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A SA L. SMfTH'S ESTATE.-The un Xx. dcrsigncd, having heen appoimcd by thc Hon. Georgc Sedgewick, Judge of Probate, oí Waantenaw Cuunty, Commissmncrs to examine and allow claims against the Estáte oí" AsaL. örnuh. dcceased ; said estáte having becn represcnted insolvent- and eix rm.nths are allowcil 10 crenitors tobnngin and prove their claims. We tnerefore give notico tha( we will meet for the purpose aforesaid at (he office of Wm R Perry in the villago of Ann Albor, on the 1 3h" day oí June J3th day pfJuly, 13th day of August an.l the I.Jihday of September next, at ten of the clock in the lorcnoon of encli d;iv. WM. R. PERUT. ) Dated, Ann Arbor, April 19. 1844. Gw52 "Wesleyan Hymn Books, JUST received and lor sule !y '. A , G, BECKLRY. Ann Arbor, April 8th. 1314. 4v-5I 1taëel iip BY the st'hscnbev on the ÍÜeenth of Dec. a BLA(,'K STAG. three or fonr yeare üldj vvnh a small square mark on tlieend of the lelt ear. Said Esuay ios been entered on Town oouk, according to law. DANIEL DWIGWT. bcio, Apitl 3. 8w.r0 HORSES, WAGONS, BUGG1LS AND IJARNESS FORSALÏ. rpHE Subscriber ofTers fbranle five good horX ses, onc iwo liorse wagon, two buggies.i vo seas doublé liarness, onc single harness and two 8addles. The wagon, bnesies and harness were new last fnll.and will be sld chenp for cash oron short credit. JJ. PARTRIDOE. Ann Albor. LówerTown, April II. ]844. filtf iVotice lo TS re ha il ís THE Subvcrjbees encourngeii bv the paironage ihey have liiiherio received in ilie wholesale depnrunent of ilioir business,, will thc Tist day of May next. open tiie store now occapied by Geo. Grenville, froniing on fiu'on etreet, nnd conneciing with their present store in ihe rear. exclusively Cor n WHOLB S-kLES ROGM, where ihey wiil Keep at ai] uiutö u lull assüriment of Dry Goods. Boots, fy Shoes Carpttinsc Hals, Cctps, Paper Hangings, . Bonncis, Crockery by the Crale, Hardware and Ó rocerías, $v. Sfc. Sic. all of which will be poldon s good tevms asnt any point this side of New Yoi k City. G. D. I-llhL&CO. Ann Albor, March 26, 1841. 4Ptr.TO CX.OTKIZ3RS, MAPCUFJlCTURKLiS iYD M BRCHJIJYTS. t I lHE subsciibers ore now rcceivinir, or iheir _L stores. 183 Jtffjrson Avcih'í, and corner ot Randolph and Woodbridge sircets, Detroit, a large and general siock of DYE-WOODS AND DIE-STUFFS. 35 lous Lowood. Pustic. Limewood. Nvcarrosiia. Hypernic Wood. in tlie stick, i 30 bbls. cround O;ioiwood, 150 dö Fusiic 1 viO do Loawood. 100 do Redwoods, 20 do Aluin, 6 hhds Copperns. 4 do Blue Vitriol. 4 pipes Onibrc and Crop Madders, prime, 500 Ibs. Extract Logwood, 600 do J3eng;d. Midrasand Ca raccae Indigo, 300 do Blue NVtgoH, (Allcppo,) 250 do Powde-ed Cúrcuma, 200 do Verdigris. 10 CarboysOil Vi triol, 6 do -Aqu.i Fort!?. 4 do Spíriis Sea Salte, 4 do Kitiic Acid, 2 cases hnc Dye. 300 Ibs. Bnnciuo Tin. 250 do Cream Tortor. 500 do Qirei'eciron Bark. Togeiher witti a cornpleieasaortmentof all the minor ariicles in ibe irofe. io wil: Pess Papers. Teoz'es, lï. nsbes. Jacks, Tent Hooks, DveKettles, Pickers. Burüng Irons. Nippers. Piussiaieof notash. S,il Anjonioc. Sal Soda, Snar of Lenrl. Sieel Ree'3. O-flCleoners. MACHINE CARDS, S.