. Wool sent by Rail Road to Scio will be properly attended to. SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, Washtenuw Co., Dec. 25, 1843.ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. THE undcrsigned, having been appoinlcd by ihe Judge of Probate for tho County of Washtenaw, administrators on the estáte of Asa L. Srnith, late of said county. and having given bonds as required by law, hc'reby give notice to all persons indebtod to said estáte to mako immcdiate payment to theni, and all persons having claims against said estáte to present them propei-ly attestod for adjustment. SYRENA SMITH, Administratrix. WILLIAM M. SINCLAIR, Administrafor. Ann Arbor, Murch 1, 1814. 4G-6wIuhTröTd hotel 1843. BY Í843. PATKICK & ANDREWS. OPPOSJLTE THE WESTERN AND NORTHERN RAÍL ROAD DEPOTS, DETROIT, MICH. TUE above Hotel has been greatly enlarged. and fitted up in a style equal to any public house in Detroit, for comfort and convenience. lts location is in a healthy and pleasnnt part' ot the city, being situated on the Public Square. j nnd ín the immediate vicinity of the Central and j Northern Rail Itoads, and convenicnt to the principal STAGE ROUTES divergingto the different parts of the State. Travki.krs wishing to tnke the Cars or Boats cannot find a more convenient place than this being near the Cars on both Rail Roads, and in , immedinte connection with the Boats. The Proprietors assure the public, thal no paine will be spared to furnish their TAB1E with the best the Market aflbrdg, and their customere with everyattention in their nower, rcquisite ro their comfort. CAURI AG E8 4. B AG GAG E WAGONS nlways in readiness to convey Passengere to and from the Boats and Cars (ree of charge. TERMS- 75 cents per day, or 25 cents per meal. PATRICK & ANDREWS. Nov. 6,1813. o8_6m.TBristol's Sarsaparilla. Hl valuable medicine su justly celebra'ed as a certain cure for Scrofula or Kings ílvjI. or nny diseasc arising from impimty of the llood, las become so well known ns to need no publ;cation oí the numereus certificates now in ourpossession, of the extraoi'dinary cures lately performed by it, but fearing there may bo sonie persons aflected who have been gulled by using the imifations got up by others, we would respectfully request them to cali on ub and satisfy themselves of iis many cures in similar cases.- By purchasing of vb they cun rely upon the genuineness of the article, which they should be careful to do. as we are (old there is a spurious article of the same name for snle in this vicinity. Be careful to observe that "Bristol's Extract of Sarsaparilla, Buflalo," isstarnpeil upon the botles, and "C. C. Bristol" written in lus own ïand over .the Cork. W S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, Dec. 25, 1843. 3(] WOOL AND WOOLEN CLOTHS. Iwill exchange woolen cloths of cvery width and quality for wool, to be delivered in May or June, or after shenring time. My stock of cloth is complete, quality good, prices low, &c. , fc , F: DENISON. ( Ann Arbor, Fcbruary !st, i843. 41. N. 13. It is important tlial wool bc rlonc up in good order, and anv :formation vill 'bcgiven whcji aeked y d.ABBOTT BEECHER. DETROIT WHÖI-E AJLE AND R3GTAIL DALERS IW DÖMESTIC STAPLE AND F ANC Y DRY GOODSJUST raecivod a larger Stock than ever of Heavy Brown Sheetings, Shirtingsand Diillings, Bleachcd Gooqb, Calicóes, Aprun Checks, Bnggings, Burlaps, Diapers, Crath, Murtliii. Fustíans. Mole Skins. Satiincta, Shoop's Grny Cloth, Buckskin Cloth, Fancy Cussimere-s, Wolverioe Coatiugsj Alapacn liUsire, Changeiiblc Stripc Do. Fancy Alupiaes, Cropo Delaincs.fndia Cloih. Alnuslin De Laines, iarisiaus. Chusa ns, Shawls. Rob Roys, Cardinals, Damask Sliawls, Black, Blue Black. Brown-, and Blue Broad Cloths, Feit nnd Pilot Over Coatings, Blnnkcts, Flaunels, and Superio BEJlTëR CLOTISS, Leather, Ootton Yarn, Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Rice and Tobacco. All of 'which Goods will bosold at tlic LOWEST PRICES that they can be bought for West of New York Citv. and wc wish our Frionds to give us a Cali before Buyirtg. WANTED. POT ASH, WOOL AND FLOUR, For which we will pav the highest pnces eitlier in CASH or GOODS, at the CUE AP EST CASH P2ICES, .No. 144, Jeflerson Avenue, Corner Bates Street, Detroit. Detroit. Nov. 13. 