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- ' - ■-..-■ Ifissolution. THE partnership heretofore existing under the iirtn ol'Minnis &. Felch, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business in nll lts various branches will be cominued by S. Felcb, at hia shop in Lowcr Town, where all demands against tbe iirin may be eeuled. PAUL MINNÏS, SAB1N FELCH. Ann Arbor, May 1. 1844. 2-3w WOOIi! WOO3L! CLOTH! CLOTHÜ THE Subscribers would inform the Public tbat they will continue lu manufacture goud sy {gf ,yfc jyi l5& iLp i3k3}nk tSxS c at heir Manufactory, two and a half miles wei-t oí Ann Arbor, on ihe Hurou, on the followiug TERMS. Until the first day of January, A. D. 1845. the price will be 37 cents per yard. or half the cloth the vool will make. From the Ist of January to the 15th of May, 184 5, the prics wil! be 3) cenrs per yard, or niño twontieths of the cloih the wool will mnke, thnt 9, 4f yards out oí H'O manufoctured. The wool wili be , tured in turn as il may come into the lactory, as '■■ ncar as may be wiih rcference to the different qualities. Any person who wilt furnish one or more pareéis of wool froru 80 to 100 pounds of onc quality can have it manufactured by itsolf. Wool will be received nt Sci"). Wool sent by Rnilroad will be attended to in the snme manner as if the owncr were lo come wíth it - it ' should be carefully marked. We have maoufactured clolh duri ng the past year for a very large number of cuatomeis, to wliom we believe we have given very general satisfnctioñ With these facta and the advantages oflered by the low price at which we ofTer to manufacture cloth, we hope for a large share oi patronnge. SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, Washtenaw Co., April 25, 1814. 3-tf I MILLINER AND DRESS MAKER, Silk and Strato Bonnets made, cleaned and altered to the present faahion. Shop, nearly opposile Davidson'8 Store, Ann Albor, Lower Town. 4wl New Establishment. THRESHEa 1VIACHIMES. KNAPP, HAVILAND &c CO. would .espectfully inform the farmers of Washtenaw and the surrounding countres that they have established themselves in Lower Town, Aun Arbor. for the purpose ,of mnnufacturing Threshing Machines. Having been for many years engaged in this business in Ohio. tbey feel that they enn with confidence recommend their work. They are making the Bnrrall & Cndiz Machines and Horse power; also'Eastman's planatary power, different from any oiher made in this country nnd generaïly preferred to any other Machines. which they intend to sell Ht euch prices and on such terms as cannot fail to give sntisfaction - they aro determined not to be outdone by any similar establishment either in' price, siyle or quality of work. "Competition is the Ufo of trade" and all they ask of ihe Farming comnninity is to potronjze ihern so far as to give thom an opportunitj ofsupplping a.part of the Machines that may be wontcd. They are prepared to repair old Machines. Their 6hop is ín the basement story of II. & R. Patridge & Co's Machine shop, where they may be found to answer all calis. KNAPP, HAVILAND & CO. W. W. KifAPP, T. A. HAVILAND, J. E. MC I.AIN. Ann Arbór, April 29, 1844. 6rfrt. FASHIONABLE HAT STORE. WBARNUM, would rcspectfully inrorm the citizens ofDcroit, and surrounding country that he has constantly on hand a valiïable assortment of Mats, Caps, Furs &c. which he oflers for sale on the most reasonable terms atNo. 75. Jeffeison Avenue. GuNTLKiiiBif Ladies from' abroad on visiting the City will do wel! to giveliim acaübefore purcasing elsewhere. Detroit. Nov. lOth, 1843. 