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Hillsdale County: For The Signal Of Liberty

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Messbs. Editors: - The progresa of the Liberty party in Uu's County, ond it3 future prospecte, wilt, without doubt, be a matter of interest to your numerous readers. Among ihe members of the party in this County, Í know Dot of a professional man, or indeed, of any one who doe3 not obtaiu his living by his manual labor, The whole influence of those 'who live by their wits' is against us. The M. D's. use their direct influencc ogainst us in their professional business. The demagoguea of both the proslavery pnrties aro denouncingr, proscribiiig- and-roisrepresonting usas violators of the Constimtion and hostile to ita requiremeuts - as 'Hijger' men, and lovers of 'Amalgamation.' Th;s kind of blacfcguardism has liad its influenco with eome people, but it is fast passing away before the üght of truth. The hberty vote in this county has stooti thus: In 1840, 7" 1341, the first year of organization, 76 " 18-12, 136 " 1343, 193 The whole nnmber of votes polled for Goyernor lasl fall was 1518, viz: For Barry, 767 For Pitcher, 549 For Birney, 193 Thus you eee that a trifle lesa than ona sevenlh of the votes were jven in viadication of the rights of the Lnboring Man. Liberty voles were given in all the towns except two or three, to which no tickets were sent. In. Adams, Litchfield, Somerset and Wheatland,' ' the proportiorj of vote3 to thuse of the ether parties ia respectnble. In Litcbfield, the Liberty vote exceeda the Whig 15, and ïaless than the Democratie by S: in Wheatland it is inio one as many as the Demócrata poll, nnd six less thau the Whigs. The Liberty mon of Adams made their noicination March 19, in the opeu day, asusual. The "Amalgamaron" men (for sucU I must cali a unión oí WhigB and Democraís for [he avowed purposeof using up the Darkies') met on the 23d, at whicb time the Liberty men were called violators of the Cbnsiitutiön, who hadpubiiahed to the mrïd, that, "whelher as private citizens or public functionaries" they would treat the Consiitution ''as nuil and void." Aft er two harangues, one frcma noied Deraocrat (who was setit to the Democratie Convention at Ann Arbor,) and the other a self-styïed 'Anti-Slavery Whig" who gees for the Missouri Compromiso with a rage, they made a nominatica which they have elected by frora 3 to 31 majórity. Doubtlees it will be eounded frera Hillsdale to Detroit that the Darkies" are used up in Adams. Our vote does not bear that proportion to the Amalgamación party it did Jast Sprig, because 11 of our voters had moved away, 4 were indisposed, and those moving into town had had their ears filled with falsehood and misrepresentations. We are not. discouraged. We went to tbe polls expecfnig to get defeated. We intend tovote tor Liberty umi! the interesta ef the Véfth are resíored and respecterj, and our naion bccomos in reality what it is by name, 'the 'AsyJuni of the Oppressed," and the 'laud of Lhe Freo." Yours in the cause of Liberty,


Signal of Liberty
Old News