1843. 29-tf. PETERSMPILLS TRUTII HAS PREVAILED. PETERS' Vegetable Pilis have now been ten years before the public. During that period they have obtainedn celebrity unparalleled in the history of the most popular medicines which have preceded ihem or have followed in their track. - The happy combination of vegetable ingredients to vvhich these pills owe their elficacy, is the result of years of earnest study and experiment, directed by long previous experience in the propertie8 f medical substances, tlie pathology oi'disea8e, the nature and modus operandi o the vanous fluids which minister to the support and su3(enance of the human body, and organization by vvhich those iluids are prepar.ed, modified and distribuied. The triumph of skill, and patiënt experiment haa been complete. Throtighout the length and breadth of our land, in British America and the West Indies, and on the continent of Europe, the carative virLues of Peter's Vegetable Pilis, are gratefully ncknowledged. They may be calledriri: medicine par kxcki.í.knck, of the Southern State?. Their consumpiion south oí the Potomac, is enormous, nnd continually on theincrease. No other pill "gocs down" there, iiowever sugnred over with hirod pufls and home manufnetured certificates. Peters' Vegetable Pills may be termed a universal medicine, for there is scarccly any ' rangement or obstrttction of the organs andfunctions of the human machino which they will not alleviaíe or remove when adniinistered in the enrly stages ol' congestión of the stomnch or bowela, they speedily relax those organs, reduce the attendant fever. and restore the suflererto henlth. Containing no irritating or drastic substances, their exliibition is never followcd by thnt prostration oí the bodily powers which characterize the opcrationof most other cothartics, and they may be administered without iheslighlest fear ol producing local infiammation, so frequently caused by the purgent compositions vended by the quneksnnd charlatans of the day. In almost all stages of disease, Peters' Vegetable Pilis will be founcl of beneficia! effect," bui they should always be resorted to when the first symp:om makes its appcarance. The conquesi of the complatnt will then be easy and immediate. Ia billious disorders, remittant or intermitlant fever. dispepsia, dysentery, cholera, cholic. diarheea, dropsy, sour or fceied eructations, enlargement of the spleen, sick headache, all complaints growing out of imperfect or too rapíd digestión, torporof the bowels, femaleobstructions. habitual costiveness, and all other disenses in which a purgative medicine is proper. Peters' Vegetable Pilla will be fonnd unrivaüer] in tlie speed, certainty and gemlcness of their operaiton. It is osked npon what principie these, extraordinary effects are produoed? We reply that Peters Vegetable Pili acts as a purifier of the blood, by purifying the chyle and other fluid of vvhich blood is composed. Chyle is :i milky fluid deposiled by the digestive matter on ihe coats of the intestines; and which when combined with the billiary secretion, is conveyed mto the veins ani becomes the principie of life. This medicine acta directly ii(jon the chylel Iroin which it expels all acrid particles, and" al. humors detrimental 10 a healthy circulation. Ii cleaiise8thejuices and fluids before the chenncal change takes place which fits tliem for iheimmediate purposes ol vitality. This is beginning at the beginning. To embue the streams oAife with heahh, it is nocessary to puri fy them at their 8ources. Such is the radical mode in whicn this medicine perfornis its cures. Testimoniáis which wouki I ftll volumes (many of them from high scientific authonty) are its vouchers, and it is used in the practice of the first Physicians here and obroad. For sale by F. J. B. Crane, W. S. t .T. V. Maynard, J. II. Ltind. Harris, Parlridges & Co b. P. & J. C. Jewett, Davidson & Becker, II. Becker, Christian Eberbaeh, G. Grenville, D. D. Waterman, C. .1. Garlund, E. T. Williams, Ann Arhor; Georgc Warner & Co., D. C. Whitwood, J. Millard & Son. N. II. Wing. Dcxter; M. Jackson, Laovi; Paul Raymond, Brotherson & Kief, Manchester; D Keys, Clinton; D S Haywood, Salive; Stone. Babcock & Co.. Ypsüanii; Scattercood & Co! Plymoittk; Pierre Teller and T. H. Eaton & Co. Detroit; also in Adrián. Tecumseh, Brooklyn, Pontiac, Chicago, and almost evory where else. Ann Arbor, Jan. 15, 1844. 