29-6mSINCLAIR & CHASE, jITTORjYEYS JHVD COUNSELLORD AT LAW, (office lower ton. axn' akbor,) VViü ttend 'o all busín esa ia thelr profession with aíidelity and despach. Paricular attent ion will be given to collecting. ROBERT P. SIN'CI.AIR, EDWiED S, CHSEÍ March 20, 1844. 48-1 y. TO CXaOTmERS MAJVUFJiCTVRERS sJJYD MERCHJJIYI'S. rjlHE subscribers are now recejvinp, at thcir X stores, 188 Jcff.rsQn Avenu?, and corner oi Randolph and Woodbridge streets, Detroit, a large and general tock of DYE-WOODS AND DIE-STüFFS. 33 lons Logwood, Iustic. Limewood, Nícarragua, Hypernic Woud, in the stick, Ï30 bbls. grountd Cairivoodf150 do Fustic I3U dx Lovood, 100 do Redwoods, 20 do Alum, 6 hhds Copperaa, 4 do RiKe Vifrto-l, 4 pip-e8 OrnbTc and Crop Madders, prime, . 500 11)3. Extract Logwood, 60ö do Bengal, M-idras and Carnecas Indigo, ,300 do Blue Nutjralls, (Allcppo,) 250 do Powdered Cúrcuma, 200 do Verdigris, 10 Carboys Oil ,Vitrio!,ö do1 Aqtia Fortis. 4 do Spirits Sea Salí?, 4 do Nitric Acid, 2 case? Lac Dye, 30.) Ibs. B'anquo Tin'. 2.",0 do CreamTartar. 500 do Q íereciron Bark. Togethcr with a complete rrssoriment of all the minor anieles in the trade. o wii: Press Papers, Teazles, Bnishes, .Jncks, Tent Haoks. Dye Keitlea, Pickers, Burfifi Jrons, Nfppors, Prnssiafeof "oínsh. Sal Amoniac, Sal Soda, Silgar of Lpftd, Steel RfipHs. Cnrd Clenners.MACHINE CARDS, Sa ti fie tt Warps. Shears, &c. Tb3 entire stock boa been parcliased within the tast two weeks, and selpcted personally by onc ofthe concern, who has been in the business for the last eleven yenrs, imd tbey hove no hositntion in savinff that the qunlity of these coods is unexceptionoble. They wijl posílivly be so!d nt the lowest ftW York jobbing príces, with the addition of trarisportntion only. The subscribcrs have the sole Agency in this State for tiie sn!e of "JfARSON'S SHEARÍNG MACHINES," find the colcbrüted "LEWESTER MACHINE CARDS," decidedly the best in use. THEO. EÍ. EATON, & CO. April II, 1843. 51 tf ADxMINISTRATORS' NOTÍCE. THE undersigned. having been nppointed by the Jiiáge of P'robnte for the County of Washfenaw, administratora on tiieestate of Asa L. Smith, lafe of said c'ouniy. and having gfiven bonds as reqúirecl by íavf herety give notice to all persons indebterf to said estáte fo mnke inimediate paynient to them. nnd all persons having claims ncainst snid estáte to present them properly attcsied adjustment. SYRENA SMITH. Administratrix. WILLIAM W. SINCLAIR. AdminiRirntor. j Ann Arbor. March J, 1644. 4&-0vNEW BOOS STORE (AAN ARBOli. LOWEii TOIVN.) THE Subscriber hos just receiveü a general nssortment o( SCHOOL BüOKö. euch ns are in use iiíCoitimon Schools ín this State, togethw with a variety.of Religipus, Scicuutic and Miscellar.eous worhs, sucu as Qunrto Bibles, Polyglot &. Cotuu.on, ói. Pocket Ediiion, Famüy, do. School, do. Pocket Testaments. 3 sizes. Prnyer Books, 4 sizes. Tbe Psalmist, a ncw Baptist Hynin Book, Methodist Hynmi Book, Wait8f Psnlms and Hymns, Annuals for 1844, Cowpers Poems. Ossiana. do Campbells. do. Burns'. do. Mihon'a Works, Scou's Works, Albums. 