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RAISIN IIVSTTTUTIOrV. TííF, public nre hcroby notified. that the RA1S1N IiNSTlTUTlOW, in jenawee County. Michigan, is now ín operation, and will be conducted as a MANUAL LABOR SCHOOL, for Colorod Peoplé, and all others wishing u avail themselves of its advantages. About twen ty-five scholars can now be accommodated at the Insti tuiion. Our intenüon is toenlarge ihe Colony ao fast as we can, so as to have Mechani.c Shops of different kinds established ín the Colony. so th .t young men may learn mechanica! arts and sciences while ptirsuing their siudies. H. BIBB, Agent frr ihe Itaisin Institution. Franklin, May 7. 1844. 4 tl DRT GOODS DRiT GXtOCZSRXES, Feathers, Paper Haningrs, BASKETS, &c. MAY be found at the lowesi cash yrices, at R.wmond's Cash ötork, 148 Jefïerson Avenue. De'roit. The undfirsigncd hns just received a full stock of SPRING GOODS. of the moat desirablc ryles and patterns, suitable for city or country irade. AMONO WHICH ABEt FrenchLawns, Gingliam Maslins.Muslin de Laines, Balzarined. Balzarine ii'ïlislins. Sfriped Swiss Muslina, Rich Calicóes, of all qualitiea, coíorá and pattérns. Pantaloon and Coat eiuffs, sach aë Ganiliroons, Swedcs Cassiniéres,' Fancy Drifiinus, Ijinen Checks, l'laid S-vyedes, Fancy Engirsn Cassimeres Brond Cloths. Kentucky Jcas, &c. - ALSO - Blue Drills,. do uaa&olñ i&nAo&fsrü Fu8tinns, Ticlungs, Checks; Linseys. Builap8, Baggings", Pudding, Canvass,Brown Sheetings and Drillíngá, Bleached Cot'ons, Swies, Jackonet. Book & Barred Musiiní,Wide Laces nnd Lace Êdgings", of evcry déscriptioïi', Vesting?, Bonnet R.bbon's, . i Lmen Cambric, ' Cambrics, Hankeichiefs, ' Cravats, &c. &6. '&Z Persons trading in ihc city arè invired, at j least, tö cali and look at thfs stock, nnd if tho priees are nöt as low as elsewhere, patronage is ' not expectcd. ' W. A. RAYMOiVD. ï 48 Jefferson Avenue. Detroit. l May 20, 1844. 4.6.11Featbers & Paper Hangings THE subscriber will keep a eupply of GeestFeathers constamly orr harid. Also on aesrt of Paper Hangings. Borders. Ffré board Papers, &c. W. A. RAYMOND, 148 Jeff. Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 4 FIRST rate Tea. Sugar and Coffee, at the lowest market at RAYMOND'S CASH STORE, 148 Jeff. Avenáe, Detroit. May 20. 4 ï'AKEi IIP BY the iibscriber on the fif'teenfTi of Dec. a BLACK STAG. three Br four years oíd, with a email' square mark on the end of the loft enr. SaidEstray has b'eerïentered on Town Book, according to law. DANIEL DWIGHT. Scio, April 3. 1Ó44. SwoO'WOOX.! WOOZi! ' CLOTH! CLOTH! TlHE Subscriben wonld inform the Puhli -L that they will continue to manufacture gooi at rheir Mnnufactory, two and o half miles we? oí Ann Arbor, on the Huron, on the followinj TER MS. Until the first dny of January, A. D. 1845 the price will be 37J cents per yard, or half th cloiji the ivool will rnake. From the Jst of Jan uarv to the 15th of May, 1845. the price wil Je 3) cents per yard, or nine twentieths of th cloih the wool will make, that !s. 45 yards out o; 100 rnanufactured. The wool will be manufacured in turn us it may come into the Jaciory, at near as may be with reierence to the different qualities. Any person who will furnish one or more parcela of wool from 80 to 100 pounds o one qunlity can have it manufnetured by itself. Vool will be received at Sci ). Wool sent y Railroad willbe attended toin the same maner as iftheowner were to come with it it hould be carelully marked. We have manuactured cloth during the past year for a very irge number of cuetomers. to whom we believe we have given very general satisfaction With íese facts and the advantages ofTered by the low nee at which we offer to manufacture cloth, we lope for a large ahare ot patTon.ige. SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, Washienaw Co.. Anril 25. 1844. 