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The States: South Carolina

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At Pittsburgh, a public Öiectipg was held to considcr the case of Joh L. Brown, who wns sentcneed to death for the crune of being piwmored of n planters daugliter, ailhough slightly tingcd witli ACncan blood, nnd heljïing her to escape from Slu-very. Some discussions 8p)eored in tlie Pittsburgh papers, wlr.chcolled loith a letter trom Judge O'Neal, of South Carolina, who sentenced Brown, to the editora or Uie Spint of the Age, in which heexpresees mnch surprise that he should be cal.'cd a nmtderer, for eenleDci ng a man according to W. He citeá ile Stalute, which was enacied May 11, 1754, aad without thepreainLile rcatisthus:I "Be it enacled, that from, nnd immediately afier the 24t.h daj of June next. all and every personand persons who shall invente, steal, or carry away ony negrees, or other 6lave or sLavés; or snnllhide, aid or counsel any person or persons to inveígle, stwíl, or carry away as nfúiesnid nny snch slave, so as '.he owner or employé-' of such sJave or slaves shall be deprived of ilie use nd benefit of such slave or alavés; or tlmt shall aid any such slave n runnmr nwny or departing froU his niaí-lers or employer's service, stmlí be, and lie nnd lliey is, apd are hereby declared to be gii'Jly of felcmy, and being thpreof convicied ornttainted by" verdict or confesaron or being indicted íhereof 'slíall stand mute, or will not directlv anöwer tothe indictment; or v]] per emptorily challenge abovethe niimber tweiity of the j'iry, shali sofFer death as felón?, and be excltided and debarred of ihe beneiit of c!ergy." His Honor concludes hÍ3 communication in true overseer sfyle, as folio ws: -Our revolu'iouary sires thonght precious tile of ihe rascáis whö stole or aidedgroes in away; Jitiie of their blood would hove been poured out lo keep such Irom he grallows; they would sooncr, have tied he iioose, Ihan cut it with iheir swords. Sav to Ilie worlbj editor of the enclosed hat John L. Brown will not be hariged; by he recommendation of myselFand my brethon of the Court of Appeals, lie was pardoned y the govenior. on the condition of reed ving, on Friduy thn 2Cth of April next, at VVinnsjoroiiffh, thirty-ninc lashes(on his bare back. f he editor will then and there attend. I ïave no doubt Johu L. Brown will gladly acompany him to the West, where he can ootlie and chrrish hin as oue of "tho young ud ordent men.1' vrboloved negro woimn, and advised ihem to escape tröta slavury. John Boltoií O Ñeaix." The London Morning Adveniper has tho ollowing reniark on the Judge'8 sentence of Jrowti: "We will ullow onrselves for fliis once, to m?gine thal America does really think it a ijrhteons act to pul a man to death f)T "the jffeuce of aiding a slavo to ron away.1' LetAmerica, then, undersltmd thnt in the juclgment of Engiand it isabout to inflict ihe heavest possible punishment, fpr a aet wbich is not only perfectly irmocont, but really praisevoríhy; ihat the execotion o( the pcntence will be a delibérate and appalling tnnrder; that very American who does not employ bia utmost influence lo prevent this deed of blood, vil) havo his share in tfie muderer'sgiiili ; and hat after this execiition takcs place, the name of Anerican will be associated vvith that oí he scalping Iudiau and New Zealand caunial."


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