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'Black spirits and white, Red spirits and groy, Mingle, mingle, mingle, You mingle mny.' We have in ourTerritory Yankees, Southerners, Hoosiers, Epglish, Welch, Scetch, Irish, Ftencb, Swiss, Germán?, Danés, Norwegian6, and nöw and then a Negro. They must all be jostled together - ench one gradually throwing off the greater part of nis nationalities, until all become assimilated and Americanized. Áa hundred years henee, a Wtsconsinite?s gfeat-grand parenis may be of ncarly all the nations of Europe. Aecording to lavvs of phyeiology, this is not to be regretted. - Hacine Jldvocatc. Dancing. - 'I am now an old fellow,' says Cowper, m one of hia letters, íbut t had once my dancing days as you havo now; yet I coul 1 never find that I could Iearn half eo tnuch of a woman's real character by dancing with her3as conversing with her. at home, when I caiild observe her behavior at tabie or nt the fire-side, ancf in all trying scenea of doraeslic life. We are all good when pleased; but slie is the good woraan wbo wants not the Jiddlc to e weeten her.'Inleresting to Ladies. - The Sunday Times says that a 'matrimonial intelligence office' is about to be started in New York, for the purpose of procuringr wivea and husbands for the unmarried of both sexes. Think of thnt ladies. Only think of getting married lo a nice busband, warranted in bis morala and reputation, for about fifly cents. Half Mourning - A little girl hearing her mother say she was going in half movruing, -inquired if any of her relations were half dead. Massachusetts hae, at this time more, people to the equare niile of ber Territory than anySiale a the Un'on, or upon this Continent. The Roman Catholic Bishop of Montreal has relieved the people of bis Diocese, for Lení. The use of one meal of ment a day is allowefl on Sundays, Móndays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, Palm Sunrfay excepted. The scarcity of the finny tribe ie the reason assigned. - JY. H. Eaglc. ' Some writerssay that chüdren are placed Hkö mi!e-3tones along the road of üfe The Louisrillo Messenger says, that ruay be all very uice, but he wants to know how you would count when you come to twins. The Lili to puniöh seduction and other crimes, pasaed the Legislative Council of New Jersey last Monday.JYavghly Engels. - Three girls elegnnliy dreêsed were arrested inJNew York on Saturday, for having stolen dry-goods in their possessjon. Their lovers had stolen the goods and bestowed the same on these fullea angels. An excellent reason for not making a long speech was g ven by one of the members of the Mississippi house of nsecmbly, ns follows : "Mr. Speaker, I'm not a guiñe to make a long speech, for two reasons, sir, one is that I dont know inuch, and the othe ia it dont take me to teil what I do know SuicfDE.1- Wedeeply regret to Iearft that Mr. David G. Monnt, anold and highly respectable citizen of Lodi, was found on Saturday morning, to have hung himself in his barn. He rose early, as usual, kindled a fire, and went out. He was found by his family abont sun rrse, qnite dead. No cause assigned.- Si. Journal.Western Rail raad. -The Üifectors have voted to increase tbe rates ofpassengera fare, on and after Ihe Ist of April, to $6 througb Boston and Albany and to ct8. permilo for intermedíate travel. A New Orleans correspondent of the New York Atlas, says that a lady of the former aty has a street dress that c,O3l$i,000; and othersüre folio wing the xample as closely as Thcir husbanda' creditors are to bepitied. It was decided by Judge Kent in tho New York Circuit Court, ón Saturday that a wife born abioad, and not naturaliied, cannot inheTit properfy devised to iwr by a husband,{EThe following hieroglyphica appear in the Detroit Free Prees ■ MICHIGAN LO0GE NO. I. I. O. O. F. A specia) meeting of the order will bo held on Wednesday evening the Sd instant, at half pust snven o'clock at Odd Fellows Hall. By order of the Lodge. A. R. T. Q. 8. Detroit, April L, 1844. Botamcal Queitos.- Ques. "What is the Pistilofaflower?"' Ans. It is that instrument with which tho flower ehoots."- "What is meant by ihe word, Stamina?" Ans. 'It means the pluck or courage which enables the flower to shoot.'' Good JYews.- The Wheeling, Va. Times, in answer to the objections raised by capitalista to invest in in that city, on account of its being :n a elave State, and the consequent difficulfy of obtaining labor, saya- "Slavery has no effect upon labor in this city. The institution exists only in name -- there being scarcely a dozen sla ves in the city. Free labor is therefore abundant, valu- ablff and cheaper than at almost ony othor point in the west." Too Fust.