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ABBOTT BEECHER. DETROIT WHOI.ESAX.E RETÁIS. AIERS IN - 3OMESTÏC STAPLE AND F ANC Y DRY ■ JUST raceived a largor Stock tlian ever nt j Heavy Jirown Sheetings, Sbirtingsand Dnllin78, IJIeached Gooda, Calicóes, Aprun CÍiecks, Bngging, Burlnps, Diapers, Crnth, Munlin. Fustians, Mole 1 Skins, Sattinets. Shcup's Qroy Cloth, Buckskin Cloih, i Fancy Cassimeres, i Wolverine ( 2oatings, Alapaca Lustre, Changeahle Stripe 1 )o. Fancy Alapinex, Croge Dduines,India Cloih, Mouslin De I L.vntr.. Parisiana, ■ i Chuoana. Shawls. Rob Roy?, Cardinalfl, Damask ] Shawls, Bíack, J3lue Black, Brown, and Blue Broad Clolhs, Feh and Pilot , )ver Coatinas, Blankets, Flannels, and Superio , BEATER CÏ.OTIIS, .eather, Cotton Yarn, Tea, Sugar, }offee, Rice and Tobacco. All of which Goods will besold at the LOWSST PRTCES that they can be bought for West , if New York Citv, and we wish our Friends to rive U6 a Cali before Buying. W ANTEO. POT ASH, WOOL AND FLOUR, i'or which we will pav thé Tiighest pnces either I n CASH or GOODS, at the CHEAPEST CASH FKICES, j No. 144, Jeflerson Avenue, Comer Bates Street, Detroit. Detroit. Nov. 13. 1843. 29-tf. PETERS' PILLS. TRUTH HAS PREVA1LED. PETERS' Vegetable Pilis have now been ten [ years before the pnïilic. During that period liey have obiaineda celebrity unparalleled in the istory of the most popular medicines which have roceded them or have followed in their track. - ] f he happy combination of vegetable ingredientB a which these pille owe their efficacy, uit ofyears of earnest study nnd experiment, i ected by long previous expcrience in the rtiesol medical substances. the pnthology of ] ase. the nature and inodiisoperandi of the i ious fluids wlnch minister to the support and U9ten;mce of the human body-, and organization i y which those fluids nre prepared, modified nnd istributod. The irtumph of skill, and patiënt I xperiment has heen complete. Throughout the íngth and breadth ot our land, in Briiish I ia and the Wesi Indies, and on the continent i f Europe, the curative virques of Peter's Vege i ible Pilis, are gratefully acknowledged. Tliey ; iay be calledriiK medicine par kxcki.i.knck, of i ie Southern Staten. Their consumpiion south f the Potomac, is enormoua, and continually on I ie increase. Nootherpill "goes down" therc, owever sugnred over vvith hired pufls and home ïanufactured certifícales. , Peters' Vegetable Pilis mny be termcd a ■ ersa ; medicine, for there is scnrcely nny dengement or obsiruction of the organs and inctions of the hunun machine which ihey wili ot allevia'.e or remove when administered n tile ( irly stages ol congestión of the stomach or Is, they specdily relax those organs. reduce the i ttendant fever. nnd restore the sufforerto healtli. lotuaining no irritating or drastic substances, icir exhibition is never followed by that prosation of the bodily powers which characterize ■ ie operation of most other cathartics, and they iay be administered without iheslightest fear of j roducing local inflamination, so frequently lused by the purgent composttions vended by ( ie quncksand charlatans of the day. In almost all stages of disease, Peters' Veaetale Pilis will be foutid of beneficial effect," bm ïcy should always be reèorted to when the first ( fmptinn makes its apptarance. The conques! f the complamt.will then be easy and immedite. In billious disorders, remittant or intermitint fever. dispepsia, dysentery, cholera, cholic. iarhoea, dropsy, sour or fceted eructations, enirgement of the spleen, sick headache. all comlaints growing out of imperfect or too rapid dl eation, torporof the bowels, femnleobstructiins. abitual costiveness, and all other diseases in hich a purgative medicine is proper, Peters' egetable Pilis will be found unrivalled in the )eed, certainty and ffentleness of their operaon. It is asked upon what principie these extraor inary effects are produced? We reply that ' 'T8 Vegetable Pili acts as purifier of the ood, by purifying the chyle and other fluids oí ( hich blood is composed. Chyle is a lilky fluid deposited by the digestive matter on ( ie coats of the intestines; and which when i )mbined with the billiary secretion, is convey1 into the veins an3 becómes the principie of , fe. This medicine acts directly uuon the chylel om which it expels all