úineu Warps. S'enrs. &c. Tbiseniire stock ïasboen pu-clinsed wifnin tbe last two uceks. and &elec ed peiionnllv by one of the concern, wbo hns been ia ibe business for the iasi eleven yenrs. and ihev lave no liesitatíon in sayine Idot ilie qyaljkg of tliese eoods is unextójrtionaKfe. Tbey v]] poiuv!y be sold at the Inwesi New York joi)btng piices.'with the addiiion of trnns)Oiinuoii only. The sitbsc-Ibers luve ilie soh Agency in this Staie for flip s:le of lil'A R SO NfS S H f : R IO M C FU iNiF.S." nnd the co'rbr.aecl :- LEi 'ESTER MACHINE CARDS." clcrir'erllv i!ic !)e--t in nse. TflEOi 11. EATON, &. CO. ï ï. IS':;. rlltfA Farm lor Sale, SÍTLFATIOD ,i (he town oí lnglian. Jngliam Couoiy. ñiícjjjff, Saiti Farm conlaius uñe tuibdíéd and íiíiy ocies handsomely ciiuaied Ín i he midst oí a iluiving seuleinem. The iaml is wliat is usuolly "cal'eti diabere Land. in Mlrhignn, Uie M.'nber beiiig sugar maple. vlñ;evyood. lieach. at-h. oak. &c. o kinds of nuiber peculiar lo ilic .iniheieJ Innd i Michigan. 'í'iicia is on ihis inrm ahonl íoty aces of good iiuprove.mem: a good pont of íh'is is Enelish Medow. Ast. n p9d LOG HOUSE AND NEW BA RN, framedr oA by -1- íeci. well liulblied. Thoie nre nlso on he placo l.irmiig uicnsi's. snch ?8 Cliaios. P!oubs. Drag. Cart. fapiiiog 'MUI. etc. vvhich will be suld wiib tiie plooe. TEiiA'IS OF SALC. One q'inrier of pnrclnise money dowu; iho roniaiiider in leu jfenis. if necessary. wiih .inniia! interest Fóï1 [aruculaii enquije'of the suüscriber in Dexter vJloge. JÜLJUS RANii;;Y. March 20, 1S-14. 4S-J. NOT1CE. nnHE unriersigned woulfl sny, ;-'io f liose whom JL ie inny concern." limt nll unsefiled matter? apperiaiiiing (o he fertuer business of Warskx & Kki.l g ;, Cíí arles Kki.locg. flt'ceasBo', and Hi.MSKif. must be aiTDdged or pnid wiibin ihe nc:;t si.y diis. or iie s;ime vvill hen be lefi wiih Wm. 11. PfifRT, vUq. for.colJectjon. üuring i f ie PlO'&void time, ilie said ;;mnt iets" my bo foond with ilte sulscriber. at ihe office opposiie his late "1'on Sioe." DAN VV. KELLOGG. Ann Aiüor. (lower iowjj.) March 25. 1844. 4S-3w.uuarctiaBi's aie. BV vinue of a luense issuerj by die Ilon. Jurlgo of Probn'e of ihe (Jouniy ot' Wnshtcnaw, on die epvon;h of Rlnrcli inslant. I sluit! canse to be solcl on ilie fifi een th dny of April ne.t. nt onc of the doek in the afiernoon, nll iherighr, u'tle nnd imeres of James IVnii. Sarah M. lnit. Henry M, Piau ond Alvah P-att. minor (icirs of Eüslia Prati. late of snid countyj lecensed. in the following deacrihed pretnisès, 8iuated in (ho tównship of Pitrsfici'. couniy oí Waslilenaw nfbresaui. and desenbed ns f.ilJows. to wil: Deing ihc East half oí' ilie Sonili Ensi quarier of section (weniy-four in löWbsbipnnmoer tliree Bftuth of range number six East. v Tlio sale to take place on the oreniiscs in the lown of Pitisfield. HORACE CARPENTER. Guardian. Dnted. Pitisiicld. Mnrch Jltli, 1844. 