'Tales of n Grmidfatlt'T, Soott's Napoleon., Beainiful New Yenr's Presenta, View of all Religión?. JVJothers Friend, Fireside Pieiy, Gems Meditation on Prayer, a vaiünbïe work The ïask, Berquin3 Woks. Chrtstian. Baptist, Chttrch, Washingtonian nnd Farmers' Almanacs, Boston Acathemy. Sacred Lyre and Manhattan Colleeiion Sinytug Booke, Blank Day Books, Ledgers, Jourimla and Bloitera, Justices' Dockeis, Toy Bibles, Prim ers. 100 kinds, Song Books.20 kind?, and varions other Book. togeiher with Wafers, Sealin Wax. Ink. Quills, Steel Pens, Letter Pa pef, (an excellent article.) and common. Cap Paper, Ink Sxantls. Lead I'encils, Drnwing Pencüs. B. B. & H. B. and Prepiired India Rqhber. All of %ïhich will besold at Detroit prices for (.fldi. The 8übscriber has made his orrangements so thnt almost anything in the lineof BooUs and Staiionary which :s not od hand can be furnished at a short noti;c. He intends to make the sale of Books a permauent bWiness and will therofore do what he eau to keep hisassoftment pond. Don't forget the place. Ann Arbor. Lower VJloge, ncarly oppoeite the Flouring Mili. WM. R. PKRRY. Janunry 8, 1844. Ö7-:?in. 30O.OE)Ö Fect PINJS LÜMBER. THE subscribers pffer for sale. Pive hundred ThousanáFeet SEASOÑED PINE LÜMBER, which has beca put up in the best possible manner. and is of cvery qualiiy and thickness. Persons wishing to purchase Lnmber thM is fit for immediate ase, will do well to gLve usa cali before p.urchasing elewhere. HAELTOiN & PATERSON, Formerly Agenls forBeach fcCo. Flint, January 3?, 1644. 40-6m. V7csleysn Kymn Öööfcs, J'UST receivtd aud tor sale by G. BECKLF.Y. Aim Arbor, April 8th. 1844. 4w-5I lotice lo ilercítasijs. npHE Subdoribcrs encourased by the patronJL age theyhavO liiihertö received in thé Wholesale depnrtinentof their business, will the frjst'day of May nest. open the store now occupied by Geo. Grenville. frontina on Huron streer, and. connecting with -their present BLore in the rear, exciusively for a 7TS0LB SALÍS ROCM, where ihey wiii keep at all tunes a Juli assoriment of Dry Goods. Boots, fy Slioes Carpeiins: fíats, Cap. Paper Hangings, Bonnets, Crockery by the Crale, Hardware a?id Groceries, all of which will be sold ön as goot! ferms as at any point this s,de of New York City. G. D.'HILL&CO. Ann A:bor, Mareh 26, 1844. 4?tf. BY the subscriber on the fifteenth of Dec. a BLACK S'PAG. th.-ee or four years old, with a 8mail square mark on the end of the left ear. Said Estiay has heen cntenxl on Town Book, accordirtg to law. DANIEL D-WIGHT. Scio, April 3. 1.644. 8w50 ÍÍORgfíS, WAGONS, BUGGIL'S AND HARNESS FOR SALE. npiJE Subacnber oñera for sale five good horX ses. one two hórse wagon, two buggies.tvo setts doublé harness, one srngle hariiees and two saddlas. The wagon, bngtfies and hornes were new Insi falandA'ill be sold chcap for cash or on short credit. fcL PARTRIDGK. Ann Arbor. LowerTovvn, April 11, 1844. 5lifLE A THE R. THE undcrsigned hns jnst rcceived from the fiinntrfaciwrcr. and wili continue ie be supplied witli a Genera! Assortmentnient ofEASTERN TANNKD LEA TH ER, wbícli he wili sell at dccidedly Prices, fr CASH qt HIDES. He v.'iTi continuaHy have on hand Spanish and Slnnshter SOLÉ LEATHEK,.. of Light, Middie anti Heavy Wesghts; Uppef Leaíiier. Oak and Hemlvick Tanned Calí" Skins. Pntna and Slnugliter Kips, Harncss and Bridle Leaiher. Bindiugs, White aad Coloxed L,inin, Shoe Tliread, iSci All persons (ïesirous oí ptjrt-hftsínít nre roquested to cdi at the QNÉ STORY BRICK BUILDING, No. 39, Woodwr.rcf Avenue, and exhininetho quahty andpticesbefore parchasing elsewhere. N. B. The highnst Market Price wil! be pnid in CASH FOIl ÜI1LS. - J.D. BALDWIN. Detroit, Nov. 13, 1843. 29-6m. ASA -L. SMITÍJ'S ESTÁTE.