- One dayórother, wemay look for sorue great accident in pushing locomotives to the extent of their epeed. The distance from Londen to Brisiol ia 118 miles, andyet wonderful to relate, if it be true, the Great Wester locomotive passes ever that distance in one hour and a hal! It is lüceflying. A". Y.Plebian.I have threk rules, eaid Lord Brougham. The first is to be a wbole mm to one thicg at a time; thesecoud, never to lose an opportunity of doing anything which can be donej the third never to intrust to others wbat I ought to do myself. A cobbler in one of the eastern cities tbus announces his calling; - 'Surgery performed here upon old boots and shoes, by adding to the feet, making good the legs, binding the broken, healing the ivounded, mending the constitution and supporting the body with soles.' Happiness. - 'A soft couch by theiire, a new novel a pretty wife, a dozen cigars, a bottle of port, a loóse gown, easy slippers, a good conscience, and a squalling baby.' The Mayors of the following named, cities aro printers; London, Edinburgh, Perth, Glasgow, Washington, and New York. Hogs. - 41,484 hogs were slaughtered at Circleville, O., the last winter, weïghing 8,897,944 Ibs. I O U are the vowels which créate more disagreable sensations in the rninds of honest men than all the rest of the alphabet put together.The majorityof the Governors of Maryland have had slave children. One vvho had no white children, emancipated hïs sable daughter, and left, her his plantation and sla ves, nof fár f rom Washington city. Her children have ' married white men of the highest standing. The husband of one of them ia a fashionable Dentist in Baltimore.- Cor. Allany Patriot. The reduction of military preparations in the country can scarcely fail of afïbrding gratification to every philanthropist. Mainé has reduced its military svstem till the sa ving of expense, including time and all other incidentals, will not probably be lesa than $300,000 a year.UAPITAL PUNISHMENT. A resolutíon was introduced in the U. S. Senate, a few days since, by Mr. Wright, directing the committee on the Judiciary, to enquire into the expediency of passing a law to authorizethe President of the United States, where personsshall have been convicted of capital crimes against the United States, to commute the punishment into imprisonment for life, or for a specified term of years. - Detroit Free Press."Give me Liberty, or give me Deatk!i' - A slavo girl absconded while her masler was on a visit to Mobile. Afler shs bad gone, she was caught, and sent up homewards, on board the Latlah Rookh. When within 50 yards of the Colombus (Mise.) wbarf. she lenped overboard, near the wheel, and drowned herself! We read with admiralion the exclarriation of Patrick Henry, "Give me Liberty, or Give meDeath!" This poor slave-girl did more than the Amefican orator - he bul pofte,' she acied, and cliose Death, rather tban Chaine. It wee a crime, doubtless, but whal must be the horrors of that bondagre, which couló nerve that poor young gir] to the work of eelfdestruction!- Cin. Herald. One individual in PhilTidelphia, Thomae White, employs 320 women, and seventeon men in the manufacture of straw, wilJütr and pa)m leaf hats and bonnets. Last yenr the mimber of covering-s for the heod made and sold at his establishment, was one hundred and Jity thoutand.'Extravagance.-Tht New York correspondente of the National Intelligencer writes: The times nre "ensy," f we can judge by the articïes that find plenty of buyers. I heard yeaferday that a ehop keeper in Broadway had imported several ladies' dressea, priced at one thousand dollars each, and had no difficulty in scïünff them. Mr. Weeks, a ïarge furniture nranufacturer informed me that of a certain kind of costly chair, he could not keep oneunsold. Itwasra superó art iele made of rosewood and purple velvet ; price, (for a single chair,) one hundred nnd fifty doHars" - ■ - - - - - - - - i A smart young atudent of Anatomy re marked in the hearing of hia eister, tbat the reason there are so tnany old maids in the world w all owing to their iight lucing - . which so hardens théir hearts as to make them impenetrable to the haflts of Cupid. And the reason there are so many old bachelors, retoited the eister, is because of their tight ttrapping-they aan't get ou their knees to declare their passion, How did the Atheiat get nis idea of that God whom he deniee?


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