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A.TTJE-ïlfTION JUíáT rceeived ;H ilie General Depot, for the salo oí' Cloiliïcrs .Stock, 'ÏWaètiiiiery, Dye Stuffi, etc. &c. No. I3U. Jefferson Avenue. Denoit. tlu: fellowfing hnac, well assorted. and CiU-uiuliy sdected atock, viz: g. 100 hl. Is. St. Domingo Logwood. Cut, 5 Tons . " " 'S, ia Stick, 150 bis. Cuba Fustic, Cut, 5 Tons u " ín Stick, 50 bbls. Nic. Wood. Chippcd, 5ft ' Lima Wood. '! 30 f Red Woud. " 12) !i Grüiind Cnmwood, li) " Querciiron Bark, 5)0 lbs. Nutgnlls, 10 Cases Extract of Logwood, 300 Ihs. Lnc Dye, 2 Ceroons Spanish indigo, 300 Ilis. öumnc Sicily, o Casks Mndder, 3 CasUs Blue Vitriol,5 Cfsks Alum. 2 Barrels Red Tnrtar. 2 Barrels Crcnm Turtnr, 3 Carhbys A qua Fortis, 5 " Oil Vitrio), 3 ' Muriatic Acid, 500 lbs. Virdigris, 5) '" Block Tin, Teasela, Twine, Copper Kettles, all sizes, Parson's Sliearing Machines, Curtiá' " '; 5 Screws a.nd I'ress Pintes, Crnnks. Press Paper, Steel Reeds, "Warstod Uarness, ..Ten ter Hooks, Éfnery, all No's..' Olive Oíl, Clotbiers' .lackf?. Sattinett Warp, Clothiers' Bnislu-s, Shuttles, Picluirs, Cnrd Clenncrs, &c. &e. The above, witli n vari.ety of other articles befonsping to the trade. have been purchased this Biimmcr by the subsonbers from Manufactiireis énd F i rs t ÏTandsin the New York, í hilatlelphia. and Bosion Mnrketü. nnd every thing having received his personnl insnection. he can with the utmost conlidenec offer tbem to purcirasers as ifu best and ivosl ro'tiplefe stode'm the country; nnd ns it is his fixed delennination (lv the low rates v. which he will sell) to nrevent the necessi'.y ol ur Clothiers nnd jMnnulT-Mirerp leavuiir the State to niakc theirpurchases, hi would merel; my to the trade. CALL, examine the goods and iscertain prices before you say you buy :henper avy irkere eise. tíc is nlso prepared to contract for CARD1NG MACHINES made in t.his State or East. PIERRE TELLER, Sign of the Golden Mortnr, i:i!}, Jcficrson Avenue, [17-tf.] Detroit.TE CXiOTBimtS, MJlKUFJCTUfiERti AjYD MERCHJJYTS. T 1 1 [-] E subscribers axe rïow receiving, at ihoir JL stores, 188 Jofferson Ayenuv, nnd corner oi Randolph anti Woodbridge streets, Detroit, a laro-e and general stock of DYE-WÖODS AND DIE-STÜFFS. 35 tons Lugwood, TnsriCj Limewaod. JS'icarraua, Hypernic Woud, in the stick, Ï30 bbls. grouud Cninwood, 150 do Fustic 120" do Logwood, 100 do .Redwoods, 20 do Alum, 6 hhds Copperas, 4 do Blue Vitriol, 4 pipes Ombre andCrop Madders, prime, 500 ibs. Extract Logwopd, 600 do Bengal, Madras and Caraccas Indigo, 300 do Blue JVutgalls, (Allcppo,) , 250 do Powdered Cúrcuma, 200 'do Verdigris. 10 Carboys Öil Vitriol, C do A qua Fortis. 4 do Spirits Sea Sallg, 4 do Nitric Acid, 2 cases Lac Dye, 300 Ibs. Banquo Tin. 250 do Cream Tartar, 500 do Qiicrcciron Bark. Together wiih a complete assortmentof all the minor anides in ihe tradc, to wit: Press Papers, Tenzles, Brushes, Jacks, Tent Hooks, Dve Kettles, Pickers. Burling Jrons. Nippers. Prussiaie of otnsh, Sal Amoniac. Sal Soda, Sugar of Lead, Steel RrpcIs. Card CleanerSj MACHINE CARDS, Satinett Warps. Shears. &c. This entire. stock has been purchased within the last two weeks, and selected perso.nolly by one 3fthe concern, who has been in the business for the last eleven years, nnd ihey have no hesitation in sayinn that the q.uality of these eoods is unêxceptionable. They will positivly bc sold at the lowest ISTcw York jobbing prices, with the addition of transportation only, The subscribers hav the sole Agency in this Stnte for the sale ot 'M'ARSON'S SIIEARiXG MACTIIiVES." and ihe crlobr.ucd lfLEICESTER MACHINE CARDS," decidcdly ihe best in use. TilEÖ. II. EATON, & CO. April 1 1.1843. r,tf ftêw füstablisiiinent. KlNAPP, HAVILAND & CO. would respectfuliy infoiin the iqrmersof Washtenavv rind the surrounding counties tbat they have established themselves in Lower Town, Ann Arbor. for the purpose of manufacturing Threshing Machines. ; Having been for many years engnged in thif business in Ohio, they Ceel that they can wíib confidence reeoiimiend their wor.ii. They are mnking ihe Burrall & Cádiz Machines and Morse power: also Eastman's planatary power, diflcient froni nny other made in this country nnd generally preferred to any other Machines, which they intend to sell at such prices and on such ternis as cannot fail to give satisfaction - rhcy are determined not to be outdone by nny similar establishment eilher in price, style oi quality of work. ':Competition is the life ot trade" and all they nsk of the Farniing comiminiiy is to' patron:zt' ■ihem so far as to give theiii an opportunit) ofsupplping a part of the Mnchines that m:iy be wanied. They are prepaicd to repair o!d Machines. Their shop is 'n the basement story of H. S R. Patridge & Co's M.chinc shnp, where the}' ma}' be found to nnswer all calis. KiNAPP, HAVILAND & CO. W. W. KNAPP, T. A. HWILÍND, J. E. MC CA, IK. Ann Arbor, April 29. 1844. 6mí ft'otice to ITI e re Lt;mts. THE Subscribcrs encouragcd by the patronage they have hiiherto received in the wholcfiale department of their business, will tjae . rst day of May next. open the store now occu,'iel by Geo. Grenville, froming on Uuron street, nnd connecting with their present store in i!k! rc'ir. exclusively for a WHOLE aOOK, where ihey will keep at ali tunes a Juli aseoninent of Dry Goods. Boots, fy Skoes Carpcting Hals, Caps, Paper Hangings, Bonnets, Croccerj by Ihe Crale, Hardwire and Gocej'ies, Sfc. Sfc. kei all of which will be sold on as good terms as at any point this sideofNéw York City. G. D. HILL & CO. Ann Arbor, March 26, 1841. 48tf.


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