27-1 vCELEBRA TED .CHEMICAL PLASTER. THE followíng is one frorn amobg the nu merous lestimoninls from persons of th highest respectability, which the proprietorshave receivod. LETTER FROM JOHN S. CARTER. Druggist and Apnthccary Eric, Pa. datcd Julv 27td. 1840. Messrs. H. Harris & Co.- Gentlemen : In reply to your íavor oí" the Jst instant, it aflbrds me plea8ure to state, that 1 have during the last th ree yen rs eold many dozens of E. Dean's Chemical Piaster, nnd it has almost universally given satisfaction to the purchaers. It has done wondere to my certain knowledge both in Clironic and Inflammatory Rheumatism. An oíd genlleman who had been afflicted with it for yearsremarked to me ihat hehad expended more ihan thirty dollars witb doctors without benefit, when he was directed to try the piaster, from one box of wbich he says he receivcd more leief than from all liis physicians. The piaster has also given good satisfaction in Fever Sores and Iiiflammation of the Eyes. I could say more, but the bearer of this is waiting. Respect iully yours, JOHN F. CARTER. ILTFor the diseases in which this Piaster is ap Dhcable, see advertisement in another column o :his paper. E. Dean'sChemical Piaster is for sale in Ann iVrbor, (Lower Town,) by J. H. LÚND. and W. S. & J. W. xMAYNARD, ? Upper CHRISTIAN EBERIiACü, Town 4!)-lyJAJUES . BIR1VEY, ATT ORNE Y AND COUNSELLOR A T L A W. SAGANAW CITY, MICHIGAN. JG. B. will also net as Land Agent in flie Land District in which this (Saganavv) County is; ho will niako investments for others lauda, pay over for non-residents their tnxes, and givc inlormation gcricrally to persons intcrested ii tliia part oi the country, or desirousoí beconing innnigrants to it.ACÏDEMr AND X TEACHERS' SUnstáü H. H. GRIFFEN. PawSS" Mr. CHAS. S. WOODARD a . THE nezt term of this TuiimLn'' nicnce on Monday, Feb ]] WlÜ cm uê 1 1 weeks. While this schooi s eqS Cot"n all of both sexes, who wish to acnn ' y pen ' education, particular attention wlll i a 8c ihosc wlio are preparing lo ' teack TKfilVen l sive and uninterrupteii attention of' ,h ec1' will bc given to hnpart a prnctirii i e Wncipi the English branches. llV!tol an hour daily in lecturing. with. iL A m ial] paratus, minerols. or oihcrwise oftJ'Cap. Apparatus - The Instituid a 5 with Chem.caL Philosophical. anrf i lírm's''ed apparatus. Surveying ínstruments r nomcal sohds, &c. to tho amount of 300'. ,eowetricol Cabinet of Minerale wonh S0 " 0 agood Tüition in the common Eneiisl, clnding Com,io6iüon and Denln„nches. n2,00 to 3,50. In PhilowphTfe"? tronomy, His.ory, Rhètoric, 3o,ïn?'s!ir' A Geomctry, Surveying, &c. from ÍL Alfn, Mezzotinto and Chinese or TH?' t0 $500 3:00 each for 12 lessone, taugïg, The tuition is to be paid at the miiji term. No deducion for abince Sfft of l'' except for protiacted sickness onr) mnd(. be icceivcd for less than five and a J.ïfr n wii Booksmaybehad of the L f „4 pnces. fnncipni at Detroit Boahd, Including room anH . ■ $.1,00 to $T,t0 per weekfo furl ng; from mquire of the principal. RaZ ttler Panicülnrs E. Crane.J. ild M V i0". have kindly consented to forni a vif; AíurdQCI. tee. to be present at the wL Bltmff. .mmitThursday, and at the public ,! re.viewon school. H c exan''nation of the Ypwlanti, Oct. 16, IS43. agajast any epuriouitn ides Li cauttI0ned bc avoidedby' kno„y t% .Ittiv111" from Cometock A r„ T y u buy co'b nenr ten times as mucb. 1 Sl:Le No ían.ily that has any .irle to humanity, tfj.j fa.! to have Connkis Pain Extractor Oin, men a ways at hand, to anve life, allscars. „ L nllagony frpn. any b..rn in nunutes, privT ried they have seen t used, or will believe , 108e who have used it. COMSTOCK fc CO., n- , „ , , 21, Courtland