- The nn dersigned, having heen npjiointed by tbe Hou. George Sedgewick, Judgo of Probate, of Washtenaw County. -Commisefoffsr to exrimine nnd ilfow claims agaiust the Eüato of AsaL. Smith. deceüed ; said estáte having been represented insolvent - ond si.x montns are altowed to erediiors to biing in and prove theirefaims. Wc therefore give notic that we wrll meet for the purposc aforesaid at the ofilce of Wm. R. Ferry, n the vil Inge of Arffi Arbor, on the 13th day of June. IBth day of Ju!y, 13th day of Aagnst and the loth tlay of September ne.xt, at ten of the clock n tiie forenooh of ench chy. WM. R. PF.RRV. ) R. P. SINCLAIR, } Commissioners. JAMES G1IJ SN, ) Dated, Ann Arbor, April 10, 1844', Gw52m. pari nor 9a bc, SITUATED in the town oí inguam, Inghnm County. Michigan. Said Fatra coiit-iins one hundred and fiity acres handsomely iituatcd In tbe midst of a thriving settlement. - The land is vlmt is tistinlly called timbered Land, in MIcliignn. the mnber being sttgarniapJe.. whkewood, b'eacb, nsh, onk, &c. all kinds ol" liinbcr peculiar to the timbered land in Michigan. Thcrs is on this (arm about fony acres of xood improvement: a good part of this is Enírüíui Meadow. A's ). n eood LOG HOUSE AND NEW BARN, framed, 34 by 42 fect. svell (inislicd. There are also on ihe placre (iïrniïiït; utetisils. such rs Chains. P)onhs. í)rng. Carj. Fanning Mill &c. which '11 he suld with the place. TERMS OF SALE. One quarter of nurchase nioney down; th? vcniainder ïrt ten years. it' necessary, wiih anmial interest For pnniculnrs eñqitirc ofthe subscriber in Dcxtcr village. JULJÜ3 ÏIANNEY. March 20, 184-1. 48-if. MARRIAGE CERTIFlCATEsT" OF8i.perior quality, just piinted and for Solo at this Office. Ann Arbor, Nov. 1813.V A'TTENTION CI.OTHIERS! JUST received at the General Depot, for the sale of CJotliier Stock, Machitiery. DyH Muffs, &c. &c.T No. . t3U. Jc-fftrson Avenue, Detroit, the foflowing large, well assorted, and carefully ek-ctod stock, tiV: 1Ü0 bbls. Su Domingo Logwood, Cnt, 5 Tuns ' " in Stick, 150 bbls. Cuba Fusiic, Cut, 5 Tons li "■ in Stick, f0 bhls Nic. "Wood, Chijipëd, 50 ',' Lima Wood, ' '■"■UÈkf 30 Red Wood, 12 J " Ground Camwood, 10 " Quercitron Bark, 5.)()lbs. Nutgaü, 10 Cases Extract of Logwood, 3UÍ Ibs. Lnc Dye, 2 Ceroons Spanjsh Indigo, 300 llis. Sumac Sicily, 3 Gasks Mndder, 3 Casks Blue Vuriol, 5 Cosks Alum, 2 Barrels Red Tartar. 2 Borrels Cream Tartarr S Carboys Aqna Fortis, 5 " Oil Vitrioi, 3 " Murialic Acid, 500 Ibs. Virdigris, 53 ' BlockTin,, Teasels, Twine, Copper Kettles all izc8f P;irson'3 Shenrkng Mar.hine,Curlüj' " " Screws and Pres8 Platos, Cranks, Presa Paper. Stee] Reeds, Worsted Uarness, Tenter Hooku, Emery, nlí Nö's.. Olive Oil, Clothiers' Jacks. Sattinett Worp, Clotbiers' Brushes, Sbattlea, Pickers, Card Cleaners. &c. &c. The above, with n variety of other articles !.- longing to the irade, have been purchased thif summer by the subscriócra frotn Manofacturers and Firet Hands in the Netv Tork, 1 hiladelphin, ar.d Boston Markets, and eyery thig haviog re ceived bis persono! inspeciion. he cnn wiih th utmos! conridence offer them to purehasers as ifeo best and mos' complete stock in the country; and ua it is his fixccf determination (by the low ratea a, which. he will sell) to urevent the necessity of our Clolhiers and Manufa-'urerí leavmg the State to make their parchases, ho wou!d merely soy to tbe trade, CALL, examine i ijoods and afcertain prices before you say you can buy cheaper uny vhere eÍ9e. He is also prepared to contraer for CARDINQ MACHÍN ES made in this Siaie or Enst. PIERRE TELLER, Sign of the Golden Mortar, 139, Jeffer8on Avenue, P7-tf.] Detroit. GELEBRATED CHEMICAL PL ASTER, The mol effectual remedy y el discoveredfof Rhiumatism, Fever Sores, White Swellings, bifiammntian in Ihe Eyes, Stcelltd Throat in tScarlel Fever, Qansei TÍIE CHEMICAL PLASTER is ar import ant remedy for those who are aíHicted with chranic önd intlammatory'complaints, by