47-3w SAL E.RATÜS. WHOLESALE ond Retail. by H. BECKER. Ann Arbor.Aiig. 2. 1S43. 15-tf. STONE-WARE. OF Eastern manufacture, for sale cheap. Whelcsaleor Retail. by F. DENISON. Djc.20, 184 S. 35-tf.nrsw eook stors ( A NN A U I! Oli, L O IV ER TO f VX. ) THE áubscriber has just reccívea a eeñeM assortmftnt of SCUOOL BOOKS eucli ns are m use ín Common Schools in tliie Staic togeibcr wuha variety of Rcligious, Scicntifie and Miscellai:coU9 works, sucii ns Qiiaru) Bibles, Polyglot &, Common. do. Pocket Ldiiion,, do. School, do. Pocket Testamenta. 3 sizes, Prayer Books. 4 sizes, The Psalmist, a new Bnpiist líymn B-jolt, Methodist líynin Bouk. Watts' Psalma and IJymns. Atinuals for l44, Cowpers Poems. Ossiaus. do Campbells, do. Burns', do. Miliou's Works, Scou'a. Woiks, Albums, Tales of n Grrnndfalíier, Seo!t'8 iipoleon, BeottüfiU New Ycai's Pifaen s. View oi';,ll üpüiün-?. A'o'iers l;-y, Genis of Pieiv. Mod.tation on Pinyer. a vainabie w,,k, The Task, Lcrquins Works. Cbrisiian, Baptist, Choren. Woah'ingtonian an( Fannera' Almanucs, Bostón Acailciny. SacredLy.eand JMmiíaitan Coiieciion Singing Books, Blnnk D.iy fiooks, Ledgef8. JournoJs aud Blottors, Jusüccs' Docke.a, Toy Bibles, Pvi ers. ] 1)0 kinds, Song Books.'20 kinds, and varioi s oiher Books. togeiher with Wniers, Sealing Wax, ínk. Quüls, S.ceÍPens. Letter Paper, (nn excellent arricie.) and common. Cap Ppy, Jnk Pínnds. Lcad Pencils, Drawing Pnci'e. B. B. & H. B. and Prepnred India Fuibber. Ail of wlnch will besold ot Dcnoi.t p.ices fot Oush. Ihe suhscriber has made hia arrangeraenrs eo thnt olmost oñVihing n ihe lineof IJooksnndStaiionmv which ;S-Tiot on h;.nd can be forn-slied ata sliort noli -e. He ufenda to jnake (he sale of Books a pérrmmeot business and wíll therefore do what he cr.n to keep his assortment good. Don't forgot the place. Ann Albor. Lower V.llage, ñeorly opposiie th Fiounng Mili. WM. R. PE RUY. Jatuwy R. J84-1. 37-:ïm. ÖOO.OOO Fcct PIN E LÜMBER. THE spbscriberg ofler íor sale. Fiv5 hundred TlinnsaiT-l Feet SEASONED PINE LUMBER, wbicb hns been put tip in the best p.iasiblo manner. nnd is of every qualiiyand hicknees. Per sonswuhmgto puich.ise Lumber thM is fit rot tmmediatis „se, will do w.e!l to give uaa eall, beloie purelins}j3 elsewhere. HAZELTON &, PATFRSON. Formerly Agems forBench & Ca. Fltnt. Jnminry S?. 3844. 4)-3m. "SINCLAm&TCHASË7 JiTTORJSTEYS vVö COUNSELLORS AT LAW, (OPPICE LOWER TOWN. ANN ARBOK.) Will ttend 'o all business in their profession wiih nüdeliiy and despatch. Paiicular aitenitoa wül be gheu to collecting. KOnF.RTP.SlXCr.AXIi, EDWARD E. CHVÍE Mc.reh '20. IS4-1. 48-1 vFASH10NABLE HAT STORE. WBAfiNÜM, wonld rcspectfully inform the citizens .ofDeiroit, and surrounclina country that he lias constantly on banda valuab'e assortrnent of Il&ts, Caps, Fiirs &c. which lie ofiérs for snle on die most reasonable terms ?it No. 75. JeíTerson Avenue. Gektlkmkn and Ladiks froni abroad on visiting the City wilt rio well lo give hini a ca!I before pnrc'insïng elsewhfire. Dr;rroif. Nov. l()ih, 18-13. 