Sireet. KT Bc sure, therefore, and ask foi Conn, , ■ 1S our plate wiUi Dalloy's name on it has been Moléitj and the upurious may appenr wiih ,11U name en ,t. Know, therefore that it comes d-ectly from Comaiock & Co., or slum ii . VVM. S. & J, W. WAYNÁRD, 'nV ■ Agent for Ann Arhor.CLOCKSÍ QhQGKSU ' rpHE subscriber lmving just receivod several X cases of BRASS and WOOD CLOCKS ol vanmis descripiions. is prepared to sell them Ckeirp for Cash. Also, n general assor'.nient of JEWELB.Y, consisting in part of Gold .Fjriger Rings, nnd JBosom Píns. Heartsand Crossea. Silvernttd Common Thinibles, Wátch Chains and Keye, Pensil Cades: also, Spoons, Sugar Bowk Buiter Knivee, Tnotli nnd líair Prushes, Pocket Books, Violin Strings, Needles, Pins, Hooka, and Eyes. Speotacles, Fine Convbs.Dreseing Combp, Side Combs, Back Combi, Pocket Combe, Water Paints. Murking Cottun, Steel Prn. and Twcasers. SnuíF& Tobacco Boxes, Élnsiica. &e. All of whicli will be sold as cheop as at any oiher establishment this side of New York. N. B. The subscriber tliankftil íbr so largo n share of pnblic patronnae. still solicitan continiince of the sume. CLOCKS AND TVATC'fí. ES of every tlescriptionrepairedand wnrranted. Also, JEVVELRY repairpd on short notice. - Shop nt hís oíd stand directly oppositc the Court House. C. BL1SS. Ann Arbor, Nov , 1843. 28-1 y. THE follovving indispensable fnmily remedies triay be found nt Mays'ard's Druggíst Store, in Ann Albor, where none will be sold unless luiown lo be of i he best kind nd no counlerfeit article ever ofl'ered, patent medicina invariably procured ol the inventor or lús regular successor: (CT No familj should he a wcek icithout these remedies, j BALDNESS. Baím of Co'umbia, for tfic Huir, whicli wil stop it if falling out, or restore iton bald places; atid on children make it grow rapidly, or on those who have lost the hair frorri any canee. ALL VERMIN that infest the béads of children in schools, are prevented or killed by it at once. Find the name of COMST0CK on it or never iry it. Remember tiis alicaijs. PILES, &c. are wholly prevented, or governed if tbe aVack has come on, ií you use the only true' LvtMEKT, from Comstock & Co. All SORES, and every ttiing relieved by it that admitsofan ontward appiication. Jt actslike a chnJin. Uw it. RHEÚMATISM AND LAMENESSpontively cured; all shrivelled musclcs and limbsare restored, in the oíd or young, by the Inditin Vcgdable Elixir and Nene and Bon e Univient-bal never without the name of Coinstock & Co. on it. KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE will ersdicate all WORMS in children or aduJfa with a certainty quite astonishing. TOOTH DROPS. Klik es- cures effectually. Ann Arbor, Feb. 5, 1844. 4LMBS. BUFFXN6T0N 8 "Q ESPECTFULL Y nlortns the ladies of Arm t -tv Arbor and ts vicinity, that she hasjust res ceived her latest Patterns for Hate.Caps, Cloaks, , aud Dresses; and she respectfully invites them 5 to cali and examine for themselves. She like, wise readers them her sincere thanks for thcir , patronage for the past yenr, and begs a continua tion. lier establishment will be found midway , between the Upper and Lowcr Town. Ann Arbor, Nov. 2, 1843. ESTILA. V NOTICE is bereby givcn ttiát a yoke of four year old steers broke inio my cnclosure in the township of Superior, VVaslitenaw couniy, lastfall, one brown. a little white on tho tip of t e tail, the tip of the horns black, the othor r d with a line back and bclly, somc white on bis fuco, and a white tail. Tho owner is requesied to come nnd prove property and pay damag8! and tukc them away. FÉLIX ÜUROSS. Marcho, 1844. 8w46 BOOÜC BINDER Y AT THK PAPEK MUL (l.OWKRTOWN) ANN ARBOB. EBOOTH would respectfully inform the inhabitanlsof Ann Arbor and vicinity that he continúes the Imsincisof BOOK BINDING, at the old stand, in tho Paper Mili. Oíd Books will be neatly rebound on short noticc. All kinds of RULING done to ordcr.Country produce taken in payment. April iy, 1843. 52-lf. BLANK DKEDS. MORTGAGES, EXE-' CUTIONS, SUMMONSES, te. &c printodand for sale at the IDJ SICNAL OFFICE, xfl


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