acrid particles, and al. ] iimors detrimentnl to a henlthy circulation. Ii eanses the juices and. fluids before the chemie! lange takes place which fits them ihe imnieate purposes ol vitahty. This is beainning ai ' ie beginning. To emhue the treams of liftith Health, it is necessary to purify them at ' leirsources. ' Such is the radical mode in which this ' ne performs its cures. Testimoniáis which ' ould fill volumes (mony of them from high ' :ieniific authority) are its vouchers, and it h 3ed in the practico of the first Physicians here ' id nbroad. For snle by F. J. B. Crann, W. S. A J. W. laynard, J. H. Lund. Harria, Partridges & Co ï . P. & J. C. Jewett, Davldson & Becker, H. ( ecker, Christinn Eberbaeh, G. Grenville, D t K Waterman. C. J. Garland, E. T. Williams. nn Arhor; George Warner &, Co., D. C. Phiiwood, J. Millard & Son, N. M. Wing. ( exter; M. Jackson, Lcovi; Paul Raymond. 'ickson; Brothfirson & Kief, Manchester; D leys, Clinton; D S Hnywood. Saline; Stone. , abcock & Co., Ypsilanii; Scattercood & Co. 'lymouth; Pierre Tellet and T. H. Eaton & Co. , ïetroü; also ín Adrián. Tecumseh, Brooklyn. , ontiac, Chicago, and al most every where else. [ Ann Arbor, Jan. 15. 1844. 27-ly jCELEBRA T E D r CHEMICAL PLASTER. THE following is one froin among the nu tnerous testimoniáis frotn persons of th? lighest respectubility, which the proprietorshave eceived. LETTER FROM JOHN S. CARTER. Oruggist and Apothccury Erie, Pa. dated Julv L 2nd. 1640. Mkssrs. H. ííarri3 & Co.- Gentlemen: In eply to your uvor of the Jst instant, it afffirds ie pleasure to state, that I have during the last bree years sold many dozene of E. Dean's i Jmmical Piaster, and it has almost universally f, ivensntisfaction to thepurchat-ers. It has done onders to my certain knowledge bolh in hronic and Inflammntory Rheumatism. An ld genllemar. who had been afflicted with it for ears remarked to me that he had expended more lan thirty dollars with doctors without benefit, hen he was directed to try the piaster, frorn "f ne box of which he says he reccived more 1 ef tlian from all his physicians. The piaster il as also given good satisfaction in Fever Sores it nd Iriflammation of the Eyes. I could say tl lore, bul the bearer of ihis is waiting. re Respect lul ly yours, fa JOHN ÍJ. CARTER. te [CFFor the diseases in which this Piaster is af al licable, see advertisement in another column o i is paper. E. Dean'sCheniical Piaster is for eale in Ann " rbor, (Lower Town.) by J. H. LUND, and A' W. S. & .T. W. MAYNARD. Upper T CHRISTIAN EBERMACH, ] Town 1 49-ly h JAMES O. BIRNETtT" at TT O RN E Y AND 1 LOR AT LA W. n SAGANAW CITY, MICHIGAN. G. B. will aiso act as Land Agent in the - Land District in which this (Sagannw) )unty ia; he will make invtístments for others .-, ida. pny over for non-residents their taxes, and ' e information generally to porsons interested this part of the country, ar desirousof becoml immigrunts to it.TO THE VICTORiE=r SPOILS." TíE A LTHOUGIl many preparatiorx, ;„ .1 fi. of "POPULAR MEDièjlVo6!0 een before the public, claimin. to ü , nd even cure the most invetérate disf relie one hnve so well answerod tli n„f ' e' Jcf JHERMAN'S MED1CATED 1 oV9 Ör)r. Sherman'8 NGES, COUGFÍ LO2ENGES" ure the nioat obstinate cases of r 1 .our3. They have cured a laree n ií '" a few ons who hnve been gíven uu bv ,),' , f Per" nd friends, and many who have h P'8'0'"" o the verge of ihe grave by n retUced ionsumption and Hectic Fever , '"? .bJod, mvc had the rose of health rcsiororfY tIieir ll8e rard cheek and now live tü J?ll0( ehng. iraisesofthisinvaluable medicina T'orlh 'le nnn's e Dr. Sher-WORM LOZENGE&' inve been provedin more than 400 nnn ie infalhble, in fnct. the only certnin & t0 troying medicine ever diecovered n? vill eat them when they canno, befor J ldrcn tny other medicine, and the benefi t deriviV "ke he administrntion of medicine toT fnm brm is great beyond conception 'vu ln.lllio ïever been known to (ai). Dr she V5 'CAMPHORLOZENGES-"8 eheve Headache, Nervous Sick h? u mation of ,he Heart, ond s ck„es t !' U ew minutes. Dr. Sliern-aiTs Ver? "POOR MAN'S PLASTER" s acknowledged by all who hnve JK& . ■ e the best strengthening Pa8trC[neii,usct?ond a sovereign remodv forpains ' H wIrId' n he back, l0]nS) eide, brS Í fe ointe.. rheumatiem, luinbnpo, &c & ri 0 procure the nbove nnd aM othw' r eful Valfnrl's, and you willbe Te "e íff f nistake in quamity or chorge be nc thFÜüÜÏS ro place n within reach of all the price h een reduced more . han four fold. anJ 8 now old for 25 cents, the former price being tóo ex tTu Theh50Bl -fifeJSáB :r,ertir3titlornier'andih18No that has any title ,0 humnnity. wül a.l to have Connki.'s Pa.n E.t.roctor Oimment Jways at han.l, to save life, allscars. and reduce I! agony from any burn in five nuiinies. proviled they have seen it used, or wijl believe those vho have used it. COMSTOCK&CO., n- , . 