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Annexation Of Texas!!

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The interest in favor of this neiarioua project eeems to be steadily increasing. The announcement of the signing of the Treaty, on ihe ]2tn of April, has alreadv appearcd in the Madisonian, Mr. Tyler's organ. Every public man at the South, ofallparties, eofaras we rccollect, (except J. M. Bous.) is decidedly in favor of annexation, or is silent respectihg it. At the North, many Democratie papers decidedly fnvor it; and nome among the Whigs. The N. Y. Couricr and Enquirer and íb a warm advocate for this union. If we inquire among the pohiictans of our own aeighborhoods, wefindmany its avow .„nnnrton nrl ihe creater porlion i n difieren f.In this alarming elate of things, what have we to oppose to the uniied demands of the Slavociacy, but the virtue of two thirds of the Senate. and one half of these two thirda is composed of 6lavehülders themselves! The treaty ie to bo p.eeented Co the Senate as oon ns the accompanying documents can be prepared. Hon. Wm. Wilkins?, Secretary of War, bas come out wiih a long letter in defence of annexation, addressed to the people of the 2isi Congessional District of Pcniisylvania. It containa nothing very remarkable. It praiees the fine country of Texas- says it will mako a market for our manfactures- will carry slavery further off without increasing the -number ofsluves -wilt be a beauliful región for growing silgar, There is mnch specuiation about the terms of the treaty, but nothing is certainiy known. It seeniBtobe agreed, however, that tho Uuited States are to pay the national debt of Texas, which is variously esiiutaied from ten to twenty millions. The treaty is to be ratified within thirty dnys from ifB signing.


Signal of Liberty
Old News