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Foreign News: Eight Days Later From Europe: Arrival Of The P...

Foreign News: Eight Days Later From Europe: Arrival Of The P... image
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By the Packet ship Sheridan, Capt. De Peyster, which arrived here yesterdny from Liverpool, e have advices.froru England to the 14th ultimo. The steamer Hibernia hnd arrived in Liverpool on the afternoon of the I3th, after a dqs age of Jittle more than 121 daya. The prices of cotton remained steady and thedemnnd contiñued moderate. One of the most interesting features in the %English paperp is the d inner given to Mr. O'Connell, at Covent Garden Theatre, on the ISth, 'to testify," as the announcement ex-pressed it, "Lhe odrniration entertained by Engüshmen for his constant and consistent advocacy of the rights and privileges of irishmen for more than forty years." Aboat eleven hundred gentlemen sal down to drnner, an:ongst whom were several peers, and abeut lwenty memhers of the House of Commons.Mr. Thomas Duncombe was n the Chair. Nothing coiild surpnss the enthueiasm displayed by the vast assemblage which filled the Theatre, the boxes being crowded wilh elegantly dressed femnlea, and the galleries thronged te enffocation. Mr. Duncombe, in propoeing the heallh of the Qneen, said thut "let the faulte nnd delinquencies of her Minister be what they may, her Mnjesty held a firmer place in the hearte and afièctions of the people, whether of Ireland or of England, lhan it ever had been the fate of any sovereio-n of that country to postees." This pentiment wag warmly responded to by the meeting. - The speech of Mr. O'Connell waa one of his happiest eflbrts. Evidently deeply afléeted by the enthusiaslic nnture of the deraonetration, and the fact of his being eurrounded by ome of the most distinguiehed of his. former npportere, he gave full play to his fcelings, nd os usually happens when this ie the caso, epoke to tho hearts and convictions of those rund biin. "The dungeon that my enemies and yours have prepared for me,", said the learned gentleman, in exordium, "has no terrors to my mind, and ïf ibe scoffold and the tmU. couW be added to it, they wouJd nolbring euch overpowering sens&tions to my rnind as the awful magnitude of the compliment you have paid me to day." The news brought by the French papers is not of much importance. Letters from Madrid, on which the Times 6Eems to place reliance, contam the statement that the raarriage of Queen Iaabella to her cousin the Count Trapani, was not only push ed with vigor but wds nearly certain. Preparntions were making for thereception of Queen Christiana in Madrid. The inscrip liona and other erhblems commemorative of the íesolution of the lst of September 1840, had been removed from the facade of th Town House in compliment to the Queen Dowager. Mr. O' 'Connell. - Every arrangement has been made for the appeal to the House of Lords: and Sir Thomas Wilde, Mr. Keiler nnd Mr. Sergeant Murphy are retained for the traversers. There was some little delay about allowing the U6nal Iicense for these Queen's Counsel to appoar for Mr. O'Connell, but all this is now concluded. lt is stated that in tbe event of the impris onment of Mr. O'Connell, Whit-Monday, the 27th May, will be fixed upon as a day of general prayer and humlliation throughout Ireland, and it is suggested that tbe liberáis and Catholics, throughout christendbm,should be invifed to particípate in the object. John Bernodotte king ofjSweden is dead. With the exceptiou of Soulf, he was the last of Bonaparte' s marshalls.


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