2i)-fm PO RT.U A1T OF JAMES G. BIRNE5T. THE subicrtber has just íinished a porirait o! iiis genilemaii.iïom wbich lieimends to bnve an engraving made in tiie firtfest siylc of ilie arL He 13 oiieninga sii'isciïptKn wliich wili shonlv be phced inro ibe hnndsofall (he pnbiishers of L.beny pnpers in the iree Siaies, where tbosc wbo wisli to avnil theiobelvos ' a correct likenessofthis efltigh tened pbilantiiropisi. and c;n didnte of" ihe Libei ty Pany fot ihe blgbest office In the gift ofihe People. cnn hnve ihe piivilege ofsifbsciibing. No pe'son wíll be compelleil te take lbo poriiit nnlèssit s nronounced good. Tiiepiicc vvill be $i,üOcach lorsinale copión. E. W. GOODWJiY. Albany. Dcc. 1.184?,. CPBrcliley & Fosler aiesole ngents for tlie Smtc of' Micliiüoii. nnd will f-uuplyall who rnsy wish for tle pornaiis at one doliar endi. poya We on deüvery. Persons desiious of obtnlninïtliem can Diakë ápplicaíío'n ilirougli ihe aeens or ilie Signnl ófLibèrtyj wiio are au-horizrd to receive subscripuons. Ann A'hor. Jnn. j", If-1!.LE A THE R. TtiE undcrsigned has jnst rcceived from iliu Manui'ncturer. oud will coutinue te licsupplied wiili a C:!ener.-il AsiOïlTneni.TÏehi ofEASTEUN TANiVICD JEATHKR. which lie wil1 se!l nt cjcckledly Low Prices, fjr CASÜ 01 Hipes: He w!II continually Iiave on hand Spanisli oud Slnuwlifer . SOIiE f J2ATHKJR, of Liglii. AüJiJle .tik' He:ivy Weiglds: Upper Léotberi' Oiak nnd Hen'tuck l'anDed Cqí Skins. Pnlin nnfl Sínugfifw Kips. H.irnt-ss and JJridle Leailier. LlindiiiSj Wüito üim! Co'üixd Liaings, Oboe 'J'lirend. X c. All persons cJesnoi's oí pochnëJng "re reqnesíed ;o uoü at lite ONC STORf BRÏCK CUILOING. No. :y. Wopfíward Avemn. nm! examine the quolity and prices.befoie purchasing elsewhfie. N. B. The biahesi Market Price will Lc pnid inCASII FOit MIDES. J. D. BALDWIPí. Detroit, Nov. 1?, ]R4?,. 29-fim. " "MAURIAGE CERTJFICATES, Oí1 superior qnaliiy, just piinted ond for Se{ dt iliis Office. An Aibor, Nov. ?, M49-.BY the Box, íor sale ly C J. GA RL AND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, Jan. 17, '44. 39 jfjPÏPXJËSr BY the Barrel, lor sa!e üv C. J. GA RL AND. Ann Arbor. Upper Town. Ja).. 17, '44. S9 JAiVlfiSSG. BIRNIËÏ A TT O R N E V A N D C O UN SE LLOR A T LA W. F-OIA1V CiTV, SJiCHGAiV. JG. B. wül ii.oiici ns Lr.Ki Agent n the Load D'shící io vybicji 'íiis (Sajnnaw) Connly is: lic will male invcoiineivs or o.heis loticé, p.ry OVer lor uon-Têsidétiia ond ive 'nformulioa gencroJJy -o pörepns merested in iliis [ariof t lie country, or deairoíiBof becomiiO; iratnigrnots io ït. WOOL AND WOOLEN CLOTHS. Ísvül exchnne woolon cloihs of every widi'n and qnnlitv lor wool, io be delivered in May or June, or ofter slie.Trinn: time. My stock of cloth is complete, quulity good. grices Iow. &c. F. OËNISÓN. Ann Arbor, Februnry Ist. J843. 41. N. B. It is important that wool be rlone up in good order, anci aav :aifonnation will be iven when asked F D. BLANK DEEDS. MORTGAGES. EXECUTIONS, SUMMONSJES, j&o; &c srintedanH for f,a]e [,t ïhe QT S1GN.1L OFFICE.


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