its eafping f)arn,t:oun!erac!ing infinmuiotion, and gi ving speedy relief by its active, strengthening, anodyne, diaphoreticand countcriiritantproperties-=' an offectual reraedy forChronie and lmflammntory Rheumntism, Ague in the Bfeast, Scaide, Bürn, Bruisea, Scrofirla, Ufcers, Old Sores oi altnost ev'ery deseriptio-n, Cankered and Stvelled Throat arisincfrorn Searlet Fever, Felone, Whita Swtllings, Cnilblains, i&c. Persons sufléring froraLiver Coniplaint5, Pulmonary diseases, In" flammation of the Lungs, wifh pain ïn th side bnek or limbs. wilt find relief by the use of thra Piaster. In all cases it niay be used with perfect safeiy. E. DEAN S CHEMICAL PLASTER ia put up in boxea at rlity cents and one dollar each, with f uil directions accompanyïng each box Mfinufhcfnred nnd sold who!erele èy H. HAR RIS Sc CO., Ashtabiíla, Ohio, sole propnetors, to whom all orders should be id'dreesed. Sola also by their Agente throughout the couniry. CFA liberal discount made to dealers and phy sicians. For testimoniáis and certifica tes from prsoB of tbe hihest respectibiiity, who have used the Chemical Piaster, see anofher column óf tbis paper. For sale by the fo[lowinAgets r ftnchigani ÍI. W. Rood, Iviles, J. C. Larrimore. " C. Skannhan, Edardsbürgh. Wm. Ö. Austfn, White Pieom Isaac Benhnm, Jr.. Constantino. Danl. L. Kiniberly, Schooicrafr. H. B. Hüston, & F. March, jr P M Kalamaiöo, James W. Coturen. P. M. Galeaburgh. T. L. Bolkcom. P. M. Battle Creek. James M. Parsons, P. M. Marsnalï. Paul Raymond. Druggist, Jacksoa. Wm. Jackson, P. M. Leoni. Hale and Smith. Grnss Lako. John C. Winnns. Sylvan. J fllillerd Sc Son, Destor. Thomas P. Mnv. Jr. Plymontfr, Perin &. Hall, Northville. Mead.& MfiCarthy. Farmingfon1, Peter Vnn Every. FranRlin, Julius Dean, Pontiac, Mack & Sprngue. Rochcsterr Jumes Stephens. Utica. E. C. Gallup. Mt. Clemons, g:&j. g. Hm. ?„ John Owen &, Co. DetDr. Thos. M. Sweeny, Dearbornville, E. Samsnn. Ypsflanti. J. fl. LU.YD. ; W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, Ann AiboT, CHKISTfAN EBERBACH, ) 49-ly1844, WHOLESALE & RETAlí,7 BOQKSELLER AND STATIONEN SMART S BLOCK, 137 JEfFRItSOt A V EN 0E, "ÍJBiTROír Kecps constnntly for sale a ooinpleie nssortmeai of Misccllaneous, School and Cloesicul Bfioks; Lener and Cap Puper, plain and niled. Quilla. Ink, Sealing Wox, Ciulery, Wrapping Papor, Printing Paper, oí ail 6tzes; and Look, News tirai Cansier íuk. ot varions kinds. S SLA13r2 B002Sf Full and hall bound. o( eveiy vurieiy vi KuJine, MEMORANDUM BOOKS. &c To Merchanis. Teachers, and others, buyinjf in quantities. a largc discount made. SAB8ATH SGHOOL & BIBLÉ SOCIETY DÉFÖSlTÖft 51-tf. DR. OSGOOD'S üNTDIA CHOLAGOGUE. AMüNG the most valuable qunlities of thia . medicine, is i is restoring tnflucrice upon 33nstitutions impaired and injured by previous ïttncks of bülioas fever ar fever and ague; or 'y a long resiileijce in litóse climátes which proJuce them. There are many constïtütions which recome gradtinlly underminfd by a mias-mal inluence. wiihout oven a dny'sactaal confinement. In such cases, the Choiagogüe öcls like a charm -the sallow complexion, loss of appetitc, , a;uor, wearinesa and depression of spirits, with itlicr unplensant symptums which render life a nirden. nli yiold to this remedy i'hen 'faithfully ised aceonlinrg to tlie directiona of theacnompalying pamphfet. It Js eniireiy fi vegetable prep iratin, and rnay be taken w'ih perfect sufety unJer all circurastanccs-of the eysteni. for sale by 36 W.'S. .t J. W. MAYNARD, sole Agent, lor Ann Arbor and vicinity.


Signal of Liberty
Old News