2' r Courtland Street. U-r Be sure, therefore. and ask foi Connkí's s our pldfe with Dalley's name on it bn been lolen, and the spurious may appeur wiih ihnt lame on il. Know, tlierefore. that it comes difcily from Comstock & Co., or ehun it WM.S.& J. W. MAYNARU, M Agent for Ann Arhor. CLOCKS ! CLOcTiTi rHEsubscriberhnving just rcceiv(;d severnl cases of JBRASS and VVOOD CLOCKS, 1 vnrirms descripiions, is prépared to sell them lhe.ap.for Cash. Also. n ceneral assorinieni of JSWELRY, onsist)ng in part of Gold Finger Rmss. and Bosoin Pins. Hearts ai)d Crosses. Silverand Cotnmon Thimbles, Watch Chains and Keys, Pen;il Cases; also. Spoons, Sugar Bowis. Butler Knives, Tooth and Hair Brushes, . Pocket Books, Violin Strings. Needies, Pms, Hooks, and Kycs. Spcctacles. Fine, Dressing Coinli?, Side Combs, Back Comba. Pocket Combs. Water Painu. Markmg Cotton, Steel Pens, and IVeasers. SnuiF& Tobacco Boxea, Elástica, &c. VU of which yiill be sold as chenp as at any oth:r establishment this side of New York. N. B. The sübscriber thankful for so large 8hare of pnbüc patronage, still solicitsa cnrttiHence of the some. CLOCKS AND iVATCÍI'JS of every description repnired and warrantcd. Viso, JEWE1.RY repnired on short notice.- ?hop at hts old stand dircclly opposite the Couri Iouse. C. BLISS. Ann Arbor, Noy G, 1843. 26-1 y . rHE following indispensable finnüy remedies may be found at Mayxaud's Dniegist tore, in Ann Albor, where none wilt he solil " inless krowr. lo be of the best kind nn! no ounteifeit article ever oflered, paiem medicine nvariably procured ot the origin.l inventor or lis regular successor: 0 No familj siould be a tceek without Ihcse evtcdics.rv BALÜNESS. Bulm of Co'umlrui, for the Huir, which wil top il if folling out, or restore iton bnld places; nd on childron make it grow rapidly, or on hose who Inve lost the hair frotn ny cnnse. A I L Vü,liMIN thot infest the hraifs of chilIren in schools, are prevented or killed by i! nt mee. Find he name of COMSTOCK on it ir liever try it. Fcwcmher t'iis always. PILES, &c. re whojly prevented, or governed if the 1taek las come on. if you use the onlij trueHATs'Lts.mknt, irom Comslock & Co All SORES, nd every thing relieved by it ths odmitB of as lut.ward application. Jt acts likea chium. Ue t. RHEUMATISM AND LAMENF.SS posiively cured: all shrivelJed niusclcs and limbsnre estored, in the o)dnryoungrby helvdivn Yetable Elixir and Nerre andBoyit LinhnenibM iever without tho name of Comstock & Co. on KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE winersdiate nli WORMS in children or adulta with a ertainty quite astonishing. TOOTH DROPS. Kmbks- cures eiïectunUy. Ann Arbor. Feb. 5,1844. 41 ItíSOLUTIÜiV.- 'J'he Yanntfielup herefo-. fore existing under the firrm oí JMxwJK ons fe Becker was by mutuaJ coset disfiolxcdj n the 20lh day of March. AH otes ad ncounts of said Frm vvüi he by R. aaiL Davidson, who wil! still ea"y on th U8ine880tthe0ld6RSBERTDAVmSONf JOHN DAVIDSOX, C. R. BECKER. Ann ATbor!fthrch_30IJ VTOTICE s hT..vcn bt . yokc of Ion N year old stcers broke in.o my tneloM M ie township of Superior Wnshtenow co nW, ,B1 fnll. one brpwn a little wh.te on he np o iëlaiï the tip of the ho.ns black, ''ƒ" idwith a lino back and belly, some white on _h ce. and a white lail. The owner.s requeeWtf 1 come and prove property and pay dnmages,. ,dt.kethemaw.y. FEUX DUR0SS. March5, 1P44. 8wJÜ BOOK BIrDBllY;Rroit PTHK PAPKR MM.L (l.OWKK ÏO R ) A 02 71 BOOTH would respectfully "ïtomi tn Li. inhabimnisof Ann Arbor and viciniiylMC 3 continúes the businpff of BOOK BINDI1SG, the old tand. in the Paper Mili, Old BoeKeII be neatly robound on short notice. All kinds of RULING done to order.- Duntry produce taken in pay ment. April 10. 1S4.1.


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