3-tfTHRESHIftfa NIACHiaiHS. KNAPP, MAVILAND & CO. would respecifuliy inform the farmers of Washtenaw and the surrounding counties that they have establishcd themselves in Lower Town. Ann Arbor. for the purpose of manufaoiuring Threshing Mnchines. Ha ving been for many years engaged in this business in Ohio, they feel thni they can wiih confidence recommend their work. They are rrraking the Burrall & Cádiz Machines and Höise power; also Eastman's plnnatary power, different from any other made in this country and generally preferred to any other Machines, which they intend to sell at such prices and on such terms as cannot fail to give satisfaction they arp determined not lo be outdone by any similar establishment eiiher in price, Biyle or quality of work. "Competition is the life of trade" and all they aak of the Forming cotnmunity is to patronize ihem so far as to give them an opportunitj of supplping a part of tbe Machines that may be wantod. They are prepared to repair oíd Machines. Their shop is ín the basement story of H. & R. Patridge & Co's Machine shop, 'where they may be found to answer all calis. KM A PP, HA VIL AND & CO. W. W. KKAPP, T. A HAVILAND, J. E. MC LAIN. Ann Arbor, April 29, 1844. 6ml In Southfield, Mich., on the Ist instant, by the Rev. James E. Quaw, Mr. Th imas Coopkr. Esq., of Redford, to Miss Ma ry Pjcrry, oftht Tonner place.iniiN ariciíl JiNjr, two yards and aqunr Lá ter, and three yards wide, at RAYMOND S CASH STORE, 148 Jefl". Avenue, Detroit. Mny 20. 4 ORSES, WAGONS, BÜGGÍES AND HARNESS FOR SALE. IHHE Subácnber offers for sale tive good L ses. one two horse wagon, two buggiea,uvo , - tts dmibie harness, one single harness and 'o saddles. The wagon, bnggies and harness ere new last fall,and wilj be sold cheap for caah on short credit. H. PARTRIDGE. L Ann A.bor; Lov.erTuwn, April 11, 1844. 5frf k. IVoíscc t Merchante. tl rHE Snbscribers encouraged by the ? nge they have biiherio récèived in the 1L lolesale depanment of iheïr business, will th Bt day of May neat. operi the store now occuïd by Geo. Grenville, fronting on Huron eet, and connecting with tkeir present store ihè rear. excfusiv-ely for a fHOLS '8ÁL3S ROOM, iere ihey will keep at all times a f uil ;nt of O' ry GoodSi Èoofc, fy Shoes Carpeling- Hatsi Caps, Paper BonnetSjCrockery by Lhe Crdlê, Hardware and Groeeries, m #-;. 4'c. SfC. of which will be soldon os good terms as ai fpointthis s.'deofNew tork City. G. D. H1LL & CO. nn Arbor, March 26, 1P44. 48tf.1RAVELLING BASKETS. &c- at RAYMOND'S CASH J 148 Jen". Avenue. Detroit, kfay 20. '4 MIÜCHA, Silk, Muslin de Laine and oihei ' Sumruer Shnwls. may he found at RAYMOND'S CASH STORE. J4cS Jeff. Avenue, Detroit. faSft __4 SA L. SMITH'S ESTÁTE.- The tin l. dersigne'd, having heen appointed by the n. George Sedgewick, Judge of Probate, of shtenaw Coufïty, Conimisáioners to examine ' allow claims asrtïnSt the Estaté of Asa L. ith. deceased ; snid estáte having been repreted insolvent - ond six months are allowed to iïiors to brinr in and prove tbeir claims. Wc refore give" no treft tbai we will meet for the Gl pose aforesaid nt tlie oilice of Wm. R. l'erry, t :he viünge of Aniï Arbor. on the 1 3th day oi e. 13th day of.Tuly,' J3tb day or' Aufrust and he lijih day of Sepiember next. at ten of the ed :k in the forenoon of eacli day. i WM. R PF.RRY. ) lll( R. P. SINCLAIR, } Commissioners. wi JAMES G1BSON, S mL ated, Aun Arbor, April 19. 1844. 6w52 .u En Chancery, lst Circuit. iiel Oakiey, "j TY virtue of a dccretdl am vs. ( J3 order of the Court of id Page and f1 Chancery. nide in the BR sb N. Ormsby. ) bove cause. J shnll expose to , at public aucwon, to tbc highest bidder, at Court House, in the village of Ann Arbor. shtenaw Counïy. o'n' the 25th day of June t, nt one o'clock. P. M. of that day, the folng described premises. to wit; "All thai [liri trnct r prircel of land, sitúate. l'ing and g in Brown & Ftrller's addition to ihe village ,nn Arbor. on lot number one, in block -w iiglit, and being all that pari of the eaid lot L'hicli stands thé three north-east corner 9M of the Hitron Biock, together with said linss and the appnrtenanccs thereto belong' bring ín the County of Washtenaw and 3 of Michigan, oT yo1 much thereof as will ïfficient to raiae the amourrt due to the comant 'for the prtncipnl a-nd interest due rnsaid ri 5. GEO. DANFORTH, Wr Masterin Chuircëry. VVJ T &Porter, Sok. for Comptff. ay 10, 1Ö44. tf3


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